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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 282x218, Fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4258341 No.4258341 [Reply] [Original]

I've never been a big RPG guy, but I've completed this a couple of times and I like it a lot. What should I play that offers a similar experience?

>> No.4258369
File: 65 KB, 500x500, fallout 2-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fan of Fallout 1 and 2 and does a yearly replay of 2 and replays FO1 every two or three years: None

Neither classic/old school or modern will fill your void. I know some people will try and pretend Underrail is any good (or even the new Fallout *cringe*), but that game is just cheap indie garbage with terrible writing by some Europoor.

>> No.4258406
File: 458 KB, 431x593, jezza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play Van Buren

>> No.4258931

Give Fallout: Tactics a spin. You'll get bored before finishing but have fun for a while.

I think Arcanum is probably the closest. Worse combat, but a much better story. Baldurs Gate 1 isn't too far off either.

>> No.4259014

Seconded, I was about to suggest this. I think some of the people who worked on the original Fallouts went on to work on this too.

>> No.4259725

>I've never been a big RPG guy, but I've completed this a couple of times and I like it a lot.
that makes sense because Fo1 is a small RPG.

>> No.4259761

For you.

>> No.4259773

Reading all the design docs, but did it feel like to anyone else that VB had an oddly large number of robot characters for fallout? Even excusing the fact that Tibbets is run by an all bot crew.

>> No.4259793

Wasteland. It influenced Fallout, but the games play different
>he uses cringe unironically

>> No.4260705

It might be my new favorite game. It's basically the real fallout 3.

Wasteland 2 has a somewhat similar feel, but it's not close enough to be "like" fallout

>> No.4260712

Blood Omen 1 maybe?

>> No.4260714

Underrail is really linear and has a retarded difficulty spike that will force you to restart if your character is not Min Maxed properly. Also theres no map so that means walking everywhere all over again when you hit that spike. Fun for a while but ultimately flawed

>> No.4260727

oh please, depot A isn't that hard

This game forces you to really use everything that's available to you, and too many people just want to run in and smash, so they say it's too hard.

I'll give you that going back and forth is annoying, but it's not like you MUST do it.

By far the most fun I've had playing a game in many years.

>> No.4260821

>but a much better story
hope you're kidding
the special thing about arcanum is reactivity and huge roleplay possibilities. the game is a piece of shit tho

>> No.4260826

Arcanum and the infinity engine games

New vegas is also pretty good but lacks some of the simulation and dread becauae you are a walking tank

>> No.4262329

I am about to play this myself. I played a tiny bit a few years ago on an airplane.
Maybe I will remember what stats I chose so I don't have to spend time working it out again.
How you will it take me if I tend to do a lot of sidequests but rarely every single one?

>> No.4262332

*how long

>> No.4262339

Your opinion is a piece of shit.

>> No.4262351

Fallout 1 has a time limit of 150 days until a certain point.
After that, there's another time limit, which is 13 years.
In unpatched versions the time limits are 100 days and 500 days.
A few tips:
Take both "Gifted" and "Jinxed" as traits. Jinxed is very good unless you don't like saving after every turn in the beginning. In the late game you won't be missing very often.
Endurance should be as low as possible.
Charisma should be low (3-4). This is not the case in Fallout 2, where the companion limit depends on charisma.
Strength shouldn't be over 6. Since Power Armour boosts it by 4.
Agility should be 10.
Intelligence should be as high as possible.
Barter is an useless skill.
Doctor>First Aid. First Aid can be increased by books.

>> No.4264481

God fucking dammit. I really should have known I would need to buy more than one rope
Games pretty fun although navigating the cities can be a pain.