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File: 124 KB, 729x737, Wario Land GB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4182057 No.4182057 [Reply] [Original]

Which Wario Land game is the best?

>> No.4182061

Nostalgiafags will pick WL1.
Hipsters will pick VBWL.
Collectathonfags will pick WL3.
Nu-gamer kiddies will pick WL4.

So the correct choice is II.

>> No.4182065

>Nu-gamer kiddies will pick WL4.
Heh, so out of touch.

>> No.4182068

You pretty much listed them in the correct order.

>> No.4182076

You posted it.

>> No.4182109

I've been playing them recently, currently collecting all the treasures on 3. So far I think 2 is the better one.

>> No.4182112

What's the big appeal of this series? I'm not trying to be snarky or antagonistic, I'm legitimately curious what other people get out of it.

I played all the SMLs, and SML3/WL1 was my least favorite. It was okay but nothing super memorable to me. Played a few hours of WL2 and got bored with it quick.

>> No.4182118

Um you get to be the bad guy

>> No.4182125

Shoulder barging those little shits into another dimension is very satisfying. They can be very frustrating games though.

>> No.4182253

2 is literally a crappier version of 3

3 hammered out all the problems with 2

>> No.4182260

It's kinda an inconsistent series because the gameplay changes a lot

VB, 3 and 4 tend to be the favorites

Everything after 4 sucked. World, Disguise and Shake it are all mediocre to hot garbage

>> No.4182294

I like VBWL because it was an evolution of the original. I didn't like where WL2 took the franchise, I wanted something more traditional like the original and VB.

I'm one of the few that actually played VBWL when it came out, I may have been a kid but I absolutely loved the 3D, blew my mind away. No headaches nor any of the shit the VB gets by "game reviewers" on youtube who never owned the console when it came out.

>> No.4182417

Except 3 didn't have branching paths, and it stripped away your moves and forced you to re-learn everything from scratch. And you had to re-do stages at least 4 times in order to clear it, sometimes even having to re-do puzzles you already did once before. 3 was just way too bloated for its own good desu.

This guy explains why WL3 is the worst Wario Land:

>> No.4182437

4 is the best in the series and Shake It is better than World, Disguise, 1 and VB.

Fight me, grandpas

>> No.4182449

I like 2 the most. 3 was fun but the backtracking kind of became a bore after a while.

>> No.4182450

Trash taste. Shake It was just 4 minus all the things that made 4 good, plus a bunch of annoying crap thrown onto it.

VB > WL1 > WL4 > World > WL2 > WL3 > Shake It >>>> MoD

>> No.4182491

My biggest complaint about WL3 is that bullshit gold minigame.

>> No.4182494


and the control scheme for it is literally the most unintuitive thing in existence

>> No.4182558

>Loved WL4
>MoD comes out, super hype

I have never been so let down

>> No.4182571

I feel the same about Yoshi games.

>YI was one of my favorite SNES games
>play Yoshi Story and end up hating it

>> No.4182583

The first one. Comfy licorice black goodness. Also, kinda digging it's "treasure island and wacky one piece shit" theme.

>> No.4182609

Anon if you haven't you have to play DS. It's really good.

I like woolly world too but yarn is my aesthetic so IDK if anyone else around these parts would like it.

polite sage for off topic and not retro

>> No.4182626

San Francisco RUSH

>> No.4182686
File: 21 KB, 450x406, wario dizzy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying WL3 is a bad game

Please don't do this if you don't want want to look like an idiot. WL 1 through 3 each took different approaches, but each of them is a great game in its own right. I can respect anyone who prefers one over the other, but calling any one of them a "bad game" makes you lose credibility in an instant. How did this meme even get started?

>> No.4182754

The one you posted.

>> No.4182850

WL3 was shit dude, no level of nostalgia will change this unfortunate fact.

>> No.4182859

Once a year or so I replay this series (I think it's about time to do it again, actually). I always look forward to finishing 2 so I can play 3, and I always get sad once I'm down to the last few treasures in 3 (even though I love 4, too).

I think 3 is the best, although I understand the complaints against it.

>> No.4182878

3 is shit. deal with it.

>> No.4182879

I honestly don't get the appeal of Mario games. Mario is an obnoxious autistic faggot who... oh, nevermind.

>> No.4182906

There was more than one?

>> No.4184410

WL2 is more Collectathonfaggotry than WL3

>> No.4184458

>Trash taste
>likes VB the most
Pot calling the kettle black

>> No.4184548

>amazing music
>some of the best sprite work and animation on the system
>fun levels, tight controls

I think 4 is the best, and I played the first game on GB when it first game out and loved the shit of of it.

>> No.4184605

Not really. You only need to find 1 treasure per level in WL2, while you have to find four keys + eight music coins per level in WL3 in order to 100% it.

>> No.4184608

>It's really good.
this anon is a liar

>> No.4184613
File: 913 KB, 400x245, 1492805609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like VB Wario
Stop commenting on others' tastes. That game is great.

>> No.4184705
File: 45 KB, 493x523, 1937913713171711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4184865
File: 125 KB, 515x417, le wario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to find four keys + eight music coins per level in WL3 in order to 100% it

There's no reason to do that though unless you suffer from some sort of autism. I always got all the treasures, but never bothered with the music coins.

>> No.4184938

4, VB and World are the best. 2 and 3 have shitty replay value and 1 has aged like fine garbage. And don't even get me started on the fuckups that were Shake It and Disguise.

>> No.4185231
File: 1.87 MB, 236x224, 1498351325257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That...actually makes sense.

>> No.4185235
File: 36 KB, 400x201, wario_satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4185351

I think the general things are, compared to Mario games
>More puzzle-oriented gameplay
>Unique obstacles taking into account different health systems (or lack thereof)
>Collecting money actually has a purpose beyond extra lives
>Multiple paths/endings in some cases add replay value
>Variety in enemy types and player transformations
>Cartoonish visuals and music that still feel comfy
>In some games, level layouts transform as you play
>Fresh gameplay innovations nearly each entry
>Main character is morally ambiguous but not edgy or pathetic; has a strong personality, but isn't obnoxious; is made fun of, but reflects familiar human emotions; and doesn't always get what he wants, but can pull victories through determination and greed
>You get to piledrive and ground-pound everything

>> No.4185407

I thought 3 was a castleroid game

>> No.4185445

It's more of a Super Marioid 64, really.

>> No.4185447

>Hipsters will pick VBWL.
But it really is the best one.

>> No.4186521

>added a shop before boss fights where you can pay to lower the enemy's health

Casualisation at its finest.

>> No.4186548

Yoshi's Island, at the time the N64 came out, was my favorite game ever. I was so fucking hyped for Yoshi's Story.

Dear god.

>> No.4186562

Story is pretty fun tho

>> No.4186624

Well, sure, in that I enjoy it at least a little more than sitting motionless on a couch in an otherwise quiet and empty room, yes.

>> No.4186746

it's optional though. I just used it to view all the animations. I have beaten the game 100% on super hard.

>> No.4186749

>start up master of disguise
>all those fart noises
You can tell games are outsourced so easily. I don't think I even made it past the tutorial

The bonus stages are alright if not a tad difficult. I don't think I ever beat them all

>> No.4186753

Sometimes it's cathartic to play a game that lets you just be a giant asshole and beat the shit out of everyone and mug them for cash. It has this cartoonishly violent edge to it, kind of like a Popeye cartoon - except you're Bluto.

>> No.4186786

VB. But up through 4 is good really.