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4264463 No.4264463 [Reply] [Original]

Warrior / red mage / white mage / black mage


Warrior / thief / white mage / black mage

>> No.4264468

fighter, monk, red mage, white mage

>> No.4264476

Any party is viable, except maybe four thieves. But I'm sure the most hardcore of players could pull that one off as well.

So many things are left broken or incomplete that it doesn't necessarily matter which mages you decide to bring along. They all use magic with the same efficiency; there are just restrictions on which spells they're allowed to learn.

>> No.4264479

I'm not trying to make an overpowered party or anything, I just can't decide if I want a thief or red mage as my last guy. I don't actually know anything about the game, I'm just going on what I imagine the party being like in my head.

>> No.4264492


You know you can have duplicate classes, right? Just putting that out there.

Thieves are really poorly balanced in the original game. They're slightly more balanced in later versions, but they're generally obsoleted by fighters. I usually include a thief just for a bit of party diversity, but they're not a good choice from a power gaming perspective.

Red mages can use a little bit of both black and white magic, but none of the later spells that are available exclusively to a white mage or a black mage. Their spells are useful mostly for buffs and healing outside of battle. Red mages can also use a variety of swords and have decent fighting skill.

>> No.4264497

>You know you can have duplicate classes right?
Yeah. I'd guess some of the better class combinations use duplicates too but that just doesn't feel right to me from a roleplaying perspective.

>> No.4264503

>You know you can have duplicate classes, right? Just putting that out there.

Yeah nobody here ever heard of BALS TO THE WALL or anything.

>> No.4264513

>doesn't feel right to me from a roleplaying perspective

The problem with this approach is that your progress will be constantly hampered by a need to grind for gold so you can afford high-priced spells for all of your mages. And mages definitely aren't that useful in offensive roles. White mages are suitable for a beginner party since their mass healing spells can help offset your mistakes. But black mages and their ostensibly powerful nukes are still out-classed by fighters in almost every regard.

>> No.4264527

Buddy the cost to keep fighters equipped DWARFS the cost to teach mages spells.

>> No.4264534
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>Warrior / red mage / white mage / black mage
so much fun
inb4 monk spergs

>> No.4264543

Monk is nice but we all know they cannot take a hit despite that crazy physical damage output.

>> No.4264549

Thief is garbage. Period.

Ninja does not make up for the terrible early game that is thief. Red Mage has better melee and utility than Thief, and even post-job change is still reasonable.

I personally like Warrior, Warrior, White Mage, Black Mage.

>> No.4264619
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*blocks your bridge*

>> No.4264627

He said he didn't know anything about the game, you retarded faggot. Learn to read. That's why he said that to him.

>> No.4264634

Started playing, decided to go with fighter, red mage, white mage, black mage

Is there any in game way to know what spells do before I buy them? Like yeah I know cure will heal and harm will do damage, I guess fog is a status effect but I have no idea what 'ruse' does by name alone.

>> No.4264642
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You'd do yourself a big favor to Schmoogle the Gamercorner Final Fantasy guide to spells and effects, as it lays it all out and reveals the ones that are broken in the NES version.


>> No.4264678


everything you want to know about the game can be found here OP


>> No.4264684

Or you can look up the superior guide on mechanics that AstralEsper did on GameFAQs that won't spoil everything.

>> No.4264687

way to autistic

gamefaq is great for those type of things tho

>> No.4264839
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Thief is shit. Go for the red mage.
>not Fighter
Are you playing some girly remake version, young feller me lad? I expect better from you.

>> No.4264842

I'd go with Red Mage typically, but if you've already got a White and a Black, he'll just end up being your out-of-combat healbot. So go with Thief (even if it is the weaker class).

>> No.4264845

white mage x 4

>> No.4264857

Don't bother with learning spells. They are not worth the cost compared to items.
Most buff spells simply have no effect at all.
The pure (cure posion) spell costs as much as 54 pure potions and the soft (stone to flesh) spell costs as much as 25 soft potions.
There is no way that you get affected by those status conditions that often.
Offensive spells can be cast for free from items and they will do the same

>> No.4264857,1 [INTERNAL] 

4 white mages... It will never work!

>> No.4264898

I did fighter/red/white/black last time i played and found black mage to be rather underwhelming

>> No.4264908


Harm is damage to undead, Fog is a defense buff spell and Ruse is a caster-only evade buff spell. Cast Ruse a couple times and you're literally impossible to hit. This is how people do low level White mage only runs.

>> No.4265212

Fighter, Fighter, Red Mage, Red Mage.

>> No.4265220

>Thief is garbage. Period.

I'd like to know how it differs from version to version because, you see, if I play the FF1 PSP version, Thief is pretty good. He's not so bad and Ninja will be worth it.

Monk is probably the best alternative.

>> No.4265223

>Monk is a physical glasscannon

that's horrible.

>> No.4265248


fighter, fighter, black mage, black mage

>> No.4265339

>Buddy the cost to keep fighters equipped DWARFS the cost to teach mages spells.

Not it doesn't. The game just hands you equipment as you go along, including a multitude of magic swords. Don't you ever open treasure chests?

>> No.4265343

>three fucking mages

Have fun grinding for gold. You just tacked 5+ hours onto the game for no real reason.

>> No.4265376

>I'd like to know how it differs from version to version

Not entirely sure, but I believe the thief's stats were slightly tweaked, and he might have been given more equipment access. It still stands to reason that he's basically a gimped fighter, regardless of which version you're playing. Fighters score more hits and can equip virtually anything; thieves have very restrictive equipment access and can't even equip all the same weapons available to a red mage.

After promotion, thieves become ninjas. Their equipment access almost rivals that of the fighter / knight, but not quite. They can't use the Excalibur, but they're the only class that can equip the katana. They gain access to low-level black magic, including the useful haste spell. Still, there's no reason not to opt for a second fighter / knight over a thief / ninja, unless you simply want some diversity.

>> No.4265782

Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, White Mage is my personal favorite party.

>> No.4265856

Ninjas are good in the remakes due to all the bugged spells being fixed. Black magic users don't need to do anything but survive long enough to cast Haste and spam Temper, and Ninjas are great for that.

>> No.4266629

>look up USA game manual
>it's practically a walkthrough of the entire game


>> No.4266728

I completed the whole game(gba remake) including the extra dungeons with a knight ninja monk and black mage

the monk is still better then the ninja glass cannon with crazy fucking crits hell odds are they will out damage the knight most the time

>> No.4266769

>Ninjas are good in the remakes due to all the bugged spells being fixed.

Well, not exactly. Haste was never bugged, and it's about the only useful spell available to a ninja. Almost everything else is low-level attack magic that you can already cast by using magical weapons as in-battle items.

Remember that INT was never given a function, not even in the Origins version. So whether a character casts a spell they know, or they have a piece of equipment unleash that spell, the effect is no different.

>> No.4266797
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>> No.4266839

Look it up, no joke. Some of the spells on the NES version don't do anything. Fucking TMPR.

>> No.4266846

This guy is correct

>> No.4266863

Some of them even do the opposite of what they're supposed to!

>> No.4266865

Is this common for nes games?

>> No.4266880

Four white mages

>> No.4266894

>Four white mages

>not a solo thief

Git gud, pleb

>> No.4266984

white mage

>> No.4267021

Name 3 things wrong with my favorite party, 4 thieves.

>> No.4267186

This one isn't nearly as hard as people make it out to be but it is boring and tedious. Just cast RUSE over and over again until enemies can't hit you anymore and then simply hammer them down. Also you have more than enough curative spells and you have very easy time with areas with lot of undead enemies as you can just instakill everything with HRM2 and HRM3.

If you want to handicap yourself simply pick thieves over other classes.

>> No.4267206

>having a thief in slot 1
>having a thief in slot 2
>having thieves in any of the other slots

There ya go

>> No.4267338

It was common for NES/SNES era RPGs, since they were unsure about their appeal in the west and wanted to ease kids into them by holding their hand through the early stages. Both FF1, FF4 and FF6 have walkthroughs for the early game in their manuals. The FF1 manual covers everything up to the airship, which is about halfway through the game.

>> No.4267342

Yeah, four thieves is a lot harder than four white mages.

>> No.4267368

This. But only in the remakes.
Ninjas are extremely effective black magic buffers.
When your black wiz and ninja chucks saber and haste on your knight/master in the same round they're ready to steamroll anything.
Another reason I prefer ninjas to monks is that endgame you're facing loads of breath weapons and insta kill attacks. Monks get rekt in those areas.
Equip a ribbon on a monk? They just lost their defenses from levels and it goes to the equipment's.....which are ribbon and bracelets.....on par with wizards def.
So the choice is do I become a glass cannon vs magic or vs physical?

>> No.4267408

You go ahead and play a party with more than one warrior and see what happens. Not being smarmy but you literally cannot put more than one in before costs get prohibitive AND you can only gear one of them up to the best equipment because the best shit is free and there's only one of it.

>> No.4267457

>You go ahead and play a party with more than one warrior and see what happens.
I did and quickly ended up with far more money then I could spend.
A complete set of Mythril equipment (Mythril Axe + Mythril Mail + Mythril Shield + Mythril Helm + Mythril Gloves) costs 19500 together. Meanwhile every single spell in that city costs 20000 each.
Also when buying equipment you can sell your old stuff giving you some money back.

>> No.4267480

I did the second one, it worked out just fine

>thief is garbage reee
every melee is garbage once you hit the damage cap. thief hits it quicker because more attack speed.

>> No.4267483

On the NES version?

>> No.4267574

Seeing as the NES version doesn't have mythril equipment, clearly not.

>> No.4267578

It just called silver there because shit translation.

>> No.4267624
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Fighter, Monk, Red Mage, Black Mage

I'm all about balance and DPS.

>> No.4267634

They didn't want to call it mithril to avoid getting sued by the Tolkien estate.

>> No.4267641

And every single fucking user of it from Sega to Dungeons and Dragons weren't sued because...

>> No.4267645

DnD get into trouble with the estate and had to rename a lot of stuff to similar sounding things like mithral.

>> No.4267651

That was over hobbits

>> No.4267653

No, you called it mythril because you're not playing the NES version. You're playing a remake, which means you're playing a version with double gold drops and cheaper store costs, completely invalidating your argument.

>> No.4267659

And ents and other things.

>> No.4267668

The PS1 version has the same economy than the NES version.

>> No.4267691

Warrior / thief / white mage / black mage.

>> No.4267707

It still doubled the xp and gold rate.

>> No.4267753

Nah, take the nuklear option and go Fighter/Black Mage/Thief/Redmage.

>> No.4267758


>> No.4267764

Should I use the manual or not use it

>> No.4267838

It's called silver because D&D would have sued the everloving shit out of Square if they hadn't changed a whole bunch of stuff.

FFI is basically Temple of Elemental Evil.

>> No.4268083

Unless you're new to RPGs, there's not much point in following its guide beyond spoiling yourself. It's handy for the spell list, though.

>> No.4268115

>You go ahead and play a party with more than one warrior and see what happens.

Is this a joke? I play with almost exclusively fighter parties. I always end up maxing out my gold counter long before I can finish the game. There's maybe one or two points in the game when I actually need to purchase a piece of equipment.

Clearly you know nothing about this game and should cease from further shitposting.

>> No.4268119

Fix the fucking game first, then pick whoever the fuck you want. The game's broke as fuck otherwise

>> No.4268120

>If you want to handicap yourself simply pick thieves over other classes.

If you can survive abominations like the earth cave, then it's smooth sailing from there. Once you get the Defender sword, you can spam RUSE / Blink on the thief in your first character slot and soak up attacks. Not to mention the other abusable magic weapons, like the Bane sword.

>> No.4268372

Fighter/Thief/Red Mage/Black Mage

>> No.4268383

In this game's case, the brokenness adds to the game's personality.

>> No.4269990


>> No.4270132

First party I ever used: fighter, thief, white mage, black mage

thief/ninja is pointless if you have to choose between your 2 given options take the red mage.

For a real challenge play 4 white mages

>> No.4270728

Fighter and red mage are good. Monk, white mage, and black mage are alright. Thief is worthless.

>> No.4271025

Not even a challenge, though, besides the pirates. Just very, very tedious.

>> No.4271041

>thief is worthless
Clearly, you've never used the class. Nothing is capable of doing more DPS in late game

>> No.4271079

my first party is like fighter/BB/W.Mage/B.Mage but i placed my white mage at the second row since he oddly managed to get tons of health and soaks up damage like mad. the bb can survive better i the third row while dishing out absurd amounts of damage.

Magic damage gets outpaced by raw physical damage by the end however but still useful to wipe out mobs even by the end. mages reduce themselves to heals and buffs though

>> No.4271085

*heals and buffs during boss fights

>> No.4271103

no, not really.
it's the setting and music that does all that, not the fact that INT does nothing and that using house only refills charges after you save, so if you quit right there and come back later, you get no magic back.

>> No.4271235

>Nothing is capable of doing more DPS in late game
You are aware that Bl.Belt/Master is capable of oneshotting Chaos? Or that Fighter/Knight shits on Thief/Ninja damage wise not to mention only taking 1 damage from everything through the entire game? Or that every class is able to equip Masmune, the best weapon in the game? I over 20 years experience with FF1, have used all the classes and I definitely haven't seen this late game DPS you are talking about unless it's something they have done with the endless remakes and ports of the game.

tl;dr: Thief is hands down the worst class and even if Ninja is actually good it's not worth handicapping yourself 2/3rds of the game with the Thief class.

>> No.4273605

Ninjas are decent, but knights are better in every way except for that they can't cast FAST. More importantly, to get a ninja you have to drag a worthless thief along with you up until the class change. Fighters are good right from the start.

>> No.4274051

fighter, monk, white mage, black mage