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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 148 KB, 640x480, som.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4214158 No.4214158 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.4214167

>wii 3d graffix
eh pass

>> No.4214169

Bah, its a downloadable title..

>> No.4214173


looks and sounds like a bloody abortion

Square-Enix was a mistake

>> No.4214179

Interestingly the Japanese trailer includes Steam.

>> No.4214182
File: 110 KB, 800x450, yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4214187

Is that all the Vita can do?

>> No.4214189
File: 4 KB, 178x178, secret-of-mana-spritepopoi-laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never went back to the mushroom village to deliver the king back

>> No.4214198


They had to make it ready to be ported to cell phones.

>> No.4214208

Wouldn't future phones be more powerful than the Vita?
Not like the have to cater to legacy hardware with everybody buying a new one every year.

>> No.4214209

The thing that bugs me the most about these 3D conversions of top-down 2D games is that you end up just seeing the top of characters' heads (>>4214182) instead of a side-view of their faces (>>4214158)

>> No.4214214
File: 181 KB, 351x533, SOMPrimm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, we need more Purim!

>> No.4214246
File: 471 KB, 960x720, 1473351596479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PS Vita game
>August 2017

>> No.4214248

February 2018.

>> No.4214250


Even worse.

>> No.4214253

It's Primm aparently

>> No.4214258

Apparently the Vita now has more games (1453) than the SFC (1447) or any other retro console aside the PS1 (2483).

>> No.4214259

This looks fucking horrible. The DS Final Fantasy remakes pulled off the same style much better at a fraction of the resolution. This is the laziest shit.

>> No.4214262
File: 90 KB, 480x712, 1bb50e4941e70198f213b9bc01932fb1--secret-of-mana-pixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In japanese is Purim (is more easy for me read in this way) anyway, i need more Primm!

>> No.4214282

Downloadable games are a helluva padding

>> No.4214293

It looks great to me. I prefer pixel art, but that doesn't mean it looks bad in 3D, and I'm happy the game is still alive. People are mad probably because is not a switch game.

>> No.4214294

Oh shut up it looks fine it could-

>> No.4214314

>People are mad probably because is not a switch game.

not sure if trolling or really this stupid

>> No.4214316

Switch already got Seiken Densetsu collection with the original versions of SD1-3 instead because it's only capable of playing GB and SNES games.

>> No.4214319

Think the real question is will it be the compete version of the game? Remember Secret of Mana was originally built for the Super Famicom CD add-on but since that never happened, they took 40% of the compete game out to fit on a cart.

>> No.4214328

Looks like an early 3DS game. Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't on the fucking PS4. And why no SD3? Surely that could have benefited from a remake if it meant it would finally be released in the west.

>> No.4214361


>> No.4214364

fuck this shit
they could have retouch the graphics up or just cleaned up the translation but not this shit

>> No.4214367

I'll stand corrected, but isn't that screenshot just Adventures of Mana with the Secret of Mana characters?
The screenshots I've seen of the new SoM at least look better than that


vita is getting SoM too, and Switch is more powerful than that. Switch also got Setsuna

>> No.4214550

Think it's a trade off kind of deal. Sony getting all the remakes while Nintendo got the collection.

>> No.4214583
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1499988497372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make a ps4 game that looks worse than a ps2 game

how do you do that

>> No.4214587

that and the 200+ visual novels

SFC didn't have any of that shit, just games

>> No.4214592

SFC had both downloadable games as well as visual novels.

>> No.4214606

looks like a mobile port
also no model lighting and no shadows

>> No.4214640

but nowhere near the amount Vita has

>> No.4215046

I'm actually hopeful for this. I thought SoM was a bad game to begin with. I tried to like it but just couldn't. Everything about it had some tiny thing that annoyed me and turned me off the game. Maybe this will fix some of the issues I had with it and get me to like it and I can go back and try the original again and like it too. Probably won't happen but there's some hope at least. The VA they got for the guy is god fucking awful though.

>> No.4215057
File: 39 KB, 250x217, Radical Dreamers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SFC didn't have any of that

>> No.4215102

I think it looks awesome. I love SoM (favorite of the Seikens) and this looks like exactly that aesthetic brought into 3D. Sign me up!

>> No.4215104

You can still play the original. This won't ruin your experience in any way. Stop being a baby and grow up.

>> No.4215119

This x1000.

Of course people will get hyper butthurt over it because there will be kids who play this first and so have a different initial Mana experience. But as always it will be funny to watch them froth and rage over something that doesn't really affect them in any way.

>> No.4215120

I wouldn't bet on it. They don't appear to be putting much effort into this. It's such a weird game to remake, does it even have that big of a fanbase?

>> No.4215123

Polygons were a fucking mistake.

>> No.4215126

>there will be kids who play this first and so have a different initial Mana experience
The funny thing is the most likely alternative is them having NO mana experience.

>> No.4215127

How the fuck does this look worse than some 3ds games?

>> No.4215128

How much grinding is needed in this game, regarding weapon levels, spell levels, etc?

The SNES FFs had little to no grinding. Is this similar?

>> No.4215130

Squeenix only has a handful of multi game franchises to pull from and bizarrely or not SoM is still the most popular of the SD games. Everything they've tried with the series since Legend has had a very poor reception and even it wasn't great.

So at this point really, why not?

>> No.4215137

If you just want to beat the game there's no grinding.

If you want to max each mana spirit and weapon skill, it takes a godly amount of grinding.

The best armour and orb drops are also super rare and take a long while to get, but you really don't need them.

>> No.4215140

Exactly, or utter garbage like Children of Mana. An upresed re-release of the original with a fixed magic system and good AI would be the best in my opinion, but this looks nice.

>> No.4215146

That's implying the original pixels were any great to begin with.

>> No.4215152

I'll take them over polygons. I'd take any 2d pixel Square game over it's 3d nugame equivalent.

>> No.4215158


The 3rd game deserves to be redone, not the first.

>> No.4215161
File: 42 KB, 300x403, Sound Novel Tsukuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a ton of VNs and text adventures on SFC. It's the 16-bit Vita.








>> No.4215167

>shitty remakes get a free pass to be shit because the original still exists

>> No.4215180

I think the 16-bit Vita would still be the PCE-CD.

>> No.4215192
File: 88 KB, 1300x376, ALinkBetweenWorldTilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still surprised how no one has just stolen the solution to top down 2D to top down 3D conversion that Nintendo did for A Link Between Worlds of tilting everything backwards by like 15%

>> No.4215193

You can say no but the answer is yes.

>> No.4215223

Most likely will happen next year, Square did say if FFA sold well enough they plan on doing remakes of SD2 and SD3.

>> No.4215229

What I don't get is why it still hasn't caught on that even a tiny bit of cel shading makes almost every 3d game look better.

>> No.4215261
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>> No.4215265

Bullshit, realism looks and sells better. Most people are turned off by the childish cartoon look. Remind them of children's games.

>> No.4215269

I should have specified games like this which aren't trying for photo realism.

>> No.4215423

They remade the first one earlier, so I assume they'll remake 3 eventually as well. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.4215440

Not enough

>> No.4215506
File: 20 KB, 443x637, 1503506586954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, what happens if you tilt it 90%. I think I'm on to something.

>> No.4215518

Nevermind, it's gonna be $40. Hype is over.

>> No.4215532


This logic doesn't really hold water when the entire entertainment industry is in a creative slump and stuck doing nothing but remaking work that was once successful. The fact the source material still exists (of course it fucking does) doesn't mean we should sit back and ignore content we are literally the target demographic for. Why else would they use the name?

It's pure, money-grubbing bullshit. Whether it 'affects us' or not shouldn't stop anyone from calling it out. It's fucking working too, despite Sony clearly putting in as little budget as humanly possible almost all the Youtube reaction is positive.

>> No.4215724

Lol vr is poorfags

>> No.4215725

> logic doesn't really hold water when the entire entertainment industry is in a creative slump and stuck doing nothing but remaking work that was once successful.


>> No.4215739


Uh, it is. A fucking US Death Note remake dropped this morning, you have to be living under a rock to not notice the trend.

>> No.4215743

Square Enix really needs to fuck off with that chibi shit. It is the ugliest artstyle ever.

>> No.4215750

Dude you're repressed. It's okay to like something cute, your dad isn't here to beat you.

>> No.4215757

Tell that to the mainstream market, though.

>> No.4215758

Square Enix really needs to fuck off with that fugly FF15 shit. It is the ugliest artstyle ever

>> No.4215763


I liked it in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, seeing as it was a cute puppet show. One of the few good post-merger games. Cancerous style otherwise, always makes me think of cheap WiiWare shite.

>> No.4215764

Where the fuck were you when people were calling Undertale GOTY? What people want is substance pure and simple.

>> No.4215767


>> No.4215768


>> No.4215771

Undertale caters to trans lesbians and numales degenerates, they're not the type of well adjusted successful people that form the mainstream.

>> No.4215776


They might still do SD3 as a follow-up like they did with the SaGa 2 and 3 remakes on DS

>> No.4215812

I like the art style. Of course, whether it holds up in-game depends on whether or not the environments look like shit, and whether or not the animation sucks.

And besides, it's Secret of Mana. The game is an jankfest with awful hitboxes and awkward combat and your AI partners getting stuck on every pixel of the scenery and requiring constant babysitting. If there's anything that could benefit from a remake it's SoM.

>> No.4215819

I'm going to play devil's avacado and say that that's blatantly unfinished and probably just a quick mock-up.

If it's not, we're in for some shit.

>> No.4215829

It already was.

>> No.4215830

they're the type of well adjusted people who hold down jobs and buy things now

like it or not non-breeding lgbta hipsters have the money you need to get

"mainstream" heterosexual beer-drinkers are a demographic that is created and locked down already, and they literally don't care what they buy, and they're already all packed up with their disposable income distributed to the markets that they serve. They want their football and shooters and esports and pro-gamer shit, and there's no point even worrying about them because you can't get money out of them that they don't have (unless you're in real estate). The only reason to compete with those distributors is because you already have more money than them and want to steal their business.

>> No.4215840

That's one thing crybaby. I'm sure you hate everything though :)

>> No.4215841

Boy this sure is a nice Secret of Mana thread we're having, sure would be a shame if somebody were making off-topic shitposts.

>> No.4215842

>hate hate hate bitch bitch bitch
you are such a tool

>> No.4215847

man nobody cares about secret of mana it's an old game that was rough when it came out and had tons of bugs and programming problems

at least we can be sure that this remake won't have all the problems with hit detection and uninterrupted spell spamming. maybe, possibly it won't even have a completely terrible AI.

>> No.4215851
File: 20 KB, 400x394, gdubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That one fall in cursed spring of drowned PS Vita.

>> No.4215897

This. Every time it comes up its a huge shitstorm. This is probably the same people who bash it now whining they're daring to do a remake.


>> No.4215901

Wonder if SD3 is in plans?

>> No.4215918

no way, i'm certain squeenix believes no one in america is interested in sd3. doubt this shit remake will make much of a splash either at $40

>> No.4216014

Apparently the plan is if this sells well they will.

>> No.4216034

Oh bullshit.

That's exactly what Capcom said about Mega Man Collection and all it motivated them to make was Mega Man Collection 2.

Come to think of it it's also what they said about Darkstalkers.

>> No.4216038

>39.99 on steam
>looks like a mobile port
No one else is concerned about this? 40 dollars for an old game that now looks worse than it did originally? If you guys want to waste money you can just burn it in the sink.

>> No.4216039

Have they announced anything about porting Adventures of Mana?

>> No.4216043

It's fully voiced.

>> No.4216047

Is that worth 40 dollars to (You)

>> No.4216050

No. I'll wait until it drops to $10.

>> No.4216053

I'd buy it at 10. 40 dollars seems like its way too much.

>> No.4216056

That's how it always is. Games get released for ridiculous prices because apparently some people are willing to pay that much.
Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.

>> No.4216061

Probably gun buy it. The best thing about it though is that its coming on PC, meaning the weebs in suits are starting to lean towards the PC market.
Feels good man, also not /vr/

>> No.4216081

Id buy if this was the case but i doubt it

>> No.4216109

The director or producer or whoever it was said that the Collection on Switch was gauging interest for a new Seiken Densetsu game which clearly led to this. If it performs well, it's very likely that we'll either get another remake or a new game.

>> No.4216116

>also not /vr/
We can discuss remakes of retrogames, learn to read

>> No.4216121

Would they remake SD4?

>> No.4216194

Any other reason to be hyped about it?

>> No.4216207

>implying a digital only DS quality game is worth $40 US American dollars in the year 2017

>> No.4216224
File: 419 KB, 680x704, 1503680958882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some asshole sold my power bracelet

>> No.4216281

>Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.
I wonder why games are shit nowdays ...

>> No.4216358

Fuck yeah let's make it look like a random fucking cutesy korean MMO

Jesus christ. I guess it's because newer ports like FFVI on Steam fucking flopped because they didn't know how to make things look good so they went like "let's just change it completely".

>> No.4216363

What's the point in remaking SoM? I mean it doesn't have a huge fanbase, so I don't see square enix gaining a lot of money from it. Do we know how much will be priced?

>> No.4216375

>surprise surprise the hipster board hates new thing
It's fine, you people are just crybabies. It looks like the 4 Heroes of Light and FFIII DS artstyle, which is nice.
Only problem I see is lack of shadows in screens like >>4214182

What do you want them to do? Dedicate a FFXV-sized budget into remaking a cult classic?

>> No.4216383

$40, ¥4800

>> No.4216395

Picture on the right is funny as fuck to me for some reason.

>> No.4216402

40$ only for a graphic remake? Absolutely stupid pricing. Who wil buy it?

>> No.4216412

The same type of people that will buy the ffVII rehash

>> No.4216450

No. Good and popular are not synonymous.

>> No.4216454

lmao this has to be a mobile port, no way it's Steam only

>> No.4216463

Fucking terrible.

>> No.4216479

>playing with AI instead of two buddies

>> No.4216481

Sometimes you gotta make do. And if you don't have a multitap you're stuck with the third character no matter what.

>> No.4216505

Just get it back from Potatos

>> No.4216592

A remake of a game I paid 60 bucks for? I will. 40$ really isn't a lot of money

>> No.4216596

Plenty worth it to me but I prefer to buy digital. I ate a steak last night that was $35. Five more for a game I'll play the heck out of is nothing

>> No.4216601

Was it at least well done?

>> No.4216603

I cooked it over a fire of cedar branches in my backyard, summer cooking is awesome.

>> No.4216803

Well "good" is individual and subjective where as popular is objective. So if many people like something you don't, then you will think that the popular taste is "bad". But to all those people who like it, the popular taste is good.

It's almost certain that you like some things that are popular and dislike others, so it really shouldn't be hard for you to grasp. But assuming your personal taste is a universal objective truth, where as other people's are wrong for not aligning with it is just childish and stupid.

>> No.4216827

Will the shopkeepers still dance? I'm concerned the animation might be too stiff to pull it off.

>> No.4216839

If magic didn't stop everything on the screen, if they have a better weapon charging system, and if they smooth out all the grinding you have to do in order to level magic and weapons then it might not be so bad. Maybe even add in 3 player support because Secret of Mana was only two players, regardless if you had a multitap. If they do not do anything to really improve, the it's basically the mediocre gameplay of Secret of Mana without the beautiful 2d art making it all pointless. The gameplay doesn't hold up as well as SD3 either, and lacks the variety and replay value as well.

Either way I wish Square would learn from Vanillaware about how to properly remake your games.

>> No.4216845

I wonder if it'll retain glitches, like continuously opening treasure chests to rack up on weapon orbs early on.

Would be nice also to have an active menu option, so everything keeps going on, to prevent the pause>magic spam nature of boss fights.

>> No.4216868
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, PSD3D227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see what's so awful about it. I mean, is the cute low poly style that everybody wants to become the next indie standard. It looks like a PS2 game, or even something earlier like Threads of Fate but with more polygons.
Of course, it could look better, but it looks cute.

And if they redid the graphics keeping the same style but with high resolution sprites the game would look awful, as the SD style wouldn't work in HD.

>> No.4216904

>And if they redid the graphics keeping the same style but with high resolution sprites the game would look awful, as the SD style wouldn't work in HD.
Bullshit. Plenty of games with 2d art made the transition to higher resolution. The conversation is becoming less retro related, but Vanillware was already mentioned in this thread and previous KoF before 14 was still 2d.

>> No.4216913

>Secret of Mana was only two players
Lol no it's 3 always has been

>> No.4216923

why would squeenix make it easier to grind when they could add even more spells and collectables and then charge you a micro-transaction to level them up instantly

>> No.4217032

>I'll take them over polygons.
Even as equally bland and unimpressive as they are?

>> No.4217039

The art in SoM was always pretty meh. It's the most baffling thing, I can only assume everyone remembers it fondly for the co-op.

Now SD3, that one did have gorgeous art, even if the gameplay was still quite meh despite the improvements.

Not him but good quality 2D art like in KoF, specially XIII, is fucking expensive to make. Don't fall for the same mistake of the uneducated that think sprites are cheaper just because they're 2D.

>> No.4217049
File: 291 KB, 1024x576, 1496695987302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu the only thing that seems out of place is the minimap seen in some screens

>> No.4217060

Any 1080p screenshots, or just Vita?

>> No.4217173
File: 80 KB, 1000x562, jet set radio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I think upresed beautiful hand drawn art would have been best, realistically that's super expensive to do well.

I would prefer it with a hint of cel shading to make the cartoony style shine, but I like what they've done. I'd take this a thousand times over the FFVI mobile version style.

>> No.4217194

I absolutely love how they kept the sexagonal rocks and blocky cliffs translated into 3D.

>> No.4217353

At least ffVII deserves a graphic enhancement since it's a ps1 game. And almost every 3d game at the time looks bad nowdays. But secret of mana? Cmon, it's still really playable these days, the 2d sprites aged much better than the early 3d

You can buy a modern game for that price. Why will you bother buying a game that just got a new graphic style, when the original it's still pretty playable?

>> No.4217359

>>>4216402 meant for >>4216592

>> No.4217365

Not for $40.

I might get it on sale if it has all the cut content added back in and has a chance to have SD3 remade as well.

>> No.4217398

Is the minimap just the SNES map?

>> No.4217420

>You can buy a modern game for that price. Why will you bother buying a game that just got a new graphic style, when the original it's still pretty playable?

Because I've played the original several times already. Realistically I'm not going to go through it again, but this looks like a nice way to revisit the world and story again.

Price is a non-issue, it's all about whether I want to invest the time in it. I loved SoM so this looks up my alley at least to try.

>> No.4217570


>Be Japan
>Make Seiken2 for Nintendo DS
>Totally forget about it
>Suddenly need money
>Release it untouched on PS4

Time for another nuke.

>> No.4217623

Calm your tits murrica

>> No.4217651

>Don't fall for the same mistake of the uneducated that think sprites are cheaper just because they're 2D.
No one thinks that, and everyone understands that it is expensive to hand draw each frame of a sprite. It's why so many indie games look like complete garbage because they go with the retro sprite look without being able to really animate anything with any type of feeling.

>> No.4217669

Didnt they release it on Switch as well?

>> No.4217672

>Now SD3, that one did have gorgeous art
The art was pretty similar between SD3 and Secret Of Mana, in fact there were a lot of reused visual assets. SD3 just adds a lot of special effects and has some really cool enemy models.

>Not him but good quality 2D art like in KoF, specially XIII, is fucking expensive to make. Don't fall for the same mistake of the uneducated that think sprites are cheaper just because they're 2D.
Thanks for stating the obvious. Could it be the fact that they are going the cheap 3d route is one of the reasons people don't like the look of it? This could just be a quick cash grab by square.

But really as disappointing as the 3d graphics are, if they actually try to improve the experience then it could be alright. Especially if they make it real simple to join in and coop with your bros.

I'm pretty sure they just announced it yesterday, and it is for a few different platforms including PC

>> No.4217713

Wish I had the screencap of that one Dragon's Crown review of the guy downplaying the visuals and the game's value because it was "just 2D" and how the game would be worth more if they had used 3D models instead.

>Thanks for stating the obvious.
Maybe I wasn't obvious enough. Let me try again: you really fucking expect them to assign an AAA-tier budget to a SoM remake? And if they had assigned such a budget, don't you think they'd go for high-quality 3D instead seeing as how that's much more marketable?

>> No.4217756

>you really fucking expect them to assign an AAA-tier budget to a SoM remake?
Yes I do. If you are going to remake one of a classic then you should give it a good budget and do it right. I wish square would just not remake games at all if they aren't going to do it right.

>> No.4217761
File: 155 KB, 720x540, snes-secret-of-mana-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4217770

lol, probably would have be easier if they did it that way

>> No.4217787

I'm more worried about the soundtrack than the gameplay tbqh. They're going to blow it out into overdone orchestral bullshit judging by the title footage. I've had those tracks running through my head for 25 years, and is my all time favourite vidya soundtrack along with SoE. It's where the game gets 90% if its charm for fucks sake.

>> No.4217795

Hurt my ears more than my eyes, but I concur OP.

Getting sick of this high def meme.

>> No.4217797

If you can't do it right don't do it at all anon.

It's fine low def.

>> No.4217849

It might pull a Adventures of Mana and let you pick between the old and new OST.

>> No.4217989

You can do with your money what you want, but $35 for one food item is really exorbitant.

>> No.4218014

>The art was pretty similar between SD3 and Secret Of Mana,

Different lead artist/character designer.

>> No.4218016

I like the SoM soundtrack but don't love it. I could enjoy a reworking of it. LoM style maybe.

>> No.4218159

Think they will pull a Adventures of Mana. Having its original tracks and the redone audio. Honestly looking forward to the audio because it was really well done with Adventures of Mana.

>> No.4218280

>I can only assume everyone remembers it fondly for the co-op.
Yep. Even playing it single player makes it an extremely mediocre Zelda clone with piss poor controls.

>> No.4218285
File: 687 KB, 1920x1080, ffviterraface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine they went the 2D route like iOS FF5,6.

>> No.4218297

i was really drawn in by the sense of adventure though. I enjoyed it more than Zelda

>> No.4218310

I had already played FF4 at the time. I felt like a cruddy attempt at mixing both.
Later I tried it multiplayer and found where the game actually shone.

>> No.4218323

Other than the top down perspective it's really nothing like Zelda

>> No.4218364

Mt PC is 13 years old and I bet it can run this just fine...it looks on the same level as a Falcom game from 2005.

>> No.4218370

>smooth criminal intensifies

>> No.4218403

That looks incredibly ridiculous. Main character looks like he is braindead.

>> No.4218517

>Zelda clone
Wut. Retard alert

>> No.4218587

That is even worst. Cmon square, leave 2d sprites alone.

>> No.4218592

Why don't they release the seiken densetsu collection on the switch outside of japan? That would be much more interesting than this 3d artstyle.

>> No.4218595

ps4 has been a real shit show so far and I say that as a huge sony fanboy. feels targeted to brazilians or something, I can't explain it.

>> No.4218597

Because it's SD1-3 and 3 was never translated.
I guess they could release it without 3 or leave 3 in Japanese.

>> No.4218890

I think it looks great and the artstyle fits that strange (but great) tribal pastel aesthetic that the Mana series has come to have. People keep saying it looks like an "iOS" or "Wii" game, but I honestly prefer the look of it over the sterile look FFXV has.

>> No.4218895

that minimap looks better than the actual game desu

>> No.4219009

Not him, but Final Fantasy Adventure/SD1 was definitely inspired by zelda, but it had a lot more RPG elements with stats and magic so it was more of its own thing.

>> No.4219037

kek what were they THINKING?

>> No.4219071

I'd rather have both of these on Steam.

>> No.4219102
File: 142 KB, 600x600, ITEM_IMAGE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people whining 40 dollars is too much
>meanwhile me spending around 135 dollars for the collector's edition.

Do any of you have jobs?

>> No.4219179


the trailer would look so much better if it had cel shading

>> No.4219248

I have a job and make decent money. $40 is still too much for a mobile-tier budget remake of an SNES game. Spending $135 for some mild extra goodies is just retarded.

>> No.4219424

Man, I feel old.

>> No.4219509

I just...shit i want to but na not really worth it to me i mean...i think 60-80 and i would consider it. To be honest i like extra goodie crap but meh not 135.

If i spent 135 i would be saying this is top quality game...it's not and I'm a little sad. It could look better but I'll be buying it for sure for 40.

Overall i'm happy to see it remade but it could be better.

>> No.4219550

To each thier own. To me it's no issue.

Certainly, and not all my meals are anywhere near that expensive. I was just saying that relatively it's not that much money in my eyes, particularly for something I'll be putting time into.

That's the important thing to me is the game's use of my time and whether I want to invest thatin playing it. 40 bucks here or there is nothing.

>> No.4219559


I don't like 3D remakes and that video is not very appealing, but this looks interesting to me. I actually want to play it. I want to hear the remade soundtrack, which will probably be worse than the original in general but might be better in some places (and either way it'll be interesting), and I want to see how they handled remaking the buggy parts of the engine, and the poorly designed parts. It's just an interesting exercise.

Also a new translation/rewriting, that'd be interesting, although hearing it all spoken aloud interminably slowly by mediocre actors will be unpleasant.

I expect this to be a mediocre game or even a bad one, but it's academically interesting to me because of my experience with the original game, and I want to play it.

>> No.4219692

135 is a bit steep will have to admit think what really neat is the pop up book. The characters models look fine but i'm more worried about how the environment looks. Environment looked horrible in Adventures of Mana, some areas worst than others.

Listen to Adventures of Mana OST and that's how SoM going to sound. Think what people are wondering more if this is a TRUE remake of SoM, as in adding everything that was cut from the original game.

>> No.4219865

I like the art style and graphics, but I feel like $40 is a bit too much in this day and age, and that $20 would be much more reasonable.

That collector's edition is pretty sweet though, those figures look great.

>> No.4219868

I should specify that I mean for that level of graphical fidelity. It's clearly a budget production, so a budget pricetag would make more sense. I think it's going to ultimately screw the game over until it inevitably goes on sale.

If it's some big-budget game that obviously had a lot of money put into it the $40 price of admission would be more reasonable.

>> No.4219869

You'll play for an hour then lose interest. The game and collector's crap that came with it would be put in a box somewhere and forgotten.

>> No.4219885

I could buy 20 of these if i felt like it but 135 is a waste of money.

>> No.4219963

Why do they always mess up the colors? I think the 3D style is cute, but the SNES artists had such a better sense of color.

>> No.4219967

Secret of Mana isn't the first game.

>> No.4219987

It's more vibrant and pastel. I don't think it's a bad decision but I'd be curious to see a 3D version that matches the colours of the original 1:1 to see which one stacks up better. It's possible that the original palette might've not looked the best in 3D.

>> No.4220030

It's a ridiculous solution that worked perfectly. How can it NOT be funny?

>> No.4220031

>bad voice acting
>actually, voice acting at all
It's trash.

>> No.4220073

Fuck off do it better...oh wait you can't!

>> No.4220090

Where have you been for the last 20 years? 40 is a budget price for a game. It has been for a long, long time. Secret of Mana cost more than that when the original was released.

>> No.4220092

>You'll play for an hour then lose interest.

Not everyone is you.

>> No.4220096

Goes to show that people have been really spoiled by game prices recently.

>> No.4220108

The price of virtually everything else has doubled or tripled in the last couple of decades but games have remained pretty much the same. But around here anything that's not bargain basement pricing is higheay robbery.

>> No.4220131
File: 172 KB, 600x732, Game-catalog-600x732[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but games have remained pretty much the same
They've actually gone way down.

>> No.4220140

see >>4215830

but also that's a load of horseshit. the game doesn't "cater" to those margin demographics at all. the dev didn't make it with those people in mind. those sorts of people are just attracted to games that defy tropes and break the molds, because that's how they identify themselves and they can relate to it.

don't blame the developer or his game for the fact that the Tumblrs basically leaped upon it like ravenous cougars on a supple young calf

>> No.4220152

>anyone who dislikes anything is a "hipster"

wew lad

point is that the ps2 Mana games had better graphics than this. And they were released 10 years ago, on a much less powerful console.

how do you fuck up this bad

it's like having a Switch game that looks worse than a Gamecube game

>> No.4220190

Not him, but the same way that I don't mind the dated graphics of old games I play, I also don't mind that these look dated. It obviously has a lowish budget, but I like the look.

>> No.4220193

Secret of Mana was never good.

>> No.4220220

anyone who dislikes anything is a "hipster"

>> No.4220223

>Not even a good troll
>Not even trying

>> No.4220231

This, it was always a broken game who never did recover from the scrapped CD content. It's not just that the story is disjointed or that there's stuff missing, it's that the gameplay itself is slow, buggy, and messy. The only way it's enjoyable is if you play co-op, otherwise enjoy getting every character that you aren't controlling stuck on the edge of the screen over and over because the AI is fucking stupid.

The iOS/Android port actually fixed a lot of things for the game. The AI in particular improved a lot, and while the characters could act like morons depending on your settings, at least they no longer got stuck preventing you from moving. But the one thing that it lacked, and I'm mentioning this because it's relevant to this new remake too, was a decent English translation. It boggles the mind that a fucking mobile port got brand new translations to like five different languages but they STILL used the shitty English SNES script. Playing it in ANY other language was a revelation, because who knew this game actually had a story. There's probably AT LEAST 50% of stuff that the English script cuts out and it just makes it incoherent in comparison to any other language. I know Woolseyfags will defend him so let me just say that I already know that there were space limitations for the SNES script and he probably did the best he could, yadda yadda, but that was like 20 years ago, the game needs a translation that isn't shit.

Hopefully this won't suck, I'm no complete autistic nostalgiafag like some other posters here. I think it's great that they remake the game, because, like I said, it was always broken. It had great ideas but could never quite get there due to its development history, if any game needs a remake it's this one, maybe they can actually finish it for once.

Hopefully with an English translation that isn't shitty to boot.

Also it's bullshit that Square-Enix keeps acting like SD3 doesn't exist.

>> No.4220238

Honest thoughts on the 3D remake of Final Fantasy 4?

>> No.4220258

tldr; enjoy your opinions

>> No.4220276

You must hate video games...go back to /v/ 90s kid

>> No.4220309

The Japanese voice acting isn't bad.

>> No.4220573

Sc3 is better in every way possible.

>> No.4220632

I don't have to. The game speaks for itself.

>clunky ring menu interface
>shitty AI that gets stuck around walls and staircases
>poorly designed attack charging that gets fucked by accuracy mechanics
>the accuracy mechanics are totally borked and are basically impossible to manipulate with equipment
>almost every boss fight is a magic spamming shit show
>item capacity too small for its own good, especially in regard to MP restoration
>enemies are pointlessly tanky despite never being even remotely challenging

And that's not counting all the technical bugs you come across in an average playthrough.

>> No.4220638

You're supposed to stun the enemy with magic while you release your charge attacks on them

The damage counter won't go over 999 so this is the best way to rack up damage while being MP efficient

>> No.4220646

wasn't it power wrist?

>> No.4220669

>You're supposed to stun the enemy with magic while you release your charge attacks on them
Yeah, but using your magic in dungeons is usually a huge waste because of limited your MP pool is most of the time. You really wanna save those Faerie Walnuts for bosses, so then you can use the Midge Mallet on Popoi and spam that shit with reduced cast times and cooldowns. Unless you plan to make multiple trips in and out of the dungeon, I wouldn't recommend using magic much at all... Which sucks because the magic systems seems to be pretty diverse on paper. It's just implemented with a lot of bone-headed design decisions.

>> No.4220678

I used it just fine in every dungeon. The bosses are not that hard.

>> No.4220921

>don't include voice acting
>superior version achieved

wow now look at that

>> No.4220938

looks fine to me. good way to get new ppl to play the game. especially if they do online 3 player. will buy for like 15$

>> No.4221043

Eevery game has people who don't like it. The remake won't change your minds I'm sure, but it doesn't have to.

I would never call SoM a perfect game by any stretch, but it's one I liked and this looks like a neat way to revisit it. So I'm happy with that.

>> No.4221236


Yeah. The acting won't be very good probably, and even if it is PERFECT, it'll still drag down the game by making you waste extra time consuming the simplistic, blandly written story that's being acted out.

That type of story cannot be good when the player is prevented from moving through it quickly.

>> No.4221240


I'm always perplexed when I see people on Steam saying "nooooooo why does it have to cost $12 I really wanted to try this" or whatever... like, I'm stupidly poor and I can scrape up $12 if I really care about something.

>> No.4221253


Man I don't know why you people complain so much about the ring menus. I agree about pretty much everything else, this game was a mess. But the rings are fun and they work fine.

>> No.4221307

That's just the internet for you. If you saw someone out in the normal world saying something like that they're likely either really young or plainly an idiot. So you hear them say it and just laugh it off because who cares what some 16 year old or socially inept manchild actually thinks.

But on the internet you just see the text of what they're saying. And because you don't see what they look like, your brain doesn't automatically discount them as it likely would if you were actually speaking with them. The result is that you end up giving a lot more importance to their opinion than you would have otherwise.

Simple solution is what when you see someone online say something idiotic, take that as the cue that it is. Take a moment to chuckle at their expense and otherwise don't waste anymore energy considering why exactly they're like that. Because really, who cares?

>> No.4222089

Started SoM two days ago. I'm really enjoying this title so far. How are the other titles in the Mana series? I've already finished Final Fantasy Adventure which was pretty simple but robust.

>> No.4222230
File: 294 KB, 864x696, Ys IV - The Dawn of Ys {HCD3051-4-1108-R1F} (J)-0081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yeah! Let's do this, Dogi.

>> No.4222325

Seiken Densetsu 3 is a big step up from Secret of Mana, I enjoyed it a lot more than SoM personally.

It has a significantly larger scope, significantly refined gameplay mechanics so it's a lot more fun to play, the partner AI has been significantly improved and they no longer get stuck on the scenery, there are six characters to choose a party of three from who all have different backstories who to a limited extent affect the main plot. Plus it's a generally beautiful game, one of the best-looking snes games. It's like Secret of Mana with the jank and unpolished feeling removed. Oh, and the camera is properly centered so you don't need to run into the corners of the screen to scroll the camera.

Legend of Mana is more of a straight action-RPG that's different from the previous games, but is good in its own right. Most people don't seem to like Sword of Mana, the Final Fantasy Adventure remake, but I thought it was alright.

Worth checking out is Secret of Evermore, which runs on the same engine and is distinctly American-flavoured.

>> No.4223129

>Seiken Densetsu 3
If only the character designs weren't so ugly and forgettable.

>> No.4223131

Looks better than Dawn of Mana, at least. I'm sure it plays better, too.

>> No.4223247

shit looks worse than those no budget sega ages ps2 demakes

>> No.4223320

$40 is a bit much imo
yakuza kiwami just dropped today for $30 and that includes remakes of 2 not /vr/ games

>> No.4223472

Well this will probably go on sale at some point.

>> No.4223692
File: 100 KB, 800x600, Power-wrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4223702

In Japanese it's actually プリン

>> No.4223704

more like pc98

>> No.4223745

>Apparently the Vita now has more games (1453)
Are you sure that number isn't inflated to include PS one Classics and limited editions?

>> No.4223752

>If only the character designs weren't so ugly and forgettable.

Tell that to the Japanese, they still draw Riesz.

>> No.4223763


>2xSal / Super Eagle


>> No.4223769

Is Secret of Mana the most overrated SNES game? I get that the presentation is really high quality (though the music does irritating as it is endlessly looped) but the gameplay is a complete disaster.

Or doesn't that matter?

>> No.4223890

Name something thats currently successful that isnt based off something else?

They're few and far between. Every big name company right now in games is riding of something that was around awhile ago. Fucking hell the most profitable game in the world right now is a fucking 14 year old Warcraft 3 mod.

>> No.4223895

Only design that's forgettable is Duran. Everyone else in the main 6 has something going on, for better or worse.

>> No.4223971

Ohh my god someone likes something you don't better get upset and tell them to kill themselves.

>> No.4223979

Splatoon, Gravity Rush, Arms, Nioh, Prey, Horizon Zero Dawn, Rime, Night in the Woods off the top of my head.

Of course there's lots of stuff based on previously successful ideas and series as well, but that's always been the case. Like the waves of platformers in the wake of Super Mario's success.

>> No.4223998

Vita is nothing compared to the PC-98.

>> No.4224106

Oh please, SD3 is a buggy mess devoid of a proper story. Half of the stats are broken, character balance is broken, fighting moves like molasses and the inventory screen is slower than the chest in Vagrant Story. Nice music and graphics, but otherwise inferior to SoM in every way.

>Is Secret of Mana the most overrated SNES game
That's CT

>> No.4224130

That opening.. the orchestra really fucking drowned out the fucking piano and fucked up the drumroll.

My fucking ears man, fuck.

>> No.4224372

It's great and made me look at IV in a new light. The difficulty boost made it a lot more fun for me. The only thing that annoyed me was how the Augment system was basically "permanent" and would make you second guess yourself. I don't know why they didn't just make them swappable with a cooldown time or something.

>> No.4224849

Going to be the best game ever

>> No.4225109

You can be that typical autistic pixel faggot all you want, but SoM is the one game where super eagle or even hq4x actually works really fucking well and adds a nice 'painted' feel to the original graphics.

>> No.4225117

Why is Senate such a retard?

>> No.4225449

>that screenshot
wew lad

>> No.4225457

What is the story to this mysterious event?

>> No.4225465

Old meme

>So I'm playing Secret of Mana with my friend Senate over ZSNES. We just got to The Empire (more than halfway through the game), and he's still wearing his fucking power wrist. It has 4 defense, as opposed to the ~20 defense from the armor available to us right now (this makes a lot of difference in the world of mana), but he keeps it anyways because it has +5 STR which he is convinced is more important than any amount of defense (it's not).

>So while we were in the shop at The Empire, he gave up control of his character for a moment to go AFK, so I popped into his inventory and unequipped his power wrist so I could sell it and buy a Golem Ring instead. He noticed soon after he returned that his power wrist was missing, and became irate.

>So now we're on our way to "potatos" (he means Potos Village) to buy back his power wrist. What he doesn't know is that he can buy it at the shop we just left in The Empire.

>> No.4225473

Not him, but grow the fuck up. We get you don't like it and that's fine. But flooding the board with greentext memespeak because HOLY FUCK someone out there chose a different graphical option for some game is retarded. The signal to noise ratio around here is shitty as it is.

>> No.4225558

But you can beat the game with power bracelet....

>> No.4225567


I wanna fuck that flamie

>> No.4225645

You can all choke on my dick! This game looks fantastic and there's nothing YOU can do to change my or Square's mind

>> No.4225658

Boy, are you mad over somebody not liking the same things as you.

>> No.4225710

Way off and your reading comprehension is terrible. I actually agree with him that the filter looks stupid, I just want less pointless trolling by people who can't stand different opinions.

>> No.4225714

So now having different opinions is trolling? Okay, pal.

>> No.4225756

Expressing an opinion isn't trolling. Meaningless memes is.

>that screenshot
>wew lad

>> No.4225824

My opinion is adequately expressed. I'm sorry you don't agree with it. Instead of getting mad, just ignore it. Or go play video games. Either or.

>> No.4225969

>>that screenshot
>>wew lad

>> No.4226006
File: 138 KB, 373x338, 1472996519307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay you got a laugh

>> No.4226015

They retranslated directly from Japanese for languages other than English?
Usually they use the initial English translation as a base and translate to all other European languages from that because there's so many more translators available who can do that.

>> No.4226151

>My opinion is adequately expressed.

Sorry, I hadn't realized you were a Special Needs person. I'll give you some slack now.

>> No.4226213

Anyone having an argument in the deprecated technology section of an anime image board is probably some degree of retarded regardless.