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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 459 KB, 1250x1250, top100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4268128 No.4268128 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a top 100 /vr/ games list?

>> No.4268135

1. my favorites
100. your favorites

>> No.4268138

Isn't there a more recent one of these? It had Morrowind at the top.

>> No.4268143

>/vr/ is one person

Yeah, I don't think we can agree on anything. You'll just get a bunch of autists sockpuppeting for some shit niche games that no one else cares about.

>> No.4268147

figures a game that plays itself would be among /v/'s favourites, it's like it predicted the let's play generation

>> No.4268175

Which one are you referring to?

>> No.4268184
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>> No.4268187

probably Movie Game Shit 3

>> No.4268190

Pretty sure you mean FF13

>> No.4268195

wouldn't know, I dropped the series after XII, that was the final straw after X-2 and XI
looks like I dodged a bullet

>> No.4268418

Are you the one with the Loli books from last time?

>> No.4268429

No because it would be radically different for every person.

>> No.4268437

It couldn't POSSIBLY be THAT dat...

Whoa. If there was a /vr2k/ this would be their jam

>> No.4268438

inb4 battletoads

>> No.4268439

He could poll us.

>> No.4268440

No, now fuck off.

>> No.4268457

Do you have any idea what a community is?

A list would obviously be a weighted average. Which is what /v/'s list is. And if hipster games end up with high marks it's just because the weighted average of the community leans towards histperism.

>> No.4268596

>no command and conquer

fuck off you clown

>> No.4268610

He'd need a poll with every VR game in it, not very possible

>> No.4268613

Poor baby will never understand /vr and /v is 4chan.

He's an idiot lol

>> No.4268623
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>> No.4268630

>site loyalty

must be underage

>> No.4268643
File: 108 KB, 600x370, 1504124391723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he browses more than 1 site
>he browses more than 1 board
>he's this much of a faggot
Normalfags ruined this site.

>> No.4268667


>being this much of a colossal faggot that you openly defend using reddit after getting called out for your complete lack of knowledge of 4chan customs

this should be a bannable offense

>> No.4268676

look at the turd that /vr/ is now. what exactly went wrong?

>> No.4268686

allowing 5th gen was a mistake

>> No.4268697

>what exactly went wrong?
Retarded outsiders like >>4268613 and >>4268630

>> No.4268703

>muh sekrit klub lol

>> No.4268710

You just need to open a thread and ask for each personal top 3 (5, 10, whatever) and just add the numbers.

>> No.4268717

Never been there, sweetpea :)

>> No.4268727

>calls others outsiders
>can't handle v

>> No.4268730

Why is doom not in the top 10 but crono trigger is?

Id consider mario superstar saga a better rpg due to the fact you can defend yourself when an enemy attacks.

>> No.4268736

>Is there a top 100 /vr/ games list?
1. HL
2. HoMM3
3. SM64
4-99. Everything else
100. OOT

>> No.4268741
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>> No.4268772

OoT is far too high imo. Other than that, good list.

>> No.4268825

1-100. Doom

>> No.4268864

/vr/ is literally /v/ now anyway. Your post is /v/. This thread is slow /v/. Everything is gay.

>> No.4268915

Vr was always literally v, it's all literally 4chan. It always has been. What confounds me is how you ended up here in the first place.

>> No.4269501

Thats a bait list made purely to troll /v/

>> No.4269682


>what exactly went wrong

in the early 2000 only people with interest in Internet had Internet, now every single fucking retard is connected

>> No.4269706

Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is the best game on this planet

>> No.4269720

Lol you poor baby

>> No.4269734

This summer. Am I the only one who noticed the sharp SHARP change this board went through over the summer? Not that other summers weren't bad but this one transformed this place into a full blown subreddit overnight

>> No.4269769
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>> No.4269793

how is half life 2 that high? how is it even above half life 1 ffs?

>> No.4269804


>> No.4269808

Chip-chan Kick deserves that spot though.

>> No.4269836


>> No.4269901

Jesus Christ, that list is shit.
>Two pokemon games
>Doom under Half-Life 2

This is why people think /v/ is a shit board.

>> No.4269964

>taking the bait that hard
>your opinions are better then everyone else's opinions
>thinks he's not on 4chan

>> No.4270004

Trolling or not, that list is objectively shit, both in ordering and in content.

I'd be embarassed af to post bait that bad.

>> No.4270023

The thing is, it could just as easily be a list compiled to troll people as it is a list of someone's genuine100 favorite games, or an aggregate of a bunch of peoples. Everyone seems to think their personal taste is objectively more correct than everyone else's so they all see it through their own lens. We both think the list is chock full of games we don't like, but we would disagree just as much on which ones are bad.

I really wish we could all get over this whole taste vs taste fight, but it's likely inevitable.

>> No.4270039

I just want to say this list is objectively better than most top 100's I've seen.

Normally they'd put Super Mario 64 in first place and then have eight Zelda games in the top 15.

Not that Zelda or Super Mario are awful, but really.

>> No.4270053

taste vs taste has been around since the retro days, i think it got especially bad with jrpg elitists in the SNES days trying to convince themselves the cart they paid 90 dollars for is an "objectively" better game than a shmup someone paid 50 for.

>> No.4270164

Not an argument

>> No.4270181

Well it's around in all forms of art. It abounds in music for example, I just find it usually leads to a boring conversation.

>> No.4270190

>x was always shit meme

>> No.4270192

Kind of off-topic, but after spending some time on /vr/ and /vg/, I can positively attest that /v/ is probably the worst board on this website, or at least in the top 3.

>> No.4270195

Learn to read

>> No.4270197

/v/irgins can't understand they're the scum of this site along with /mu/ and pretty much every other board despises them

pretty sad

>> No.4270202


>> No.4270263

Reddit reply

>> No.4270276

Objectively wrong, read about the Eternal September. Normie invasion started in the early 90s, anon.

>> No.4270298

Nice try

>> No.4270324

Blow me

>> No.4270327


>early 90s

>not late 60s

>> No.4270830
File: 79 KB, 550x542, 1371860968962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat Jeanette

It's nice to see that /v/'s taste isn't entirely bad. I don't really go there as I deal with enough fuckboys at my job

>> No.4270880

DMC3 isn't even in the top 100 DMC games.

>> No.4270972


I can only imagine the shitshow nu-/v/ would come up with. Would probably have BotW, Bloodborne and Overwatch as the top 3.

>> No.4271002

>Vr was always literally v
that's wrong though newfag. and you should probably go back to that shithole before you make shit any worse.

>> No.4271065

How old is this image anyway, I wanna say 2009-2010 because it has a lot of late '00s FotM games on the list that aren't really that great.

>> No.4271078


Judging from what's missing I'm guessing between late 2010 and late 2012

>> No.4271134

We both know I'm not

>> No.4271162

For a game where you do the same thing repeatedly anyway it was a blessing to have the gambit system. It was fun to modify your set-up according to location etc.

>> No.4271210
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Nothing wrong with at least one of them.

>> No.4271216

/vr/ was never good. I was on this board when it first launched in 2013 and it was shit then too.
The only 4chan boards that were ever good were /sp/ (which went to shit in early 2013) and /g/ (which went to shit years ago as well).

I've been on this godforsaken site for over ten years and can't leave. It's a shitty drug that I know is bad for me but I can't quit.

>> No.4271217

>he likes Fedorasouls: Casual Edition

>> No.4271308

why stop there? let's take this logic a step further
walking through XII's many pointlessly huge locations is really tedious and boring (squeenix seems to agree since newer versions of the game include a fast forward option), so why not simply give the player a gambit that makes the characters walk towards the next plot point on their own?
grabbing every chest is also repetitive (and unsatisfying since most of them contain 1 gil or a knot of rust) so just give the player a gambit that makes the characters grab the nearest chest they see

don't get me wrong, the gambit system is a neat idea that can be fun to tinker with and would improve games with retarded AI companions like Kingdom Hearts or Ni No Kuni, but in XII it's just badly implemented

>> No.4271712

/vr has always been good for the same reasons it's like /v. I get why there are people who don't like 4chan. What I don't get is why so many of them come here.

>> No.4273782

This is a popularity contest. It's not best games that are on the top, it's most popular.

>> No.4273796

/vr/ was great for the first 3 hours. For the rest of the day it was still pretty good. The rest of the week was fairly good. Then it was just this drab business afterwards.

>> No.4273815

Same thing.