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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4252227 No.4252227 [Reply] [Original]

Hello for all those who are interested. Japanon OP here again to post some more pictures.

Here's the TLDR for this thread:

I'm an anon living in Japan and I like going to retro game stores and looking around. I take pictures of said stores and post them in this thread both for fun and so that people can make requests if they are interested. If you see something you want to know more about you can email me at:


I ask for a 13% commission for any items I send plus the cost of shipping but I am always completely transparent on price and don't want anyone to feel pressured to buy something just because they asked me about it.

I dump photos in these threads but I also have a Google Photo archive where I upload everything so you can look at your leisure. Here is the link the the newest album: https://photos.app.goo gl/VABhoKkKlXixQ6Is2

You need to put a "." between "goo" and "gl." If anyone knows how to create one link to every album in a photo archive please let me know.

Also, I apologize to anyone who hasn't heard from me in a while. I have an excel spreadsheet I use to keep track of requests but I have received many requests from many people and there are some that I have lost contact with. If you want an update please send me an email any time and I will try to get back to you. I work full time so this is a hobby rather than a business but it still takes a lot of time.

Now for image dumping.

>> No.4252231
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The OP image has the first Game Boy Light that I have seen so far. Unfortunately it's the limited Pokemon The Movie version so the store wants nearly $300 for it. That would be a good price if it was in the box but loose I think it's a bit much. Also please note that the price in the picture is before tax. Most Japanese stores put tax on the label but not this one.

Here is a pic of the Gradius soundtracks that I saw for the anon who asked nearly two weeks ago.

>> No.4252236
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>> No.4252238

I know it's a longshot or kind of a stupid request but... how's Super Metroid and Demon's Crest in Japan?

>> No.4252240
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>> No.4252248
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I've seen Super Metroid for as low as 1980 cart only but it's usually closer to 2500. If you're lucky it might show up in box for under 4000 yen.

I'm not sure about Demon's Crest but it's probably cheaper than the American version.

>> No.4252252
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>> No.4252254
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Glad to see you're back.

Keep up the good work!

>> No.4252257
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>> No.4252262
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Thanks, I never fully disappeared but I've just been a lazy shit lately and haven't taken the time to start a new thread.

The pics aren't too exciting this time, mostly just inventory but if I find a new store I will try to get some photos of the layout.

>> No.4252263

Hey that isn't bad, in this day and age I don't care for boxed copies anymore as long as the game works nicely.
I'll gather some more money in the following days for it.

>> No.4252268
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I can respect that. Especially with living in Japan I don't really have space for a lot of big boxes when I just want to play the games. They look really interesting and colorful but fortunately I can get that every time I go to these stores.

>> No.4252270

How long will you be able to stay in Japan?

>> No.4252275
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>> No.4252284
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Indefinitely? I'll be here at least another year but I haven't decided yet if I'm in it for the long haul.

I forgot to mention in the OP that at the request of some anons I have also created a Yahoo Auctions account and can bid on items for you then forward them to your address for the items cost plus 13% and the cost of shipping. If it's something crazy expensive I can do less than 13%, it's just to cover Paypal's fee and leave me something for my time. If you want anything from Yahoo auctions please contact me via email though. I want to keep the threads focused on /vr/.

>> No.4252287
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>> No.4252290
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>> No.4252292

Nice X360 STGs.

Recently I've been trying to get into STG in preparation for arcades in Japan. But I've also been considering getting an X360 there too. Do you see cheap X360s around? Been also considering a Saturn. So many choices.

>> No.4252294
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>> No.4252295

Got a stable job?

>> No.4252298
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To be honest I think 360's are cheap but I haven't really paid attention. Here is one in the box for 4280 but it's the Arcade model with practically no storage space.

>> No.4252301
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Yes, I work full time and yes, it's English teaching. Not super lucrative but it's hard to get fired and I get government benefits. That's all I'll say here though, I don't really want to make the threads about me but if you have questions I am willing to answer them via email.


>> No.4252305
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>> No.4252307
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>> No.4252309
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>> No.4252310
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>> No.4252313
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>> No.4252317
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>> No.4252323

Fair enough, I was just interested.

>> No.4252332
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>> No.4252336
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Sorry, I didn't mean to come across as too defensive. I'm just serious about keeping threads on track, otherwise people start complaining about blog posting.

>> No.4252338
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That's it for pictures today. It's getting way too late here but if you have any questions feel free to ask and I will try to get back to you early tomorrow (Japan time).

>> No.4252359

Mostly I don't currently care about boxed copies because that usually skyrockets the price way to high when I just want to play something.

>> No.4252458

Is Bulk Slash for the Saturn just as expensive in Japan as it is on American EBay?

>> No.4252665

What are the requirements to move to Japan? Someone told me you need a bachelor degree to be eligible to move there. I only have an associate in game development and I'd rather not go back for more college.

>> No.4252686

not OP, but you'll probably need proof of having financial support (e.g.. you've been hired by a company and will have steady income to support yourself)

essentially, you're going to need to apply for a work visa. Your best bet though is to go as an English/foreign language teacher, which you don't have the qualifications for and will need to return to school for. You're going to be hard pressed to get a job within the gaming industry.

>> No.4252689

Yeah, if we're talking about being eligible for a work visa, you need a 4 year degree. Or alternatively to 10 years of relevant work experience.

If you're a native English speaker you can try JET, but even for that you need a 4 year degree.

If you're from like UK, you can apply for one year working holiday.

(But you said "move". Well, getting to stay tín Japan permanently is a whole other can of worms.)

>> No.4252826

What's the reason for the price difference between those two Mega Drives? I'm interested, but if the cheaper one has a bunch of visible scratches and wear, I'd be happy to pay for the other one.

>> No.4252894

Is that price right?
Why is this cheaper than the other one?

>> No.4252901

Actually I was entertaining the idea of applying for one of those weird jobs in Japan that I've heard about renting yourself out as a white male to whoever needs a white male for whatever purpose. Kind of like prostitution without the sex. I figured it'd be a fun job to have for about a year before moving back to the US.

>> No.4252963

Are you sure you aren't thinking of China?

>> No.4252976

No definately Japan. I would never consider going to China for more than a week.

>> No.4252996

I haven't seen Bulk Slash yet but it depends on the store and the day. Generally prices run cheaper than ebay though. Sometimes by a lot (saw a Dracula X for 9000 yen once) and sometimes they're pretty much the same as ebay.

These are pretty good answers. You don't absolutely need a 4 year degree but in order to get even shitty entry level English teaching jobs every company wants you to have one because it makes it easier to get a work visa.

Barring that your options are:

Marry a Japanese national
Work for a Japanese or foreign company and get transferred to a Japanese office
Join the US military and hope you get deployed in Japan
Become independently wealthy and move on an investor visa

The cheaper one has only one controller and no cables while the more expensive one has two controllers and all the cables

Sorry, I took a shitty pic. The yen symbol looks like a "4" but the after tax price is actually 9980.

You're talking about face jobs and those only exist in China and other developing countries. Japan doesn't need to pay foreigners to come here since they're already overwhelmed with tourists and twenty somethings trying to find themselves. Also, being white might be fascinating to people in small rural communities but salarymen won't even look twice.

>> No.4253014

Do they have any Saturn samplers? They are labelled 非売品 or 体験版 or plain simply SAMPLE.

>> No.4253018

Is that the only Coregrafx in the store?
What about the other models, like Supergrafx

>> No.4253453

Seen any Gamecube Broadband Adapters OP?

>> No.4253462

Also, I'm interested in that Super Game Boy 2 in the pictures from September 10, for 2600 yen.

>> No.4253515

I'm in the market for a TurboDuo-R, have you seen one?

>> No.4253646

Very delusional idea.

>> No.4253716

Wow, that Kong looks to be in good condition.

>> No.4253721

I don't want to move to Japan, I just want to have a lovely visit.

OP, do the retro traders there try to gouge foreigners they see coming? Do you have any wisdom on what to watch out for?

>> No.4253723

can you show more pictures of these N64 games? interested.

>> No.4253754

What is the variety like on GBLs and GBCs? I'm looking a few of the translucent shell ones in the japan exclusive colors. If you see them a lot I'll shoot an email to put in my request.

>> No.4253756
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A Boy and His Blob

>hug button

>> No.4253791

It's Japan. Everything has prices written on it.
Plus maybe remember:
税抜 - tax not included
税込 - tax included
if you see two prices on one thing.

Or I guess also:
新品 - new
中古 - used

Other than that the used items also have boxes that show describe accesories and the item's condition. You can see it in some of OP's photos, for example the two Genesis ones someone asked about.

>> No.4253908

I think I did see a few in the 100 yen bin but it's possible that I'm mistaking something else.

It's the only one for now. I don't usually see more than one or two at a time and if they're complete they are usually in the 8000-9000 range but if you only need the unit it might show up for significantly less. I haven't seen the Supergrafx but complete DUOs without the box are usually 14800.

I've seen some rare Gamecube accessories but unfortunately that hasn't been one of them so far.

Another anon had requested a Super Gameboy 2 a while ago so they get priority but if they don't want it I can send it to you. Please send me an email so I can get back to you.

Sorry, this is biased but it's Japan, not China. You generally don't have to worry about people trying to screw you over at established stores and there's no haggling so no need to worry about getting suckered. With that said, the popular and well known places in big cities (Akihabara in Tokyo and Den Den Town in Osaka) have good selection but suck as far as pricing is concerned because rich foreigners with more money than sense visit every day.

I recommend visiting secondhand chain stores. My favorites in descending order are Comp Off, Hard Off, Book Off and 2nd Street.

I love this game and you'd better believe I used that hug button at least once per level.

>> No.4253949

Have you seen any Mishief Makers for n64?
In box or just cart

>> No.4253957

>teach english
Don't you need a teaching degree for that, or just English? If just the latter, that seems like awfully low standards.

>> No.4253975

I just realized I posted this in the wrong thread when I had multiple tabs open. Oops!

>> No.4253980


Thank you for that.

This is unlikely but do you ever run across any of the old microcomputers (amiga, c64, what have you)?

>> No.4253981

Any 4 year degree.


>> No.4253982
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Who in their right mind would pay $300 for a fucking Gameboy?

>> No.4253987

That's a Game Boy Light, hombre. I mean, I wouldn't pay $300 for one, but they are quite rare, particularly the special edition models like that one.

>> No.4253990

Hey, look for TurboGraphix 16 power adapters.

I need a hes-aca-02 and a hes-aca-03.

>> No.4254006
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Thanks to OP for finding a couple systems at good prices! Loving the Core Grafx...

>> No.4254007
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and AV Famicom!

>> No.4254067

That's fascinating. That means I could do it if I wanted, technically.
I don't really want to though, living in japan seems a bit rough and I would probably have a lot of trouble getting around.

>> No.4254095

>I would probably have a lot of trouble getting around.

Hardly. Pretty much everything is marked in English.

>> No.4254113

OP, do you do any shopping for retro stuff online? I currently just use Yahoo Auctions, are there better sites?

>> No.4254139


>8000-9000 range

That can't be for the Duo-r though, right?

If it is, us Amerifats are getting ripped off something fierce.

>> No.4254142


Or even 14800 for that matter. I like that price.

>> No.4254310
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>JPY 1840

wait, OP, are those Wii in good working condition?

>> No.4254374
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>tfw I can buy them for that kind of money with two wiimotes and all cables.


>> No.4254994

I'm pretty sure I have seen it cart only but I really don't remember anymore. I think pricing was comparable to or better than what I see in the states.

The standards for the lowest level work are insultingly low. You don't need any experience or qualifications and they only require a 4 year degree so they can get you a visa but expect to be treated like the unskilled labor that you are. There are good jobs too, teaching business English, working at a university or starting your own school can be very lucrative. Working at a public school through JET or Interac has much better conditions than eikaiwa but the pay isn't great.

I've seen a few old computer systems and some games for them but they only show up sporadically at the stores near me. I will definitely post pics if they do though.

The Game Boy Light is sought after for rarity and practicality. That model is a limited edition that was only available in Japan to promote the first Pokémon movie. It sells for $600 or more complete in the box so their price isn't unbelievable but it's not really a deal either.

Sure, they usually bundle Grafx stuff but there are big bins of unsorted cables at most of the stores I visit.

Happy to help, sorry that the postal service did a number on the Core Grafx but glad to know that everything is working.

Like with anything else getting started is the hardest part. Once you're here though you should really try to make friends with some locals because most foreigners leave eventually. You shouldn't isolate yourself from other foreigners of course but I've had to say goodbye to more than a few weekend buddies.

Not really, I'm old fashioned I guess so I like to walk around the stores and see what comes through. But then, I'm not hunting for anything specific right now. As far as I know Yahoo Auctions is still considered the gold standard.

>> No.4255005

The 8000-9000 would be for a Core Grafx. A DUO will run you about ¥15000-20000 complete depending on the store and whether or not it has the box. But those suckers are heavy in the box so shipping could be as high as ¥7000. Probably much less if it's loose.

Yeah, they just don't have any controllers or cables but if you just want the system itself you're good to go.

Dang, is that online or at a nearby store? Whereabouts do you live?

>> No.4255037

Living amongst a culture is easily the fastest way to learn a language. You could spend a year there with no conscious effort to learn anything but you'll pick up on a lot.

>> No.4255065

No worries. Glued that small piece together and it's all good. I also ordered a replacement used power switch for about $5 from some seller in Hong Kong. It could have been worse, so I'm glad it was just something easily fixed.

>> No.4255228


How much are the wiimote/nunchuck(1 is fine), sensor bar, power/av cables?
Are those easy to find, sold separately?

>> No.4255251

I'll suck your dick if you can find a CIB Pokemon edition Game Boy Light

this, makes a world of difference. If your grades a good and you don't mind the money (though they do offer scholarships), apply for Middlebury's Language Schools. I'm a grad student there and the Summer Immersion program works wonders; I've seen students with no grasp of the language they're aiming to learn leave the program with a firm understanding of the language and able to easily communicate with others in that language.

>> No.4255324

wow, 12 grand for an 8 week course, pretty steep. Would be cool to get a solid immersion in moonrunes though.

>> No.4255679

UK. Local cash converters have entire cabinets full of them that they can't shift.

Been considering letterbombing them and flipping them on ebay for mad stacks.

>> No.4255993

It depends on the model but I see the remotes by themselves go for between 1500 and 2500 yen. Cables are usually available for 300 to 500 yen and power cords are closer to 500. I'm not sure about sensor bars but I would guess around 1000 yen or less depending on the store and the condition.

>> No.4256002

>Married a Japanese national.
Feels so good, man.

>> No.4256004 [DELETED] 

>Sure, they usually bundle Grafx stuff but there are big bins of unsorted cables at most of the stores I visit.

My burner e-mail address is beaver.fan@ymail.com. Contact me there, and we can arrange payment if you see either (or both!) of the NEC TurboGraphix hes-aca-02 and a hes-aca-03 power supplies.

I'd be willing to go up to $25 each on them.

>> No.4257737

My brother did

He's miserable as fuck

>> No.4257754

I hope that ebay tier shop dies in a fires. Post nip emulators.

>> No.4258161

Why's that? I'm newlywed so maybe the horrors haven't begun.

>> No.4259175

That shop is all over the place. A friend of mine bought a 3DO there for ¥1000. I dig the atmosphere. It's definitely one of the most "American" stores I've been to.

It depends on the person. The most common complaints are that with Japanese women the sex completely stops after they have a kid and they undergo a radical personality change from cute and bubbly to cold and serious. For Japanese men it's usually that they expect their wife to take care of all the chores and child rearing and have a very traditional gender role.

But just like anywhere else there's great variation between people and you just have to look out for obvious warning signs and not rush into marriage.

>> No.4259213

lol, that rare imported Mystic Quest gaijin game.

>> No.4259251

See any odd-colored controllers?

>> No.4259272

>I dig the atmosphere
Can you try to describe the difference between the "American" atmosphere store and the "Japanese" atmosphere stores?

>> No.4259330

Plenty. For the GameCube and N64 I've seen pretty much every variant at least once plus the clear "cool pad" for Saturn and the Dreamcast Millennium controllers.

Generally Japanese stores (regular ones anyway) are very immaculate, neutral and kind of sterile. That's not a complaint by the way, the service and cleanliness is generally much better in Japan across the board. This store feels less serious and like the owners are just trying to have fun. Also the service is kind of shitty and the customers dress really casually. It isn't better but it reminds me of secondhand specialty stores I used to visit in the states.

>> No.4259365


Japan has tiny stores cramped to the roof with games and merchandise. It's very cozy and makes it look more like a hobbyist store. It's mostly because of the urban layout of commercial locations in Japan vs the big-box stores and malls of America. You also get tiny brick-and-mortar stores in America, like Videogamesnewyork, with a similar atmosphere, but they are few and far between.

>> No.4259383

Still would love to get a small sized monitor/TV with 21pin RGB input if you come across one.

>> No.4259538

Wow awesome stuff anon, thank you

>> No.4260740

Real talk, how much would a HORI N64 pad run me?

Prices on eBay are fucking stupid. Really don't care what color.

>> No.4260754

Any clue how much a Sega Mark III goes for? Would love to get one with some games.

I see 4980 yen for a complete saturn model 1, any clue if they have loose or what the price would be? Also looking for Earthworm Jim 2 on the Saturn and a loose dogbone famicom controller.

Also this >>4260740

>> No.4261406

I've only seen one HORI pad and it's gone now but the store wanted ¥4980.

The cheapest I see complete Saturn sets is around ¥4200 but I might be able to piece one together from the junk section (junk is a misnomer, almost everything works, it's just sold loose and has aesthetic imperfections) for ¥1000 but missing the A/V cable, those never show up in junk for some reason.

>> No.4261593

If you see one, I am serious about buying one. How do we hook up to make this happen?

>> No.4262234

Just email me at vrjpnguy@gmail.com

I will give you a price breakdown before you send any money so you know exactly how much it will cost. My Paypal is setup to accept USD and Yen but exchange rates strongly favor the dollar right now so use whatever is cheaper for you.

>> No.4262484

How much does the S-video cable for the Saturn cost?

>> No.4262764

Have you seen any Twin Famicom consoles? Preferably the Black model with turbo? If so, how much does it usually go for? Thanks.

>> No.4264919
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Bumping for awesome thread.

I just can't be a fan of the series due to my income. This is the one peripheral I do not have, because it was priced significantly more than the official Sega ones. After shipping and all this thing will top $300USD. It is the final revision of the controller too (wider spacing and larger metal base). I think this Hori one was mail order only too. Gone a long ways since Sega overproduced the Sega Saturn twinsticks that they were going for $30 shipped (that's why I got 2). Guess it is time to learn the obtuse to me 360 pad controls the top players use with dedicated guard and jump buttons.

>> No.4264954
File: 16 KB, 345x289, Densha_de_Go_64,_Controller_by_Taito_for_N64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever seen this <- bad boy for sale? It's Densha de Go! 2 Kōsoku-hen

>> No.4265160
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I added some pictures to the google photo drive, here is a link: https://photos.app.goo gl/0Swnt4uczfHuDUvQ2

I will dump some here later for people who just want to browse without dealing with the link. Remember to put the "." between "goo" and "gl."

I did make it to a new store that had a pretty large selection but leaned towards newer things. I want to visit more new places in the future to keep the threads interesting but I can't always get too far away.

I haven't seen one yet but my guess is around 1500 yen unless it winds up in the junk bin in which case it would probably be between 500 and 980.

I've seen a few but they always seem to have broken disk drives. In that condition they seem to run from 6000 to 9000 yen.

Great series and I love the twin sticks but 200 USD is too much for me even with HORI quality. I actually saw a newer Virtual On machine at a Round 1 recently but didn't have a chance to play it.

I've seen that exact controller but only for PS1, not N64. The boxed PS1 version is usually around 2500 yen I think.

>> No.4265754

Even though it's not /vr/, ever see Steel Battalion controllers up for sale?

>> No.4265912



>> No.4265946

Hey it's pretty nice of you to do this. I'd ask but I usually go to visit friends and shit once a year/every other year so it's not like I don't do it myself. Good shit man. Where you stationed at?

>> No.4266380

>I haven't seen one yet but my guess is around 1500 yen unless it winds up in the junk bin in which case it would probably be between 500 and 980.
I hope you pick it if you ever see one in the bin

>> No.4266595

I actually haven't in the stores.

I can bid on this for someone if they want but shipping will be a bitch. Probably $100 or more.

Glad you're enjoying it. I don't want to get too specific so I'll just say west coast.

>> No.4268074
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Saving this thread from page 10 again.

Some very interesting loose Mega Drive games but probably beyond my budget. However I am really looking at those sets of PC CD-ROMs on the right there, some Rockman Win95 games and some Touhou. Couldn't make out the prices.

>> No.4269530
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OP back from the dead. I'm finally going to dump pictures for those who would rather view them in the thread.

>> No.4269531
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I think I saw X3 for Windows once but now I'm pretty sure they just have X4. I don't recall the pricing though.


>> No.4269537
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>> No.4269538
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>> No.4269540
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>> No.4269542
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Even here these amiibos are being scalped at launch.

>> No.4269545
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>> No.4269546
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>> No.4269548
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>> No.4269554
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>> No.4269558
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>> No.4269559
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just liked this cover art but to be honest there is tons of good retro art on the games here.

>> No.4269560
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4269564
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>> No.4269567
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>> No.4269575
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>> No.4269617
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>> No.4269625
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>> No.4269626
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>> No.4269631
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>> No.4269634

Happen to spot Castlevania SotN for the Saturn?

>> No.4269635
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>> No.4269639
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Last month but I already picked it up for another anon.

>> No.4269645
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>> No.4269650
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>> No.4269652
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>> No.4269662
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>> No.4269696
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>> No.4269697
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>> No.4269701
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>> No.4269702
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>> No.4269707
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>> No.4269709

That's going to be it for now. There are a few more pictures in the drive but I wanted to give people some interesting things to look at in the thread. I hope you enjoy them.

>> No.4269868
File: 724 KB, 2592x1944, Brave_new_world_of_CD-ROM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There on the right, even cooler for Win95/98: Street Fighter Zero 1&2, Rockman X3, Rockman X4, and Urban Legend in Limbo. Caught my eye.

>> No.4270657

THANKS OP. I love these threads.

>> No.4271731

Sorry, I don't have prices for you but I will take pictures of them next time. Or even if you're just interested in the art I will snap some pics anyway.

Glad you enjoy them. Sorry there hasn't been a lot of variety lately but I thought there was still enough to post some pictures.

>> No.4272040

I've sent a good bit of these pics to my (lol)12 year old nephew who is into basically all things nintendo, and old school sega. the kid loves it, and used it as a how he can build a super cool collection when he begged my brother to get him a retron 5, and some other shit after I explained how to use the patch files to play the import games.

>> No.4272112

Jesus man watch out Book Off might sue you if they find out about this

>> No.4272223
File: 226 KB, 1276x876, clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4272309

Drat. I wish I had known about this before I ordered a NUS-001. I will again be in the market for the JPN Daiei system/controller.

Thanks for the service anon!

>> No.4274980
File: 836 KB, 2592x1944, Merry_Christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I am pretty interested in those games in the order as listed. If they are a fair price I'd go for them. I am probably already familiar with the art, so just more interested in the price. Thanks again, I appreciate this thread, that's why I save it from page 10.

>> No.4276940

Do you have access to Laseractive hardware (SEGA and PC Engine or the elusive PC-PAC1)?