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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4265727 No.4265727 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Hidden Gems that pissed you off for not being more popular.

>> No.4265731
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>> No.4265737

umm what?

>> No.4265741

Wow, this looks interesting, might have to check it out

>> No.4265746

Bonk 2 and Super Bonk 2

both were some of the best platformers of their respective consoles

Bonk 2 was on a failed console and had no marketing

Super Bonk 2 followed a shitty sequel and was Japan only

Zenki Battle Raiden is a really good anime beatemup on the snes. great moveset and pastel graphics

>> No.4265751
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>> No.4265773

Penguin-kun wars

I just really liked it.

>> No.4265781

That's what I love about this board; you're discovering hidden gems like this one all the time

>> No.4265845

Assault Suit Leynos remake on the PS4

>> No.4265869

It wasn't popular because it was a shit R-Type clone with an annoying ammo system and too many cutscenes.

>> No.4265883
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>> No.4266146

This, a real diamond ignored by the plebs

>> No.4266152

Mischief Makers for N64 is criminally underrated and deserved sequels.

>> No.4267041

People are lucky enough to get a Gunstar Heroes homage, Sin and Punishment sequel, and an additional Bangai-O game. Treasure often didn't work on sequels until after the 5th generation, even then they are few and far between.

>> No.4267065

Bangai-O actually got two sequels, one on DS and one on Xbox 360. It's the longest running Treasure series.

>> No.4267146

You have to look to Square Enix for that one, since they (Enix rather) has/had the rights to the series.

>> No.4267168

fuck up you clueless feral cunt, einhander was popular considering the time it came out and plays nothing at all like fucking r-type not that i'd expect a shit no talent pleb queer like you to notice, also has the best atmosphere and ost to date within the genre and did a fair amount of new things with the 3d none of which were present in r-type, twat.

>> No.4267210

>phallic ship
>weapon pods
>simple scoring
It's an R-Type wannabe, lad. Though, calling it that is a disservice to R-Type which has much more interesting level designs.

>the best atmosphere and ost to date within the genre
Its atmosphere isn't that original or great, just generic sci-fi cyberpunk that was big in the late '80s up to mid '90s.

>did a fair amount of new things with the 3d none of which were present in r-type
Wow you can shoot missiles into the background now, so innovative and fascinating.

Quit sucking Einhaender's dick and realise it's a bland shooter covered up by a style you like because you're a nerdy neckbeard.

>> No.4267218

Probably because R-Type Delta overshadows it. R-Type Delta may as well be the greatest console SHMUP ever made.

Some would argue Gradius Gaiden takes that title, but for me it's R-Type Delta by a large margin.

>> No.4267226
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>> No.4267239


>> No.4267251

>Hidden Gems
Stop it underage

>> No.4267308

this is garbo

>> No.4267409

Never heard of it. Looks like shit.

>> No.4267413

no it fucking isn't you shitplayer cunt, you don't even know anything about the game at high level so shut your faggot bitch hole.

>simple scoring

lmfao what a dumb cunt, show me your 60 million replay? and max multiplyer stage routing with optimal weapon use.

>> No.4267420

>muh high level muh esports

>> No.4267445

>the game at high level

LMAO who the fuck would play that overrated 7.5/10 (at best) game to that level?

>> No.4267447

I don't think there are any. The retro game community has dug up every game that's worth shit, and with the hundreds of thousands of games in the world, why settle for 7/10?

>> No.4267467

>hundreds of thousands

lol what?

>> No.4267527

>game by square on PS
>Hidden gem

>> No.4267590

>baby watches LP with >9000 likes
>it's a hidden gem
>pissed off for not being more popular
>proves that OP is always a faggot

>> No.4267705


>> No.4267712

>Wow you can shoot missiles into the background now, so innovative and fascinating.

There was a ton of that in Galactic Attack

But yeah Einhander wasn't bad but it's far from amazing.

>> No.4268252
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Only because it got overwhelmed by the Tournament.

>> No.4268796

Lel, stay mad

>> No.4268887

Alex Kidd obviously.

>> No.4268925

Calling anyone underage after they spoke of something relatively obscure from over 20 years ago should be illegal.

You should be in jail.

>> No.4268928
File: 200 KB, 250x354, Chakan_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chakan, it's one of my favorite Genesis games but I never see it getting love, made by the same people who made the X-Men genesis games

>> No.4268990

Chill your hairy tits grandpa.

>> No.4268994

You'd be surprised how many Square games are ignored if they don't have Final Fantasy in the title.

>> No.4268998

I'm going to play this for Halloween. Any beginner tips or should I play blind and git gud?

>> No.4269013

It seems hard at first, but really you have to abuse spells/potions and it becomes a cakewalk

>> No.4269016

The point he was making is that Einhander isn't obscure at all to people who were buying their own games instead of begging from mommy and daddy.

I'm not saying he's right mind you because I was fairly sure many people knew about it regardless of age.

>> No.4269025

Thanks man

>> No.4269029

t. underage

>> No.4269059


MobyGames has 137,037 games in their database and even that isn't a complete list. It would take you years just to beat the top 1%.

Whatever you're playing, there's probably something better.

>> No.4269103

>All squareshit games need to be popular

>> No.4269108

One day I'll get this for under 5 bucks. One day.

>> No.4270883

Fucking everyone who is moderately familiar with the Playstation or at least Square knows of Einhander now this isn't 1997 anymore.

>> No.4270886

I wish I could find a good source to read the comics. Few years ago I couldn't find anything online nor could I find a place to buy any issues which sucks because the intro for the Genesis game had one of the coolest plot premises ever and the setting is really interesting.

>> No.4272478
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Mark my words, this is going to skyrocket once some youtuber finds it.

>> No.4272496
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He deserves a second chance

>> No.4272623
File: 108 KB, 800x957, exile-commodore-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gettin a remake.