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File: 32 KB, 480x360, IMG_1862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4297329 No.4297329 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /vr/. Make your selections.

>> No.4297342


>> No.4297347

Tiger boy. Then proceed to ram my knee up your bootyhole.

>> No.4297350

Is it just me or does he say this in a very stern voice compared to the rest of the countries?

>> No.4297424

>that map disposition
Fucking gooks, wanting their country in the middle.

>> No.4297436
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maracas man

>> No.4297493

I just picked Dhalsim because he was the only one that I was able to get through the arcade mode with by Yoga Cheesing it. Then I'd die on purpose at the last fight so I could pick another fighter and win with them to get their ending.

>> No.4297538

>E Honda
>[repeated grunting noises]

>> No.4297567


>> No.4297584


>> No.4297672
File: 8 KB, 203x104, Guile-sf2-sonicboom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4297719

E Hyundai

>> No.4297735

good tactic but best endings require no continues

>> No.4297737

Always Chun-Li
except in 3s

>> No.4297751
File: 102 KB, 641x641, 1505416081014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 6 years old
>friend chooses dhalsim
>goes to the corner and does long punches/kicks
>can't get near
>next round pick blanka
>punch punch punch punch
>electricity biiiiitch
>friend rages

>> No.4297780

There's no Dan in that version, so Sagat.

>> No.4298013
File: 138 KB, 744x840, Bison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dictator.

>> No.4298031

E Honda for me.

Between 2nd and 3rd grade, I could beat the casuals that would come to the arcades with E Honda pretty regularly. Kids my age I always destroyed.

>> No.4298182
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>> No.4298345
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>you'll never have Vega inside you

>> No.4298370

I played SF2 to fucking DEATH as a kid. I played it on the SNES Classic and realize Ken can hurricane kick in the air. Was that always I thing in 2? I never saw it before.

Was the was difference between Ryu and Ken in 2? I honestly thought they were clones other than Ryu knockdown hurricane vs multihit Ken.

>> No.4298397
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Tick throwing is so fucking broken in this game.

inb4 tier lists

>> No.4298434
File: 745 KB, 960x631, sf2-cammy-stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cammy every time.

>> No.4298476

I always just play Ryu in every game

>> No.4298480

if it's hyper fighting, yes
champion edition and world warrior, no

>> No.4298481

Vega. SF2 Vega was easy to play as fuck. The combo was just low punch after rolling attack, and you don't even really need to do that. The gameplan is literally poke to win. He was Zangief if Zangief was fastest character in the roster.

>> No.4298483


>> No.4298546

In WW -> Ken's better because his kick throw can put enemies in the corner faster. Hurricane kicks from both characters is multihit.

In CE -> Ken's shoryuken has a wider horizontal range. Multihit hurricane.

Ryu's hadouken startup is faster. Hard knockdown hurricane.

>> No.4298552


Ken and Ryu were virtually identical in the original version of SF2, called WW. Air tatsu was not a thing in WW. You probably played that version.

>> No.4298580

>you will never be dominated by Cammy until you collapse

>> No.4298685

E. Honda's hundred hand slap is unstoppable in Champion edition

>> No.4298720

> I'll never again be 3-4 years old and have my brother always beat me in fighting games again.

>> No.4298725

Any projectile generally stops it.

>> No.4298757

Generally and the fireball itself it's a hurtbox.

>> No.4298769

Nobody with a brain decides to throw a fireball in lieu of blocking and clearing space with the pushback.

>> No.4298779
File: 34 KB, 588x351, world-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work at a non-gook embassy in a non-gook country and we spent a lot of time searching for that kind of gook-centric map because it's a lot more convenient for marking and visualizing trans-pacific trade routes.

Say what you want but at least they don't cut off entire landmasses just to be on the fucking center of it all like the massive mental retardation that is pic related.

Also, Vega for life.

>> No.4301017
File: 4 KB, 127x100, vega-sf2ww[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always and forever

>> No.4301097

Why would you block it and get tick damage if you have room and time to make him eat a hadoken?

>> No.4301103

Blanka. Although Chun Li is my alternate pick.

>> No.4301284

Gitin gud just to see sem win animation

>> No.4301318

Either Ryu or Ken, I appreciate the simplicity and honesty.

>> No.4301319

The cosmic ballet goes on.

>> No.4301323
File: 11 KB, 320x320, Zangief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zangief have brown hair.

>> No.4301325

I choose Zangief.

>> No.4301327

I choose Liu Kang

>> No.4301524

Chun Li or Guile

>> No.4301679
