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4290065 No.4290065 [Reply] [Original]

Did anybody else cry at the end of this game?
The story wraps up so nicely, and the music is top-notch. I always tear up after Link puts the master sword back, and walks out of the temple. Its not because the scene is really all that amazing. Its because of the music. I always lose it when the church bells come in.

>> No.4290114

The first time I beat it yeah, I hate sounding like a whiney manbaby reddit faggot but the ending was really emotional and hit the right chords - especially the credits sequence it reminds you how far you came

same goes for Mario 64 ending

>> No.4290369

You... Cried at the end of... Mario 64?

>> No.4290397


everything was fine until I got to 7:29 then I started crying like a little bitch

>> No.4290401

I cried at the end of Smash Bros 64

>> No.4290410

Ahh fuck... i completely forgot about that until just now

>> No.4290423

I cried at the end of decap attack

>> No.4290438


no, faggot

>> No.4290609

>Did anybody else cry at the end of this game?
No. I'm not a little bitch.

>> No.4290621
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The only retro game I cried at the end of was Army Dog: The Videogame on the Saturn. In the end credits scene when Army Dog finally gets home and Master asks "who's a good boy?" and A.D. turns to look at the screen and say "not I. Good boys don't survive war" right before murdering and raping Master before committing suicide was emotional brutality.

>> No.4290629

Did you think you were funny?

>> No.4290689

>rape and murder is funny
Holy shit be careful with those edges

>> No.4290761

I cried the last time I beat Starfox 64 but my dad had died recently and playing the game reminded me of growing up and the times we spent together, so I think that was a big part of it. It's a pretty solid ending though. Nintendo was really killing it during the 5th gen, especially with their first party software.

>> No.4291450

No tears, but a sense of calm satisfaction pulsed through my body. We had save Hyrule. Work was complete, for now.

>> No.4291575

I didn't cry. But I clapped because I'm an American.

>> No.4291582
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Yes, because then I had to go back to my shitty childhood. I was not Link, Hero of Hyrule; I was William, Hero of Mediocrity-on-Poorfag, Lord of >tfw no gf.

You'd cry too.

>> No.4291618

No, but for Link's Awakening I always do.

>> No.4291629

I'm always pissed at the end
>Be Link as a kid
>Zelda "oh link help me save the world"
>Kingdom gets taken over by ganon while Zelda hides instead of getting an army together to go beat him
>Zelda "oh help link you have to save the world as an adult"
>Save the world
>Zelda doesn't want to screw
>Sends you back to be a kid
>No action from her what so ever
Zelda puts you in the friend zone and you aren't allowed to say "fuck you cunt I just saved the world, I want something more than just gratitude". Other than that great game

>> No.4291632

It was a very satisfying conclusion. And it helps to know that Majora's Mask takes place in another world, so nothing in it can undo saving Hyrule. There's nothing worse than a sequel that starts you off with "You saved the world!...just kidding everything is even more fucked now lol"

>> No.4291638


Wind Waker...

>> No.4291639

Not really.


THis. What the fuck? I also thought that Zelda was going to give you some ass at the end. You have to wade through all these evil ass dungeons, being transproted 7 years in time, and at the end Zelda doesn't even let you cop a feel, have a kiss?

Fuck that shit. You go back in time, basically nullifying all your achievements so you can re-do them again in the future (wrap your head around that) and have a childhood, but oh fuck, since you're still going to have to fight Ganon, you might as well train for that day.

So instead you walk off into the Lost Woods, have a psychedelic fever dream while dying and becoming a Stalfos in search of Navi, who fucked off for no reason at all.

Here lies Link: He never scored.

With the successive releases the OoT ending only gradually became worse the more I think about it.

>> No.4291646
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That's not what I think happened at all, but...Uh...Okay I guess....

>> No.4291648

I look at it a different way. You could make the argument that Link and Zelda have more of a brother-sister relationship than anything. I mean, yeah, they were united in their desire to save Hyrule from Ganon, but if you actually think about it, they only met each other a few times over the course of the entire game, it doesn't make sense that she would suddenly say "here, jump in pussy". If anything, Link was just waiting to get back to childhood so he could grow up and pump babies in Saria, who was his real love all along. I mean, not only did they grow up together, but they canonically kept a constant line of communication throughout the entire game, unlike Zelda who was just some bitch that showed up a few times.

>> No.4291649

The humor comes from the absurdity of the ending compared to the childish premise of the game, not the actual murder and rape.

Are you fuckers this dense?

>> No.4291650

Yeah... I'm pretty sure nobody gets raped and murdered at the end of Army Dog so this whole conversation is retarded.

>> No.4291651

No. But I did shed a tear for majoras mask.

>> No.4291652

I'm right there with you OP. I don't think I physically cried, but it definitely had me swelling with emotions. That last scene where Zelda and Link meet again and then it fades into black and white and says "The End" is just pure beauty. It's the kind of feeling that games today simply cannot replicate.

>> No.4291659

You see my point as to why I'm pissed then? You save the world. You kill Gannon beat temples etc. And your reward? No money, no house, not even a little ass from the now queen Zelda. You get sent back to be a kid. Crap ending

>> No.4291662

How not? I haven't read Hyrule Historia in quite a while but the way I remember it, the timeline splits at the end of OoT: In one world, you win against Ganon and all is well. In the other timeline, you get sent back by Zelda to the past, Navi fucks off, you try to find her in the Lost Woods, have the psychedelic dream of Termina, die, and appear as a Stalfos to teach Link in Twilight Princess. Sounds pretty shitty if you ask me.

Since Saria will effectively always stay a child, romance between them is ultimately impossible. I thought that was pretty well established in the scene where Link fucks off and she hands him the Ocarina, knowing that what she wants is not going to happen. Hyrulian on Hyrulian action seems much more likely.

Of course it's ridiculous to assume that just because you saved a woman (and her kingdom) that she instantly wants to fuck you. But Zelda is like a fairytale - the gallant knight saves the princess, they fall in love and live happily ever after. I always feel like that is heavily implied. And Zelda does seem to care for Link a lot. That's also established in the interactions you have with her Sheik form.

I can understand that she sends him back to experience his childhood, but he is either doomed never to fully experience it because history will repeat itself, or doomed to die as a virgin teen in the Lost Woods searching Navi. It's just emotionally unsatisfying and tragic. I'm not saying it's badly written - just kinda sad and frustrating.

That's the joke. The fabrication is part of a joke. Do you know how jokes work?

>> No.4291665

>You see my point as to why I'm pissed then? You save the world. You kill Gannon beat temples etc. And your reward? No money, no house, not even a little ass from the now queen Zelda. You get sent back to be a kid. Crap ending
Yeah no I don't really see the point, I kind of just said that. It sounds like you're just upset because the game didn't end on a highly generic "save the world, get the pussy" note. It's actually a lot deeper and more meaningful as a result, and I'm glad it ended how it did. Link is literally a time-traveling warrior who has been selected by fate to fight a never-ending battle against a demon. Zelda rewarded him with something better than money or a house: the opportunity to have an actual childhood and make up for the 7 years he lost.

>> No.4291672

>Since Saria will effectively always stay a child, romance between them is ultimately impossible. I thought that was pretty well established in the scene where Link fucks off and she hands him the Ocarina, knowing that what she wants is not going to happen.
You mean the part before he saved the world and altered the entire course of history? Besides, she left the Kokiri forest when she became a sage anyway. The kokiri don't physically age past their youth but that doesn't mean they are actually children. The future changed, who knows what could have happen.
>I can understand that she sends him back to experience his childhood, but he is either doomed never to fully experience it because history will repeat itself, or doomed to die as a virgin teen in the Lost Woods searching Navi.
But he's not. The whole point of sending him back to childhood was that he altered history, and wouldn't have to live out any of the shit he had already been through. Moreover, she had no way of knowing that MM would have happened, and nobody can confirm what the fuck MM even is anyway, just that it's some kind of "dream" or "alternate universe".

>> No.4291676

This. Even though I had a great childhood: If someone came to me and offered me riches and bitches or getting to relive my childhood, I'd choose the latter.

>> No.4291679

> It's just emotionally unsatisfying and tragic. I'm not saying it's badly written - just kinda sad and frustrating.
Zelda sent Link back to his childhood and then met him again at the end of the game. So not only did she want to give him some pussy, she wanted to be able to grow up with him and not be deprived of 7 years together. Seemed pretty heavily implied to me.

>> No.4291685

Yeah but she doesn't give you your childhood back to be nice. She says (IIRC) that she does it because there's still things you have to do (IE: save the world again, lose your fairy, fall down a hole, etc.) plus it just means you have to fight Gannon again in that life so it's just a middle finger. Should've gotten something as a reward besides, "you saved the world, do it again"

>> No.4291687

>Yeah but she doesn't give you your childhood back to be nice. She says (IIRC) that she does it because there's still things you have to do (IE: save the world again, lose your fairy, fall down a hole, etc.) plus it just means you have to fight Gannon again in that life so it's just a middle finger. Should've gotten something as a reward besides, "you saved the world, do it again"
I don't see where you're getting this from. Where was it ever implied that you had to fight Gannon again or do anything other than live a normal, simple life? That was literally the point of her sending you back to begin with.

>> No.4291690
File: 11 KB, 448x224, Street_Fighter_II_-_The_World_Warrior_-_Blanka's_ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cri wiv jimmy evrytiem

Not really, nintentoddler

>> No.4291696

>Not really, nintentoddler
Retards like you are what's wrong with the world. Show any modicum of personality, emotion or soul and you're a "child" or a "faggot". Real men don't have to hide behind some kind of faux masculinity and pretend that nothing ever touches them emotionally. If nothing does, it's probably because you're literally autistic.

>> No.4291702

She says you still have stuff you have to do so she sends you back. You'll have to fight Gannon again because when you get older Gannon will still take over and you'll have to beat him, again. Zelda will again not put out and link will get nothing. Hence ending is BS.

>> No.4291705


This too. The feeling that, even if all is not well, you fucking did the best you could and even for heroes, sometimes that has to be enough.


First of all, let's go ahead and get this outta the way : Eiji Aonuma is a fucking retard and I utterly reject his timeline nonsense (I picked up a copy of Hyrule Historia simply to have as memorabilia, not because I agreed with his shitty highly dubious tri-part timeline). Here's what I believe happened:

>OOT ends
>two timelines now exist: adult and child
>you are sent back to child
>adult continues on to Wind Waker and the Great Flood
>child Link gets back, does things differently (wait and gather proof instead of trying to go toe-to-toe with an evil thiefmage you dolts!), and ends up getting Ganondorf tried and executed in Arbiter's Grounds by the Gerudo themselves
>it's a disaster, end up with one sage dead and have to perform unreliable little-understood ritual and send his ass Nayru-knows-where
>they decide to to say "fuck it! good 'nuff!" and get on with whatever sages do when they're not having to deal with bullshit from a pig demon
>Link tries to settle in to his previous life, but it doesn't fucking work because he remembers EVERYTHING
>longs for Navi, who also retains every moment of their adventure
>sets off to find the annoying little chatterbitch (seriously screw you, Hero of Time, rather have the damn owl than that annoying microcunt)
>Majora's Mask occurs
>fight preordained doomsday scenario to a draw, slay eldritch horror
> have to spend months finding your way out of there
>eventually do
>Lost Woods swallows you whole, spits out Stalfos

As you can see, we differ on several key points, though I do agree the Hero of Time really doesn't get his due.

>> No.4291708


Nope. Twilight Princess addresses big G getting his at Arbiter's Grounds.

>> No.4291714

>She says you still have stuff you have to do so she sends you back. You'll have to fight Gannon again because when you get older Gannon will still take over and you'll have to beat him, again. Zelda will again not put out and link will get nothing. Hence ending is BS.
Okay first off, "stuff to do" could literally mean anything and given that she's sending you back with the purpose of re-living your childhood, it's pretty clear that she means "you still have a life to live". Also, I still don't understand where you're getting the idea that you have to fight Gannon again -- just think about what you're saying here. You say the world and kill Gannon, so now she sends you back to do it again for no reason? What exactly would be the point of this? That's retarded. She's sending you back so that you can both inform the king of Gannon's plan BEFORE he has the chance to take over, thus saving the lives of all the people Gannon killed and getting to live her life with you. Why do you think they meet in the same garden at the end of the game where you met her the first time? What you're saying just doesn't make sense and is out of line with everything that actually happened in the game.

>> No.4291717

How many cuck videos have you watched today?

>> No.4291720

>I don't know what to say so I'll call him a cuck
Lmao, it must be nice going through life with a double digit IQ. At least you'll never have to worry about the thinking man's problems.

>> No.4291724

Yes, like wiping my tears after finishing mario. I'm ok with that.

>> No.4291727

>the retard is okay with being a retard
Who'da thunk?

>> No.4291729

>Be king
>Kid shows up in green clothes
>A member of your court that you trust is going to kill everyone
>Ok kid who I've never met, I don't believe my daughter but I believe you
Timeline isn't going to change. King isn't going to believe you. Gannon is going to kill everyone again, you'll have to kill him again, Zelda will again do nothing for you.

>> No.4291730

This is cool. So in other words, the "hero of time" you fight in TP is actually Link from OoT/MM? Never thought of it like that before, but it would make sense.

>> No.4291738

I haven't played twilight princess. Sounds like it explains some stuff. Link not getting anything is still bs

>> No.4291742

>Timeline isn't going to change. King isn't going to believe you. Gannon is going to kill everyone again, you'll have to kill him again, Zelda will again do nothing for you
You're trying really hard to force this shitty false narrative all because you're upset about not getting some virtual pussy my dude. As >>4291705 just explained, it's pretty clear from TP's events that Ganon gets his shit pushed by the sages and the king DOES indeed believe him. Also, Zelda has no proof of what happened in the beginning of the game so if she said anything to her father he would likely not believe her. By the end of the game, her and Link have both seen his plans unfold and could very likely say "Hey uh, you might want to check out X, Y and Z that Gannon's doing". For fuck's sake, Link ends up going through MM after OoT anyway, and he's a little older in MM, so your argument is dead in the water. If you dislike the way it was written and would have preferred a more fleshed-out ending, fair enough, but you're just being retarded and pretending that the ending was something that it wasn't. Zelda sent Link back in time, Gannon got raped, everyone moved on.

>> No.4291747

As someone that studies Jungian psychology I think Ocarina of Time is one of the better exmplifiers of archetypal imagery. In particular is the role of Zelda.

If anyone knows what the Anima is, that's preciously what Zelda is. If you consider how the game unfolds from her perspective she has basically always been involved with Link, who is the self insert for the player's Ego, working in unseen ways and almost never encountering him directly. The point where she gives him the Light is in particularly very indictive of the Anima.

I can elborate if anyone would want.

Fun fact. The anima has 4 stages of development. It's highest stage is named after the Greek word for wisdom.

>> No.4291757

I cried at the end of Spyro the Dragon.

>> No.4291761

Look at this pseudo-intellectual faggot and laugh.

>> No.4291782

you're not alone anon, i cried too at the end of mario 64

>> No.4291783


That was my reaction, but I wasn't feeling quite mean enough to say it this morning.

>> No.4291785


Bizarrely, I cried at the end of OOT but laughed/cheered at the end of Mario64.

>> No.4291793

Never played twilight princess. I quit after majoras mask since I got an Xbox instead of a gamecube. Always based what ending meant on the fact that link and Zelda had no proof and link got sent back to be a child. Sounds like I should since it appears it cleans alot of OoT's ending up. Still bs link doesn't get any though at the end of OoT

>> No.4291802

lol no one wants kid, everyone else has wikipedia too- youre trying too hard

>> No.4291805

>church bells

You watch Navi leave you for good after going through 7 years of adventures, just as the church bells ring signaling the end of the adventures as the end appears on screen

>> No.4291817

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ocarina of Time. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical time travel rules most of the jokes will go over a typical player's head. There’s also Link’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ocarina of Time truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Link’s existential catchphrase “HYA HYA HYA,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Aonuma’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Legend of Zelda tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.4291828

Nice copy pasta alter. 10/10

>> No.4292140

Here's the kicker: That never happens. Link, as I have stated numerous times by now, fucks off into the Lost Woods and dies looking for Navi, becoming a Stalfos.

What she intended is by no means what happened.


Sounds like pure fanon though - just because you reject the official theory that connects the plots of the games without major controversy doesn't make you right. Interesting ideas though.

>> No.4292149

Something about the way Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and Star Fox 64 end make me emotional every damn time, even 20 years later. I don't know what it is, maybe it's the music combined with the slow panning of the worlds, but it tugs on the heartstrings so much.

>> No.4292154


When corporations go full-retard, I'm well justified in going "No fuck you this is what happened." . It's why I stopped following the Zelda series after Spirit Tracks and Twilight Princess, respectively. Aonuma's effort to connect the dots was garbage (as was Skyward Sword).

>> No.4292163


Look I hate the term 'overrated' mostly because I think it's an easy way for people to shit on a game without having any legit complaints. But if one game for me could be classified as overrated it'd be OoT. Not a bad game by ANY means but I just find it so clunky and awkward at times. The 3ds re-release does help things but it still doesn't feel nearly as smooth to me as something like ALttP

>> No.4292169

I cry when sonic finally defeat funny egg guy and reunite with gay lover tail

>> No.4292325

Maybe it's because Link did all of that out of a genuine desire to save the world and not because he wanted to sleep with Zelda, you raging autists.

>> No.4292332

>have the psychedelic dream of Termina, die, and appear as a Stalfos to teach Link in Twilight Princess.
There's nothing in HH to indicate that Link literally died and became a Stalfos. It's very possible that his spirit simply takes the form of a Stalfos in order to train TP Link, or that he really did become a Stalfos but it happened after he was an aged adult who already lived a long life with Malon or whoever the fuck. You're making the situation depressing for no reason.

>> No.4292341

>Here's the kicker: That never happens. Link, as I have stated numerous times by now, fucks off into the Lost Woods and dies looking for Navi, becoming a Stalfos.
Wrong. This is what you "think" happens, there is no proof of it. The only pieces of evidence you have to back up this claim are Majora's Mask and the fact that "the hero of time" (which could be any fucking incarnation of Link) appears in Twilight Princess. As for Majora's Mask, it is never explicitly stated what exactly is going on. Is it a dream? Is it a nightmare? Is Link dead? Nobody knows. All we actually know is that at the end of OoT, Link goes back to his childhood and meets Zelda again -- the end.

>> No.4292373

No you fucking faggot.