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4201108 No.4201108 [Reply] [Original]

WTF, what went so horribly wrong?

>> No.4201110

Pretty much nothing you Rondo of Blood goggles faggot.

No, it's not quite as good as Rondo, but it's fantastic in its own right, not to mention Richtervania is best vania, so just be happy that we got two games. This game is only bad if you either haven't played it and bought the memes or you are literally incapable of ceasing to suck Rondo off.

>> No.4201112

You made the thread, you tell me

>> No.4201115

your birth

>> No.4201124

Lmao fucking piece of nigger, it's literally the castlevania 1 of SNES, the music is amazing, the controls feel dull just like in nes, go suck 500 miles of cock in hell.

>> No.4201125
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Post your "SNES Dracula X is a good game in its own right" face

>> No.4201130

Not even close. Castlevania I is fun. Dracula X is a tedious slog of a game.

>> No.4201141
File: 21 KB, 224x216, mcfuckingkillyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to translate for you:
"This game is harrrrrrdddd. Please daddy, can we go back to Casualvania IV?"

>> No.4201151

>It's an "a game being harder makes it automatically better" episode

>> No.4201160
File: 235 KB, 178x100, implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that it being hard is why I'm saying it's good
That's simply why I'm sure it turned you away. The difficulty isn't necessarily a strength (though I myself do enjoy actual challenge). It just causes casuals to drop it after they emulate it for 5 minutes.

>> No.4201161
File: 27 KB, 256x224, Castlevania+-+Dracula+X+%2528USA%2529_00001[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I don't really like Castlevania IV either. Way too easy, and really dull. The SNES, despite being a great console, didn't do the Castlevania series justice. Nice assumption though.

And Dracula X is not hard, it's just a boring slog. WTF, who thought this level was a good idea?

>> No.4201172

wtf I know right angry birds and fruit ninja are so much better see you on facebook bae

>> No.4201175

>SNES didn't do the Castlevania series justice
I mean, you're entitled to your own opinions, but be aware yours is very unpopular.

Dracula X is a great entry to the classic series. Fans of Rondo should love it, since it's basically Rondo 1.5 (a sequel, rather than a port).

>> No.4201179 [DELETED] 

I honestly prefer it to the original game, but 1, 3, 4, and Chronicles are superior Castlevanias. My biggest gripe with XX though is that it re-uses too many of the same enemies, for instance those purple spear guys, whereas RoB had a good variety in character designs. But level-wise, graphically, and even musically, XX was an upgrade over RoB. And they got rid of that annoying pedobait character and all the shitty FMVs you can't skip, which was a plus.

>> No.4201180
File: 24 KB, 428x428, OXjFdcmJ[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy complains that Castlevania IV is too easy
>"lol, you must like angry birds, casul"

>> No.4201182

I thought Dracula X was widely considered to be the worst console Classicvania. And it's not so much a sequel, but rather a remake. A botched remake, mind you.

>> No.4201187

>I thought Dracula X was widely considered to be the worst console Classicvania.
You thought wrong.
>And it's not so much a sequel, but rather a remake.
A remake would imply same game design, and Dracula X has completely new level layouts, completely new locations and completely new bosses.
I say it's a 1.5 sequel because it reuses a lot of assets (character and enemy sprites, mostly, not backgrounds) from Rondo of Blood.
In some ways, Dracula X is superior to Rondo, for example the backgrounds.

>> No.4201189

They're both easy. Please more reaction images though.

>> No.4201190

It doesn't even play like rondo, it is it's own game. It's not a port.

>> No.4201225 [DELETED] 

Richter controlled pretty much 1:1 to me, sempai.

>> No.4201386

<spoilers>He didn't</spoilers>

Seriously, load them up at the same time and try it. A big part of it is due to the fact that the SNES and PCE have different resolutions, but still.

>> No.4201439

>Fans of Rondo should love it, since it's basically Rondo 1.5 (a sequel, rather than a port).
Dracula X is to Rondo of Blood what the NES Metal Gear is to the MSX2 original. A botched reworking of a better game.

>> No.4201468

RoB > 3 > 1 > Bloodlines > IV > X

>> No.4201595

Sure, they're both easy. I'm not sure what your point is. My point is that IV is okay, but overrated, while Dracula X is straight-up bad.

>> No.4201604

Ignore me, I'm being a butthead. Have a nice day anon!

>> No.4201624

N-No! We must argue about which game is better! I will not accept that someone disagrees with me on an obscure video game from the 90s!

>> No.4201798

Not sure, American audiences weren't ready for anime girls? Or even Hammer Horror style sacrifice introductions? Oh yeah, ranking time:

III > Rondo > Super IV > Bloodlines > Castlevania > Belmont's Revenge > Chronicles > II Simon's Quest > Dracula X > Adventure > Vampire Killer >Legends > Haunted Castle

>> No.4201872

I've beaten Castlevania X. It isn't a good game. the NES Castlevanias are much more enjoyable.

>> No.4202283

You're just trying to rewrite history with unpopular opinions.
Dracula X is not an unfinished game made in 3 months. And there's nothing botched about it.

>> No.4202447

It wasn't bad, it just wasn't Rondo. In fact it was quite good. You should play it OP

>> No.4202463

>horribly wrong
Rondo didn't come out over here, so this was to tide other fans over

no complaints from me

>> No.4202484 [DELETED] 

>castlevania arcade last
casual babby detected

>> No.4202556

>I thought Dracula X was widely considered to be the worst console Classicvania.
Wrong now try forming your own opinions you sad sheep minded queermo.

>And it's not so much a sequel, but rather a remake. A botched remake, mind you.
Wrong again, gee it's like you kids parrot what you hear from youtube gaming channels or something.

>It isn't a good game.

>> No.4202571

>Dracula X is not an unfinished game made in 3 months. And there's nothing botched about it.
Nope, but it's an attempt to port a CD-ROM game into a 16 Megabit cartridge format by replacing most of its content

>> No.4202593

Keeping with the Metal Gear theme, I can actually enjoy the NES Metal Gear port and I actually think Snake's Revenge is underrated. Just because it isn't the original intended vision doesn't mean you aren't allowed to like it. The theatrical Blase Runner had that awful voiceover but Guillermo del Taco loves it, and he's allowed, even though that's a horrible version of the film.

Dracula X isn't Rondo but besides some reused assets the differences REALLY fall away after the first level. Rondo is great for its branching paths and huge awesome level set pieces, and IMO it's level design is damn near the top of the Classicvania ladder. Dracula X meanwhile has a more linear feel (makes it easier to master; I love Rondo but I'm lying if I tell you I've seen some of those ' stages more than once or twice and I had to use a guide to unlock 2 of them; DracX lets you see the whole game in one go) and has some cool boss fights you don't see in Rondo. They really are just different experiences, and while I wont pretend like Rondo isn't the superior experience there's no reason to write off DracX so easily because it isn't that.

In fact, for every CV4 babby who turns off DracX in the first level for being too hard, I would argue there's a fag who doesn't play past the first level because "hurr not as good as Rondo"

>> No.4202594 [DELETED] 

You realize 90% of CD data is the sound files, right?

I'm certain a perfect RoB port (aside from music) could be done to SNES.

>> No.4202642

>you don't like it because it's hard
Haunted Castle isn't a good game though

>> No.4202671

>Game shitpost flinging
>Difficulty flinging
>Rondo or Super IV being used as a golden standard
>parrots who haven't even played every castlevania let alone beat them

What in the world is up with the Castlevania threads lately.

>> No.4202725 [DELETED] 

>>Rondo or Super IV being used as a golden standard
What's wrong with that one? Those are the best in the franchise desu

>> No.4202742

Super IV has great atmosphere and good music. Rondo has good music (i particularly love portrait of a ghost ship) and the branching level system and characters with completely different sub weapons is cool.

But they both fall on level design, enemy placement which leads to overall difficulty, the importance and weight of each individual sub weapon, good boss fights (though rondo's boss fight introductions are top notch) and a myriad of other small things like how enemies die when you smack em, the arc of enemy projectiles and jump paths.

I mean they're good games, but the golden standard? Heavens no. If you're going to have a golden standard it's going to be 1 or 3, since i f the golden standard is synonymous with foundation, 1 had a base, 3 ran with it and tightened it up (such as close proximity whip hit detection and enemies reaction to being smacked with some good ol heaven juice) while keeping the methodical pacing that rewarded level memorization and a brisk walk rather than a full sprint. Rondo in particular plays out more like an action game even when compared to The Adventure Rebirth and Bloodlines with the general strategies of most encounters shifting from bait and hit to hit as fast and early as possible.

But I went on the tangent. I wouldn't call them the best in the franchise.

>> No.4202798

At some point the B team behind this decided to make their own game with Rondo assets instead of a port, but what they made was less interesting, less fun, and slower. "Horribly wrong" might be a bit harsh, though. It's worse than Rondo for sure, but it's still okay.
This game is not great, Alice. It never will be great.

>> No.4202820

They both run in 256x224. We discussed that any difference in resolution was likely due to overscan being handled differently between emulators. It's not just that, anyway. The rate of everything is slower, and shittier, in X. Why do you like this game so much? WHYYYYYY? It's such an obvious runt. Your contrarianism will be the death of you.

>> No.4202914

>Why do you like this game so much? WHYYYYYY?

Why are you trying so hard to tell others what to think? it's obvious you're just a ubthurt pleb cunt that can't adapt to challenege, fuck off and wank to your weeb cutscene easy game you annoying cunt,

>> No.4202915

>It's worse than Rondo for sure,
Nah it's just easier and filled out with more animu shit. Lots of retards think easier makes it better because they hate being reminded of how much they suck.

>> No.4203129

>Wrong now try forming your own opinions you sad sheep minded queermo.

Okay. My opinion is that it's one of the worst Castlevania games, with awful hitboxes and atrocious level design.

>> No.4203132

>Rondo doesn't have good bosses

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.4203136

I think IV's level design is top-notch, and how enemies die when you smack them feels great (all these bones flying all around the screen, plus the cracking sound effect).

I find the level design in Rondo a bit erratic at time, but it still works, and it can be forgiven because it has branching paths, but some of the secrets seem a bit pointless.

Still, I agree my favorite and overall best is CV1, but I could see how other people would consider IV or Rondo to be the best. They're up there.

What awful hitboxes? do you have any source?

>> No.4203152

>What awful hitboxes? do you have any source?

You can hit enemies behind you and above you by whipping forward. Also, try to to a back-flip to dodge an incoming bat.

>> No.4203161

The graphics suck, and that's literally it. A lot of sections are plain ugly, they made some poor aesthetic choices, like putting non-interactive candles in the background and then placing real candles in an arbitrary pattern over that for some reason. However, the controls are high and tight as the NES classics, the level design is clever and tricky, the enemies have the more complex patterns and varied movesets than other Castlevanias. Sure, it's not as pretty or inviting as IV, but in terms of being a good Castlevania game, it's the real successor to 1&3.

>> No.4203167

>it's the real successor to 1&3.

No, that would be Rondo Of Blood. Dracula X on SNES is a botched remake of a true classic.

>> No.4203168

It's weird, some people say the game has bad controls, but good graphics, you say the opposite.
I think the game has both good controls and good graphics. I don't remember that candle thing you're talking about but graphics on Dracula X are an overall improvement over Rondo, although Rondo has more enemy variety.

>> No.4203172

When will you stop with your wrong opinions?

>> No.4203189
File: 21 KB, 256x224, ugly candles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't consider it a botched remake, given that it was made with different aims in mind and is still a good game. It's not an attempted remake of Rondo as much as it's a SNES classicvania made from Rondo's cannibalized assets. Each offers a different experience when playing through them, and they're both great.
pic related

>> No.4203195

>the "it's easier" meme.
You dumb niggers. Dracula's challenge is completely nullified by fucking ducking so you don't get thrown into pits and throwing axes.

Yeah, I beat this watered down insult too.

So what are we left with now that we have the 'harder' meme erased? A game with more monotonous level design and enemy placement, less character and secrets, and slower, floatier movement than the game it and SNES fags wish it could be. It's one of the weakest classicvanias and you know it is. 3's the best one anyway, Rondo is a bit too easy but it's better designed than X by a mile

>> No.4203215

I don't agree, but I respect your perspective and opinion.

>> No.4203225

>SNES fags
And here's where you lose all the little credit you have, by strawmanning and bashing the game because of some boogeymen.
I played Dracula X on emulators during the early 00s, it's a fine game. I also like 3 and Rondo. I'm glad I'm not some poser faggot who got into the series a few years ago and starts parroting bullshit online for no reason.

>> No.4203498

>DracX lets you see the whole game in one go
Huh? DracX has 2 secret stages though..

>> No.4203637 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 460x990, mariadxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NECbeards are just butthurt their only Castlevania game has a superior re-imagining on a Nintendo master race console. It's funny seeing them lie to make up excuses to dismiss this great game.

>> No.4203683 [DELETED] 

but muh slower controls
but muh aladdin-tier hitboxes
but muh shittier level designs

>> No.4204079

Rondo of Blood might not be my favorite Castlevania, but it has the best Death fight in the series.

>> No.4204087
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even the jap version is expensive.

>> No.4204139

Aliexpress repro or a flash cart, nigga.

>> No.4204841

Both are worth enjoying on their own merits. They both tell the same story but with different stylistic approaches, just like castlevania 1 and castlevania 4. Both of those games are worth playing and both are enjoyable for different reasons. If you don't think all four of those games mentioned are worth playing to get a good sampling of what the series has to offer then all you're doing is shit flinging and and splitting hairs. The classicvanias are all riffs on a similar theme and each of them are unique enough to warrant a play through. Some are better than others but none of them are objectively bad games.

As much as I'd love to talk about GBA and DS games here I'm kinda glad it isn't allowed just because it would elevate the castlevania shit flinging to critical mass.

portrait of ruin is underrated