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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4175112 No.4175112 [Reply] [Original]

What was your reaction when PSX was announced? (let's pretend to not know 99% of /vr/ wasn't born yet)

>> No.4175116

Getting' real tired of the age Olympics

>> No.4175137

>be oldfag
>guardian of /vr/
>notice youngfag trying to discuss video games from before their time
>readjust trilby and leap into thread, katana drawn
>(there's no actual katana, but bear with me, it's a metaphor)
>the plebeian youngfag stares at me in disbelief
>"How dare you shit up my board! These games are sacred to us, not to be sullied by the likes of you!"
>"b-but..." the youngfag stammers, moronically, "I like old v-video games..."
>I scoff at him, euphoric in my superior age
>I remind him that he must only like old video games because it's trendy, and that e-celebrities told him too
>remind him he will never understand what it's like to be a "true" retro gamer in the '80s and '90s, sexless and ostracized socially
>the youngfag, his thread sufficiently derailed, hangs his head and leaves in shame
>i shit myself and proudly bask in the fumes
>"Thank God that /vr/ has proper retro gamers like me to ensure only *quality* discussion"
>I proceed to start an Genesis v.s. SNES thread, only oldfags can truly appreciate

>> No.4175139

my first console was a famiclone, when I was a kid I tried out Mario64 in the store and my reaction was "this is boring, why do I have to walk everywhere, I want the other console" and that's how I got my playstation
don't remember anything about announcements, but I do remember the playstation being the talk of the playground

>> No.4175141

I probably read about it on some magazine and didn't gave a shit.

>> No.4175142

There there.

>> No.4175143

It was 1200 bucks at first, which I remember vividly - seeing it in toy store magazines. Also hoping that the Saturn would win the console wars that year, because I always played Battletoads 2 on a friend's Megadrive and saw potential there.

Oddly enough I didn't care for the N64 until Goldeneye came out, and got that in the end.

>> No.4175147

I barely remember anything except this was when cereal stopped having free gifts and started to have CDs advertising things like Playstation.

>> No.4175150
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>> No.4175153

I was intrigued at what it might bring to the table. That said, having seen the utter failure of the CDi, CD32, 3DO, Jaguar etc I wasn't holding out much hope.

I, and my Segafag mates, were much more excited by the Saturn at that stage.

Of course by the time both systems made it over here the battle had already been won and we all went Sony.

>> No.4175161

I don't really remember my initial reaction, I just thought it was kind of odd at first. And I thought it was a joke, till Square jumped ship.

>> No.4175162
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>Oh neat. Sony's going to go ahead and push through the Play Station
(CDi and 3DO are released)
>I am now much less excited about Play Station

>> No.4175164

second post best post

>> No.4175175

>We've had the Phillips console, the Panasonic console, and now the Sony console. Who the fuck is next? Toshiba?

>> No.4175191
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I don't really remember when it was released, I remember seeing it on vidya magazines, but to me it was "oh, another CD console", but I was still playing SNES and Mega Drive, and CD wasn't something new to me because I had a PC with CD drive.
I actually bought a 3DO first, because it was cheap. Eventually I sold the 3DO to get a PS, in 1996, when playstation had some more interesting games.
I got a PS first, but within the same week I got a N64 (which I was indeed waiting for)

>> No.4175201

All I remember was thinking it looked really cool but I never got to have one, but all my friends did. Meanwhile few of my friends had the 64, so we would go between houses to play each one.

>> No.4175213

My 12 year old self was more excited for the Saturn and thought the Playstation would be a kiddy console.

>> No.4175215

I was alive, but I had no idea because all my gaming news came from Nintendo Power. It was probably around 1997 when I first laid eyes on a PlayStation. I thought it was pretty neat because I didn't have brand loyalty. First game I played on it was vigilante 8 I think.

>> No.4175216

I didn't think that.

However it seemed unthinkable that it would become market leader pretty much overnight.

>> No.4175225

There were a couple of weird ads on TV but I didn't care much because they only showed 2D games I didn't knew and some low poly 3D game (I think it was Fade To Black, but not sure) which was pretty ugly even for early PSX standards. Then I saw Battle Arena Toshinden in a consumer electronics store and was blown away. It was probably the strongest reaction I got from a game. I got a Playstation for Christmas that year in 1996.

>> No.4175290

I don't even remember. I just remember my cousin and step brothers owning one. Playing tomb raider and THPS are the earliest memories I have of it.

>> No.4175319

>a Katana
Why would you draw a Dreamcast?

>> No.4175341

That's only because you're not winning, summerfag.

>> No.4175349


I was 13 in 96 when it released and was jealous as fuck people in my class got one whilst I just played Quake on my pc

>> No.4175358

"I can wait to argue about this piece of metal and plastic over the internet for the next 65 years"

>> No.4175364

>Battle Arena Toshinden
I remember Battle Arena Toshinden being in all of the magazines as the killer game that was going to single-handedly sell the console. It just kind of fell into the wayside afterwards. Did it ever get sequels?

Personally, I remember being more hyped over Panzer Dragoon on the Saturn.

>> No.4175370

>It just kind of fell into the wayside afterwards.

Rightfully so. It was a pretty bad game and got steamrolled by Tekken.

>Did it ever get sequels?

3 sequels and a spin-off, actually. Can't comment on them though.

>> No.4175419

I have no memory of it being announced, but I remember my uncle getting one on UK launch and showing me the video demo for Tekken which blew my mind at the time, and being massively frustrated at only having Battle Arena Toshinden to play which was complete bollocks.

>> No.4175464

I didn't give a shit desu. I was 11 then but I do remember my dad being so excited about it. After I got out of school he basically went full no time to explain, get in the car faggot mode
But once we set it up I realised that this shit wasn't just another SNES

>> No.4175487

South Korea

>> No.4175493
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Kinda wanted to play Parodius on it. But was otherwise too blinded by the brilliance of my NEO•GEO and TurboDuo to pay much attention to what Walmart shoppers were playing.

>> No.4175505

i was 14 or 15 when it was announced. and id remember reading in gamepro or egm about the nintendo playstation just a few months before. it was gonna have 7th guest. so when sony came with the ps1 i had decided to get a 64, which disappointed me greatly. (i call iy the nintendo shark jumper) my little brother got a saturn a few months later and i loved it. ive posted this before, i know. i never owned a ps1 but a friend had one. we played grand theft auto on it n i didnt like how dark it was

>> No.4175510

3do was one of the highest priced consoles. ever. where did you get it cheap? oh wait... was it used?

>> No.4175519

I was not even cognizant of playstation. I was most aware of ultra/n64, follow by the saturn. I found out about the ultra 64 from a gaming mag and first I experienced the saturn at blockbuster - they had a demo system system running Nights next to a genesis with Sonic 3D blast. There was never any demo station for playstation. I thought Nights sucked so I was just waiting for the n64 to launch, which I got eventually.

Then suddenly ff7 launched out of nowhere and it was huge. Minute long commercials, 2-page ominous ads in magazines. My friend got a ps1 with it and a crowd of kids from my school went over to his house and we played through a big chunk of Midgar (and the Parappa the Rapper demo). Also I think modchips were becoming a thing so after a year of owning the n64 I traded it towards a ps1. In the span of 1-2 years the games exploded on the ps1 while the n64 had a thin selection.

>> No.4175559

A friend of mine in 6th grade traded in his Saturn for a PSX and we played Twisted Metal for hours and had a blast. Thats my first thought/reaction to the PSX. I was too busy running around town skateboarding with friends to follow gaming trends.

>> No.4175576 [DELETED] 

"It doesn't look very fuckable."

>> No.4175581 [DELETED] 

Just because I was born in 99 doesn't make me a "summererf*g".

>> No.4175586

It was cool. Is there another response?

>> No.4175587

>3do was one of the highest priced consoles. ever. where did you get it cheap?
3DO was discounted heavily after its initial launch, once other manufacturers came online and started undercutting Panasonic's prices.

>> No.4175609

Saw PlayStation wanted a Saturn got a N64

>> No.4175658

My only video games news came from Club Nintendo magazine, I was a nintendofag

>> No.4175675

I was 8, saw it in Game Fan magazine being compared to the Saturn or something. There were so many consoles coming out at the time that it didn't stand out in the slightest. Saturn had more brand recognition with me since I had a Genesis, but I never even got one of those. It wasn't till 98-99 that it was impossible to ignore.

>> No.4175727
File: 117 KB, 600x589, skullmonkeys-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was too obsessed with n64 at the time marios, OOT, and 007 etc to pay much attention to ps1. My cousin had a ps1 with crash bandicoot and I played it a ton. I was like 11 or 12 at the time. My bro eventually got a ps1 and I watched him play FF7 like the whole way through. Was blown away. Eventually I got star ocean 2 and played through it as my first RPG and liked it even better than ff7.

Pic related is another one of my favs for ps1

>> No.4175768

was still playing mega drive at the time
when i was 8 i got a copy of GamesMaster, which had MK3 on the cover
i lost that magazine, but i recently managed to find a PDF of it online which i was reading for the nostalgia
what is weird is that the magazine actually mentions the PSX and has ads for companies importing it (as well as the Saturn, and tonnes of other stuff) but i never noticed it when i was that young 'cos i only cared about sanic

>> No.4175849


I was 10 when it came out. I was really loyal to SEGA when it was first announced and I loved my Mega Drive, so I was more interested in trying and failing to get someone to buy me a SEGA-CD/32X/Saturn. I knew the PS was on the way but I wasn't convinced Sony of all people knew what the hell they were doing; that changed real fast when a friend brought over a magazine he'd got and we looked through it at the fucking incredible shit that was inside.

Ended up getting a PS1 the Christmas it was released in the UK, along with Wipeout, Destruction Derby, and Theme Park. Also, as it was one of the original SKUs, the laser started to grow misaligned as the rails wore down, and I entered the arcane world of putting your PS1 upside-down to get it to read discs.

>> No.4175852

I was born in 1996 so I don't even remember the PS2 launch.

>> No.4175874
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I was a Nintendofag so I didn't care much. I just wanted the N64.

I did play the demo version of pic related at Wal-Mart a lot.

>> No.4175894
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It was brand-new, but I bought it in late 95 or early 96. It was also this model, which I think it was like a cheaper 2nd model.

>> No.4175985

I was a PC kid at the time, so after Doom and such, the Playstation wasn't anything terribly special to me. I even played Tomb Raider on the PC instead, even though it was THE Playstation killer app. Resident Evil was the only PSX game that I completed on the actual hardware, everything else, I just waited until there was a PC port.

But I remember being very impressed that the memory cards finally brought PC-style use of game save files to consoles. I had some very unhappy memories of passcode saving from before, so I was happy to see that finally going away.

>> No.4176039

Yes, I was born.

My reaction was basically "dis gonna be gud", although I favored the Saturn (and ended up buying a PSX in 1997 when it was clear Sega would never catch up).

>> No.4176126

The fuck, mate? Same year and I remember seeing the Dreamcast on shelves. You might have shit memory.

>> No.4176131

Thank you, Anon. Things haven't been going so well tonight and I needed a chuckle. I appreciate it.

>> No.4176272

It had a great looking aesthetic.

The art direction for its advertising made it look hype as shit.

Controller seemed like a good, simplistic idea, but i was all 'wtf' with so many buttons.

loved the memory card idea. thought it was brilliant.

I think i got mine when it was 300 burgerbux.

>> No.4176292


I mean 200 burgerbux

>> No.4176316

I was about 8 years old and I remember thinking "meh. It has a stupid name and won't be as big as Nintendo or Sega."

The next thing I remember is getting a N64 for xmas in 1996 thinking it had the best graphics. I was sort of pissed when I saw the cut scenes for Final Fantasy 7 and found out it wasn't coming to the N64.

It's still weird to think how badly Sega and Nintendo fucked up during the 5th gen. They basically handed it to Sony on a silver platter.

>> No.4176325


You have to remember Sony were contracting for both Sega and Nintendo for years, they literally had more insider knowledge about the direction of the industry than anyone else. To not succeed would have been an embarassment.

>> No.4176332

I remember being a little pissed that the prerendered stuff was advertised as the "real graphics".

I wasn't interested because I didn't play jRPGs and I didn't recognize any of the other games.

>> No.4176334

I love you

>> No.4176338

I sold my SNES and its collection just to buy it with Jumping Flash and Battle Arena Toshiden and Kileka the DNA Impertative. Oh shit almost forgot about ridge Racer.

>> No.4176340

Dude I know the feeling you are not alone.

Also forgot to say I also have fond memories of those old long boxes like the ones Warhawk, Kings Field or Resident Evil came in. And D?

>> No.4176349

I was born in the 80s and I don't remember the PS4 launch.

>> No.4176482

A new pasta was born.

>> No.4176504

Dude schools back on
I just don't know why people argue about age of the poster rather than the actual games

>> No.4176507

>schools back on
In what third world shithole?

>> No.4176509

Louisiana, if that counts as one

>> No.4176536

It had Final Fantasy


>> No.4176562

I couldn't believe my eyes nor ears as I was only 2 years of age and wasn't fully capable of comprehending even the most basic information fed to me. How I look back now and scoff at how foolish I must have sounded when my father asked how I felt about the new Philips partnership as I shat all over his pants during the 8th diaper change of the day

>> No.4176578

I didn't react much because I originally wanted a N64. Sadly my parents had a grudge against Nintendo because my Toy Story game didn't work on my SNES so I got a Playstation instead. That being said I wasn't all that disappointed in the end.

>> No.4176580

>there's no actual katana

Shamefur dispray.

>> No.4176604

positive, i thought it would be another thing like the NEC PC engine. I had no idea they were out to ruin gaming for all times.

>> No.4176606


I thought it looked stupid, not that it mattered because i was totally gonna buy the saturn.
sega treated me so well with the Genesis the Saturn was gonna rock.

>I ended up going with the PSX because it had a bigger variety of games.

Still feel it looks like a fisher price toy though.

>> No.4176614

I don't even remember it launching. It just started appearing in stores and I played the demos on the demo units. It didn't have anything interesting on the demo units, so I ignored it.

>> No.4176624
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the original PSX case was the best design they ever had. The pathetic follow up boxes are just tacky and tasteless. Guess what? Next will be a fugly black box called ps5. Yeah i know, psychic powers and shit.

>> No.4176910

I dissaggree, until launch PS3 every one of them looked nice

>> No.4176978

During first grade I wanted an N64, so I wrote it down on my Christmas List. Later I find out it wouldn't come out for another year. That Christmas I got a SNES from my grandmother. I already owned a Genesis with CD add on.

Following Christmas aunt comes over and gives me a PSX with Cool Boarders. I didn't know what it was, it was neither Sega or Nintendo but regardless I was excited. My Dad was casually into games but knew a someone who could mod it, so I had binders of games. A lot of niche games I would have overlooked if I saw in a store like Legend of Legaia. Looking back my dad would just get games in bulk when he took trips overseas so I lucked out and got to play great games or the shop owner would be the on picking the games for him.

I eventually got an N64, but understandably my parents didn't want to spend $50 on a game when they can get 25 PSX games for $2. So games for where coming out of my pocket but I usually spent it on gameboy games.

>> No.4177027

I even think the Super Slim PS3 is ok

>> No.4177032

First guy again: I remember Dreamcast on shelves at Gamestop in 2001 but I wasn't really aware of it's impending doom. I can recall seeing N64 stuff too, until the GCN launched, (first time I knew a new console was coming out) but I don't have any memory of the PS2s launch, the end of the DC, or the GBA launch.

>> No.4177075

PS2 looks like a radiator.

>> No.4177129

Design wise its bland, lame and completely interchangeable. The chief goal here is not to offend in any way. Highest priority maximizing profits. SONY is the McDonalds of video-gaming.

>> No.4177137

I was playing Mega Drive when it came out and was more hyped about the Saturn. My family couldn't really afford an expensive brand new game console. We used to rent them for the weekend. At first it was always the Saturn, but then as Playstation started getting MGS, Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo etc it became clear that PSX was the way to go.

Apart from having the good name of Sony behind it, there wasn't really hype or any kind of brand loyalty towards the PSX. They won people over with games - it had the best games so you had to buy it if you want to play them.

>> No.4177150

I didn't even know about it until FF7 was out. I was still busy with SNES and only read Nintendo Power so I never heard of Playstation.

>> No.4177151

Except GCN were literally in every McDonalds

>> No.4177157

>not going to the mcdonalds that has dr mario 64

>> No.4177160

They also at the same time had toys at Burger King. Before that I remember those Golden Pokemon cards.

>> No.4177210

What baffles me is Sega's reaction.

Sony wasn't a threat. Only gaming related thing they contributed prior to PlayStation is the Soundchip in the SNES and published a couple Sony Imagesoft games notably Mickey Mania. Sure Sony was at their prime but they had no connections with publishers. They were starting from scratch. They were going door to door asking publisher to make games for PSX, compared to Sega who has been making Arcade and Console games since the late 70s and had all those connections.

>> No.4177254

New Zealand and Australia

>> No.4177261

what kind of poor country did this?

>> No.4177347


They produced soundchips for Sega too

>> No.4177357

Which system? I thought sega arcades used Yamaha.

>> No.4177376

They did, Megadrive used YM2612, Dreamcast and Naomi uses ARM7 Yamaha AICA 45 MHZ, Saturn and Model 3 uses Yamaha YMF292.

>> No.4177406


Sorry, me being a retard. They produced motherboards for Genesis.

>> No.4177456
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That one time Sony and MS had a baby.

>> No.4177462


Pretty much every Asian manufacturer made an MSX, that was kinda the point.

>> No.4177973

>Sony wasn't a threat
Sony was a huge threat, a large conglomerate with loads of money and something to prove enters the market, and that's before Sony showed off the fact that the PS1's fillrate was sky high. This isn't hindsight, this is 1994.

Sega's reaction was retarded (oi, let's rush this thing to market without good libraries so the machine looks weak as shit, and then let's release the machine out of nowhere in the US and ignore big retailers like KB Toys, and in the meantime, no one has games ready for the machine, and the early launch resulted in production issues).
Sega had no reason to job so hard. The hardware, although complicated and ultimately inferior (VDP1 sucks so much next to the PS1's video chipset, hard stop; technically you can get better CPU performance on Saturn, but it requires real heavy multithreaded coding and there's loads of shit bottlenecking the Saturn because unlike the PS1, the Saturn doesn't have any form of hardware lighting and transform, the Saturn DSP doesn't really help and IIRC Sega doesn't provide things like 3D transform code for it to help devs), still was usable.
It's not like you couldn't do 3D on it. The most powerful machine each generation (at least, in cases where that was completely clear) has never sold more or had more support, and the Saturn had the backing of the successful Sega brand.

awful dev tools thrown out the door to give developers something to use at all and the early launch were not the right answer to any situation ever, developers and retailers are incredibly, massively important
no devs means no games
retailers not carrying saturns means people aren't buying them
launching it early also led to supply issues, which Sega was plagued with in 1995 (which also affected the 32X)

>> No.4178020


>> No.4178031

This was Sony's master plan

>> No.4178062

Actually alive and an adult back in mid 90s.

Wasn't a surprise because of their attempt to make a CD addon with Nintendo and instead went out on their own. Mildly interested but a bunch of mediocre games at launch really didn't catch my interest, ended up getting it later on for a few decent titles that eventually made their way to it.

But I had a Saturn first, and had more games on it that I actually enjoyed. Didn't even bother with the N64.