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File: 65 KB, 300x306, snake-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
417032 No.417032 [Reply] [Original]

Playing Megaman 3 for the first time and picked snake man first because I heard he was a pretty easy boss.

No he isn't. I'm getting my ass kicked by him. Should I just move on to a different boss stage, and if so, which one?

>> No.417064

Stay on the middle platform. When he approaches, jump over him.

Also, Top man, Magnet man and Hard man are pretty easy.

>> No.417094


>> No.417096

thanks, staying on the middle made it really easy. dont know why I didnt do that before.

>> No.417101

Magnet Man has a simple flow, he jumps across the room, and either goes into the air and shoots 3 magnets, which are easy to avoid by walking and sliding or he stops and does a move that pulls you closer to him, keep away by sliding.

After that. Hard Man > Top Man > Shadow Man > Spark Man > Needle Man > Snake Man > Gemini Man

>> No.417106


Snake Man thread.

>> No.417124

This man knows what he's talking about.

>> No.417130

Three's bosses are pretty hard in general. Snake is only 'easy' after you know what to do because you don't need much precision to dodge him.

Fight top, then use his power against shadow. Shadow blades are the best weapons in the game.

>> No.417148

are they as easy as Megaman 2's bosses? because those bosses were casual easy after you know their weaknesses, and a lot were easy with the mega buster anyways.

>> No.417153
File: 254 KB, 512x512, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake Man's one of my favorite Robot Masters. Such a neat design.

>> No.417162 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 800x600, The_Mega_Man_3_Posse_by_CyberMoonStudios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnet Man and Hard Man are the easiest to take out with just the buster, Magnet Man's stage is harder though and it's possible to beat Hard Man easily with the buster and move straight to top man.

spoiler image is a stylized way of showing the boss order/weaknesses.

>> No.417184 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 561x625, Ohhh you beat the 8 Robot master and think you're hot shit huh, Well I have new for you pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun OP, we'll be waiting

>> No.417185

Two only has Quick, who is erratic enough to tear you up even if you know what to do; and Crash and Heat are the only others that need any precision. Spark, Needle, Shadow, and Gemini without weaknesses are all harder.

>> No.417201

ya I guess I'll keep you updated. For some reason I thought needleman would be weak to snakes, but I was wrong. I'm just gonna look up the weaknesses since these dont seem pretty easy to make sense of. On to gemini man.

>> No.417202

crash man is fucking irritating with no power, but still very doable.

only one I ever had trouble with without the power in 3 was shadow man, stupid sliding

>> No.417210


Refer to >>417162

>> No.417217


gotta have dem ninja skillz


>> No.417229

The biggest thing to remember about Megaman bosses is that almost always, contact damage will do more damage than their actual weapon.

>> No.417223

>gemini without rush jet or submarine

>> No.417234

especially with shadow man and in MM4 (contact damage was the worst in this game.)

>> No.417253


yeah I usually saved the second cycle for my last 3 bosses.

I always went magnet -> hard -> top -> shadow -> spark -> snake -> gemini ->needle or needle -> gemini -> snake

>> No.417271


yeah it was pretty bad considering your best weapon for shadow man was a contact weapon.

see >>417217

You still take a lot of damage even though you kill him in just a few hits.

>> No.417262 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 640x877, Dr. Heihachi, Protoman, and the 8 Robot Masters watch Mega Man perform robo-bestiality on Rush and are horrified except for Shadowman who is smiling because he is turrned on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that MM threads give me an excuse to post this

>> No.417285

This theme always made me feel so triumphant.


>> No.417281

>not going top man first to get the most OP weapon

>> No.417290

fuck the dragonflies that push you into bottomless pits in gemini's stage

>> No.417306
File: 5 KB, 256x224, Rockman 3 - Dr. Wily no Saigo! (J)-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stage is a bitch... Fucking snakebots.

>> No.417334

do any of you remember the glitches? super high jumps and going invincible but being unable to shoot after jumping out of a bottomless pit?

>> No.417342

I have absolutely no idea how I beat Spark Man

I dodged one of his sun attacks, then he got stuck behind one of the steps, and I just kept shooting him from there while dodging his suns

Im dreading the rematch

>> No.417356

beat gemini stage. fuck that stage so much.

on to needleman again, now with gemini so it will be easier to beat him

>> No.417354


I beat him before I beat Shadowman. I did him and needleman last

>> No.417348


gotta use shadow blade, hint, shadow blade can be aimed in 7 directions.

>> No.417361

You have to hold buttons on controller two. Down for high jump and start for invincibility, I think. Debug stuff they forgot to remove.

>> No.417369


yeah, but if you're having trouble, shadow blade is the weapon to use against him.

another thing.. hard knuckle can also be aimed slightly mid flight up or down a bit.

>> No.417376


I think it was right on the second controller to high jump, up for invincibility once you got out of a pit, and down to slow the entire game down or something like that.

>> No.417389

spikeman dead. is gemini beam considered OP? it seems strong as heck

>> No.417392

meant needle obviously

>> No.417415


it's useful, but I think I remember it consuming a ton of energy per shot.

Mega Man 3's weapons aren't set up like 2's where 1 weapon is just a straight up upgrade from the buster (like Metal Blade). The usefulness in each weapon is based on its firing patterns, Gemini to bounce off walls, spark to freeze enemies in place temporarily, hard knuckle to steer mid flight, shadow blade for 7 directional aim, snake for targets that are on the ground below you, and magnet to hit enemies in the air. Never found a use for needle outside of snakeman I don't think.

>> No.417423

Between shadow blades, top spin, and hard knuckles, all your bases are covered.

>> No.417431

Needle IS the buster upgrade, if you can't mash hard enough.

>> No.417441


I never noticed it doing more damage to shit, aside from bosses

>> No.417468

Snake-Gemini-needle-magnet-hard-top-shadow-spark was my combo.

PS. Dat top man for end Wiley...also mm2 spirits...genius.

Mm3 was the first one I beat when I was like 12...so rewarding

>> No.417495


it's the one from the classic series that holds the most nostalgia for me. I didn't play the original Mega Man until the mid 90's honestly, Mega Man 2 was my first, and it was good, but MM3 was just so much better and Mega Man 4 was.. well not quite as big of a deal as 3. By Mega Man 5 the series was actually feeling a bit long in the tooth, then Mega Man X came out and blew me away.

Mega Man 3 and Mega Man X are the GOAT.

>> No.417524


>> No.417525

All I have to say is Megaman 3 is so much harder than the first 2. Damn I'm getting my ass kicked here while I breezed through the first 2 fairly easy

>> No.417557

I never had an SNES, was a genesis kid and I know genesis had a mm collection but fuck if I could find it...

I owned mm2,3,and4...4 confused my tiny brain with the mega buster, Dr. Cossigan (?) and shitty characters like ring man, toadman and diveman.

I owned the psx collection but didn't have the attention span to makeup what I missed

Mm9 and 10 are pretty boss though...

>> No.417560


oh you ain't seen shit yet. Once you beat all 8 robot bosses you get to go back through some stages and they are MUCH harder. Spark Man's stage revisited I'm looking at you.

You feel like a video game master when you beat it though.

>> No.417570


You should emulate MMX-X3 for the SNES.

When you figure out you can scale walls by repeatedly jumping it'll blow your mind.

>> No.417602

holy fuck magnet man. beating him with regular buster is doable yes but when I dodge his ceiling magnet crap I always end up right under him and he lands right on me. FUCK

>> No.417608
File: 2.65 MB, 240x196, 1253886001_office-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.417620

Doc Robots do extra contact damage.
Doc Robots are taller than normal Robot Masters.
That feel when trying to jump over Wood Man.

>> No.417643
File: 16 KB, 261x290, laughingskeletonman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sliding under Air Man's tornados in MM3

Not so tough anymore, eh, bitch?

Seriously that move was bullshit

>> No.417657


Does anyone else feel weird when they play a modern game and touching the enemies doesn't hurt you?

Too many Megaman and Mario and Sonic and etc games have messed up my brain. I always feel like touching an enemy in a game should hurt me

>> No.417676

God damn Magnet man is intense for me with buster. Was on my last hit and beat him. On to hardman.

One thing I'd like to say though is this game is certainly WAY more difficult than the last 2 megaman games. Kinda like the added difficulty, especially since Megaman 2 was easy as piss.

>> No.417682

They made up for it by Woodman's leaves being much harder to dodge.

>> No.417706

doc robot stages are frustrating for all the wrong reasons

and the wily castle is too easy

and slowdowns

and awkward cutscenes with a disjointed, unfinished story

mm3 rite guys

>> No.417713


>> No.417717

playing on my PSP

>> No.417729

Magnetman's level is complete bullshit with those bees. Goddamn I hate those bees.

>> No.417741

I think you mean hardman. I saw no bees in magnetman land. also they arent too bad. dont hurt a lot.

>> No.417743

Has anyone played Mega Man 4 Minus Infinity?

I just downloaded it, don't know what to expect.

>> No.417750

hard man's, you mean

that's also my least favorite level
he's also my least favorite robot master of all time
and his music isn't that great either

>> No.417753

>hurr what do I expect
just play it you sheep faggot

>> No.417779

The story's in the manual.
Wily claims to have gone good and teams up with Light to make Gamma, the ultimate peace-keeping robot so powerful that no one would possibly commit a crime. The robots, who are miners, go berserk and steal the power cores. Them + Break Man keep you occupied long enough for Wily to steal Gamma and attack. (Doc Robots are just filler.)

>> No.417783

meh level wasnt so bad. pretty generic and easy. boss was pretty lame though it was just tank his attacks, dodge his ceiling slam, and spam magnet.

>> No.417823

The story also makes more sense in context after playing 8. Wily was infected with Evil Energy, which multiplies and grows more powerful over time. He starts by reprogramming Light's early bots out of jealousy, then building 8 of his own. He then deceives him in 3, kidnaps Cossack's daughter to make him fight against his friend in 4, kidnaps him directly and frames Proto Man to pit him against his own brother in 5. 6 was just shit, though (Mr. X? Really?)

>> No.417847


>even bothering with the Mega Man plot

I never knew any of them honestly, all I knew was Dr. Wily wanted to conquer the world, made bad robots, you beat bad robots and take their power and then go to a castle that looks like a skull.

>> No.417867

Dude, Evil energy didn't even show up until that Robot Duo was fighting crashed into earth. Wily Wasn't infected by it in the previous games, he was just being a dick.

>> No.417891

>Kidnap daughter of some other smart robot making guy to use as blackmail to kill your rivals creation, and so they don't suspect you

Shit Wily, get it together

>> No.417915

Maybe Skull man was Dr. Cossack actually trying to drop a hint and Rock was too dense to pick up on it.

>> No.417914

You know, Topman should be very easy even with a buster, but I keep anticipating his across the screen spin thing and getting hit by it because it doesnt go off on a set time yet I like to think it does.

>> No.418060

Beat all the robot masters. Think I'm going to take a break now. Are these 4 stages that opened up the final stages btw?

>> No.418093

No, there's still some short Wily stages after those.

>> No.418770

You've about hit the 1/3 mark

>> No.418958


you're playing the longest main series mega man game. those 4 stages are double-length and they're not wily's castle

>> No.421314

Do you think he'll make it past Needle Man 2?

>> No.421561


sure, it may take him several continues but he'll get it down.

Mega Man 3 took me weeks to beat.

>> No.421621


Shadow Man 2 stage brings back nightmares for me...

Friend and I recently did a MM Marathon and I did 1,3,5,X, and X3. He did 2,4,6, and X2

It is fun watching other people fail sometimes, and then getting laughed at on the reciprocal