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File: 18 KB, 480x360, giana-sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4276843 No.4276843 [Reply] [Original]

The utlimate clone of the ugly fat plumber game got banned by big fucking N. I think Giana is a great game. Graphics, music and controls are all superior to SMB. Gameplay, depth, enemy characters and leveldesign is obviously weaker, but still, Giana is a great game, and should have got proper sequels on other platforms during the heyday of 2D platformers.

>> No.4276850

You're baiting, but it's actually pretty good and fun for a Mario clone.

>> No.4276849

Which e-celeb did you just learn about this game from

>> No.4276854
File: 81 KB, 511x384, 49693-Giana_Sisters_DS_(EU)(M5)(Independent)-1488580908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but the DS sequel, was pretty good.

>> No.4276865

Giana's Return was ok too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zILb7PKhoQM&t=95s

>> No.4276867

No baiting. Music, graphics and controls were better in Giana. Compare this to the original SMB, not SMB3 or SMW.

>> No.4276879

A 30th Anniversary edition with all new levels and features is coming out

>> No.4276921

Looks nice, but some of the original enemies missing.

>> No.4276929
File: 26 KB, 584x448, 1473646525722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those sounds that play that beginning of each level.
Literally the worst thing ever.

>> No.4276958
File: 26 KB, 456x278, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this >>4276843
nigger is trying to tell me it has better music

>> No.4277012

I'm really digging that music.

>> No.4277016

Go away shitposter.

>> No.4277254 [DELETED] 

Both Giana Sisters and Giana Sisters DS have great music. Not your kiddie saccharine japanese tunes, more like aryan music.

>> No.4277265

I never got what that was supposed to be, the wind howling or something?

>> No.4277328

The music on this and Turrican II, is my all time fav! Chris Hülsbeck for prez! Great musician, but he also ripped off some other scores along the way.

But The Great Gianna Sisters didn't get banned by Nintendo.
As I recall, Nintendo just said that this look an awful lot like our super mario.
And they said yes, you are absolutely right, we'll take it off the shelves. End of story.

>> No.4277330
File: 18 KB, 224x320, areyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia-kun stop shilling lame games from your sorry childhood already.

>> No.4277332

If you complete the DS version you get to play the Amiga 500 original version. Or maybe it was the C64 version. can't remember for sure

>> No.4277347

We need a Virgin Giana and Chad Mario.

>> No.4277350

>Graphics, music and controls are all superior to SMB
no yes yourkidding

>> No.4277412

The DS sequel was fantastic. Makes me wonder how Twisted Dreams ended up being so terrible when they got so much right with the DS one.

>> No.4277431

So, did no one mention yet that OP is wrong just for the sole reason that up in that game is jump?

>> No.4277438


>> No.4277837

The game wasn't banned.

>> No.4277845

It's one of the few good C64 platformers. Everyone else Euroed it up, even Mayhem to an extent.

>> No.4278668

The DS version was great, but it had some repetitive leveldesign. They shouldn't have remade original levels, instead should have focused on new ones. World 6-8 are very good as they don't have those generic remakes.

The whole game cries for a sequel.

>> No.4278674

What's the problem with it? Sometimes people are moaning about "this game is similar to Mario", then sometimes they are moaning about "why this is different to Mario"?

The game has some different platform mechanics. Jump technique is more important since there are low ceiling corridors you have to exit properly. Also there are many obstacles in the game to dodge like fires. The addition of bubblegum control in DS was a good addition as well.

What was wrong with the C64 game:
- Enemies lack depth, most of them behave the same way, just have different sprite
- The final level (stage 33) is an utter garbage
- the clock and bomb powerups are useless

The weird sound at the start of the levels are just wind howling. It worked very well on the original C64 computers, but somehow fucked up on emulators. The rest of the music is awesome. The castle tune is far superior to Mario's castle tune, which was actually terrible.

>> No.4278930

>What was wrong with the C64 game:

- Terrible enemies. Aesthetically dull, ugly and completely incoherent design-wise (the only ones that look any good and believably come from the same world are the ones derived from SMB), there is no gameplay difference among 99% of them, they just brainlessly patrol left and right. You also can't bounce on them when you kill them, which completely ties into the next problem...
- No possibilities for high level play. SMB features things like being able to repeatedly jump on enemies in a row to earn an extra life, use of Koopa shells to similarly make progress through areas easier if you are skilled, getting a high score on a flag pole jump. All these things keep people coming back to the game even today. Giana sisters has no high level play features at all.
- Poor power up progression. Half the power ups (clock for example) are totally useless, and once you have the projectile power up the game is effectively on easy mode as it makes all the shitty enemies irrelevant. In SMB they still have behaviours that make many of them a challenge even with fireballs, in Giana they just instantly get massacred the second they come on screen.
- Pointless, mindless "boss" enemies. Aside from being the worst designed and most out of place enemies in an already ugly game, they offer zero challenge (they move left and right! Wow!) and are a huge downgrade from SMB.
- Awful controls. SMB has a whole button dedicated to controlling momentum that became a staple of most platform games. This piece of shit lacks that and all the challenge (thanks to the braindead enemies) comes from struggling with the horrible inertia and up-jumping. Yuck. And you can't even duck, removing all the interesting possibilites there.


>> No.4278932

- Empty, pointless levels. With all the interesting mechanics and possibilities removed, the ripped off SMB levels are simply devoid of personality and challenge. All the mind blowing shit like jumping over the flag pole is removed and entry to secret levels is reduced to falling down bottomless pits with no sign at all they are actually going to be safe, which is awful moronic design.
Great Giana Sisters is personification of why no one takes historic European videogames seriously, and why knowledge of the good stuff will be lost with time. It's a hollow, worthless knock off no better than generic Chinese bootleg games yet is elevated to a ridiculous standard by people unlucky enough not be able to play console games as a kid. Every time you hype up this dog turd laced with broken glass as a classic you ensure the few games that are still worth consideration today are ignored by anyone with the slightest clue of what was going on in the wider world of videogames in the '80s that would have otherwise cared. If you seriously think this cancer is better than Super Mario Bros you should see a doctor or be placed in some kind of remedial care program.


>> No.4278984

The bitter drivel of a butthurt Nintendo fanboy.

It's debatable what is ugly and what isn't. I think SMB (the original) is a very ugly game. It lacks colours, and the entire background and foreground items, including walls and pipes look utter shit. Compare those bushes and ground sprites to Giana's. Laughably worse.

Giana enemies are indeed lacking in personality, but they actually look better and more menacing than the kitsch of Mario enemies. It's a darker game, with a different atmosphere and different mechanics to master.

Actually the worst Giana sprites are the ones that were ripped from Mario, like the owl. That indeed looks horrendous, and totally different to the other ones.

It seems some retards here don't understand that the game doesn't need to have the same mechanics to excel. As said, Giana is all about avoiding obstacles and precise jumping. The powerup system is interesting as it punishes mistakes more and give you the reward of having fire immunity and projectile if you game flawlessly.

As for "empty levels", what about Mario, which has repeating levels? As far as I know, 6 out of 32 levels are just rehashes with some added challenge. The ground levels with goombas, koopas, piranhas are all the same as well. Giana lacks underwater (mercifully), but its' levels mostly look different. Some of the later levels(around stage 25-28) lack a bit indeed, but nothing that game breaking.

But the main thing is. Many people still love it, even today, when everybody has a chance to play Mario.

>> No.4278991

>you ensure the few games that are still worth consideration today are ignored
recommendations please

>> No.4279183

It doesnt sounds good at all.

>> No.4279239

one of my fav c64 game growing up

>> No.4279292

Awesome tune:

>> No.4279447

That sounds fucking horrible holy shit

>> No.4279619

Are you kidding, Mario was a fat guy in overalls and a bad stache that never got more than a kiss from the princess, whilst the Giana sisters were bad girls that were probably giving it away to every guy in class.

>> No.4279694

>The bitter drivel of a butthurt Nintendo fanboy.
Ironically I never owned a single Nintendo console back in the day, having to make do with playing on friends' machines and eventually getting a SNES in the very late 90s. Catching up with NES games and especially coin-ops with the advent of emulation was a humbling experience as I realised my knowledge and experience of what was possible in games was myopic due to only having home computers in the 80s and early 90s. The nips were in another dimension when it came to thinking about how games should work. It's embarrassing browsing a lot of Amiga and C64 forums because it's clear the posters there never had their minds expanded by similar experiences and still parrot out the same shit they liked when they were 7 years old as being good today.

>As for "empty levels", what about Mario, which has repeating levels?

Large tracts of Giana Sisters are exactly the same as Mario bros only with massively dumbed down mechanics. That's why they are empty, because the shit you were meant to do there is now impossible. Who the fuck wants to play that?

>Many people still love it, even today, when everybody has a chance to play Mario.

Yeah right, it's always the same mongs going "LOL NINTENDO BANNED IT!!" who either grew up with it or had older siblings who owned it saying it's good. The same received wisdom that still says "Shadow of the Beast was great!" because it's just the lazy nostalgia of people who have never tried to play the fucking thing to the end and inevitably smashed the disk with a hammer as it's so mind numbingly awful.

To be fair the new Giana games look alright as they're clearly just honest attempts at average platform games. The original though is pure europoors.txt - a clumsy rip-off that would have been forgotten had it not been pathetically and blindly elevated to idealised shining beacon by people who desperately don't want to open their eyes to see all their life they were cheated.

>> No.4279889

>bitter childhood confirmed

>> No.4279960

Yes, it's supposed to be the wind howling. What's with people lacking imagination?

>> No.4280012

So many disturbing bullshit.

>> No.4280458

This, OP it's time to go back

>> No.4280524

If I lacked imagination, then I wouldn't have guessed it right dude. What perplexes me is why is it even here? It makes the place feel like some kind of desolate and abandoned land... But then 2 seconds later the super cheery music takes over

>> No.4280538


>> No.4280540

If it was about precise jumping, they shouldn't have made UP jump.

>> No.4280541

Sweet. Sluts are the best.

>> No.4280671


>> No.4280754

They had no choice. Most controllers for the C64 were joysticks with one button for fire. If you need to use one button to shoot, you will have to use Up for jumping. That's why all C64 games use Up to jump.

Very true analysis. I was never really impressed by GGS, although the music is nice, even though I owned a C64. I thought Hard n Heavy was more fun, ironically.

>> No.4280818

Hard n Heavy is ugly as sin though. One of the most unappealing C64 games out there.

>> No.4280903

The backgrounds/foregrounds are ugly, but the enemy sprites are fun, and have character. Also the music is great.


>> No.4280907


Hard 'n' Heavy has good enemies and great music, levels should have been better looking aesthetically though.

>> No.4282652
File: 7 KB, 193x206, firefox_2017-09-25_09-12-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Hard'n'Heavy was banned too? What?