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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4268527 No.4268527 [Reply] [Original]


Trying to remember the name of a game? Ask here! Make sure to be as descriptive as possible!

I played a 3-D truck driving game years ago that I can't remember the name of anymore. I think it was an arcade game, but I'm not 100% sure. I distinctly remember driving on highways. The only thing that I am 100% positive about is that it was NOT Sega's 18 Wheeler, nor was it a "sim", ala Eurotruck Simulator or those types of games.

>> No.4268576

I got one

Its an old player vs player arcade game.

Each player controlled a mech and they'd fight it out 1vs1. One of the mechs names had the title of Dr.

Was fairly new in 1998 or so.

>> No.4268578

You sat in a mock cockpit and piloted your mech with two joysticks with all sorts of buttons on them

>> No.4268592

Virtual-On by Sega>>4268576

>> No.4268757
File: 89 KB, 710x533, americanlonghaul_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I distinctly remember driving on highways.

I probably should have said that the bulk of the game (out of the parts that I played) does NOT take place on highways. I also remember driving on mountainside roads.

>> No.4268841

aw man thats it! Now i just need to get some of those joysticks...and a friend

>> No.4269089

Hard drivin and Race drivin is all i can come up driving wise that is 3D.

>> No.4269096


You don't really need the sticks. Just pick up Virtual-On on the Japanese PSN, and pick up Oratorio Tangram on XBLA. Virtual on force has no region lock, so you can import that too.

>> No.4270742

I remember playing it on an old computer. Maybe DOS. You played as a green blob and you platformed through sewers I think.

>> No.4270805
File: 26 KB, 640x480, ooze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously not on pc but with your description the only thing I can think of is The Ooze for genesis/megadrive

>> No.4270852

Here's one that's puzzled me for years. It was a side scrolling adventure/role playing game. I remember a mountain level with bridges and the atmosphere was misty/foggy. In the mist I encountered a dragon or something that scared me so shitless I quit the game. The main character might've had red hair..

..It could've been Ys, I guess. I'm from PAL region, was it released here?

>> No.4270863

I used to play a tactics RPG on a laptop in the mid to late 90s that my korean friend had. The game was definitely in korean as well so it most likely was a korean game since he spoke very broken english.

It was very similar to Final Fantasy Tactics (or at least reminded me of it alot) complete with a movement grid. Anybody have any ideas?

>> No.4270875

Super long shot here, someone posted a thread about a PS1 Zelda-like game that looked really cute. It was in Japanese, the person who posted the thread had just found a Fire Rod type of item, I think they mentioned something about the game having a day/night cycle. Might have had a female protagonist. That's all I can remember. Ring any bells?

>> No.4270881

It was an edutainment game for the pc, from the early 90s. You played as this walking coat thing with a hat and no body that shot a remote at enemies to bring up problems you needed to solve. The setting was a radio tower I think?

>> No.4270894

I rented a NES game as a kid and hated it. It was an RPG but I had no idea what those were when I was 5.
What I remember was you started in a castle, and outside hands would reach out of the ground and grab you triggering the battle.

When I was a kid I never knew you could level up or get stronger so I would just run from every battle until I eventually died.

>> No.4271281
File: 8 KB, 238x192, holper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an arcade i played once and i can't remember it.

It was a water ski game where you actually got sprayed with a mist of water and, i think, an adjustable fan would speed up when you sped up the water ski. it was the craziest thing i have ever played but i only got to try it once.

>> No.4271284

>water ski
im retarded i meant a jet ski

>> No.4271295

Sega released a sequel to 18 Wheeler called The King of Route 66, was it that?

>> No.4271305

Super Solvers: Outnumbered!

>> No.4271723

That... might actually be it? Maybe? I'm not sure really. It might not actually. Again, I dunno.

Regardless, that game looks awesome, so I'll definitely play it either way.

>> No.4271735

This sega genesis game, i don't remember much, i remember it being a sidescroller with huge maps, the color palette was very colorful and every sprite and background had that glossy shading look sega games had

>> No.4271916

It was an old mini golf game for... Win95 I think. I remember this particular stage that looked like a saguaro cactus. And that's the only thing I can remember.

There was also this RPG about this guy in blue heavy armor, and right after you exit the city there's sea to the South and if you screw around too much the enemies kill you.

>> No.4272792

That's the one, thanks anon!

>> No.4273839


>> No.4273848


sounds like Ys III

>> No.4273853

arcade game from the late 90s, I don't remember much about it but it was about planes, in the intro video it had a plane launching out of a covered hole in the ground. the plane was VTOL with rotating wings like an osprey, but with jets.

>> No.4273876

Raiden II.

>> No.4273895

>tfw I vaguely remember a game that might not have even existed because I remember so little that it may have been a dream

>> No.4273896

I played a version of Warlords maybe around 20 years ago that had anime style characters in each corner. I don't think it was a JP only game though because I hadn't started importing games yet then

>> No.4273907

I vaguely remember an arcade fighting game where instead of picking one character you picked a team of three. I may be mixing games here, but I think one team had a big guy who fights with a ball-and-chain and a midget Freddy Kreuger guy.

>> No.4273930

The King of Fighters, maybe the 2002 edition.
Though if I remember correctly those two first appeared on the 2000 edition.
They're called, respectively, Chang and Choi, by the way.

>> No.4273945

They appear in every KOF game I believe.

>> No.4274098

I played a game in a nes emulator 10 or more years ago where you controlled a Airplane company, I don't have any idea what was the name.

>> No.4274762
File: 1.18 MB, 5312x2988, mystery_game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one and I have a picture with it, too. Caught a guy streaming it on Twitch, and had forgotten the name.

Pretty sure it was on the PSX. It was a first person style dungeon crawler or adventure game, with some cool digitized sprites. Most of the game seemed underground in this weird city.

Bonus points if anyone can recognize the streamer. I believe he played a lot of PSX games, which interests me.

>> No.4274779

hell night

>> No.4274795
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Awesome, thanks for the quick ID!

>> No.4274882
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3d ultra minigolf? great game

>> No.4275104

Are you sure it was NES? It could have been Aerobiz on SNES or Genesis.

>> No.4275113

>you play as a black/african kid
>all you're wearing is some cloth shorts/underwear, no shirt
>first level is in the jungle or some shit, there's trees all around
>you collect gems
>after you beat each level, you go to the next in a style similar to Mario Bros 3

It's not Jungle Book and it's not Congos Caper

>> No.4275183

King of Fighters

>> No.4275189

sounds like Aerobiz or Aerobiz Supersonic on SNES and Genesis

>> No.4277662

Late 90s - early 2000s PC game about racing / driving monster trucks around.

I remember lots of ramps and hills, emphasis might have been on tricks more than racing.

If you went too close to the edge of the map a helicopter, or sometimes a pterodactyl(?) would pick you up and drop you off back on the map.

Also some keys we're bound to some random sound bytes, like a generic redneck yeehaw and a short harmonica melody.

Only played the demo so final game migt have not had some of the things I mentioned.

>> No.4277839

sounds like brave fencer musashi

>> No.4278964


>> No.4279127

I played an arcade game in the 90s that was a 2d side scrolling platformer. The only level I can remember took place on a barren planet, and I remember there were some enemies in spacesuits carrying light sabers. I can't remember if your characters weapon was a gun or light saber. I remember the graphics being maybe on par with Ghosts 'n Goblins. Any ideas?

>> No.4280702

Can you describe the cabinet?

>> No.4280709

A motion controlled version of Tekken 3 or Tekken Tag Tournament, can't remember which. Played it in an arcade in Dallas, Texas, the one that used to be next to Rainforest Cafe in the mall, but finding any information, like a picture of the whole setup or even a synopsis from Namco, has been impossible. A few people have also remembered it, but no details.

>> No.4281638


>> No.4281678

>circa 2001
>flash game, on shockwave.com
>exploring a MYST-like castle
>a parrot asks you trivia questions
>one of the answers was "richard nixon"

>> No.4281703
File: 19 KB, 198x150, LegendOfOasisScreenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one. I remember playing a game on another kid's Saturn that had an over head view and I clearly remember an area with water, platforming bits and maybe even moving platforms. Also, possibly bats.

Years later I played Legend of Oasis/Story of Thor II and the first dungeon meets pretty much all my criteria EXCEPT that I'm almost certain that other game was fully 3D.

Am I right or is my memory playing tricks one me?

>> No.4281759

Dark Savior?

>> No.4281838
File: 14 KB, 256x240, Cadash+(U)+.2014-06-01+20.15.10[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truck Kyosoku on Namco system 12. It's about hard driving blue collar japanese dudes with fancy decorated trucks.



Cadash. Namco. Arcade.

>> No.4282139

Could anyone help identify this game?

All I can remember is this - it's a top-down view (not isometric), it has some sort of crafting or survival elements, you can start playing as a human, alien, I think a robot maybe and some other races, and you always start out crash landed on a planet and you have to find a way off the planet. It's a PC game. Name starts with the letter N I believe.

>> No.4282980

That... looks like it might maybe could be it? Is that emulated?

>> No.4283158

Game opened with the line "Its a hard heart that kills" was some generic 90's fps, believe the first level you started in the woods and shot enemies that dressed like the KKK in different color robes......

>> No.4283169

I remember some game I played on a mac back in 1993 or 1994. The graphics were vector based and you ran around in a tank shooting at other tanks. I remember the yellow pyramid tanks were scary because they could take multiple hits. You could customize your tank and change how fast it moves or how much armor it has. I think when the match started you fell from the sky and landed in a corner or something. All the backgrounds and floor/ceiling were black

I only played a demo version that came with the computer. I tried to track it down by doing what I normally do when I can't remember a name for a game on Mac, by going to wikipedia and looking at the list of every single game ever made for mac and narrowing it down by year. The game itself might be too obscure for wikipedia since I can't find it, or I'm blind.

>> No.4283172

Hey I found it immediately after making this post. Its Spectre

>> No.4283183

I want to play game that my late brother played in the arcade
>late 90
>3D fighting game
>Character that my brother was playing is called Bobby(probably). He had blue hair
>last boss was some woman or robot with that orange-black construction colours.

>> No.4283190

I have another mac game to look up. Its a game where you play as a caveman and you have to carefully carve your stone spearheads to fashion them onto a stick. The demo only gives you one rock so if the shape wasn't perfect you can't make a spear. Once I finish fucking up the spear another caveman appears and murders me.

Its a sidescroller meant to be more realistic made in the early/mid 90s.

Looking up "caveman game for mac" gets me Joe and Mac or shitty mobile games. I hope I wasn't the only poor soul forced to game on macs back in the day.

>> No.4283196

Xain d'Sleena?

>> No.4283623

Overhead helicopter game for the PC, you could fly in all directions and shot at buildings, cars, and people I think.

>> No.4283726

I'm thinking about two different games.

1. Really old 3d pc game, probably around 97. I think it was a hybrid RTS. I'm not sure if it was some sort of tech demo or indie project or something like that. It looked worse than any early 3d game you can find on google. The game had an emotional song playing with female vocals, which was really weird. I'm fairly sure it was a well known song at the time, but I have no idea what it's called.
I think you had one main tank which was very powerful and you could drive it yourself in first person, but you could also build other tanks and order them to attack. Everything was extremely low poly and untextured, just blue and gray. I think it had snowy weather. Tanks looked like simple boxes which shot projectiles that looked like flat square rays.

2. Another early 3d game where you play as a small mech which can morph into a flying unit. I think you also had some big giant mothership landed on the map or maybe it was some sort of mission objective. There was also water on the map. Can't remember exactly, but it might have been an RTS or had some RTS elements.

>> No.4283806

The Strike series?

>> No.4283810

Thanks for the suggestion, therew's an area near the beginning that fits my description, but that's not it. As I said it was virtually the same as the first dungeon in Legend of Oasis except in fully polygonal 3D.

I'm really starting to believe I imagined the whole thing.

>> No.4284323

I am also searcing for this game.

>> No.4284534

I don't remember the cabinet at all.

Nope, the graphics were a little more basic. I only remember the barren planet level, dark brown surface with craters almost like an asteroid and the sky was black with multicolored stars. The enemies with lightsabers may have had capes?

>> No.4284917

Monster Truck Madness 1 or 2

>> No.4284934

there was a game my brother and his friend rented when i was a kid. pretty sure it was an NES game, although its possible it was a genesis game. it was side scrolling platformer similar in style to adventure island, you played as a guy. somehow you powered up and became a bigger, stronger, macho version of yourself. i say adventure island because i vaguely remember island-type scenery with lots of greenery etc somewhat like green hill zone or a joe & mac game or something. i've never been able to find out what this game was and it's bugged me for years.

>> No.4284937

I am offering a $50 (Canadian) bounty to anyone who can identify this game. I have been posting it on many websites including /vr/ for several years now.


Good luck.

>> No.4285041


>> No.4286137


That's it! Thanks anon. The suffering is finally over

>> No.4286334

>there was a game my brother and his friend rented when i was a kid


I've seen in Amagon in 3 or 4 different game identity threads on /vr/ .

I remember it being a pretty common rental game for a few months when it came out., I think alot of people have had the same experience you did.

>> No.4286916

Late 90s (maybe early 2000s?) educational PC game. Featured a rock/potato character among other characters and you could print-out activities.

>> No.4286962

Edutainment game I know I had and cannot for the life of me remember.

It was 2D, possibly side-scrolling, and I seem to recall it featured a kid who was sucked into a box of cereal and ended up in space. PC had some common enough boy's name and may have had "Adventure" or something like that in the title.

On a similar topic, I swear there was some "visual book" thing in the same vein as "Arthur's Teacher Troubles" but it featured a green dinosaur. I'd swear his name was Danny, but Google is not helping here. I only care because I can't remember. I thought I had it alongside "Forever Growing Garden" and "Buster's First Thunderstorm" or something like that, but it's not on that disc.

>> No.4286968

Sounds more like Alundra to me.

>> No.4287015

Are you sure it was 3d? Sounds like Body Blows to me.

Other than that, maybe FX fighter (you didn't mention the platform)

>> No.4287174

Nah, that was none of them. It was '98 probably. There was also Soul Edge, Tekken 2 (Arcade had ps1 inside, so the owner had to press 2x start to start the arcade mode heh) and killer Instinct 1 or 2 in that arcade.
Graphic was pretty good, on par with EX +alpha. Sorry I don't remember much else. Health bar was yellow or orange, maybe there was some character transformation but dunno. I remember, after winning there was zoom on character, and that Bobby guy gives smug face. But that robot boss was definitely a thing

>> No.4287516


so nothing then

>> No.4288323

>$50 (Canadian)
is that like 2 whole freedom dollars or something?

>> No.4288515

I got 2 if I may

>Early PS2 era
>3d platformer
>had an animal as the MC if I remember correctly
>I remember you had to collect gems or something like gems
>I thought it was Klonoa 2 but I also remember a Halloween or horror themed level that I cant seem to find

>4 player lightgun arcade shooter
>early 2000s
>saw it for a few minutes at a casino near Vegas
>vaguely remember the cabinet being a huge box shape with a soldier on the side, and the soldier may have just had a skull

>> No.4289524
File: 55 KB, 640x482, arcade4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


World Combat aka Warzaid?

>> No.4289529
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Or maybe its sort-of-sequel Wartan Troopers?

>> No.4289547

>megadrive game
>action platformer
>first level is ancient ruins in a jungle
>first enemies you encounter are slow moving humanoids
>main character is a barbarian warrior possibly with a sword
>sprites are quite small, about flashback/out of this world size
i know i didn't imagine this game.

>> No.4289551

1 cad is worth 80 cents usd

>> No.4291602

Rastan? Sword of Sodan?

>> No.4292575

It is a maze like game where you navigate and avoid worms you have to complete the maze before the timer counts down and a pumpkin headed dragon takes you away. The worms dont kill you they just eat you then you have to navigate their stomach to get back out and keep going thru the maze. You are collecting knight armor throughout the game and in the final level you pilot the knight to collect keys and open doors to kill the dragon. It had a level editor as well.

>> No.4292576

Forgot to mention it was a dos game

>> No.4292671
File: 1.85 MB, 850x530, 1454693980791.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game

>> No.4294402

Monster Truck Madness?

>> No.4294529

neither of those.

>> No.4295178

Blades of Vengeance?

>> No.4295204

My old boyfriend at the time had a PS1 demo disc. On the disc was an anime cutscenes with the MC walking in on a girl showering. The movie had her covered by mist but showed her butt.

It was an RPG I think.

>> No.4295228

total war spinoff

>> No.4295236

Granstream saga?

>> No.4295404
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Is is a good game?

>> No.4295529
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the game in the bottom right? Pretty sure it's PC, and pretty sure that's an orange moon, possibly a fairy silhouetted in front of it.

>> No.4295572

Did he have Tomb Raider?

>> No.4295574

>Game for NES/SNES
>Turn based
>May have been FF not 100% sure
the thing I remember the most about it is that you fight this giant animal skull boss

>> No.4295585

Also it may have been near the begging of the game

>> No.4295841
File: 8 KB, 720x348, 181572-manhunter-new-york-dos-screenshot-title-screen-hercules-graphics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing a game on an old computer at my dad's office once in the 90s, its name was something like ER or Emergency. You went from room to room and tried to diagnose each patient . It was in this eerie 1bpp dithered style (pic related). anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.4296073


>> No.4296948

then beats the fuck outta me

>> No.4298269

>Win95/DOS game
>might've been a console or arcade port
>side scrolling platformer/shooter with kb/m controls
>first level is a moving train
>you have a jetpack and fight robots or cyborgs
>second level is a train yard
>that's where the demo ended, didn't have the full game

I've asked about this game before in threads like this one but nobody could ever identify this game. I'm starting to think i might've just had a vivd dream about it and it's not actually real.

>> No.4298981

About how big were the sprites?

>> No.4301785

Arcade/coin up game,still has to be emulated,similar to Gaelco WRC but Paris Dakar themed,had it on our arcade room but lost that list and I'm trying to fetch them back :-\

>> No.4301951

A rpg with a guy and gal protag and you leave your village was ps1-(possibly ps2) I think there was a jerk in armour also
3d btw
(Yeah ik it's nothing to go on IV been looking for years)

>> No.4304172

this is the vaguest description in the entire thread

>> No.4304607

nope, whatever total war is

>> No.4306417

>A motion controlled version of Tekken 3 or Tekken Tag Tournament

What in the fuck? Was it actually called "Tekken"?

>> No.4306438

It was Tekken 3, paired with 8-way beam projection controllers, similar to Para Para Paradise. Lots of arcades had them and they controlled like shit so they failed. Hope that answers your question.

>> No.4306440


>> No.4306745

If you know what it was then why are you asking for identification?

>> No.4307648

Anon 1 had a dim recollection, anon 2 asked for clarification and I'm anon 3 answering the questions, is that not the point of this thread?

>> No.4307837


/vr/, please tell me, what the hell is this game?

>> No.4308827

The dude knew it was Tekken yet asked for the name of the game. That literally makes zero sense.

>> No.4308836

I dunno what more he wants aside from knowing if it was T3 or TTT1. They used something like repurposed Genesis Activators for controls. That's fucking it, there's nothing else to know.

>> No.4309336
File: 10 KB, 512x384, 1206987522543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is this?

>> No.4309379



also, lrn2google

>> No.4309537

What episode is this? Maybe you can look for the props used in the episode.

>> No.4310487

Man, arcade racing games need to make a comeback.

>> No.4311272

not that guy, but where would you even look up shit like that?

>> No.4311324

Rainbow six

>> No.4311725

Well it must be somewhere no?

He is talking about the one on the right.

>> No.4312767 [DELETED] 

i've got one. it was a gb game i played semi-frequently on one of those old bootleg chinese 100 in 1 carts.

the game itself had two ships, one at the bottom which was you i believe, and one at the top, with stuff that would get in the way of you firing at each other in the middle, like asteroids and stuff.

>> No.4312783
File: 159 KB, 750x1000, gaems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 4 in 1999 and I played a few minutes of an arcade machine in the Children's Museum of Georgia. It was a Mario clone with a hairy guy with large feet. That's about all I can remember, really.

>> No.4313525 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 455x171, teef too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded (something that was labeled) the GOG version of Thief II, installed it, and then ran the program from the installer. It started up just fine, BUT when I exited and then tried to start it again I got this message (pic related).

What the fuck am I doing wrong?

And how EXACTLY do I get this running consistently every time I try to start it?

>> No.4313545

The NewZealand Story?

>> No.4313558


Big Nose the Caveman

>> No.4314902

The one on the right is a neogeo arcade cab

>> No.4314963
File: 10 KB, 320x200, Bio_menace_screenshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to start a new thread but I see this is the place!

Of the many games my brothers and I used to play on the family PC (486), only a few have yet to be identified. Maybe it was on the Pentium II afterwards too.

One was kind of a hack and slash fantasy RPG with an isometric view. The player was at the center of the screen and there was fog of war, meaning obstructions projected a cone of shadow over the areas they hid, swinging around as you moved. When you died all your inventory quite comically spilled around you. Good times are remembered but not much else.

The other was definitely on the 486, it was a dungeon crawler with a very minecraft-esque look. Isometric view too. It was more towers than underground dungeons. There were heavily pixelated fireballs and monsters. Puzzle elements? Maybe wizards too. I wish I had more details.

The first one would really be the one we'd like to track down the most.

There is a third one. On the Pentium probably. A bottom to top scrolling futuristic fighter jet shooter with a top view. A lot like Zanac on the NES but on PC. Forests, lava, deserts, lots of different backgrounds. Plenty of power ups, infinite ammo, sometimes helping things following or preceding you. No memory of the bad guys though. Sorry about the scant info.

If anyone's curious the last one we identified was Bio Menace (pic related) that took a lot of head scratching and googling but we managed! Can't wait to play again, I remember it was a lot of fun.

Thanks and good luck to you all

>> No.4316353

Do you have any idea what year any of those were released?

>> No.4317275

Sorry no date. Probably all early nineties. We weren't exactly paying attention to details, we were not at all l aware of the gaming world, magazines, reviews... We just occasionally went to the store and got one or two games on a whim. Maybe some of these games actually came with the PC, you know, the included game and software bundles.

For instance, Bio Menace was just a pre-installed demo.

We'll just have to get lucky

>> No.4317958

not that guy, but how is that related to neo geo?

>> No.4318064


Sounds like Notrium? That is not retro, but whatever. It was a fun game, anyway.

>> No.4318118

2 games here

1. Arcade fighting game. Roster was pretty small but the only 2 characters I can remember are a guy with a chainsaw for a hand and some praying mantis looking blue alien thing. You were able to cut off limbs and the game would acknowledge that at the end (i.e. yelling "armless wins")

2. Early 2000s pc fps multiplayer(?) Ww2 era I only remember a map of a crescent shaped island. You could pilot planes, boats, and AA guns

>> No.4318160

Hmm... Any idea of the aesthetics? Clues to what characters looked like or anything. All I can guess so far is Tactics Ogre. .

>> No.4318193

I once played an arcade game where you either were or were able to weild a genie.

You rode a flying carpet in first person view and flew around a city fighting snake monsters, other genies and mythical creatures. I remember the first level ended with you fighting a fanged wizard

>> No.4318787

I remember playing an arcade game about 20 years ago and every joystick was a different character, it was a fantasy game i think because you could be a knight or an elf, the armored character had a ball and chain (?) weapon that went full circle around them to hit enemies. Maybe there was a dwarf too?
Any ideas?
(No it wasnt avengers or simpsons)

>> No.4318823
File: 90 KB, 1286x503, Screen-Shot-2017-09-10-at-3.55.25-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see if anyone can help.
>It's an old pc game, probably DOS, mid to late 90s
>The only gameplay I remember is first person, and it takes place in a desert
>I remember you would progress if you made it to a glowing portal somewhere in the level
>The entire time (I believe) a robot was chasing you down, and if you were caught you lost
>It seemed very simple at the time but I could have been rushing to the finish for all I know
>There were crude pixilated cutscenes inbetween levels, I distinctly remember some sort of overlord getting more and more frusterated with his minion as you progress. Eventually he vaporizes the minion with a lazer.

Thanks /vr/ stay sexy

>> No.4319254

1 is Time Killers

>> No.4320493

You're SURE this was an arcade game?

>> No.4321187

What I'm gonna describe is gonna sound a lot like Lost Eden, but I assure you it's not.

It was some kind of point&click adventure game with either dinosaurs or mythical creatures, but I'm pretty sure it was dinosaurs. No saying you were a dinosaur, just that they existed in some locations. Pretty sure you didn't really talk to any NPCs either.
Also locations and such were 2D, not 3D.

Played it on PC, from one of those 20-ripped-games CDs.

>> No.4321205

Here's one I've been trying to find:

A Japanese SNES RPG similar to Earthbound in that it takes place in the modern day and it stars school children as the main characters. I think it takes place during the summer in a rural town and I'm not sure if it ever got a translation.

>> No.4321225

First one is Nox.

>> No.4322405

Gauntlet Legends? Gauntlet Dark Legacy? Was it in 3D or 2D?

>> No.4322413

Hourai Gakuen no Bouken! - Tenkousei Scramble

>> No.4322464

Been killing me for ages, but

>nes game, possibly a port
>strategy game
>had two screens, a battlefield and civ management screen
>might have been historical
>NOT Civilization.

>> No.4322486

Genghis Khan?

>> No.4322617

2 sounds like Battlefield 1942

>The other was definitely on the 486, it was a dungeon crawler with a very minecraft-esque look. Isometric view too. It was more towers than underground dungeons. There were heavily pixelated fireballs and monsters. Puzzle elements? Maybe wizards too. I wish I had more details.


>> No.4322629

A Commodore 64 weird game, you were a knight trapped inside some sort of labyrinth full of weirdness, some rooms had floating faces and some others had your duplicates roaming freely around. I remember the sound being absolutely C64ish yet kinda unique and unsettling.

>> No.4323365

Yeah, maybe I'm confusing 2 games as one, but Gauntlet legends might be it.
I just dont see the ball and chain spinning around the character in the youtube vid previews of it.
Thanks for getting me the Gauntlet style games .

>> No.4323435

I assume you meant to reply to >>4322405

>> No.4323493

Yes Sir, you are correct.
IDK how to reply to a post directly,

>> No.4323536

Click on the post number to open the quick reply box with the link ready. Otherwise, nobody will know who you're addressing.

>> No.4323807

I'm trying to find info about a 1980's top view shooter named "Mission-something" where the first stages are on a desertic landscape and part of the game involved shooting parts of the landscape to find some astronauts you had to catch with your ship to "rescue",
There's also a stage where you can get infinite astronauts so you must try to catch as many as you can before the scroll leaves their spawning point behind.

>> No.4324064

This is an obscure one:

I got it on one of those CDs full of shareware games that were common in the late 90s/early 00s. I'm sure it was called either IMO 95 or IMO 96, it was a sidescrolling shooter that you controlled with the mouse, the arrow would change appearance depending on its position on the screen, so you could jump/duck/walk to the sides. You played as a guy in a red jacket and fought what looked like an asian monk, in an old temple. I swear this game exists, but the generic name kept me from finding anything about it online...

>> No.4325534

I'll give you guys a bump for help.

>> No.4325540

fps game where you play as a pig

bright and strong colors

>> No.4325596

2 player DOS game (player vs player or player vs CPU) from early 90's
Each player on opposite side of a board (I remember a checkered black and whiteboard)
Each player got an army of goofy things like mechanical jaws, standalone hands (like in the Addams Family movie), catterpillars...
Goal of the game is to be the last on the board the things fall out when they come to the opposite side. You could push the opponents thing
2D with view slighty above (like a boxing game with a camera above the ring)

Weird game I know. I played it as a shareware in 1994 maybe 1995

>> No.4325605

>>4318787 Maybe...

>> No.4325631

I think I played it on the mega cd, but can't be 100%.

It was a 2D sidescrolling platformer.

The main character, I think, was a rabbit.

The main identifier that I'm 100% sure on is that the levels were based on movie themes/genres (wild west, horror etc.). There was a hub world, similar to robocod or castle of illusion, where you walk into a movie screening to start levels.

I think the collectables were those clipboards they use to cut takes, or movie reels - something cinema based.

>> No.4325635

It's called "Spartan: Total Warrior", is an spinoff of the Total War series. It's the closest you'll get to God of War on Gamecube or 1st gen Xbox.

Very funny IMO, played that game for hours on my first Gamecube back in 2007-2008

>> No.4325723

anyone remember an old PC game that was about some kind of city, all i remember is that there was like a black guy at the pier or dock and you could make him make smoothies and there were really weird combinations like lobster and corn, the game isnt about cooking though. theres other things you can do but i cant remember. i also remember at the end of the game i think the mayor of the city reopens an arcade and you can play the games in it. i think it was a learning game or something, but i played it when i was really young

Any ideas?

>> No.4325915

Game was on Sega saturn, game started out with characters in football helmets beating a house up, wish I could be more descriptive, I've been trying to figure this out for years!!

>> No.4325920

Posted this in other thread, as i was too blind to see this one in catalogue, so reposting it here too.

I am looking for a very weird looking rpg, probably indie, or even shareware, but i am not sure. It was top down 2d perspective with sort of jrpg vibe, as in party members followed main character in train chain in overworld, it looked sort of like fucked up neverhood with main characters being stickmen with weird disfigured heads, it had obscene, almost unneeded, animation quality for the genre, color scheme was all bleached out with mostly tones of white, combat looked like we were seeing it from weird 2nd person perspective from the top of the heads of the player characters to enemies, all combat animations were weird mishmash of clay looking shaping doing something.

>> No.4326416

one of my first computer games as a kid was this learning game/point and click for the pc where you had to prepare for your animal friend's birthday party?

can't for the life of me remember what it was called though.

>> No.4326448


>> No.4326543

Amazon: Guardians of Eden?

>> No.4326560

No, but thanks

On reflection, I think calling it a "point&click adventure" might be overstating things, as I don't remember there even being a player character. Just "visiting" different locations by clicking on a map, and then getting a screen to play around in (e.g. getting/combining/using items).

>> No.4326626

Thanks but no it was a board game, not a platform one. Cheers for your input though

>> No.4326657


This is Garfield Kart, man

>> No.4326663

Horizontally scrolling shoot em up for DOS, I remember it needed a boot disk to run.

The first level was some kind of a cave I think, and the thing that always stuck to my mind about the game was the opening cutscene where somekind of a biotech/cybernetic thing was put on some guy's face by a machine.

>> No.4326704
File: 1.98 MB, 548x610, 4ba6fa7c9738e2536689aa7f2d24a8d5f0dd93c3ceaafd9516b1fe3b7f7af59d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this really weird demo of a game that I played back in the late 90's / early 00's on the PC. It was either in German or Russian, and it was this weird tile-based top-down view platformer puzzler where you controlled this ugly ass Q*Bert clone and avoided creepy looking enemies. I seem to remember there were a lot of forests and basic grey ground tiles, and maybe a castle. The title of the game referred to whatever the titular character was. I think the mc might have been hairy, and maybe an orangey brown? I just remember being strangely intrigued by it.

>> No.4326773


I can see why you said this, but no.

Was gex even on the sega cd?

>> No.4328671

that... sounds like a great game

>> No.4328679

probably aqua jet by namco

>> No.4328698

I'm trying to remember the name of an amazing Metroid clone game for the DOS/WIN95. It was like Super Metroid, but with even darker themes. It was also re-released about ten years ago on a dvd case.

>> No.4329942

Could it have been Animaniacs on Mega Drive or SNES?

>> No.4330794

dude, be more descriptive than that

>> No.4330796

did he bounce?

>> No.4332463

genesis fighting game that was 2D. was really coloful and japanese (i think). is there a list of them i can find? it wasn't anything like sf2 or mortal kombat.

>> No.4332475

>genesis fighting game that was 2D. was really coloful
Eternal Champions? I don't think it's Japanese, though.

>> No.4332937

This is a flash game. Can't tell if its as valid.

You were a brown robot, kinda like a model doll you use for drawing and you had to escape or do some objectives while you moved on some tiles but at the same time you could not go step tiles you already stepped on. So it was kind of an puzzle-adventure game. It was isometric too. You were going through some lab and dark settings, pushing buttons (can't remember if reading logs), going from level to level.

>> No.4332949

No, he just plodded along. Just a simple walk.

>> No.4334649

What platform was it on?

>> No.4335039


>> No.4336438

Page 10 bump.

>> No.4336639

Oh, right, Sorry.

It was an arcade machine.

>> No.4336648

What happened to that old title card we use to use for these threads?

>> No.4336649

You're god damned right it is! Can't believe what I said was enough!!!

Exactly that. REALLY can't believe what I said was enough...

Anon, I......

You guys are magnificent, what a fantastic place /vr/ is

>> No.4336650

Warsow? It was the free quake everyone played before QL.

>> No.4336962

It's not a Tactics ogre or Final Fantasy game or id obviously be able to identify it very quickly. It's Korean (the friend who played it was korean and spoke almost no english) and was on one of those thick fucking 90's laptop (also korean) in the mid to late 90s. The game was on a grid like a usual tactics rpg. Similar aesthetics though to those games though but definitely not them

>> No.4337159

Arcturus: The Curse and Loss of Divinity?

>> No.4337242

Oooold (80-90) 2D arcade fighting game, where you have to chose specific weapons (short axe, long axe, mace ... ) vs opponents such as medusa, flying skeleton, big ass dragon, twins (like vega from sf2)???

>> No.4337416

>Oooold (80-90) 2D arcade fighting game, where you have to chose specific weapons (short axe, long axe, mace ... ) vs opponents such as medusa, flying skeleton, big ass dragon, twins (like vega from sf2)???

>> No.4337426


>> No.4337434

PC game from the 90's that was a top down action rpg type game with a persian setting. Was sort of like Oasis but wasn't. All I remember is the main character's last name was Alhazrad, but you could change his first name to whatever you wanted.

>> No.4337441

You, dear sir, are a true gentleman and a scholar!!! Thank you soooooo much! If I had bobs and vagena I would throw them at you like a crazy ass mothafucka >3 THX so much!

>> No.4337445

I'll just have to imagine you opening bobs and vagene then. But the sentiment is appreciated.

>> No.4337452

This isometric game on the Sega Saturn, and I only remember the second level where I think you run around a base trying to stop rockets from launching.

>> No.4337457

Sounds like Al-Qadim

>> No.4337470

YES that's it. Thank you anon.

Great game, but I remember it being really short.

>> No.4337507

There was a plug and play console that had a ton of games on it including spy vs spy and some wrestling game with like light blue and green guys but there was one game it was a Mario clone called 80 days or something. Not sure of the exact name I can't find it

>> No.4338156

Last Mission? S.R.D. Mission?

>> No.4339547

SteamGear Mash?

>> No.4339695

No, the main character was a human, a superhero or a space hero maybe, and it was in English.

>> No.4340648

Dude, I don't think this even exists. Did Spy VS Spy even come out for anything other than NES and computers?

>> No.4340807

>S.R.D. Mission

Fuck you, if you lived close to my house I would give you a blowjob. Thanks man!

>> No.4341667

jesus christ that's so fucking close. Know of any other korean rpgs with a similar art style or aesthetic? I am almost 100% positive it was a tactics rpg with grid based movement though and it was the mid-late 90's. Def PC too. That one is 2000 so I don't think thats it even though it's close. Looks awesome though.

It definitely had a similar anime art style too and i believe there were multiple games in it's series like 4 or so and they were all single player korean pc games.

Sorry, it was about 20 years ago so I wish I could be more specific. I was doing some more digging on my end again, it's not the original Astonishia Story either but between that and Arcturus, you hopefully get some vibe about the type of look the game had.

>> No.4341675

>puzzle platformer
>Black background, no sidescrolling level=screen
>limited palette but higher than CGA
>player controlled something like two eyeballs or two small pacmans
>had times that forced moving in one direction and slippery tiles
> very basic graphics
>level editor
> PC/DOS late 80s early 90s

asked a few times but nothing came up

>> No.4341695

This maybe?


>> No.4341731


Holy shit nevermind, i found it. It's The War of Genesis 1 or 2 by SoftMax (who would later make the magna carta games). The War of Genesis side story games are totally different btw and from War of Genesis III and on it uses the Magna Carta art style




Thank you for your efforts anon, your guess led me to it after some intense searching. It's more SRPG and Tactics RPG than I remember but it's definitely the one

>> No.4342789

He said it was on a plug-n-play console though. Like one of those emulator boxes that you plug into a TV.

>> No.4342850

Tubular Worlds?

>> No.4342868
File: 17 KB, 247x239, 1508539835960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an original copy of Akalabth: World of Doom for the Apple ii? I'm curious to see it 'unboxed'

I have been on a quest to find a game I played as a kid on the Apple II. All I can remember is that it was a first person dungeon crawler with the "camera" in the center of the screen. I also remember a dope-ass paper poster-like thing that showcased a dungeon.

>> No.4342894

It may have been silvern castle, but I am having a hell of time finding any videos of it, let alone an unboxing