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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4282891 No.4282891 [Reply] [Original]

>"B-B-B-B-B-BUT the SNES has a better hardware than the Genesis!"


Sonic & Knuckles
Ranger X
Thunderforce IV
Gunstar Heroes
Contra Hard Corps
Alien Soldier
Mega Turrican
Red Zone
Sub Terrania
Dynamite Headdy
Batman & Robin
Toy Story
Bare Knuckles III
YuYu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen
Eternal Champions
Rocket Knight Adventures
Panorama Cotton
Mazin Saga

Case closed

>> No.4282895

Also, Comix Zone.

>> No.4282896

This will be an amazing thread full of knowledge, laughs and a good time had by all.
I hope babage granp shows up.

>> No.4282907

Nintendo were idiots to go with such a weak CPU.

>> No.4282908

Also Robocop vs Terminator (fuck the SNES version, total garbage)

>> No.4282953

Nintendumbs don't even have have blast processing.

>> No.4282970

>Sonic, Contra, and a bunch of literally who games
The Genesis honestly has one of the worst libraries of any successful console, the SNES blows it out of the water, and I'm not even a huge SNES fanboy or anything.

I had a lot of fun with Toy Story on the Genesis as a kid though

>> No.4283045

>no Bloodlines
>no Altered Beast
>no Phantasy Star
>no Golden Axe
>only one Sonic game
Fuck off, falseflagger

>> No.4283050

Which lots of people bitch about but really they just can't git gud

>> No.4283063

Wasn't it intended for some sort of abandoned NES compatibility mode?

>> No.4283070

Why did it have such shitty composite output?
I wish it had s-video at least

>> No.4283083

>>no Altered Beast
>>no Phantasy Star
>>no Golden Axe
>>only one Sonic game
Retard, the list is hardware related, i forgot Bloodlines, that's it

>> No.4283086
File: 142 KB, 709x1002, 1438414976544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot Shining Force 1&2

>no Altered Beast
I'm a fan(mostly of the art style) but I wouldn't use it in a list of the best Genesis titles. It's an ok game at best.

>> No.4283090

MD has RGB

>> No.4283091

>list is hardware related
Oops. This is me>>4283086
Thought we were a best games list :^)

>> No.4283093

For god's sake, we are talking about games impressive for a technical standpoint

>> No.4283097
File: 309 KB, 369x500, golden-axe-ii-world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For god's sake, we are talking about games impressive for a technical standpoint
y knot both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4283105
File: 593 KB, 790x652, S-SMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to lube up!
The real hero and the reason why the SNES is still superior is in the house.
Begone blastfags!

>> No.4283113

You mean SONY?

>> No.4283116

are you retarded?

>> No.4283123
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Super Nintendo DID have Toy Story, you silly willy.

>> No.4283128

Are you?

>> No.4283146

No, because I don't attribute the impact of the whole console to the manufacturers of each specific chip. Because I know that doing so is not only extremely stupid but it also makes this whole thread irrelevant.

>> No.4283150

SONY always win baby

>> No.4283187

>doesn't know the difference between hardware and software

>> No.4283192

Invest in a set of HD Retrovision cables. You'll be fucking blown the fuck out. It's downright amazing, I'm telling you.

>> No.4283218
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Beautiful game.

>> No.4283301

>B-b-b-b weeb stutter
Go outside, nerd.

>> No.4283529

Robocop vs Terminator is GOAT.


>> No.4283676
File: 97 KB, 520x393, famicomadatpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude

>> No.4284304

Genesis does what Nintendon't!

>> No.4284316

SNES has better colors.

>> No.4284332

All this console wars bullshit. Fuck off, you're all probably guys in your 30s acting like you're still 12. Either that or you're too young to have been there in the first place so the whole thing is meaningless to you anyway.

Either way, you're shitting up the board with these pointless threads so fucking do one ya cunts.

>> No.4284345

But what? Are you implying that there is some kind of fight going on between two 30 year old consoles? Just enjoy them both.

>> No.4284357

you're all probably guys in your 30s acting like you're still 12, playing outdated video games instead of taking care of your responsibilities.

>> No.4284623

This desu.
I was a Genesis fanboy, but they're both really great consoles.

>> No.4284675

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4284702

>End yourself.

>> No.4284725

Exactly, I grew up with a Super NES, and checking out what the Genesis and Sega CD has to offer has been a wild ride. I haven't even played Phantasy Star 2-4 or any of the Shining series yet. I also need to beat classics like Alien Soldier, Beyond Oasis, and Snatcher. I'm super pumped to still have so much "obvious" cool stuff to explore.

>> No.4284813

But the SNES did have better hardware for everything except processor, I prefer Genesis personally, but that's just a fact.
You could argue that Genesis made better use of its more limited hardware, and I'd agree (for example, very few SNES games used the full resolution, or how all the sprites had to be the same size), but you can't deny the SNES was technically-speaking superior.

>> No.4284941

>You HAVE seen the games, right?

>> No.4284959
File: 49 KB, 800x800, md.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like different things about both but the snes fanboys who totally overrate the snes and act like the sms and genesis were as popular as the gizmondo make me want to shit on the snes

>> No.4285140

B-B-B-B-B-BUT OP is a faggot!

>> No.4285181

I may not have had those things, but at least I had the assurance that my parents loved me enough to not buy the black box sitting next to the SNES because it was $50 cheaper. Also Sonic causes brain damage. Have a good one OP.

>> No.4285206

>Thunderforce IV
I love that game but come on dude the framerate comes to a complete crawl if you use any upgrades at all. Also why do you even care? The console war ended over twenty years ago get over it and stop making Genesis fans look insecure.

>> No.4285289

Are there good games that were japan only for this console?

>> No.4285524

>shinobi 3

>> No.4285539

I remember liking Genesis more graphically but it has one of the game catalog you could ask for. Most games aged badly and are only worth playing if youre on nostalgia mode. Super Mario World alone makes SNES a better purchase than Genesis and you'll disagree because you're just another contrarian /v/ baby.

>> No.4285547
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 38979-RoboCop_Versus_The_Terminator_(Europe)-1459627711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was answered already.
Robocop vs Terminator > Super Mario World.

And let's not forget that the MKs had blood on the Genesis and not on the SNES because Nintendo and "muh family console".

>> No.4285584

I see Japanese games on this list I know you weren't playing when you were a kid, so don't try and start a dumb console war when you just emulate shit and it doesn't matter.

>> No.4285698

I'm 41, go to bed toddler

>> No.4285701

Nice try, MKII and III had full gore on SNES

>> No.4285707

Not him, but SNES never got any Splatterhouse releases. It didn't meet up to their standards and was released around the same time Mortal Kombat was. Would have been nice to see Splatterhouse 1, 2 & 3 on the SNES. But the nazis at Nintendo didn't think it was appropriate.

>> No.4286606

Fuck off to /v/ retard

>> No.4286683

>Sonic & Knuckles
8/10 at best. It's only half a game though. Sorry, but Sonic games just bore me.

>Ranger X
7.5/10 at best. Hard mode is crippled. I'm talking about the skyscraper stage. It's 95% impossible on hard.

>Thunderforce IV
8/10 at best. Really cheap deaths from enemies that pop up from behind you. Way too much memorization involved.

>Gunstar Heroes

>Contra Hard Corps

>Alien Soldier
9/10. Would be a 9.5/10 if it weren't for the shitty game design decision to make changing weapons take so much time. Yes, in a game like this, even 1 second is too long. It should be instant.

>Mega Turrican
7/10 at best. Good music though. This game plays great at first but once you get to the levels with the xenomorphs the game becomes extremely mediocre due to the crap level design.

>Red Zone
Never played beyond the first stage so I will reserve my judgment.

>Sub Terrania

Overrated. Not bad though. 7.5/10.

8/10. Solid game.

>Dynamite Headdy
9/10. Highly original and creative.

>Batman & Robin
7.5/10. Yes, it looks fantastic, but the levels are way too long to the point of annoyance and boredom.

>Toy Story
Never played it.

>Bare Knuckles III
Easiest beat'em up ever made. Even though the US version gets a ton of flack for the censorship, it's a way more playable game due to the updates in mechanics. Japanese version is a 7.5/10 and the US version is a 8/10.

>YuYu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen
Sweet game. 9/10 multiplayer mode.

>Eternal Champions

>Rocket Knight Adventures
9/10, bordering 9.5/10.

>Panorama Cotton
Graphically great. Haven't played enough to judge the gameplay though.

>Mazin Saga
7/10. Nothing special.

>Comix Zone
7.5/10 at best. Very short and lacks replayability. The combo system is also junk.

Both versions are lackluster besides the graphics and theme.

>> No.4286686


>Altered Beast
6.5/10. Mediocre port. Lacks none of the challenge of the arcade original.

>Golden Axe
7/10 at best. Only good for nostalgia.

>Shining Force series

>> No.4286691

>SNES vs Genesis thread n° 297497140
Kill yourself, your fucking cancer.

>> No.4286693

>no Revenge of Shinobi
Top 5 greatest game on the system.

>no Streets of Rage 2
Top 5 greatest game on the system.

>> No.4286723
File: 272 KB, 800x1104, 154189-the-pirates-of-dark-water-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirates of Dark Water was also underrated and way better than the generic SNES beat-em-up.
Music was way better, too.

>> No.4286734
File: 241 KB, 800x595, Claymates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we need blast processing when we have Blaze Processing?

>> No.4286780

This game is horrible and definetely not underrated. There's good platformers on Genesis but this one is far from being decent.

>> No.4286972

Snes got more better games in general.
Also music were clearly better.

The 2 hardwares got similar graphics.

>> No.4287053

The SNES has better hardware, but the quality of games is another story.

>> No.4287061

SNES wins in terms of quality of masterpieces
Genesis wins in terms of number of simply good games

The best games on Genesis don't hold a candle to the best on SNES, but Genesis has a much larger library of damn good games.

>> No.4287063


>> No.4287416

I disagree. There's nothing on snes as good as Alien Soldier or S3K to me.

>> No.4287573

These guys know whats up.

>> No.4287693


>> No.4287717

But snes has quality games too.

>> No.4289448

Bah! They sacrificed colors, sound, and made their sprites huge for no reason, for a faster processer. Especially sound. Sound design is 1/3 of the product, it draws you in even more and makes the world's atmosphere that much more atmospherey.
Console wars? More like graphic whores. Also, anyone membah that term? It's an old one.

>> No.4289450

although, none of that stopped me from wanting one haha shit was almost as tight as the snes.

>> No.4289484

I remember having both. I was pretty young at the time and not bright, but video games were just video games.
I loved games on both consoles and were not able to really compare them back in the day.

>> No.4289486

who actually cares about hardware?
Phantasy Star IV, Streets of Rage 2, Shinobi 3 are some of my favourite games of all time. Only SNES game I really played was SMT over emulator

>> No.4289490

Are you me? That's exactly how I feel and I'm a Segafag.

>> No.4289504

Except when they don't....