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424401 No.424401 [Reply] [Original]

games worse than ET, go.

>> No.424436


>> No.424481


>> No.424491


>> No.424510
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>> No.424519

Takeshi no Chōsenjō.

>> No.424536

terminator for nes

>> No.424538


>> No.424543
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>mfw I googled it and played through the end.
Can anything be more glurge-y that this?

>> No.424545

it has an awesome soundtrack

>> No.424612
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say that to my face and not online and see what happens

>> No.424624


DING! DING! We have a winner!

>> No.424621
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>> No.424631

GBC version was pretty good, PC version was bad, N64 version is horrible.

>> No.424636

wait... did someone make a retro, non-assfuckity version of that atrocity?

>> No.424643


Kemco remade the game on the GBC around the time the original came out.

>> No.424672

and romero hosts the rom himself

>> No.424694
File: 60 KB, 465x640, 2361184-nes_boyandhisblob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 5
>be totally excited to get this game
>be terribly disappointed after an hour

>> No.424709

Can that be beat on real hardware?

>> No.424721

I still can't figure that game out

>> No.424725

Why would you want to?

>> No.424732

Pain and suffering. And if you paid a fuckton for it you might as well beat it.

>> No.424728

I eventually did. It's really just a bunch of trial and error and memorization. Once you get it figured out, you can beat it in less than an hour.

>> No.424745

Jellybeans! Don't be dissin` teh Blob - this game was, after all, from the creator of the very first platformer David Crane.

>> No.424754

There's a rare glitch that starts the game past the inaccessible level, so technically you can get to the win screen, but you can't play through the game in one fell swoop.

>> No.424763

>No jumping without item


>> No.424765

What's wrong, 2expert4u?

Suck it down.

>> No.424784

I'm referring to Pitfall on the Atari 2600, which was also done by the creator of A Boy and His Blob.

>> No.424776


>> No.424802
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>> No.424831

Aware of the game. But in pitfall you can jump. No such luck in BahB.

>> No.424837

Dont be dissin' on Boy and His Blob
Keep it up and I WILL fight you.

I can understand opinions formed from personal experiences but that was a pretty good game if you understood what the jellybeans did.

>> No.424852

I understand what you're saying. After I did eventually beat it, I thought it was clever. But when you're a 5 year old kid who's used to playing things like SMB, it was incredibly dissapointing.

>> No.424898

What is the name of this character in rugrats?

>> No.424904

Probably Sid or Spike

>> No.424951
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>> No.424963


It was Dean or Deano. I can't remember.

OP, Action 52 is pretty much worse, I think.

>> No.424972

Would say it was as bad as ET, just a colossal letdown considering everything that came before.

>> No.424989

Get the Wii remake. It is absolutely everything the original should have been with nicer graphics, I've never been more pleasantly surprised with a game

>> No.424994

No, just no. Up until the current era Square had never made a bad game. Especially not one in the same league as ET, DNF and Superman64.

>> No.425020 [DELETED] 


Sorry, kids.

>> No.425021

I've totally been meaning to pick that up. Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.425081

its not retro but Big Rigs was probably the worst game ever made.

>> No.425119

Crazy Bus

>> No.425121

Big Rigs was no worse than the Ford vs Chevy shovelware games for PS1 and PS2

>> No.425124 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 1365468376212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game right here

>> No.425147 [DELETED] 


>> No.425165

That said, the guy who created it is a Class S retard and is the same guy who made that shitty zombie MMO that got sodomized by everyone in games journalism

Congrats bro, if one of the five people on 4chan that doesnt have spoilers disabled browses /vr/ you might have tricked them.

are there still people who dont have 4chanX?

>> No.425161 [DELETED] 

>not realising shitposting
Also, bio means water

>> No.425171

at least those were games. literally nothing happens in big rigs.

>> No.425197

Action 52 is a rare game in that sense that it actually makes me angry. Publishing that THING was a fraud. I can only imagine how some little boy could feel after begging his father to shell out, what almost 200 bucks, because IT'S 52 GAMES and then when he plays it and his dad comes to watch from the doorway how he likes it, and it's just broken.

But I guess refunds exist.

>> No.425228

Romero pls

>> No.425229

What's funnier is that active enterprises was 100$ serious about their work. When I say serious, I mean they had a straight face about it, not that they worked hard.

>> No.425241

Can't hear you over the sound of all this gas I'm pumping.

>> No.425237

Can't fucking do it...

Def Jam: Icon?

>> No.425249

It was the only BAD one of the Def Jam games, not sure if worst 10 games tier

>> No.425257

right. the first was okay, and the second was really good. we still pull that out once in a while.

>> No.425251

godawful, but not worse.

it was a fucking mess but they made some money off of it. they were serious though.

>> No.425260

Def Jam ICON is a fucking atrocity, especially considering how amazing Fight for NY was. It's on my worst 10.

>> No.425293

You're all right!

But you're even more wrong.

OP is correct, E.T. is famously, notably, uniquely bad and caused the vidya crash of the 80s.

I owned it back in the day on Atari, played it as a kid. It was just dumb broken. 3 or 4 screens.. a hole you fell in.. a flower.. a piece of phone home equipment.. the end

>> No.425296


>helped cause


There was a ton of awful shovelware around then.

>> No.425309
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Worst game EVER is probably a stretch, there are certainly some borderline unplayable Atari and NES games, but the worst i've ever had the 'pleasure' to touch was Clock Tower 2: The Struggle Within. Here, watch this.


>> No.425312

Those games have a very bad reputation, but they are not the worst games of all time, specially Forever.

>> No.425316

It was a symptom, Bushnell was the disease

>> No.425336

honestly I think this contributed to the video game crash of 83 more than ET did
i don't think any other game will ever be as much of a major disappointment as this was.

>> No.425346

games based on blockbuster were for a time always awful. hulk and jurrasic park on the snes were borderline lobotomizing experiences and that was in the dark ages of entertainment: i was playing the shit of my games... but those... oy vey

>> No.425357

>OP is correct, E.T. is famously, notably, uniquely bad and caused the vidya crash of the 80s.

It was the Atari port of Pac-Man that initiated that chain of events. E.T. just helped it along.

>> No.425372

i could only play at a friend's house... and barely at that so ... i missed how bad pac-man is? or is it? the little i played on the 2600 i thought it worked fine...

>> No.425376

DNF was a decent game

I can name plenty of games that are worse.
Including many that were released in 2011 as well.

>> No.425386


Yeah, I had that one back in the day, too. In fact I vividly remember the day it came out, mom picked me up from school a little early to go to Sears to get a copy.

Holy shitballs, it was so different from the arcade.. and yet, as kids can do, I loved it.

>> No.425408

>jurrasic park on the snes



>> No.425410
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Big Ri---
damn... beat me to the punch.

>> No.425421


Coming from the arcade version of the game and then playing the port was stupendously awful. Also the sound effects were grating and the constant flickering the sprites did hurt to look at after a while.

When it first came out the game sold out everywhere because WHOA PAC MAN ON ATARI. Then everybody started returning it to the store.

>> No.425458
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Do I win?

>> No.425460

The sound effects..

When you start a game:
Arcade: bright, spritely little jingle
Atari 2600: 4 non-musical tones that sound l like a touchtone phone

Eating dots:
Arcade: classic WACKA-WACKA-WACKA with siren in the background
Atari 2600: bump-bump-bump

>> No.425464

It's far from being like DN3D.

But as you said, it's not THAT bad as many critics stated.

>> No.425487

The problem is that DNF had too much hype for it's own good, nobody expected the game to be a Halo/HL2 clone.

I still liked the game though

>> No.425496




It's too bad the Colecovision version never got released. The prototype is pretty good.


>> No.425509
File: 36 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody watch Chrontendo?

He thinks Super Monkey Daibouken is the worst game. I've never played it.

>> No.425513

just looked it up on youtube and i was talking about jurrasic park 2 chaos continues.
maybe it was hormonal, i was growing out of games like contra. and wanted to ... yeah go fuck hot hipster girls in the big city. ya 92 93 the timing was about right.

>> No.425521

That scared the shit out me me and my birds.
No wonder it caused a videogame crash.

>> No.425534

If anyone is interested, someone is making a DN3D mod, which makes it the Duke Nukem Forever that was showed in the first trailer.

>> No.425535
File: 1.83 MB, 297x226, you will never be this comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm your birds down

>> No.425529

Of course it isn't.

Its a weird mixture of HL2 and Halo and definitely nowhere near where one could call it a great game but its still not a bad one.

>> No.425548

The CheetahMen are in da house! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ3fVEA8lNE


>> No.425586 [DELETED] 

>mom picked me up from school a little early to go to Sears to get a copy
I've seen E.T. and Pac-Man cartridges in flea markets many times but sure never Sears

>> No.425598


Big Rigs Over the Road Racing is an avant-garde, post-modernist deconstrictive masterpiece. Prove me wrong.

>> No.425619

All NES games made by Micronics or Pony Canyon are horrible shit

>> No.425626
File: 330 KB, 776x800, searstari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sears was once the place to get Atari games. They even had their own branded version of the Atari 2600.

>> No.425647

>Exciting Target Fun

I can't wait for Exciting Target Fun 2: Targeting Excitement Again

>> No.425638


Seriously, what the fuck did people expect? It's a fucking Atari 2600 game. The game looks and sounds pretty much par for the course for the 2600.

>> No.425645

Sears was where you bought them when they were new.

>> No.425651

ET isn't that bad by Atari standards. I know it's hard for a lot of us to admit, but MOST Atari games are unplayable messes.

I love Retro games, but Atari hasn't aged well at all, there are only a handful of games that have held up over the years like Kaboom and Skiing.

>> No.425652


The Atari's hardware is pretty humble, but it's capable of much better than that.

>> No.425678

Do we mean the 2600 or the Atari computers?

>> No.425680

>Seriously, what the fuck did people expect? It's a fucking Atari 2600 game

But Ms. Pac-Man and Jr. Pac-Man later proved that good ports were possible. Plus Atari would hype the game up making people think like it was going to be an excellent port.

>> No.425689


>> No.425694
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There's more than a handful, but yeah it's a fraction of the library.

Come to think of it the same could be said for most systems that came after...

I always thought it was kind of clever how they handled the swarmers in the Defender games given the console's limitations.

>> No.425704

Ok see if we're talking the computers, it's a quite different story

>> No.425715

Alf on the SMS.

>> No.425716

sorry, should have been more specific >_<

>> No.425734

Atari 400/800 were barely any better. Same primitive as fuck games just with slightly better graphics.

>> No.425757

Nonsense. Its games are nowhere near as crude or totally unplayable.

>> No.425760

do you know a lot of atari games that are really unplayable like et was? it wasn't even finished isn't it?

>> No.425774

yeah you have to look at Atari 800 Donkey Kong vs the 2600 port

>> No.425778

wow i have seen a special one
you are a bus. you press right and you move. that's the game. how far can you go?

>> No.425795


>implying the first platformer wasn't Donkey Kong

>> No.425796

Why didn't the 5200 have DK? It was essentially the same system and they could have easily put the computer version on there.

>> No.425798

>But Ms. Pac-Man and Jr. Pac-Man later proved that good ports were possible. Plus Atari would hype the game up making people think like it was going to be an excellent port.

Yeah, but the chip sets in the game carts improved as the Atari 2600 got older. Something like Ms. Pac-Man would have probably been impossible at the time the original Pac-Man port was released.

>> No.425805


What are you talking about?

You collect phone pieces and call your ship to finish a level. Bonus points are awarded for collecting candy.

It's an endless game like most Atari games, but it's not actually broken or incomplete.

The reason nobody knows what the fuck they're doing when they try to play it these days is because you need the manual to know what everything does.

>> No.425814

there's a lot of sick remixes to the cheetahmen music. the japanese had a field day with that for whatever reason

>> No.425815
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>Worse than E.T.
This is a challenge because E.T. is truly a masterpiece of a bad game. It's cliche but it's cliche for a reason. There are bad games out there that are immediately recognizable as bad games but E.T. had something special going for it, an inherent incomprehensibility that suggested just maybe there was something going on in this game under the surface, some subtext or subtlety that (if played diligently enough) we might uncover and enjoy a new depth. I remember that I played this game often though I was only 6 years old when it was released. I loved that movie, that cute little wrinkly alien that loved those Reese's Pieces and only wanted to go home. My little elementary school friends loved it too and those of us that had a VCS would attract groups who would puzzle at the mysteries of this game.

Perhaps we were just too little to understand it. This idea was not unknown to us. In fact, this was the source of our wonder and prolonged interest. We grew and learned to grasp the mysteries of Adventure, Ghostbusters, Swordquest.. But always E.T. eluded us though we would often return to its beckoning call.

Mario came to us and our VCS was relegated to a lower shelf. Ultima saw a NES release and Exodus was a challenge to our 11 year old minds but over the years and with the help of less abstract RPGs like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy we learned to think differently about our games, to think better.

Still should we be at a poor kid's house or just waxing nostalgic we would occasionally break out those black rubber joysticks and hit up our favorites, Keystone Kapers, Pitfall II, River Raid. Games that held up even against Nintendo's vastly superior graphics and sound.

>> No.425821

Coleco had the rights to do console ports of DK and they refused to put it on a system technically comparable to theirs.

>> No.425818

I've watched someone playing ET. It really doesn't look much worse than anything else on the Atari.

>> No.425836

Confirmed for knowing nothing about Atari games.

The programmer of Pac-Man told management he couldn't make an acceptable port without 8k of ROM, but they were too cheap to give him it.

>> No.425841
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Time and time again, when we grew bored we would plug in that silver labeled cartridge with Eliot and his alien. What are these strange screws and squares that we are collecting? Which of these people walking around will help us and which will hurt us? Why are we falling into these pits? Is that bad? Do we need this flower from one of them? Why is the screen flashing? Why did we die?

It remains incomprehensible even to this very day. A game worse than E.T.? There are probably many... But a game that can rival E.T. as so eternally bad that it will be remembered even a hundred years later on my deathbed?


>> No.425843

too long didn't read

>> No.425852

because it isn't

Atari 2600 has a few standout games, but basically 90% of the library is unplayable shit.

>> No.425856

>posting walls of text
>being gay and having an old man fetish

>> No.425863
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The only thing in those carts is a mask rom.

Company management just jewed too hard and didn't approve a big enough rom to make a decent port.

>> No.425872

>The only thing in those carts is a mask rom

Larger games also have a TTL chip to swap the ROMs

>> No.425884

I second this. They took out EVERYTHING that made 1 and 2 awesome.

>> No.425895


Which was just a well-known method to get around address limitations for more rom space.

>> No.425931

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.425956
File: 630 KB, 1024x729, 8037342533_28b7c97479_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2600 used a 6507 CPU, which was a "lite" 6502 that had no interrupts and could address just 8k. However, the cartridge slot had lines for only 4k because Atari got a cheap deal on PCB edge connectors. Memory was expensive in 1977 and they didn't then imagine making bigger games.

Shown here is an 8k cartridge PCB (Plaque Attack) with the TTL chip used for bank switching)

>> No.425949


a little piece of what was once good

>> No.425978

anyone can share their awful gaming experience on the c64?

i remember a game, sort of a top down dungeon crawler where you had to collect stuff, you could shoot round bullets. i found it once but forget the name again... maybe it was like et: you had to have the manual. enigmatic and frustrating game.

>> No.426034


This person is correct. Many Atari games were crude, but E.T. was on a whole nother level of shit.

People bought & played Atari 2600 Pac-Man because Pac-Man fever was 100% real. People would have bought anything with Pac-Man on it in the 80s, and they did.

The merchandising was unlike anything seen on this earth. It was close to star-wars levels of merchandising. Lunch boxes, pajamas, sheets, toys, games, dildos -- "Honey, dontcha know, I'm more than Pac-Man with a bow!"

My Atari was the Sears version. All my first few games were the sears-packaged ones, that did not look nearly as cool as the colorful Atari cartridges (they all had amazing color pictures on them).

Still, that Christmas when I got it all was magical. Space Invaders, Asteroids, and one more I can't remember. Good times

>> No.426037

DNF problem is, and I've stated this before, that it is boring. There are far too many times in that game where you are not shooting shit. And the game is just bland and empty. There are no secrets to find, there's no "behind the babe" moments, there's nothing.

And the two weapon limit really hurts my tactical options when it comes to the boss fights.

>> No.426071

You are wrong. I was a kid in the 80s, had plenty of Atari games including E.T. E.T. always stood out as the worst of the lot, but we played the shit out of it, because holy shitball, it's E.T.!!

That's how kids think. Believe me, there were many games that left E.T. in the dust. Yar's Revenge, Megamania, Pitfall, Frogger, The Empire Strike Back (dose at-ats), Adventure

>> No.426136

of course they played them because there was nothing else back then

>> No.428424

Am I the only kid who could reliable complete the story mode without guides back then?