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4271202 No.4271202 [Reply] [Original]

I'm under fourside in the sewer and I'm so bored with this game. I only want to finish it because I've been meaning to for so long

why did this get a localisation and not the RPG kino that is mother 1/earthbound zero

>> No.4271203

It doesn't get any better, might as well quit it now.

>> No.4271204

What the fuck are you talking about though, earthbound beginnings/zero/mother 1 was localized too, they changed the name of towns and censored cigarettes and crosses,

>> No.4271213


Then fucking quit faggot, no one is putting a gun to your head.

>> No.4271214

probably because square was doing pretty alright in the US, whereas the late '80s was pretty dry for JRPGs.

also because earthbound is the better game.

>> No.4271219

idk I played zero first and a lot of things seem like a real step backwards in terms of story progression, linearity and psi that the kids learn

my bad I meant localised and released

>> No.4271224

>why did this get a localisation and not mother 1/earthbound zero
It was late into the NES's life, the SNES is/was just released, the graphics were kind of mediocre, it was a time when Squaresoft ruled the RPG world, plus it was a big game and fabricating cartridges was already expensive as hell without the premium for bigger memory, plus the game is an unbalanced grindfest that would have been unpalatable to western audiences.
They actually did translate and localise the game but by the point it was ready to begin production Nintendo made the (probably very wise) decision not to bother.

Also you're a fucknugget if you think EB0 is better than Earthbound, so feel free to stop playing.

>> No.4271234

yeah, it had stuff going for it. i think the intense moments in mother hit harder, and some of the most important music were better on the NES' sound chip, to add to the list of things the first one did better.

>> No.4271264

This game has braindead casual level design compared to Mother. Of course it's boring. Drop it and play a more worthwhile RPG.

>> No.4271290

Earthbound has some interesting stuff in it but overall it is a pretty boring game.

>> No.4271307

It really is a meme game for people who are intimidated by JRPGs. It has some good feels and a cute storyline, but it doesn't deserve half of the praise it gets.

>> No.4271314

>people who are intimidated by JRPGs
Where do you get that idea?
The first part of the game is actually problematic for the way it turns people away with its high starting difficulty. The Sharks, Giant Step, and the road to Happy Happy Village are downright brutal compared to the rest of the game.

>> No.4271326

>Also you're a fucknugget if you think EB0 is better than Earthbound, so feel free to stop playing.

I literally played and loved Earthbound before it was a meme but

Mother > Earthbound

>> No.4271336

It's first venture into memedom was the scratch n sniff belch and giant mole stickers it was advertising with.

Earthbound has always been a meme.

>> No.4271342

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
The advertising scheme failed hard precisely because consumers were turned off by it's 90 "gross = cool" fixation. It's basically the antithesis of a meme.

>> No.4271781

I remember the first time I got to youngtown, talking to all the kids with that mad tune playing in the background was such a cool little moment I never got with EB

>> No.4271786

Earthbound is a boring game OP. Play a good RPG like panzer dragoon saga instead.

>> No.4271796

So you're saying that a widely-held perception somehow isn't a meme?

>> No.4271851

I'll now disregard every thing youve said and I now know you are a faggot.

>> No.4271891

>The advertising scheme failed hard precisely because consumers were turned off by it's 90 "gross = cool" fixation
It didn't help that it was fighting for shelf space with games that kids genuinely considered to be cool at the time (MK3, KI, NBA Jam, Super SF2). People were not offended by the terrible advertising earthbound, the kids they were targeting just viewed it as "a kids game" during the peak of the fighting game era. RPGs were for a niche audience, an audience that was "dying off" according to game journalists of the era, and those few who cared had just bought chrono trigger a few months before earthbound arrived.

>> No.4271913

I fail to see how the first Mother is better than Mother 2, graphics are acid green everywhere, there's almost no bosses, some places like the swamp and Duncan factory are a total slog to go through.
Mother 2 is much better balanced, the graphics are actually pleasing, you have more options of things to use, there's more variety between the places/dungeons of the game, NPCs are more memorable than the plain dialogues of Mother 1, there's simply much more to talk about Mother 2 than Mother 1, not saying that 8-bit RPGs are automatically inferior, Dragon Quest 3 and Digital Devil Story 2 were great games, Mother 1 is just too plain.

>> No.4272136

Good post, anon. Thank you.

>> No.4272146


Not to mention Giegue and Maria.

Which is why I love CogDis so much

>> No.4272147

Translated rom it is.

>> No.4272212
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>wasting time on the Mother games that aren't Mother 3

You got meme'd, kid

>> No.4272253

>like the swamp and Duncan factory are a total slog to go through.

I agree with you about that.

But if both games are about reaching down into your gut and extracting nostalgia that you might or might not have, Mother 0 really got me recently - but so did Earthbound when I first played it.

>> No.4272261

>, some places like the swamp and Duncan factory are a total slog to go through.
those are proper dungeons, places where you can get lost in and need to become aware of your surroundings. EB dungeons are linear with some chests along the way. I thought the former was more fun to conquer.

>> No.4272325

You already passed the best parts of the game. Everything after Fourside is generally worse than what came before it.

It's a game with some moments of brilliance surrounded by large stretches of nothing. Don't feel bad about not loving it.

>> No.4272342

>why did this get a localisation and not the RPG kino that is mother 1/earthbound zero
What? lol I mean I understand if you don't like Earthbound but Mother 1 is like the exact same game but more grindy and primitive

>> No.4274258


I didn't like Mother 3

>> No.4275750
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CogDis is fucking sick. But I'm pretty biased since I love games with traditional mook characters as the mains.

Pic only semi-related.

>> No.4275842

"not retro"

>> No.4275886

>MUH FEELZ: the game
I'll give it credit for finally improving the battle system, but Mother 3's story is insanely shallow, manipulative "feelsy" trash that gets a pass because it makes autists cry. That's all.