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4239669 No.4239669 [Reply] [Original]

I played that Mega Man Legacy Collection shit over the weekend and I lost all my lives on Cut Man's stage.

Already I'm not fond of this.

>> No.4239684

Megaman 1 is shit. Literally every other NES game in the series is better.

>> No.4239690

Git gud, and then play the superior X series instead. Feel free to skip X7 though, you aren't missing much.

>> No.4239702
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This is what happens when the /vr/ dads leave and all were left with are the millenials. The /vr/ gods have failed us!

>> No.4239732

Some of MM1's bosses can be very unforgiving: 3 hits and you're dead. They're some of the hardest robot masters in the entire series.

Try to find which weapon they're weak to and use that at your advantage and they'll go down quickly. You're going to have to know and use those weaknesses if you wanna make it out alive of the bossrush at the end of the game anyway.

Remember to get that item hidden behind a block in Elec Man stage. If you don't have what it takes to get rid of the block when you first get there, you can replay stages.

>> No.4239750

/vr/ has been neo-v for a while now.

The fact we don't have mods doesn't help, just look at that n64 thread on the main page.
Literal cancer.

>> No.4239752

>can farm ammo, health and LIVES
>no time limit
>people still whine about difficulty

>> No.4239770 [DELETED] 
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>oh no, other people have different opinions than mine

>> No.4239785

Is there an easier way to tell people suck at video games than them whining about mega man 1?

The only way it's even remotely challenging is if you force yourself to use the buster outside of the forced uses of magnet beam and guts arm. If you use the special weapons it's a cakewalk.

>> No.4239853

Even if you do a buster only run, the robot masters have such simple patterns that they're easy to beat anyway. I can't tell if these idiots are meming or if they're seriously this bad at video games.

>> No.4239924

Why is everything some stupid kid who is like "dur this old game is broken and garbage and i dont like it cuz itz harrrd"

>> No.4239953

This isn't some new line of thought that only came about with a new generation of gamers. There's good reason behind the fact that Mega Man 2 didn't get official backing or resources, and its devs had to make it during their free time. That reason of course is MM1 wasn't very good and didn't sell that well.

>> No.4240059

It was an original property and they were wanting to make a sequel before it had been a whole year for the original game to make its money back. Also, Kitamura was an acknowledged weirdo anyway.

Mega Man 2 is highly overrated anyway. It may have made standard the 8 Bosses, the Wily Castle map, and sub-items, but its terribly broken. 3 and 4 are better representations of what people think of when they think of "Classic Mega Man".

>> No.4240064
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>losing to Cutman
>the one Robot Master who actually has knock-back when you should him with the regular buster

The only valid reasons to lose to Cut Man are if you had incredibly low energy when you went into his room or you get revenge murdered by Rolling Cutter after you beat him.

>> No.4240156

>the one Robot Master who actually has knock-back when you should him with the regular buster
To be fair, so does elec man. But then elec man can kill you in three hits, so he's definitely harder than cut man

I occasionally have trouble with ice man because while he's heavily pattern based the timing to get between ice slashers can be somewhat difficult, and they hit like a truck so there isn't much room for error. But I do agree with you overall. The other bosses are pretty easy (elec man can be sort of tough if you don't know how to exploit his AI, then he's laughably easy)

>> No.4240165

someone actually removed the knockback from elecman and cutman and they became a little more interesting

>> No.4240169

Awww poor baby, I'm sure naughty dog will hold your hand

>> No.4240171

That would definitely make elecman more interesting as I imagine that would remove the AI exploit to prevent him from firing. Cutman would still be a pushover I'm sure

>> No.4240181

How is the 3DS port of Legacy Collection? I often see it going on sale and wouldn't mind having the first 6 games on my 3DS.

>paying for emulators
>not hacking your 3DS
yeah I know, whatever. How's the port?

>> No.4240184

>Cutman would still be a pushover I'm sure
ah yeah, the guys that did it do no damage/no miss runs
he's probably still easy to beat, but apparently removing knockback makes him quite random

>> No.4240268

But I didn't even get to the boss...

>> No.4240279

I'm guessing you mostly died from the death spikes. Just remember that invincibility frames don't save you from spikes in the first game

>> No.4240295

First it was those blue flying robots, then the slidy things, and then that pink bot that hops around...

>> No.4240426

I played the Legacy Collection 2 version of Megaman 8 and there was noticeable lag. Then I emulated it on PCSX and the graphics were a little smudgy but it ran fine. Just wanted to share.

>> No.4240437


4 > 9 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 10 > 5 > 1 > 7 > 8

>> No.4240440

put 5 at the bottom and it's about right

>> No.4240519

Time it to where you fire a shot at the blue robots as soon as they show up. They don't start flipping out until they're close to Mega Man.

Patience is all you need for the Slidy Things. Wait on the ladder that you climb up once you get to a screen full of them and watch their patterns, then take them out one by one.

This isn't Mega Man X; you have to be patient and observe your situation in the original game.

The Pink Bot (I'm guessing the one with the Big Eye?) does shittons of crash damage, but it has a super hop that Mega Man can run under, so wait for that and just avoid the things.

>> No.4240551

You can set off that high jump by timing your own jumps. Do a short jump the moment it hits the ground and it will always follow up with a high jump.

>> No.4240685

1.- at what point should i stop on X? people say that at some point the games just get bad.
2.- should i bother with the gameboy games and the wily wars?
3.- 3>4>2>6>1>5

>> No.4240875

gameboy 3-5 are worth playing. 2 especially should be skipped.

>> No.4240882

1. I think the general consensus is that the last good X game is X4 and that X5 and X6 are playable/mediocre but not terrible. X7 is a legitimately bad game, not just by mega man standards but in general.
2. V is the only one I've played and it's pretty good.
3. Swap 1 and 6 and I agree entirely

>> No.4240934

MM5 (but not Rockman 5) has performance issues and there's just enough input lag to be noticeable but not enough to really be a big hindrance. Besides that they're pretty basic ports, what you see is what you get. If nothing else it looks way better than the VC versions, though if you had a hacked 3DS you'd pretty much get the same experience emulating the originals.

>> No.4241003

You have to be missing a chromosome to think 7 or 8 are worse than 1.

>> No.4241081

>I suck at video games
Got it. Though for the record I like all 3, 5 and 6 are the only classic series games that suck

>> No.4241209

>and then play the superior X series instead.

I know for a fact you were born between 1985-1988. The people who hype up the X series as THE BEST MEGA MAN SERIES EVER SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE SHITTY ORIGINALS just ever so happen to be the people who were kids when X was released and it was the first MM games they've played.

>> No.4241509
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>at what point should i stop on X? people say that at some point the games just get bad.

Probably X4 is the last you should play, unless you become a huge fanboy of the series.

>2.- should i bother with the gameboy games and the wily wars?

All the GB games are good except 2. 2 was made by a different team and is awful in every aspect, the musics are out of tune for god sake's, and all they had to do was port those musics from NES.
The GB games take elements from the NES games but they're completely different games, the stages are completely different for instance.
GB5 is a brand new game though with exclusive enemies and story. If you have to play just one, play that one. It's Mega Man but it offers new things, was the first classic MM game with an in game shop, introduced Tango, was the first (and only) where the story doesn't deal with Wily, etc

Wily Wars is really good if you ask me. The problem is that you'll have to either play the Jap version, or use a patch to play it in 60hz and to allow saving. The remade versions of MM1-3 are worse than the originals, but they still offer new interesting things. Then once you beat them you unlock 7 exclusive stages, that's the real meat, each with their own boss and you get to choose your weapons between all the weapons from the first 3 games, it's really cool.
If you don't wanna have to replay through 1-3 maybe try to find a save with the Wily Tower unlocked or something.

>> No.4242298

No, we have mods, they're just faggots. There was a non-retro game thread (as in actually post 2000, non-remake PC game that had no retro prequels) running for a while. When I reported it, nothing happened. When I went in the thread and mentioned how it was non-retro, my post got deleted for discussing a non-retro game, but the thread stayed up.

If you're going to keep the sticky up, at least stay consistent with the rules. Otherwise, change the rules to reflect the actual stance.

Related to topic: what the hell are you doing, OP? Cutman's shit is easy. I always had problems with Gutsman's stage the most, but it's always kind of neat how different people hit walls with different levels/bosses.

Stop at X4, unless you want to hurt yourself.

>> No.4242326

Megaman 1 is objectively the worst of the classic series, I don't care how much you hate 7 and 8.

>> No.4242327

ok dear

>> No.4242656

Best music though.

>> No.4242662

Is legacy collection 2 any good? How's the emulation?

>> No.4243489

I always used the PAL version and just switched the region to NTSC after the logo.
There's a game genie code that unlocks Wily Tower from the get-go as well.

>> No.4243495

Pretty spot-on actually. They even retained the slow-down from too much crap on the screen at once

>> No.4243629

I hear everyone shit talk MM2 on Game Boy all thr time, but no one's ever articulated why it's bad other than saying "well, it's just bad".

>> No.4243637 [DELETED] 

The problem is the nintendo circle jerking. I like the games they made but the fanbase are on par with feminist sjw in how idiotic they are.

>> No.4243656

the music is really jarring. like, really jarring. also interviews say it was done by a different team than the others so people jump on that.

i don't remember anything particularly bad about the levels themselves. but 3-5 were fun and the music was also good. 1 was too short and 2 was pretty forgettable.

>> No.4243658

It's screechy, yeah, but even Inafune acts like it somehow tarnished the series by existing.

Is because the bosses were easier than they were in thr NES originals?

>> No.4243659

I never played the NES versions so I wouldn't know.

I feel like the ending stages were pretty lame but it's been so long since I played.

>> No.4243663
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It's glitchy, there are some really shitty enemy placement and level design, the musics are a fucking mess and even out of tune at times even though they're just ported from the NES games.

>> No.4243673

When? I've been playing it for years and can't think of any glaring or even memorible glitches.
>Shitty enemy placement and level design
Again, not remembering that. 80% of thr game was literally just downsizing the NES original stages. The only stage I can give you as being shitty is probably Wily's Stage, but they were never good in thr GB games anyway.
>Music was ported from the NES
They were all original tracks.

>> No.4243678


>> No.4243681

>someone who "gets" the series
>won't say what makes it bad, just says that you ought to know

Conman's always been a faggot-ass I see. Why is claiming to h e done the art on this if another team made it? Just to see how gullible people are?

>> No.4243685

That's... an original track?

>> No.4243687

>They were all original tracks.
They're obviously off-pitch, bro. Get you're ears checked.

>> No.4243692


Please don't tell me you think this sounds anything like the same song.

The GB songs weren't butchered versions of the originals; they're entirely different songs.

>> No.4243695

All I'm getting from this is that people think k it's bad because the music's bad?

>> No.4243696

It's a fucked up port of NES track.

Here is another one just for the pleasure to the ears.
Even when the tracks are "new", they're clearly based on the originals.


Also, there is a "pitch corrected" version on youtube that lowers the patch to make this less sound ridiculous, and even then you still have out of tune melodies popping up everywhere.

>The GB songs weren't butchered versions of the originals; they're entirely different songs.

Seriously you're out of your mind or deaf. Let's pretend for a second that the Crash Theme is an all new song, even though it's still god awful, and that's not even a matter of taste, it's literaly out of tune, no excuse.
Seriously at this point you sound like MM2 on GB is all you had a kid and you must absolutely defend it with your life.

You're not very good if you can't recognize his designs. He produced and worked closely with many classic MM games and provided a lot of concept art and artwork (covers etc) even when the game was "outsourced".

>> No.4243701

When you have to turn off the sound for the game to be even remotely playable, you're on a bad start already.

I'm not going to replay the entire game for the sake of this argument but I remember the glitches and awful level design and enemy placement... Like:
>let's put a big HP pellet where the player has to slide a long way and come back
>when he comes sliding and can't shoot, let's put an unavoidble, unshootable enemy that respawned at the exit as a surprise and gift for being tricked into getting that HP pellet

Just a random example.

>> No.4243703

No he didnt; ConMan was just some cock sucking producer who never made a real game in his life. That's why people have been trying to spread the word about Kitamura the real creator of the series. Inafune didn't even draw anything; he just signed off on the stuff he likes.

>> No.4243712

i haven't seen anyone say mm2 is good (one guy asked). what's weird is how you're so obsessed with the thought that they're remixes of the nes versions when they're clearly original tracks. nobody's disputing they're off key and gratingly instrumented. but you're the only one who thinks they're the same track.

"anyone who thinks it's original music is defending mm2 like their life depended on it" um, no. it's not like the fact that they're original tracks makes the music any less annoying, or that using remixed tracks would make mm2 worse than it is. sheesh.

>> No.4243713

Beat Guts Man first. His stage sucks, but you really don't want to try beating him with Bomb Man's power.

>> No.4243717

Crash Man's stage theme is for instance. The rythm and the melody is the same, except fucked up and ruined. Maybe they fucked it up so much it's not even recognizable, I'll give you that.

The 'new' tracks are also based on the originals.

>> No.4244003

Why not? Guts Man is big and slow, and the bomb blasts cover enough area that it's not a problem. I've never had a problem using bombs against him

>> No.4245980

hahaha cut man? you just suck!!!

>> No.4247209

Most people will say start with Cut Man, but I personally always go with Bomb Man first.

Try that out.

>> No.4247325

How? I'd say cut man is probably the 2nd easiest stage in the game behind bomber man

>> No.4247343

Well, Mega Man 1 engine is super clunky, you can't deny on that. It pisses me off that I've played so many times on GBC when I was a kid and could never beat Willy's stage.

>> No.4247501 [DELETED] 

>the best you can think of when idiotic groups come to mind is "feminist sjw"
jesus youre like a prepackaged human being

>> No.4247505

>wall jumping
>armor upgrades
>visible boss weaknesses
I hate that even with 7-& Bass, and the Arcades, Capcom still made the last two main games a dated tribute to the "classic" series.

>> No.4247509

7 and 8 and dogshit get fucked you retard.

>> No.4247519

>jump! shoot! that's it
>So THAT's his weakness! I can tell because it loses more health with THIS!
>Sliding is better than dashing
>I have to get up there. ill just go up these blocks OH NO I FELL

>> No.4247539

7 and 8 are still trash and you suck

>> No.4247561
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>> No.4247569

>Crash man, needle man, dust man's music all suck man!
I think 3 was the best for music. 4 or 2 are close behind.

>> No.4247574

>One part of the game that's any fun
>Instantly get powerups and becomes less fun within 2 minutes.
I could do without his faggy little voice too.

>> No.4247686

How is it even possible to fuck something up this badly.

>> No.4247710
File: 14 KB, 256x256, 83eef81951b85269193553672f94bac7ac1ca0b6_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing Mega Man 1 for the first time
>knows that cutsman stage is the easiest of all
>decides to be a contrarian and leave cutsman stage to be the last
>start with bombman stage
>after a few continues beat him
>choose fireman stage
>same thing happens
>choose elecman stage
>same thing happens
>in less than a 2 hours already beat 3 mega man bosses
>start to wonder why everyone says this game is hard
>choose gutsman stage
>can't hit the right timing on these fucking plataforms in the fucking beginning of the stage
>spend 3 hours trying
>loose my cool and drop the game because for these plataforms
I don't know what's wrong with me.

Anyway, should I just go ahead, skip MM1 and play MM2?

>> No.4247731

Why people hate on Mega Man 7 and 8?

>> No.4247742

>>can't hit the right timing on these fucking plataforms in the fucking beginning of the stage
It's actually very easy once the timing clicks with you. The trick is to pay attention to the bottom left of the platform. When that section crosses over the gaps is when the platform flips.

>> No.4248195


no mm1 is really fun once you get it just make sure to cheat against the big eye boss

>> No.4248213

Anon, there are little gaps in the wire and when the platform passes over them, it drops. You need to pay attention to that, not the timing. Next time you pick the game up, just pay special attention to that and you'll get through just fine.

>> No.4248226

I was like that, except Guts Man was my first stage.
I got my ass fucked for hours, ragequit, then came back tomorrow, got through that section on my first try and beat everything until Yellow Devil in one sitting.
Then I got stuck on Yellow Devil for 3 fucking days, because I didn't want to use the glitch. Beat him on the first try on the 4th day, finished the game in that sitting.
Every Mega Man game afterwards felt like a joke compared to that hell.

>> No.4248227

If the platform's going right, then stand at the rightmost part of the platform and wait the last moment to jump. If it's going left, stand on the leftmost side.

The very first platforms in Gutsman stage, there are 3 levels, a higher platform, the one you start on, a middle platform, and a lower one.
Jump straight from the top one to the lower one, it's MUCH easier that way.

>> No.4248252

you're not allowed to quit until you at least reach yellow devil

>> No.4250196

Play the ps1 versions they are the definitive versions of the classic series....
Legacy collection 1 is trash. 2 is better but i havent played 7 on it because 7 is a shit game

>> No.4252134

>Play the ps1 versions they are the definitive versions of the classic series....

You mean the Rockman Classic Works ? Yeah no. It's got some heavy sound and musics issue. If you play with the original NES musics, they sound like they were recorded using a webcam mic placed in front of a desktop speaker, and considering they had to "convert" 8 bit musics to CDs I'm probably not far from how it really happened.
Then you can play with the remastered musics sure, but not all of them are great; and in this case you're forced to play with a god awful hud and "helper" stuff everywhere in levels that stick out like a sore thumb.

Even then, there are still sound issues. For instance sounds not cancelling when they should; like charge shots sound still going in MM4 when it got cancelled, etc

The good thing about that version is that there is no lag, no sprite flicker, but that's something you can achieve through emulation without the downside of that version, and in English too.
There are also some lag reduction patches for most NES MM games that work on real hardware.

I swear between GB MM2 and the Complete Works, people must deaf. I'm always amazed at how little importance "gamers" pay to sound and music, like you can check all those "battlestation" threads and everyone will be proud of his screen but noone will have good speakers; however this is a new low.

>> No.4253945

I haven't played 8 but couldn't stand what I played of 7, after enjoying the NES games.

Ugly, way too much cutscene stuff

>> No.4254051

I'll never understand people complaining about cutscenes in MM7. Past the intro stage there is only a couple of dialogues which last less than 30 secs, and that's without mentionning you can make the text flow faster.
Even in the intro stage they're short and actually cool.

If anything that's exactly how cutscene should be in an action game: short, straight to the point, and show the story in cool ways while pumping you up for the action.

The weapon get don't count as cutscenes at least not against MM7. Every MM game has a weapon get and at least in 7 you get explanation on how the weapon works and the extra abilities they might have.

>> No.4254079 [DELETED] 

>millenial cuck getting TRIGGERED

Go back to masturbate to black males and leave this board.