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File: 325 KB, 1024x585, StickInfoGraphic_V2_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4295245 No.4295245 [Reply] [Original]

N64 Joystick Replacement Thread

I bought an original controller for $3 bucks but the joystick is fucked.

I've seen an original joystick replacement on eBay

The GameCube style replacements

The guy 3D printing the parts

and now the one guy making METAL parts that are insanely expensive.
>Pic related

What are you anons doing for replacement sticks?

>> No.4295349

Don't go with the GC stick.

>> No.4295427

This. Haven't heard about the guy 3d printing parts, but in general it isn't too hard to get a non fucked joystick one and they don't wear out too easily unless you're some 8 year old kid who jams it.

I'm on the waitlist for that faggot who's making the steel sticks. The dude is fucking retarded. He spends weeks at a time working on one stick, sends it out, then spends a few more weeks working on another. He needs to just start producing them in mass. If not I'm just going to start fucking doing it and sell them for half the price. There's no reason he shouldn't make large bathes to sell over making each one and sending it out.

>> No.4295437

>I'm just going to start fucking doing it and sell them for half the price.
If you could do this you would have done so already, but you can't and you won't. Either wait for your shit to be finished or fuck off the waitlist and let somebody more deserving get one instead.

>> No.4295442

Obviously I can't at the moment considering I've spent zero time into researching anything about it. This doesn't mean that it's not possible for me and that I can't source out the work.

My shit hasn't even been touched. I won't even be up in line until 2019 probably. I'm not complaining for just myself, I'm complaining for anybody who even had a thought of wanting one of these sticks. This guy will be going through the waitlist for the rest of his fucking life because he's too retarded to find a way to streamline the process.

He's got a nice website doe

>> No.4295476

Here's the link to the 3D printed parts


>> No.4295479

> Rant about what he should do
>I've spent zero time into researching anything about it
Typical Anon.

The guy is probably still prototyping and he just sells his most recent prototype when he starts on a new one. The demand may never go high enough to do it any other way though.

>> No.4295497

I bought these a while back. They're pretty good. Make sure you lubricte the parts when you're done.

>> No.4295519

I'm glad to hear this, thanks Anon!

>> No.4295643

They removed the bowl part from the price list but left the pictures and descriptions up. I hope they just sold out and are making more.

>> No.4295669

I really want a steel stick for my N64 controllers.

The high price doesn't bother me. What bothers me id how long it takes this guy to make one stick. As others have said, I'll be waiting several decades for one at the rate he's going.

>> No.4295749

I just grab another controller out of one of the huge boxes of mint jap controllers I bought for <$1

>I'm just going to start fucking doing it
Sure you are. lol

>> No.4295759


>> No.4295789

>I just grab another controller out of one of the huge boxes of mint jap controllers I bought for $1

pic or shens

>> No.4295826
File: 62 KB, 827x820, raphnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this and it's pretty neat. not too hard to get used to different mappings and you can save 4 separate ones.

A few games don't work well like Mischief Makers but most are fine, it's a good tradeoff being able to walk straight and I prefer it over that GC styled stick replacement.

>> No.4295839
File: 15 KB, 500x335, hori minipad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.4295972

oh wow that's pretty sweet. I'll check it out

>> No.4297060

I've been following it for a while. He's spent years prototyping. Made massive batches that were deemed unfit. He's already sent out sticks to various competitive smash 64 players for them to use and get feedback from.

At this point if he's selling people prototypes for $100+ I'd be very upset to buy something that's still unfinished.

He's got a pretty high demand since he's already cut off his waitlist and I know the number is somewhere above 500.

I'll rant about what he should do because what he's currently doing is not working or is greatly unfair to anyone who buys a stick if it's still just a prototype like you assumed.
I got this, it's pretty sweet when paired with a wavebird but for some reason it never saved my mappings. Must've done something wrong.
I really like this despite it being incredibly tiny. Still have to get used to the button layout so I can consistently z cancel in smash.