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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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4270783 No.4270783 [Reply] [Original]

where will i buy my video games now?

>> No.4270784

funcoland... nvm

>> No.4270789


>> No.4270835

KB Toys.

>> No.4270836


Go away Chris-chan.

>> No.4270859

i wish i was this young again

>> No.4270865

and I just won...

>> No.4270874

sad, but honestly I haven't been there for many years now

>> No.4270878

Why do you think I haven't been playing anything new in years since KB closed down in 09 - at least when I went there I could just buy my game and leave. Now I have to go to Gamestop and always leave an not buy anything because some little shit half my age is trying to recommend me the hot new 3x A shit sandwich shot out of a hookers herpes riddle asshole

>> No.4270882

I think the last time I went to a Toy's R Us was when I bought Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and instead of the Dino Crisis demo I got two copies of the game. Feel bad for the guy who got two Dino Crisis demos tho

>> No.4270936


>> No.4271016
File: 108 KB, 500x362, toys r us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so many fond memories of going to Toys R Us as a child. It's been shit for well over a decade now., it's nothing more than an oversized version of Walmart's toy isle. I miss the old Toys R Us

>> No.4271018

damn u lucky fu ck

>> No.4271029

Everyone forgets that you can buy video games at Best Buy, so they are never out of stock, even for big games on launch day.

>> No.4271057
File: 13 KB, 387x309, 5S2E1MW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is amazon/digital purchases
if thats true then you must be the biggest sperg to ever exist

>> No.4271061

Do you know about Walmart? And Amazon? And digital distribution? If you're being serious with this post then you likely have a mental illness.

>> No.4271067
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1457320072411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seriously expect walmart to stock good games. and maybe he likes actually going to a store. and maybe he likes physical copies. you know, kind of like how you had to do it in the past.

>> No.4271069

the mental illness is in the one that thinks i was even being remotely serious.

and who the fuck actually buys from Amazon? I guess you don't mind contribution to the financial success of your future overlords you rabid sheep - right cattle that go to Walmart I got it.

>> No.4271107
File: 71 KB, 677x474, 15762378623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but the fuckin retard literally put presumably one of his favorite hobbies on hold since 2009 because hes too afraid of human interaction.

you must have a lot of friends.

>> No.4271113

I buy my games at Target these days. Their selection seems to be about the best, at least around me.

>> No.4271121

The last time I was at an actual Toys R Us I got a $3 copy of Far Cry 4 and a 99 cent Legendary Hex Skylander. We have a Toys R Us express in our local mall and it really dramatically changes its merchandise distribution and sometimes has bizarre sales I'm not surprised the company was in trouble. I bet it closes which is a shame considering it's the only toy store in the whole town.

>> No.4271152


The bloomberg article was interesting, especially since they were doing better last year with their first profit in a long time. But the interest payments were horrific. Chapter 11 makes it seem they will be around, just closing most stores:


>> No.4271163

Only thing I've bought from TRU in recent years are amiibos - sometimes they have good deals like 2 or even 3 for $20.

>> No.4271172
File: 51 KB, 599x337, tumblr_n4q3dpTXLC1qe81uzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My uncle purchased my original dark blue Game Boy Pocket
>My mom bought me 4 games over time
>Wario Land 2, then Donkey Kong 94, then Wario Land, and finally Pokemon Gold
>Years pass
>Went trough some stupid phase
>gave Game Boy Pocket and Pokemon Gold Complete in box in good shape to some asshat as means of friendship!
>never heard of him...........
>a year later
>My uncle died

One of my biggest regrets in life.

But i still kept the other 3 games even tough this day, these are the only games from my younghood i didn't sold or gave out, but bought a Game Boy pocket of same color as memory, deep inside i wanna think its the same original one i had, If only i knew.........

This is not a made up story.

>> No.4271249

The whole thing makes me sad desu. It's like watching somebody suffer in the hospital and just waiting around until they kick. Fond memories of saving up birthday money for games and street fighter action figures. And watching those fag kids on nickelodeon win a contest and get to run through the store for 4 minutes grabbing everything they wanted and thinking to myself how I'd do it way better

>> No.4271797

In miami in the 90's the toys r us I went to always had this like blimp thing that went around on a zipline around the store. it was so damn cool

It probably has a toy nigger twerking her ass to Chris Brown songs around the store now

>> No.4271816

The up side of attaching sentiment to mass produced stuff is that even if it becomes lost, the replacement should be identical enough to be equally touching unless it had an inscription or you logged the serial number somewhere (or memorable wear & tear or customization.

I could buy another example of my dad's favorite car for my son when he's 15. I could even put his custom speaker boxes in it and a vin check would still reveal it wasn't his exact one but it would still bring back extra stories to tell.

>> No.4272113

>We have a Toys R Us express in our local mall
>it's the only toy store in the whole town


What's your kid's hair color, incidentally? Just askin'.

>> No.4272280

>sometimes has bizarre sales
You're not kidding! Last time I went to Toys R Us was for some Pokemon event in like 2014, and I walked out with like 15 PSP games that were suspiciously $1 each and marked with colored dots like Goodwill. Signs were all written in Sharpie.

>> No.4272302

Walmart stocks the same games as Toys R Us does, if not more. If Walmart doesn't have it then your local independent game shop should have it.

There's literally no problem here, at all.

>> No.4272457

I remember an express Toys r us in the mall across the street from a regular Toys r us a few years ago.

>> No.4272594
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>buying games

>> No.4272606


>> No.4272616

Damn, the last time I went into toys r us was to get resident evil 3. The idiot that worked there gave me two copies of the dino crisis demo instead. Needless to say I haven't been back since.

>> No.4272636

damn u unlucky fu ck

>> No.4272669

I never had access to a TRU growing up since the nearest one was a 90 minute drive away.
However I remember fondly of KB Toys, that's where I bought Mega Man X with my allowance I saved up for six months.
Now what's left of KB and my mall in general are empty spaces.
>where will I buy my vidya now?
Amazon sadly. With all being grown up I don't have time to go to a brick and mortar store anymore.

>> No.4273230
File: 24 KB, 450x396, 1167927966374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order Dreamcast off of ebay
>goes through UPS
>travels from origin state to my state in 24hrs
>arrives in my town 4hrs later
>gets passed off to USPS for some reason
>ETA is 3 days from now
Shit can travel 1000 miles in 12 hours, but it's going to take three days to go 5 miles.

>> No.4273239

>buy super famicom online from japan
>gets to us in 3 days
>stuck at shipping terminal for a fucking month and a half

I fucking hate USPS, they should just abolish the whole thing, half of it is niggers who don't do shit because ayz got dat gubbmint jaab so ayz can geet faayad and dem benafits ddddaaayyyymmmm

>> No.4273332

>dude I'm like, so grown up, and so busy, I don't have time to spend 30 minutes going to a store, but I can still shitpost on 4chan

>> No.4273405

you're the problem.

>> No.4273445

UPS My Choice gets delivered at the last stage by USPS. Usually it only adds one extra day, but that's the USPS effect there.

>> No.4273446

true that. you havent experienced the true incompetence of USPS until you live in a city and have to deal with entire facilities run by blacks

>> No.4273452

yeah i live in new york you have no fucking idea how bad it is, im lucky if i can get someone that isnt starting at their phone, smacking their lips, dropping my shit, and giving me an attitude. also buy some fucking deodorant for godsakes its like these people came from the jungle or something oh wait

>> No.4273460

He's kind of right about Amazon in that it's getting terrifyingly huge.

>> No.4273512

So when are they going to start liquidating? I want to know when to go and buy a Wii U for 60 bucks

>> No.4273628

Same place the rest of the kids from your containment board will. Return there and ask them.

>> No.4273639

>I wasn't being remotely serious
>Proceeds to demonstrate that he was, in fact, serious

>> No.4273647

Brilliant took you 2 days to think of that comment of pure fucking genius.

>> No.4273887

Well, you haven't experienced the joy of italian customs, gentlemen.
They hold your stuff for weeks, they try everything they can to charge you extra with taxes,
and if they can't, or they just happen to like your stuff, they just keep it for themselves.

>> No.4274135

I didn't see the thread until this morning famicom

>> No.4274249
File: 422 KB, 1080x1920, 44B25737-8EED-41B6-8C12-C9DC39562D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a real shame, because I go to Toys r Us all the time for Transformers and those Nintendo figures. Sometimes I'll pick up an Amiibo if it's a rare one

I just bought this Optimus Prime from them last week for $150

>> No.4274274

Got my first ever game at Toys-R-Us. 'S good.

>> No.4274419

i wasnt being serious, but i was being serious about amazon. i used to work for them. they are seriously trying to take over every single market that they can and are really pushing for a massive globalist model where they basically weed their way into any industry. they just took over whole foods, their building book stores, now their trying to get into isp services and security services. trust me i warned your asses ahead of time so when you are mining for copper on the off world mines as a labor slave with an amazon jumpsuit on, i hope you remember what i said about buying shit from amazon.