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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4170878 No.4170878 [Reply] [Original]

SNES and Genesis are among the greatest game consoles ever. Turbografx was also a major console during this generation, and while it was a bomb in most places, the console was more successful than the Genesis in Japan.

However, despite the console's Japanese success, it has nowhere near the acclaimed software its competitors had.

On the Turbo Chip/Hu- Card format, the best games are regarded as:
Bomberman 94
Soldier Blade
Bonk's Revenge
Devil's Crush

With there being a big dropoff after thoses titles, and even those titles do not get anywhere near the heights on the Genesis and SNES for their respective genres (Bomberman 94 is probably the best Bomberman game aside from Saturn Bomberman though).

On the Turbo CD side of things the software is stronger bit still shallow:
Ys Book I & II
Castlevania Rondo of Blood
Lords of Thunder
Gates of Thunder

Aside from Rondo (which while incredibly strong and great, had equals on the SNES and Genesis in terms of Castlevania titles).

Is there any other great software for NEC and Hudson's sole successful console? Are there any genres that this console was strong in relative to the SNES and Genesis?

>> No.4171057

That was kind of a long way to go to ask for PCE recommendations lol.

The PCE was brilliant and actually was responsible for the entire direction of the 4th gen. Nintendo had such huge success with the Famicom that it rested on its laurels so Hudson and NEC realized that technology had progressed and cheapened enough for something that was a "better famicom" to basically be a sure thing so that's exactly what they built, a faster famicom with more memory and better graphical hardware and that's exactly what the hu-card games play like. Just go through a romset, they're not that big, and you'll see. I recommend checking out Neutopia 1 & 2 for extremely obvious examples of what I mean.

Then they were also the ones to realize that CD-Rom was going to be a thing and to release a proper, successful CD add-on something Sega rushed to copy and Nintendo ultimately had to accept being behind the curve on. Rondo is the perfect example of a game that is a solid basic type of game plus awesome CD enhancements. Check out Dragon Slayer too.

THEN they realized that their card slot wasn't doing much when games were being played from CD so they released memory expansions that continued to expand the life of their console. Having the best quality ports of mega-hit arcade games was an important thing back then but you might look at Mad Stalker or Brandish to see how the tech remained very comparable to late SNES games of these genres.

>> No.4171083

Pc Engine was ultimate in shooters and strong in RPGs. It was decent for platformers and poor for beatemups.

Parasol stars, salamander, liquid kids, air zonk, super dodgeball and sonson ii are all extremely impressive hucards

>> No.4171114

Only Air Zonk is on the Virtual Console. Its a shame considering I would have probably have gotten Parasol Stars and Liquid Kids had they been available.

>> No.4171156

I have heard someone else claim the Turbo was more along the lines a continuation of the NES/Famicom than a real fourth-gen console in terms of library (the CD library definitely feels 4th gen though). Kind of like the Atari 7800 (its library was most second- gen arcade ports and most of its library was arcade ports in general just like the second- gen consoles).

>> No.4171225

SNES/SFC (+Sattelaview/SuFami Turbo) = Genesis/MD (+CD/32X) > PCE (+CD/SGX) > SFC > Western SNES = Vanilla Genesis/MD > Neo Geo > Vanilla TG-16

>> No.4171382

>Genesis/MD (+CD/32X) > PCE (+CD/SGX)

>> No.4171391

Did he stutter? Turbo's library is weak as fuck.

>> No.4171571

On a sidenote, what is the better version to Lords of Thunder. Turbo CD or Sega CD?

>> No.4171587
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Can the basic PC engine console be easily modded to output more than just RF video?

I understand it can play only JP hucards, but can an Everdrive play any region games?

>> No.4171591

NEC's North American branch was mostly filled with idiots

Oh, and the SuperGrafx should have either been worked on for a year longer hardware-wise, or canned to make may for the PC-FX- to be released as planed originally.

>> No.4171604

Turbo CD. But the differences are very minimal

>> No.4171612

Yes, there's composite and rf pins in its expansion port you can just clip to although if you want to attach a cd rom drive you'll have to solder to the back side of them near the board for obvious reasons.

Yes, the everdrive can play all HU card games from TG16 and PCE on either console

>> No.4171629

Why did you ask my thoughts when you already have made a very strong opinion for yourself?
I think lots of games meet or exceed snes/gen standards.

>> No.4171798

Thanks. Do you have a guide for connecting to composite or a link to an adapter to buy? I'm not expecting RGB quality but RF is cancer

>> No.4171812

Is this a copypasta? This is the third pc engine post I've seen on here with this damn image and "is the pce really that special?" rant

>> No.4171813

RF is the most authentic way to play retro games
Kill yourself

>> No.4171821
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>> No.4171957
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Sorry I have no idea why I typed RF. There are RGB pins on there but they need to be amplified

>> No.4172389

Kill yourself

>> No.4172393

Should I get a CoreGrafx if I cant get a duo?

>> No.4172491

I am looking to pick up a Turbo CD shmup off the Virtual Console, which should I get:
Gates of Thunder or Lords of Thunder?

>> No.4172503
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Extremely underrated system thanks to Seanbaby-era "le Johnny Turbo xD" memers more concerned with community circlejerk cohesion than finding interesting gems for systems that were shit in the US but awesome in Japan. Much like Sega CD and Saturn but probably even less appreciated. So many cool looking RPGs, both action and turn-based, and barely any are translated.

Falcom's Xanadu games in particular look cool as shit and they're not translated. Complete dog shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOe0bNfFokk
The Sega CD version has cleaner music, the PC Engine sounds much rawer and thus IMO better but if you want cleanliness you can play the Sega CD one.
Speaking of beat em ups have you played Ane-san? It's such a weird game. Terribly simple and frankly bad gameplay but amazing presentation. Awesome sprite art, extremely goofy, badass and manly (despite being an all-female cast game) atmosphere and holy fuck the soundtrack is so, so fucking good if you're into old ass-rock simple fun music. I'm so conflicted by it.

>> No.4172650

What games would you guys recommend getting off the Virtual Console for Turbografx games?

>> No.4172710

Both Xanadu games are being translated. In game text is done while the OPTIONEL dubs are being recorded. Should be out around end of the year

>> No.4172719

Virtual console is lacking a bit but there's some cool stuff

Rondo, bonk 2, Galaga 88, splatterhouse, Ys, street fighter ii champion edition, bloody wolf, soldier blade and gate of thunder are good picks to start with

>> No.4172725


Soldier Blade
Ninja Spirit
Gradius 2
Rondo of Blood

>> No.4173008

How are the Xanadu games on the Turbo CD?

>> No.4173220

I will pick up Rondo of Blood, Ys, and Soldier Blade.

However, I am curious on whether I should also get Bonk's Revenge and Galaga 88/90. How are those games? Bonk does not look like anything special next to Mario, Sonic, DKC, Yoshi, Kirby, etc. What is great about Bonk 2?

I also heard some people talk very glowingly about Galaga 88/90 (with some calling it the best pure shmup ever), while others say it is mediocre.

>> No.4173442

Both are okay, there are a lot good PC Engine games that aren't on Virtual Console, you could try the games on an emulator before you purchase

>> No.4173545

The Xanadu games are said to be the cream of the crop.

The 2nd one is shorter than the first but looks much nicer. Both are similar to Ys but the boss fights are sidescrolling.

Bonk 2 is the best of the Bonk series. Extremely vibrant colors, wacky tunes, fun to use powerups, rewarding exploration, and high quality bonus levels. Spinning through the air is also fun as fuck, and the characters have a lot of personality. Level design is also very tight.

If you enjoy Bonk 2, i also recommend Bonk 1 and Super Bonk 2 (not on Virtual Console). Avoid Super Bonk and Bonk 3, these are generic games and were by a different developer.

Replayability also comes from finding all the secret bonus levels and heart containers, and tons of collectable items that float through the air or hide in the ground. It's quite difficult to max out your score but some people have done it.

Galaga 88 is a superb sequel to the original that improves upon the classic gameplay greatly. You can now get a Triple ship instead of just a double ship, there are tons of branching paths allowing you to adjust your difficulty as much as you want, and the boss fights, bonus stages and scrolling areas all add greater depth.

Also pickup New Adventure Island. It is the one PC Engine platformer that along with Bonk 2 and Rondo stacks up with any 16-bit classic. It's like Mario 1 on crack.

>> No.4173890

Thank you for the feedback and analysis.

>> No.4173901

You will hate Ys

the games you want to pick up are Ninja Spirit and Military Madness. I actually had this system, so trust me on this

Do not buy Ys. You will hate it. There are games that just aren't good anymore (hint: It was bad when it was new also, I fucking had it)

Buy DUNGEON EXPLORER if you want a dungeon exploring game. That's a fucking DANK game, and also the award winner for "worst all-time US box art when the Jap box art was amazing"

>> No.4173910


damn people on this board make me feel properly old

what a poignant thing to realize, that one of the first heralds of whacky internet fame personalities was a pink haired faggot

>> No.4174424


>> No.4174669

Why do "true fans" and journalists always recommend meme games like military madness, devil crush and r-type?

Ys is great, not just the soundtrack but the combat is fast and fluid. The version on steam is best though. Definitely get Ys IV on pc engine though it's an amazing game

>> No.4174674

You shouldn't give advice to ppl when you're autistic

>> No.4174858

Ys 1 & 2 is still good just dated in some areas (like the final dungeon in Book 1).

Military Madness on the otherhand is very dated.

How is Devil's Crush a meme?

>> No.4175013

I heard most of Turbo Virtual Console games have a blur filter on them. How bad is the filter?

(Stuff like Rondo of Blood, Ys, and Bomberman 94 does not have the filter since those were later VC releases).

>> No.4175421

Curious how those are meme games.

>> No.4176064

Are there any dedicated forums for the Turbografx/PC-Engine like AtariAge or Sega-16?

>> No.4176147


The main PC Engine (and PC-FX) forum. Been active since the early 2000s. There are a lot of oldfags that are somewhat hostile towards newcomers. Thousands of members but only dozens are active.

If you join, try not to post in the Sales section too much or people will be on your ass.

There's plenty of knowledgeable and helpful people on there though. There are also some translators and programmers who frequent the forums. Discussion is slower than Sega-16 but certainly faster than the Virtual Boy forum

Word of advice, on PCEFX the word "snes" tends to be taboo, but people openly express their love for the Genesis. The word "collectard" is also used to describe people who collect sealed games or those who browse NintendoAge

>> No.4176519

Some lesser known games that are quite excellent are Parasol Stars and Gekisha Boy.

>> No.4176628

If you want to properly experience the console you need a CD drive, and a Coregrafx + CD + system card isn't really any cheaper than a Duo.

>> No.4176646

Excellent is a bit too much lol, dont get me wrong the games are decent. But excellent? Rofl

>> No.4176653

I have really bad experiences with cd based consoles, that is why I asked
Only my GC ia alive today

>> No.4176661

The PC Engine isn't any exception in that regard, it has shitty caps that by now have mostly gone bad or are going bad. Even Duo-Rs aren't immune, though they're generally better off than earlier models. A recap job should be considered mandatory for any PC Engine at this point as far as I'm concerned, as preventative maintenance if nothing else.

>> No.4176674

Maybe I should not buy it then, sounds like a shitty console

>> No.4176680

Fixing stuff like caps or laser replacement is easy, as long as you are not a dumb child with shaky hands.

>> No.4176906

>cap meme

don't listen to him, cap shit is overstated by merchants.

>> No.4177087

Parasol Stars is excellent.

Gekisha Boy is quite good.

What are you? 10?

>> No.4177095
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Gramps is spot on, and you can get 'Turbo Booster' -like expansion boards to hook into the pins on the back for RGB now for ~$20 on eBay. Pic related is my junk condition RF only PCE over RGB with an EverDrive. Pic is of a 5" PVM, so it's not the best but you get the idea. You can get original PCEs for dirt cheap compared to literally any other model, and you can even get chinese clones of the Turbo EverDrive now. Well worth it.

>> No.4177102

It's only the CD units with cap issues. PCE and CoreGrafx units are bulletproof.

>> No.4177216

Why are they triggered by the snes?

>> No.4177237

Why is /vr/ triggered by anything? Same type of ridiculousness, retro-oriented communities all have something. PCEFX forums are actually a great resource though. I generally haven't advertised them on here because they do hate new folks who are buying PC Engine Works bootlegs and generally murdering what was once their quiet enthusiast scene. >>4176147 is right though, as long as you're not blazing in there trying to get deals in the their BST threads and being an asshole, you should be fine. Some of the members are friendlier than others too, mods are pretty cool.

>> No.4179076

Do they have a list of the best Turbo and CD titles?

>> No.4179217

I don't remember off the top of my head. I mean you can browse the forum without signing up, hombre. Go take a peek and see if there's anything you can glean.

>> No.4179260

$20 for RGB connections? Can you hook me up with an eBay link? I have no clue what to search for

>> No.4179316
File: 884 KB, 3008x1693, PCE DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like nothing's available right now, but this guy makes them (or has them made):


Mine does composite, 'Genesis'-style AV out, and RGB composite sync, and was $23. He also makes ones with Component. I would just favorite that seller or shoot him a message and see what's up, maybe he has a storefront elsewhere. They're a little tough to jam onto the expansion pins (and get to stay there), but if you set it on a level surface they're a great way to get RGB or even composite from the much, much cheaper white PC Engines instead of paying for a CoreGrafx or better. I've ended up with like ~5 white PCEs now, I keep buying 'untested' ones on eBay and every single one has worked great. The controllers are honestly more expansive than the consoles, it's a brutal machine to collect for, hence the EverDrive recommendation.

>> No.4179436

Awesome, thanks for the info

>> No.4179502
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You got it man.

>> No.4179875

You cannot browse or view the forum unless you register though.

>> No.4179967
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There are some good Namco ports on the system, like Legend of the Valkyrie, Galaga '88, and Tower of Druaga.

>> No.4179989

Can anyone recommend me a good stand alone pc engine emulator for windows? i'm currently using Ootake which is o.k, but has compatibility issues with a bunch of games.

>> No.4180025

What's a good price for a PC Engine Duo RX? What kind of significant difference is there between the different models of Duos?

>> No.4180070

Mednafen is the best one but I've only ever used it in Openemu. Apparently the standalone Mednafen requires some programming knowledge to use

Magic Engine is solid but you have to pay money for the full version

>> No.4180072

$200 ish?

There is no difference between a Duo-R and a Duo-RX apart from the controller

Stay away from the Duo. Unlike R or RX, the regular Duo tends to have faulty caps

>> No.4180073

Just browse the /vr/ archive on warosu. Search for pc engine and plenty of lists will pop up

>> No.4180109

Okay, but other than the capacitors or controller, is there any functional difference?

>> No.4180118


Really enjoyed ane san soundtrack and the minigames were satisfying as hell.

>> No.4180181


NEC liked to make lots of pointless models and add-ons

For example, the Coregrafx I and Coregrafx II were identical except for the color of the text on the system

The Shuttle was a regular pc engine with a weird shape and no expansion port

The LT was a laptop style portable pc engine, except it had to be plugged in at all times

>> No.4180437

I see
Thank you
I just dont like cd consoles and just emulate them

>> No.4180452

My nigga

>> No.4180578

I've been playing a lot of TG16 games the past 6-9 months and I've played most of the US library and I own all the US games that I wanted. I'm only now getting into PC Engine games so I won't speak on those. So here's what I find to be the best of what was released in NA:

>Best Games:
Ys Book 1+2 - still good, impressive production value for 1990
Gate of Thunder/Lords of Thunder - haven't played these much but they are clearly very good
New Adventure Island - best platformer on the system
Dragon's Curse
Legendary Axe (1&2) - LA2 has some of the best music on the system and is a great game, LA1 is arguably better and is one of the best get-hit-by-a-butterfly-and-backflip-into-a-pit genre games
Crush series
Air Zonk - best stg on TG16
Soldier Blade/Super Star Soldier - also contenders for best shooters
Dungeon Explorer 1+2 - Gauntlet clones, although not the same genre I recommend these over Neutopia
Chew Man Fu - this is actually one of my favorite games on the platform, although that's probably not a popular opinion, emulate first

>Above Average Games:
Many shooters that I won't name all of, but only a few TG16 shooters are shit, just avoid those ones
Valis series - only 2&3 are on Turbo CD
Splatterhouse - not the best port of it and not that great a game, but still recommended
Bonk series - these are all above average at best games but have a lot of character, play them all
Ninja Spirit
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
Bloody Wolf - weird perspective, terrible slowdown, oddly compelling game, very enjoyable
Somer Assault - weird game where you play a slinky with cannons on it
Moto Roader - difficult overhead racing game, choosing the order to buy upgrades and the difficulty level make in interesting

>> No.4180812

Just got a TED for my region modded system but I only get white (and yellow) screens is it because of my system?

>> No.4180836

Do you have the firmware on the card correctly? You really have to jam the TED into the PCE since it's way thicker than a HuCard.

>> No.4180886

I only put a folder with games on it. Also I use a Turbografx

>> No.4180890

You need the OS on there homeboy, instructions and the download are on the website. Make sure the TG-16 / PCE switch is set appropriately as well.

>> No.4181182

I did all those, no difference

>> No.4181206

Emuparadise has the key, the original dev abandoned it.
Magic Engine is great but has to have burned discs or real discs to do cd. Which is faggoty.

>> No.4181208
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You have the folder structure set up right? That's all I can think of, might be a bad unit or a really dirty TurboGrafx otherwise.

>> No.4181209

Yes, I made sure I blowed real hard in the slot but still same old

>> No.4181235

Can a Turbo Everdrive replace the CD System Cards for CD games? Or do those still need to be swapped in?

>> No.4181245

A modded ROM that was made should work but I'm not sure

>> No.4181253

It can do CD system cards, but not the arcade card. There's a specially modded version of the US and JP system card ROMs on krikzz' forums somewhere, don't use the unmodified ROM, it can damage the TED.

>> No.4181260

Thanks, just trying to get some questions out of the way before I pull the trigger on a Duo

>> No.4181412

Duo has the Super CD-ROM2 card built-in, though I suppose you could use the system card ROM on the Everdrive if you don't want to have to pull the Everdrive out

>> No.4181442

Does it have system card 3.0 built in? I thought the Duos only had version 1 or 2 depending on when they were made

>> No.4181540

All Duos are Super CD-ROM^2 systems, which is ver. 3.0

>> No.4182436

Oh, okay, I don't know how I was misinformed

>> No.4183187

You likely won't need these if you get a DUO, but I found my copies so here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-IKYwFTEQUaM3RrMWF5WG9MLTg/view?usp=sharing

If anyone else needs them, they're patched Super System Card 3.0 ROMs that let you use the everdrive instead of a System card for CD-ROM2 games.

>> No.4183262

What about the Arcade card? Is that required for some games?

>> No.4183272

12 at most.

>> No.4183283

TED can't do the arcade card, if you've really got to play those games you'll have to pay an exorbitant price for one.

>> No.4183308

Yes but not many. It was yet another desperate attempt by NEC to keep the PC Engine alive.

Games of interest
>NeoGeo ports that are surprisingly accurate
>a mediocre port of Strider with an extra level
>Sapphire, a decent shooter with some ugly prerendered sprites (a holy grail apparently)
>a Female only Fire Pro Wrestling game

Some games like Brandish and Popful Mail also benefit from it somehow

>> No.4183336

Don't forget Mad Stalker

>> No.4183394

Fair enough. I won't worry too much about it until I find a strong desire to play one of them. Thanks

>> No.4183594
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99% of the time my CD ROM is in the closet, because all the best games are on HuCard.

The CD Drive is cool tech, especially considering it predates the Super Famicom's launch. But you can count the good games on 1 hand, and WiiMendafen emulates PC engine damn near perfectly.

I'd say get the cheapest system you can get your hands on, the base units are pretty reliable little devices. Shell out for a Core Grafx only if you aren't comfortable making a video cable; it's easy, you can use dupont connectors on the expansion port.

If you really want to get into the CD stuff, just take your time piece together a system from craigslist/junk sales; the US and JP stuff is all interchangeable.

>> No.4183603

Interesting, I knew that the CD addon is region free, but I didn't put it together that the US Turbo CD was directly compatible with the PCE.

>> No.4183605

>99% of the time my CD ROM is in the closet, because all the best games are on HuCard.

>> No.4183624

That may be the most 'pieced' together rig you could get, and it looks awesome.

>> No.4183676
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>all the best games are on HuCard
I think there's a genre split between hucards and CDs, so you can tell someone's taste by which they care about more.
People looking for RPGs, simulations, and point-and-click adventures (and strip mahjong) are going to head to CD, whereas people into arcade-style action games are going to look more at HuCards.
Then there's shooters, which seem to be pretty well represented on both.

>> No.4183712


As much as I love me some RPGs, very few were translated, and my CD Unit has a hard time with burned discs. They work but the drive sounds like it's doing 2x the work as it does when reading pressed discs. So I end up playing fan translations on my Wii.

I guess I just feel that all the cost and effort spent getting a working PC Engine CD setup isn't really worth it; but as always your mileage will vary depending on what kind of games you like.


Thanks! It took a while to get it all together, the interface unit fell in my lap, and the CD ROM was bought as junk, needed a new gear and a full re-cap. I found the controller in a parking lot with the cord cut off it; re-wired it with the cord from a broken altec lansing PC speaker system.

>> No.4183730

That's awesome. I got a whole suitcase (with cover, even) and matching ""white"" CD-ROM and PCE, and an Avenue 3 pad for about $150 shipped from Japan a few months ago. The CD-ROM drive is obviously fucked, but everything else works great. And I have like 3 white base PCEs in general that all work great, which I bough as 'untested' for ~$20 a piece on eBay.

>> No.4183735

Oh also, what are you using for a PSU? I have the original one but it's so ludicrously huge, it practically falls out of my outlets.

>> No.4183738
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Some of the PC Engine and Turbografx parts are interchangeable like Lego

>> No.4183747

I'm kind of surprised the CD-ROM unit works on a PAL model. Also, nice PAL model, I've been tempted to spend too much money on a brand new one on eBay many times.

>> No.4183758

I'm from Mexico so I dont think I will ever find one around here, I have a japanese friend that get me games so i will ask him to send me one
Even him didn't know about the pc engine

>> No.4183763

>from Japan
>doesn't know about PC Engine

Pick one

>> No.4183770

As long as you have the right stuff (volt, whatever that - + ) thing is called again). The nice thing about these setups are that if the CD player goes bad or the Turbografx, is that you can change it for another. You can also still play Hucard games of course or use the CD player as a portable CD player.

>> No.4183772

He is young

>> No.4183867


the PCE-CD has Rondo of Blood, one of the best platformers ever made. But what other platformers are there?

>Chiki Chiki Boys
>Rainbow Islands
>Monster Lair (which is part shooter and also really long and tough)
>the mediocre Strider port
>all those awful Valis games
>Ys III (if that even counts)

Pretty slim fucking pickings. On HuCard you got a lot more good stuff such as

>Bonk 1 and 2
>Parasol stars
>Momotaro Katsugeki
>Wonder Boy III Dragon Trap
>Liquid Kids
>Legendary Axe 1 and 2
>Ninja Spirit
>SonSon II
>New Adventure Island
>Ninja Gaiden remake
>Jackie Chan remake

And some other stuff. The PC engine isn't amazing for platformers, but it's definitely decent thanks to the HuCard lineup

>> No.4183876
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$20 is a damn good price for these. They're such cool, charming little consoles; I have to wonder what NEC USA was thinking when they designed the TG16 case.


I'm using the power supply from a broken Dymo Label printer we were tossing out at work, it's a match for the PC Engine. Had to make an adapter for it to work with the briefcase, but now I have a single supply that works with either the PCE or the Briefcase.


Apparently they're interchangeable with some of the old NEC PCs as well.

>> No.4183879
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Better picture

>> No.4183886
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Since the PCE is such a tank (much like original famicoms, I've never gotten a broken one) it's worth the low risk to spend a few bucks for a couple spares. Especially since the white models are in low demand. With my CD-ROM unit dead a better PSU is not a high priority at the moment, but I'll keep an eye out with that advice. I would like to struggle through my copy of Shin Megami Tensei at some point...

>> No.4183914


For PC Engine

Center Negative
Barrel Size: 5.5mm x 2.1mm

For Interface Unit;

1500 mA
Center Positive
Barrel Size: 5.5mm x 2.5mm

Thrift stores are great for power supplies; 9 and 12 volt are by far the most common.

>> No.4183919


Whoops briefcase is also center negative! Disregard.

>> No.4184751

>99% of the time my brain is potato

>> No.4185647

Fuck off, we were having a civil thread

>> No.4186150 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 609x406, little baby butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4186297

Should have said that to OP with that bait.

>> No.4186906

What bait?

>> No.4186917

A big dropoff after 4 titles. Turbo CD shallow.

>> No.4188018

Turbo CD isn't shallow

>> No.4189187


probably cause it's basically the opposite of the pc engine. hardware that punched below it's weight, a library full of RPGs, and stupid amounts of slowdown in most fast action games

>> No.4190014

If I had a plain white PCE without a power adapter, would I be able to use a Sega or Nintendo power adapter with it until I got one? What systems share compatibility?

>> No.4190026

9V DC Center Pin Negative, 850-1000mA; Genesis Model 1 adapter should do it iirc. Famicom adapter is the same too; NES Adapter is 9V AC and will instantly destroy it. Never use an NES adapter on anything other than an NES.

>> No.4190863

Thanks for the help, now for a more embarrasing question...

I picked up a cheap PC Engine system, cheap because it comes with no cables or controllers and was untested. I just found out that none of my TVs (even my 2001 CRT that I use for retro gaming) support the channel needed to use the RF video input from a japanese console. Like the dingus I am I didn't plan this out properly, I saw the console at a price I couldn't pass up and jumped like an idiot.

Without buying the interface unit (which would add another $50-$150 and weeks of waiting), or replacing it with a Core Grafx unit (more spending, waiting), are there any other options? >>4179316 mentioned the option of another interface unit that would output RGB and composite, but that guy doesn't seem to sell them anymore and it would probably be a waste of time to message him. I don't mind RF until I can afford a better option, as long as I can find a way to force it to work on a US TV. I feel like a true idiot putting dollars before sense

>> No.4190875

Is there a setlist for PCE CD? there's one for PCE, but not CD when i'm looking for it.

>> No.4190893

Just make your own cable.

>> No.4190895

Oh shit, I think I fixed it. I just realized my TV has an Antenna/Cable option, I switched it to Cable and it let me tune to 95. Game works perfectly now

>> No.4191180
File: 7 KB, 240x155, 240px-TurboGrafx16-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had pic related as a kid. The games being on those cards was a great idea actually. Much easier to store those things then the larger cartridges of the competitors. Some games I had for it were the Bonk games, Legendary Axe II, Blazing Lazers, Keith Courage, some sports trash, Splatterhouse (which I beat on emulator recently), Vigilante, China Warrior, J.J. & Jeff and Battle Royale. Likely had more games too. I really liked it as a kid.

A nice console overall but shame it didn't get the support and love of SNES and Genesis. We may have seen more games and more importantly better games for it if it did get that kind of support. I hear that the cord for the controller was way too short which I never noticed I guess because I would play it close to the tv anyways. Considering how much it actually sold and that it did poor in the US I was definitely one of the rare few to have been able to enjoy it I guess. I still have a few games left actually but sadly most are gone because of reasons.

So in short, a good console. Just didn't get enough support.

>> No.4191243

So you have jap consoles and another CRT and have run tests to confirm that they and your untested PCE work on the other CRT but not the one you want to use. Cool. Just use the CRT that it does work on. lol.
Or, learn how to tune your TV and hope your PCE does work.
Or, buy any one of the many interfaces that have been made over the years.
Or, make your own interface as people have been doing for years
Or, mod the console. This may sound kind of pointless and stupid but lots of people actually do it.

>> No.4191442

I had no thoughts about the system at all until I came here, really. Nowhere else in best hemisphere have I seen anyone give a solitary fuck about it.

>> No.4191445

Any system where Bomberman and fucking Bonk's Revenge are considered killer apps is a system I think I'm going to steer well clear of. Might as well get a fucking Virtual Boy

>> No.4191448

You sound like a colossal faggot.

>> No.4191462

You sound like you have buyer's remorse.

>> No.4191494

Looks like you got it >>4190895. It's got to be analog cable, you should be able to get 95 and 96 on any set in the US. My Vizio HDTV doesn't even support older consoles on composite, but they do work on RF for some reason. Obviously it's not an ideal play experience (lag and video quality is awful), but it does work for testing. Let me know if you have any other questions, I've been using Japanese RF consoles in the US for a long time.

>> No.4191497

PCE/TG16 kicks ass dude.

>> No.4191514

Thanks, I had a bit of a freak out when my CRT didnt get the channel, as I've never used it to tune channels before, just video games because the tv has 2 svideos and 1 component

Probably should have tested some more before firing off that post lol

>> No.4191517

It's all good, it can be a pain in the ass to get older TVs to channel 95, especially if you don't have a remote. But anything that supported analog cable can technically do it.

>> No.4191536

Wow, well, with a "must have" lineup like that, I'm sure it was THE system on all of your childhood friends' xmas lists right?

>> No.4191546

>judging things as if you're still a child
how to identify underage b& in one post

>> No.4191554

Hey now, I'm not judging you for owning one. You're not going to judge me for porking bigger ladies are you? I'm judging the system. It's shit. There's almost nothing on it that hasn't been done better on another system of the time. It didn't really need to exist.

>> No.4191565

That's utterly false.

>> No.4191853

Did you even look a bit further in the library?

>> No.4191873

it excelled in shooters. No system comes close in the genre except the Saturn

but hey, everyone has their opinions. I believe the master system is utter trash and the Dreamcast is overrated

>> No.4193041

Can you really take composite and RGB straight off the expansion bus connector?
Don't you need to add resistors/capacitors in the signal path to have stable picture and correct colour?

>> No.4193053

It's the opposite, you need to amplify it to bring it to the correct levels or it'll be too dark. There are various schematics online for building your own amp, or just buy one of the many premade ones.

>> No.4193892

console shmups suck. gate/winds are decent at best. 7.8/10 at best. more flash than substance.

ports of arcade games are irrelevant now thanks to emu.

i can't read japanese so all those cd jrpgs and sims and pseudo-hentai games are out of the question

here are the only worthwhile games if you exclude the above

i've played every single hucard and non-rpg/sim cd game on the console..

rondo of blood: 10/10 game. one of the few platformers on the system but hilariously one of the best 2d platformers ever made.

gekisha boy: no other game like it.
>b-but its so short!
who cares? think of it as an arcade-style game. play for the points and short bursts of fun.

Final Match Tennis: you guys are shitheads for not even knowing about the greatest tennis game ever made.
>b-but i can't hit shit
Because this game actually requires timing and skill
>b-but my volleys hit nothing but net
That's because this is the most realistic tennis game ever made, and it actually implements the "no man's land" in tennis.
Take my word for it. Best tennis game ever made to this day.

Parasol Stars: 10/10 arcade-style puzzle-platformer.
>b-but it's boring
no it's not. learn how to play. learn how to score. the only other console puzzle-platformer from the 8/16-bit era that comes close is hanseizaru jiroukun.

THat's it. those 4 games.

Here are some honorable mentions.

>bonk 1
shit jump mechanics. shit momentum mechanics. clunky and slow as shit. only worth playing for juggling enemies

>kato chan & ken chan
sloppy hit boxes, but very fun gameplay. if you love chain butt stomping then give this game a try.

>legendary axe 1
shit game design where when you walk to the left only 10% of the screen is visible to the left. oherwise pretty decent. shitty jump mechanics

>legendary axe 2
great moody music. charming enemies and setting. shitty jump mechanics though.

there's more. will post l8r

>> No.4193895

>console shmups suck.

..and with that, your opinions are worthless.
How do i unsubscribe from your blog?

>> No.4194656

>Final Match Tennis: you guys are shitheads for not even knowing about the greatest tennis game ever made.

What the fuck is up with people and this game? It's boring and does nothing special. The fucking Frenchies have a damn fan site for it

>> No.4194658

because it's fucking FUN and SPECTACULAR.

all the players have strengths and weaknesses that are accurate

the AI even plays like the actual players

also, what's the link to the french fan site? i only know of the german one.

>> No.4194724

nice blog, faggot

>> No.4194749

>ports of arcade games are irrelevant now thanks to emu.

that's cute. I guess Saturn and Dreamcast are irrelevant too?

>gekisha boy: no other game like it.

total hipster. This is something a retro magazine would say, along with other "Greatest hits" such as Military Madness and Devil Crush

>Parasol Stars

agreed. But everyone likes it though. Can't think of anyone who hates it. The Rainbow Islands port is better than the arcade version btw

>> No.4194758

>The Rainbow Islands port is better than the arcade version btw

Really? In what ways? I'm a big fan of that game. Haven't tried the PCECD version

>> No.4194760

I would take anything that guy says with a grain of salt, since he doesn't like Devil Crash.