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4279010 No.4279010 [Reply] [Original]

play metroid 2 now

>> No.4279038

I just beat Samus Returns last night. Had a couple flaws but thought overall it was very good. I was impressed how the ending tied not only to Super Metroid, but to Fusion as well.

>> No.4279324

>he actually paid money for the inferior remake
kekking at you

>> No.4279536

Counter mechanic was way too obnoxious, with enemies being bulletsponges without it and pisswimpy with it (same goes for boss fights)
Quite a few items are locked behind baby-metroid breakable crystals, which delays their pickup until you've pretty much beaten the game and those upgrades are redundant. Makes collecting them an unrewarding and unfulfilling chore.
Boss chase mechanic is flawed - they shouldve also switched patterns after chase, thats a missed opportunity, but they also not always flee (esp. if you use counter) leaving 1 or sometimes even 2 fairly areas completely unused for anything.
Much less enemy variety than in any of the prior games, and their behaviour is simplified. In prior games foes had different patterns and most of them attacked Samus if she was in their pattern, or interrupted it. In SR all enemies are bum-rushing berserks which makes every encounter flow exactly the same way.
You get Screw Attack too soon and that makes next areas a cakewalk.
Controls just suck.

Overall it's a decent game, but definitely not great if judged on its own merits.

Also play Axiom Verge, Hollow Knight and Aquaria.

>> No.4279571

It's still loads better than Other M, and if I don't support it then we'll never get another Metroid game ever.

>> No.4279578

>if I don't support it then we'll never get another Metroid game ever

But it sucks. I don't want more games in the same style as Samus Returns. Just put the series to rest while it still has a shred of dignity left.

>> No.4279591 [DELETED] 

>Wanting more Metroid from current Nintendo
Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.4279614

>voting with your wallet
How many times do you have to get fucked in the ass before you learn this never works?

>> No.4279626

I'm just not seeing the shit show you're seeing. Sure it has some flaws, but barring that Samus Returns was exactly what I wanted from a new Metroid.
>but muh AM2R
It was TOO faithful to the original. I'm not gonna worship at the alter of a fangame that took zero risks.

>> No.4279649

If it wasn't faithful fans would've bashed it as another fangame that does not respect the source material at all.
It added just enough to be considered "modernised" up to Zero Mission standards.

>> No.4279715

>I'm just not seeing the shit show you're seeing

I don't feel like going over this again. Too much shit was retconned into the game when it shouldn't have been, like power-ups from the sequels. Metroid II's world is already quite small, and the remake doesn't expand on it by much. A common criticism of the original game was that Samus was given too many power-ups too early. The same thing happens here, except now she gets even more of them. When Nintendo remade the first Metroid as ZM, they at least had the courtesy to lock many of the new power-ups in Chozodia instead of allowing Samus to steamroll her way through Zebes with them.

Enemy AI was also tweaked to force melee counters, which is a stupid mechanic that I'm pretty sure no Metroid fan ever asked for. Metroid battles might as well have been QTEs.

>muh AM2R

I didn't care for AM2R. I'd rather play the original game.

>> No.4279770

>unironically assuming freeshop doesn't exist

>> No.4279774

>Samus Returns was exactly what I wanted from a new Metroid
I don't even know why do you want more metroud if you are satisfied with stuff like this.
Let franchises die, it usually just makes them a favor.

>> No.4279780

AM2R is cool, but the input lag is hard to deal with.

>> No.4279862

Other M was the only truly bad Metroid game. I'm not gonna "let a franchise die" over just one stinker.

>> No.4279893
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>Other M was the only truly bad Metroid game

No, Samus Returns is pretty bad. Kudos to you if you feel otherwise, but few non-paid individuals agree with you.

>> No.4279918

What the actual fuck are you talking about? 9.2 is a great user score. You realize that's out of 10 and not 100, right?

>> No.4279945


You don't seem to understand how Metacritic scores are typically interpreted. A Metascore of 87 indicates that something is wrong with the game.

>> No.4279950

But he said "non-paid individuals," meaning users instead of actual critics, so you look at the user score then.

>> No.4279953

Yet, we haven't had a great Metroid game since Nintendo killed off the team. There is no reason to let the IP live, especially if no one else can recapture the magic that R&D1 had.

>> No.4279958

>so you look at the user score then

Uh, no. Users are more likely to shill for a game than professional reviewers. Yes, some reviewers are compensated for rating up games, but just anyone can submit a user review. There's nothing stopping employees of the parent company from overwhelmingly praising their own games.

With Metacritic, it's the Metascore that people tend to go by, not user reviews.

>> No.4279967

Okay, well we've already agreed that SR has some flaws, but still an 87 is a B+. You cannot possibly convince me that a B+ is bad.

>> No.4279983

>You cannot possibly convince me that a B+ is bad.

On Metacritic, yes. The game's score is consistently declining as Metacritic continues to aggregate reviews of it.

Just days ago, fans of the game were boasting the previously higher Metascore on /v/. Now they're conveniently ignoring Metacritic as the score slowly declines.

>> No.4279992
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Your dedication to trying to convince me the game is shit is admirable, but in my view it all amounts to pic related. I had a blast with it and so did two of my close friends who also bought it, one of whom is one of those Super Metroid speedrunners.

>> No.4279997

It's actually neither shit nor great, just mediocre (which is surprising, because the Lords of Shit devs made it). Also has a pretty good soundtrack:


I don't want more Metroid games like it, but coming after Prime 3, Other M, and Fedora Force, it was a nice change of pace to get something not shit.

>> No.4280054

Really didn't like how they changed the atmosphere of the ending.

And do they really have to shoehorn Ridley into every game now?

>> No.4280187
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What the fuck? No, 85 is a normal score for a good game. What the fuck are you talking about?
90+ is a great game score, 80+ is a good game score, 70+ is an okay/passable game, anything below is crap and mediocrity. That's how rankings work in entire video game industry, and obviously, when averaged, they work the same in Metacritic.

Who taught you to think? How the fuck can you see average score of 80% and think "yes, this must be a bad game"? It's not perfect, sure, but it's not BAD! Quality doesn't go like "terrible, bad, mediocre, PERFECT".

Pic related, Zero Mission gotten 89% - only 2% more- despite consensus being that it's a really good game.

>> No.4280190

>Pic related, Zero Mission gotten 89% - only 2% more

>> No.4280257

>Your dedication to trying to convince me the game is shit is admirable

You did solicit my opinion about why the game is bad. I don't care if / why you like it. You're making an issue out of nothing.

>> No.4280370
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play best metroid suber metroid

>> No.4280492


>I don't feel like going over this again

So why did you, faggot?

>> No.4280512

>zero mission

>> No.4280542

>implying it wasn't better than the original (sans the zero suit segment)

>> No.4280673

I hate all the idiot reviewers that are afraid to compare Am2r to samus returns on 3ds. Makes me sick.
Its not about drm bullshit, its about art. Wiping Am2r under the carpet because of commercial capitalist bs is the dumbest thing...

>> No.4280690

They're just too chickenshit cuz they could be fired

Would rather keep their job than talk about the topic uncensored. Fuck the media

>> No.4280763

Lurk more. You can search youtube right now and find several videos - a lot of them made from employees of actual game sites, which indeed compare all three versions of the game.