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423529 No.423529 [Reply] [Original]

Project64 question.

I want to play on my second monitor, which is fine I know how to do that, but what I can't figure out is how to get proper full screen on my second monitor.

If I full screen (and it pops up on my primary), I just press Win+Shift+Left (or right if it's on the other side), and it's full screen on my secondary monitor, but the resolution on my primary shrinks, which I assume is from switch resolutions around.

What I'd really like to find out is if there's a way to go full screen borderless, that way I can still use my primary without the game minimizing and what not.

>> No.423707
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bump for pls respond

>> No.425026

If you're still around, check the properties of your particular graphics card/chipset (Intel, nVidia, ATI). Your monitor options will be there.