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File: 89 KB, 250x250, Alien_Resurrection_VG_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4278589 No.4278589 [Reply] [Original]

>better controls than Goldeneye, bitch

>> No.4278624

>Let's replace digital controls with an analog stick and slow the game down to make it work
>Let's introduce a control scheme so bad that it permanently casualizes the genre and everything now requires slow movement speed and aim assist

Literally the worst control scheme ever.

>> No.4278651

>>Let's introduce a control scheme so good that it permanently adopted by everyone

>> No.4278652


Goldeneye had already introduced aim assist, to be fair, so that wasn't going anywhere.

Alien Trilogy is the superior game anyway.

>> No.4278654
File: 136 KB, 640x480, ar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking nintenfag i swear

>> No.4278670

Medal of Honor had that control scheme a year earlier.

>> No.4278693
File: 146 KB, 800x600, Medal of Honor controls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does the Alien Resurrection invented dual-analog controls myth come from anyway?

>> No.4278726


>> No.4278828

It's slow because it's more of a survival horror game and if you could just run then the xeno's would never catch you.

>> No.4278838
File: 361 KB, 858x725, reeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans being able to outrun xenomorphs

>> No.4279208
File: 3.00 MB, 480x352, Alien Resurrection (PS1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking loved this game.

>> No.4279247


If everyone shits their pants, is that good?

>> No.4279267

dem grahics

>> No.4279279

>if everyone doesn't shit their pants, is that good?

>> No.4279285

Xenos have trouble hitting full stride in corridors as their preferred locomotive style is bounding. When confined as they are on the kinds of spaceships in this franchise they're basically reduced to fast crawling.

tl;dr muh circumstances

>> No.4279287

Morals are often based on popular consensus. If we collectively decided it was good to shit our pants then pants shitting becomes good.

>> No.4279294

name one thing comparable to pants shitting that is unanimously agreed upon as a positive, I'll wait.

>> No.4279295

funny how every game that came out on playstation that was also released on PC has SIGNIFICANTLY higher playstation reviews...

really makes you think...

>> No.4279306

It's a-ok to eat a cow or a pig but it's fucking wrong to eat a cat or a horse.

>> No.4279310

Totally wrong to pay for sex but if I film it it's fair compensation for an appearance.

>> No.4279316

Can't ask an employee if they take drugs but you can suck out their blood and test it with no notice.

>> No.4279328

>It's a-ok to eat a cow or a pig but it's fucking wrong to eat a cat or a horse.
that's not comparable, there isn't a consensus, it's logical in countries where animals are considered pets to not want to eat them, but most people can understand why it'd be okay to eat a dog or cat in certain circumstances.
there's no consensus on that, it's illegal almost nowhere, and it's usually illegal because of the trafficking involved or the risk of disease spreading.
what the fuck is your workplace, are you in a vampire cult?

>> No.4279341

>if i pretend to be retarded, do i win the argument?

>> No.4279435

i still cant do these controls for the life of me... modern games are impossible for me to play because of this :( unless right stick is just an orbit, non-aiming camera like an rpg or something, i just look at the floor and sky all the time :( i wish i could learn to get used to it, but i played pc games for too long, and when halo came etc i just used the goldeneye style control scheme... but now most console games dont even have an option for that

>> No.4279928

You guys do know that you are supposed to play this game with a mouse right? Thats the best way to play it. Lights out, mouse, turn the brightness down so you can't see far ahead, put on headphones and crank the volume. Last thing to make this experience fun is to play on easy. the difficulty levels really mess with your ammo count, which just makes it not fun. The exciting thing about this game are the jump scares. Seriously, follow everything I just said and you will see how awesome this game truly is.

>> No.4280169

Hold up on the left stick and move the right stick around to get a feel of how it's supposed to work.

>> No.4280343

i can't afford a playstation mouse though

>> No.4282105

You'd have a good point if it didn't come out three years later. It is a good game to bring up to fags who try to claim Halo was the first game to implement a good control scheme for consoles though.

>> No.4282140

>this game actually redpilled me on how the gaming press were just a bunch of turbofaggots
Sometimes I wish I could unsee and just be a FIFA/Madden/CoDbro

>> No.4282798


It's basically the perfect Alien game. Dark and labyrinthine and every alien is a challenge to kill.

Play Timesplitters on the PS2 if you want to try Goldeneye with dual analog controls.

>> No.4282816


>> No.4282836

>every alien is a challenge to kill.
>killing the alien

It failed as an Alien game out the starting gate. The first and only real Alien game was Alien:Isolation.