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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4225584 No.4225584 [Reply] [Original]

In which game do you fight the coolest monsters?

>> No.4225594

Super Metroid has amazing, top tier designed monsters.

>> No.4225597
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Also has the coolest death animation.

>> No.4225601

Shin Megami Tensei II

>> No.4225643

You might have posted the best one there.

>> No.4225646

1 maybe, and 2 DEFINITELY, but SUPER?! Not a chance.

>> No.4225652

Doom has some of the most iconic.

>> No.4225657

The SNES versions of Wizardry have AMAZING monster designs.

>> No.4226108
File: 1.54 MB, 3366x2100, Alien Storm jp cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien Storm

>> No.4227903

It's funny because so many of them are mundane animals like capybaras and stuff

Alien Syndrome too

>> No.4227906
File: 451 KB, 865x787, Super_Castlevania_IV_-_Slogra_-_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4228190
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Almost every SMT game, really.

>> No.4228198

But it has some silly ones

>> No.4228203
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>> No.4228235
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Agreed, I mentioned II specifically since it really upped the demon game from I and introduced many of the demons that were used in all following games.

>> No.4228270
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Treasure games.

>> No.4228272

Tank from Quake 2

It could have been my autism, but i always made a point of only fighting them with a standard shotgun just to make the chase/battle last longer

>> No.4228316
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Shadow Hearts series

>> No.4228540

why do Treasurefags those their "balls and spheres" bosses so much?

>> No.4228559
File: 2.79 MB, 1106x1600, sinandpunishment-dangeki5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The what now?
Oh, you.

Anyway, most of the times, enemies or monsters in Treasure's games tend to be funny or goofy, they aren't dark, gritty games.
But some of them have pretty good monsters, like Alien Soldier or Sin and Punishment.

>> No.4228562


Easy to make.

>> No.4228615
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Quake has some pretty awesome monster designs in general.

>> No.4228616

Can you keep this to your Treasure containment threads please?

>> No.4228621

because treasurefags are homos


>> No.4229850
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Dragon Quest tends to have some of the coolest and of the goofiest simultaneously more often than not

>> No.4230493

Splatterhouse was all over the place though, there was this stage and the church with the cool soundtrack and floating disembodied heads, but then the last two stages are fighting a bunch of fetal frogs in a giant intestine and the last stage is jumping over logs and punching a giant heads that drops turds on you.

>> No.4230509
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the Void

>> No.4231519

>mutant snail using a rubbish bin as a shell
>throws a soda can to be a bigger asshole

>> No.4231526

Splatterhouse. Which you posted a screenshot of. I can't think of any other game close to having just as many cool monsters.

>> No.4231529

Any Pokeymans. You fight monsters based on nippon legends, a psychic genetitc superrat, teams of dragons(one of the elite four), and Gengar who's pretty a grim reaper.

>> No.4231538
File: 27 KB, 978x583, darklord gengar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gengar who's pretty much a grim reaper.