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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 946 KB, 725x766, popful-mail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
416819 No.416819 [Reply] [Original]

This is one of those games that just kicks ass everywhere. It's not trying to be some sweeping fantasy epic, you just start up the fucking game and play it. Everything is so goddamn tight, great jumpin an fightan, god the voice acting, and the game just shits good aesthetics all over your face. And the fucking anime tits man!?!

That's it. That's all I've got. I wish there were more games that I could just start playing that would affirm their supremacy in the first ten minutes like this bitch does.

>> No.416907

>Everything is so goddamn tight

You know what else is tight?

>> No.416917

hey what game is this

>> No.416965

> anime tits
don't remember that
what platform?

>> No.417013

Popful Mail. Its on a bunch of platforms, but only the Sega CD one was released in the West.

>> No.417065


Is this official artwork? Because FUCK ME Japan.

>> No.417098

It's as if Slayers was an action platformer. I really love the old school 90's Japanese fantasy style.

>> No.417102


Is there an Undub of the Sega CD one?

>> No.417125
File: 44 KB, 641x480, 1352063132134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get lost faggot

>> No.417121

>Undubbing a Working Designs game


I still need to get this game. I should probably emulate it but I've been dying to get the actual disc.

>> No.417462


well you're a faggot, but on the other hand i really wish there were more games like this out there

>> No.418594

The way her boots are dangling from her feet made me hard.

>> No.418640

What's the best version of this game?
Sega CD? I know there's a PC and SNES version too, but I doubt the SNES version could hold a candle. Which sucks because I want to emulate this game and I only have a SNES and PSX emulator.

Also, those Working Designs voices. I love how they all sound exactly like Lunar characters.

>> No.418667

Sega CD

>> No.418814

But the Japanese version has Megumi Hayashibara in it!

>> No.418838
File: 57 KB, 571x189, Chipple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always called it "Popful Chipple", named after some old hentai anime character in "Magical Twilight" that had the same character designer as the cover artist.

>> No.418843

Please tell me you didn't approve of the condom joke in Rayearth.

>> No.418882
File: 153 KB, 800x600, IMG_20120207_041455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...What the fuck.

This isn't appropriate Working Designs, this a game about three fourteen year old girls on a magic adventure. :T

>> No.418927



>> No.419031
File: 728 KB, 1255x1699, Popful_Mail_Magical_Fantasy_Adventure_Sega_CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game - It's so fucking good. It's basically everything there is to love about Quirky, Japanese VG offerings from the mid-90's. It's the kind of game I'd see ads for in magazines like EGM and Gamepro and have a slight twinge of regret that I didn't own a Sega ANYTHING to run it on.

And games like this are also why the Sega CD is pretty underrated, it had a decent amount of really cool niche Japanese developed games you wouldn't find on contemporary systems beneath all the FMV garbage.

>> No.419073


Her shiny abdomen really made my young mind reel when I saw the ad.

>> No.419098

IS there an undub, btw?

>> No.419161

the dubbed version is weird
arnold / dracula


>> No.419279


That's awful. At least he's having fun.

>> No.419323

I made it through maybe 8 or 9 puns before closing the video

>> No.419642

I can't get this to work with emulator, shit freezes after the Sega logo.

Anything I can do? I'm using Fusion.

>> No.419657

I thought it was actually funny.
I'm a stickler for puns.

>> No.419669

So, never having played the game and you bastards convincing me to play it, which version should I play?

Sega CD US version? Or are there fantranslated versions on other platforms or something..

>> No.419673
File: 4 KB, 222x211, 1314539381338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its on a bunch of platforms

Which version is the best?

>> No.419676

whoops, scratch that, didn't see these posts:

>> No.419715

Hrm... There's a really good doujinshi for this game.


>> No.419738

Me too, anon, me too.

>> No.419748

inb4 sad panda posts

>> No.419770

Enable Perfect Synch from Option

>> No.419772 [DELETED] 

Hey anon post the doujishi in this thread

>> No.419781 [DELETED] 


>> No.419790

Fact it, this game should become reskinned with sonic characters. Thanks the boycott, it didn't.

>> No.419809



>> No.419818

I've also been convinced to play this. I haven't used a Genesis emulator in a long time, and never a Sega CD emulator. Could anyone tell me the best emulator would be to use to play this on an older computer?

>> No.419835 [DELETED] 

I used Fusion and it at least boots with this >>419770 good man's advice.

>> No.419838

I just set up the game myself.
1) Get the emulator - KEGA Fusion
2) Get US SegaCD bios (google) and set path to it in options
3) Enable Perfect Sync in Options
4) Load ISO.

>> No.419985


OP here, yeah for anybody wondering why it doesn't load past the title screen, it's because you need Perfect Sync enabled. Kega Fusion is by far the best emulator you can get for the Sega CD, and it runs at decent speeds on slower machines.

and yeah, the Sega CD version is easily the best.

>> No.420004



to play

>> No.420056
File: 204 KB, 1034x1050, Снимок экрана от 2013-04-11 17:38:14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.420059

No contest.

>> No.420065

The PC88 and PCE versions look, scroll and play so adorably retro, though.

>> No.420087


Not him, but I do. And everything else, they're hilarious

>> No.420103


Well, the PCE version is just an enhanced version of the PC88 version, most of the assets look the same.

>> No.420105


Is this worth a try? I modded out my Saturn about a year ago but all I've ever used it for is Panzer Dragoon Saga and nights.

>> No.420135
File: 85 KB, 400x325, tumblr_kq1s5gp6oM1qzp9weo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is now a working designs thread

>> No.420143


Its a good game, but the translation is not good if you are familiarized with the source material.

>> No.420152


This guy has his knickers in a twist, the translation is fine.

Sometimes people have problems with their waifus knowing what sex is.

>> No.420181


But the thing is, the girls are not supposed to know about sex... I mean, according to the source material they are 13-14yo.

>> No.420184


Being ignorant as fuck, I don't know what game this is.

>> No.420197


I really want to play this, but have a thing about playing games on their original systems.

Why is collecting for Sega systems so prohibitively expensive?

>> No.420202


See OP's filename.

>> No.420205


Pretty sure the girls talk about sex IN the source material, dude.

Also, are you implying you didn't know what sex was when you were 13-14?

>> No.420209

Get Kega Fusion, after you get the BIOS files sorted it runs just about every kind of game SEGA had before Saturn.

>> No.420212
File: 37 KB, 526x473, Raperodent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heh. "Screen capture" is the name then. Thanks

>> No.420223
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>> No.420225
File: 149 KB, 1293x298, dumbfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.420241
File: 348 KB, 496x401, lsdkfjlsdkjf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the context of this?

>> No.420245

she's on his head or he's on her head or something, one of them is on the other one's shoulders

no it doesn't make any fucking sense

>> No.420259


T..thank you guys. Apologies for being idiot jerk

>> No.420269
File: 7 KB, 164x161, 1254753989859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you learn, it's OK.

>> No.420273


I never watched the anime because I dont like anime... but I've read the manga and it is just your magical girl stuff.

>> No.420296


I'm talking about the Manga, though I have the anime too. Been a while but I'm pretty sure they're aware of sexuality between comments to the witch lady and them constantly lusting after all of the males.

At any rate, even if that is off, other than a few jokes their personalities are intact and I think they even have the same VAs from the show.

>> No.420298


She doesn't actually say that though

>> No.420561
File: 37 KB, 720x400, 8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.420567
File: 237 KB, 625x470, m8Lzf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.420570
File: 33 KB, 584x447, Rayearth_Saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.420595


god I miss those old anime babes. need to go read some slayers

>> No.420615

What game is this? rayearth?

>> No.420618

Vanguard Bandits

>> No.420709
File: 1.68 MB, 3264x2448, 20130403_235251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this style of panties.

>> No.420721

You biffed it.

>> No.420727

This game was a lot harder when I was 10. 24 year old me has a much easier time reading boss patterns and noticing weaknesses. I don't even amulet anymore.

>> No.420729

I'll check it out. seems like a game i might enjoy from the screens im looking at for it.. thanks

>> No.420731

Thou hast besquirted me.

>> No.420750
File: 61 KB, 320x304, troubling poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one heartily endorse turning boring JRPG stories into goofy injoke-fests.

If you can't handle it, nut up or shut up.

>> No.421164


>> No.421628

That's too bad, it didn't seem too far off from the rest of Working Designs' stuff though.

>> No.421794

What bout the Turbo Version?

>> No.421827


You should learn Japanese, the language is nothing but fucking puns.

>> No.421873


That isn't what's happening. It was goofy before. They're just trying to translate untranslatable puns into something sensible, and doing as well as can be expected really. Still waiting for an undub myself.

>> No.421895


Guys I think I'm going to get a Sega CD, this thread finally convinced me.

I know we have a wiki and everything, but what do you guys think should be the first games I go for? Sonic CD is obvious, of course, as I've never played it.

>> No.421924


>anime elf vagine
>convincing you to buy a console

Way to fall for advertising made to ensnare 90s 12-year olds.

I'd say Nights Into Dreams and Panzer Dragoon were essentials. Those were the games I remember being wowed by in the store displays.

>> No.421963

Quit being a fag and just download it, then.

>> No.421975

That's because they write in a mix of English (with their own syllabary) and Chinese. Literally.

>> No.421976

Night isn't a sega cd game. And neither is Panzer Dragoon Saga if that's what you mean

>> No.421979
File: 14 KB, 432x288, SegaCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you high or something?
Sega CD =/= Sega Saturn.
Also, Popful Mail is far from being just
>anime elf vagine
It's developed by Falcom which is usually synonymous with stellar gameplay.

>> No.421983

Snatcher, I think it's one of the best games on the system

>> No.421985

>I'd say Nights Into Dreams and Panzer Dragoon were essentials.
Now stand in front of the mirror, point and laugh.

>> No.421992


Yes, I know. All those central Asian cultures use Chinese characters.

>> No.422006


>joke + mistake = you didn't get either

>> No.422000


Thought we were talking about the Saturn for some reason.

>> No.422004

Doesn't change the fact the the stupid islanders fucked up somewhat terribly with their writing system.

>> No.422016

I wish all Japanese was in katakana. I can actually use that- I got stuck installing a PC-98 game and was able to look up the katakana and see that it was phonetically "SYSTUMERU DISKU" or something, and realised it wanted me to insert a system floppy.

>> No.422021

The funny part is there's no advantage whatsoever to using kanji. None at all. Zero.

>> No.422028

That's the PC-Engine CD.

>> No.422032

would it not be much more time and space consuming to use katakana to phonetically spell out everything, compared to a kanji character that might encompass several syllables?

>> No.422037


I'm good with hira and kata, but I don't fucking understand kanji at all and neither do most of them. Most Japanese people can't read their own newspapers because they don't know enough kanji. The phoneticizations in katakana still mystify me though. Takes me a minute to figure out which English word they're mangling every time.

>> No.422040


Most kanji don't really have much more non-symbolic meaning than katakana and hiragana. I don't know of any that encompass more than two or three syllabets.

>> No.422049


Yes, there are advantages, japanes in kana only is pretty confusing (lots of words sound the same but have different meanings and they will be the same in hiragana), spoken japanese is confusing too, that's why japanese tv shows use subtitles and sometimes when speaking to a japanese person they will draw the kanji so you can understand what the hell they are talking about.

>> No.422058 [DELETED] 
File: 689 KB, 2592x1552, IMAG0329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. Like I have this poster on my wall, I decided to translate the katakana under 'Policenauts' (ポリスノーツ) and realised it is spelling out


which sounds quite different to the real name.

I also read an interesting article the other day where they pointed out that in magazines and things katakana was used for emphasis, like in a girl's magazine the words beauty, boys, hair were all in katakana, whereas in the boys magazine they wouldn't be.

>> No.422054

Study Chinese if you want to understand kanji.

>> No.422073


Fucking Japan.

>> No.422090

>Megumi Hayashibara
Glad there are fans still out there.

>Popful Mail
We should have a Working Designs general.

>> No.422123
File: 531 KB, 850x1093, 8e62d6d0ab8149a76867ba9ebdb0cd66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anons. I'm gonna play this tonight.

And thanks to >>416819 for reminding me of this glorious game. Real nostalgia feels here.

>ads for in magazines like EGM and Gamepro and have a slight twinge of regret that I didn't own a Sega ANYTHING
Oh bro, do I know that feeling. Same thing with Turbo CD games.

>> No.422163

No it doesn't, it spells out PO RI SU NO-TSU.

>> No.422171
File: 175 KB, 500x635, tumblr_l1btfxogi51qzvtljo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to love those Working Designs ads, even if I wasn't much of an RPG guy back then and never really played any of their games until long after they went out of business. They really made the games feel grandiose even just from a one or two page screenshot-fest.

>> No.422172

A bad joke and a mistake do not a great post make.
Face it, you fucked up.

>> No.422179

Why would we have a Working Design general when Falcom made this game. Also, WD fucked up when they tweaked the game.

>> No.422201

I have problems running this on an emulator.
The game starts normally and you can play a while but then after defeating the first boss and talking to the mage guy, I try leaving the screen at the game always freezes.

help ?

>> No.422214


The solution wa posted a few post earlier.

>> No.422256

I know .. but I did that and I still get the same problem. I have no idea what's going on.

>> No.422421

need to get the PC Engine version - too bad I already spend my monthly money on other games

>> No.422425

What are they trying to do to her?

>> No.422439


It begins with 'R' and end up with a synonym of Monkey.

>> No.422491

Sounds like a ripoff of paperboy, but you deliver mail as a girl. Mailgirl. Nice try Sega. NintenDOES.

>> No.422509


shu shu I think /v/ is where you were headed

>> No.422550
File: 166 KB, 1280x800, Good Morning Dave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since when is a title name indicative of gameplay?

>> No.422586


Specially on a Falcom game, they had so many stupid titles back then...

>> No.423975
File: 212 KB, 600x460, Kid Joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So umm roping her huh?

Yeah I can dig that.

>> No.425256

OP here, god I'm glad this thread took off

>> No.425290

Do you mean something that rhymes with monkey?
I can't think of any verbs that start with R that describe kinds of monkeys.

>> No.425804

So, does a Sega CD emulator for Android exist in our dimension yet?

>> No.426724


Calling it a mistake would imply I fucked up.

He said 9 hours later after returning from real life.

>> No.427685
File: 485 KB, 500x259, 1365040115353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Dat retro art

God damn, every time I see there's something like this with that perfect retro anime art, I get weird tingly feelings.

>> No.427863
File: 36 KB, 500x461, post-2153-0-43535400-1363463416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit YEEESSSS. Makes me mourn what's happened to Japtoons since the 2000's, been a shame, it has.

>> No.428063
File: 257 KB, 1024x1541, Marshal_Law#005_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny thing is, is that I was a big hater of anime for the longest time now. All of my friends knew my intolerance towards it and everything, I was quite verbal with my dislike towards it all.

But recently, something ached me to look up a few things, I swallowed my pride and took a dive into a lot of the stuff that was aired on Toonami (some of the shit, I grew up watching) and I gotta say - It feels special re-watching a lot of the childhood things they had on during the 90's, late 80's.

I guess the flame that ignited my special hatred towards all of that dimmed out, regrettably. Now I'm just indifferent towards it all.

>> No.428072

Hey, cool, you're growing out of being an ignorant fuck. Congrats.

>> No.428102
File: 632 KB, 780x607, Rebi-Rah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch anything Yoshiaki Kawajiri has directed (Wicked City, Demon City Shinjuku, Cyber City Oedo, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, etc.) It's the legit stuff, the kind of stuff that makes /a/ hates so it means it's good.

>> No.428107

I've never heard of this before now but this will be my next game

>> No.428110


> Ignorant

Yeah, no. I had my reasons for avoiding it.


I might look into these, especially if /a/ hates them.

>> No.428117

>Makes me mourn what's happened to Japtoons since the 2000's

So nothing, you mean?

It's pretty much the same as it always was.

>> No.428147

>Yeah, no. I had my reasons for avoiding it.
Yeah, ignorance. Gonna fill you in on something here, man, you know those people who love Japan, want to be Japanese, and think that every single anime is the greatest thing on earth, no matter how bad it is, and that it will always be superior to western animation?

You know how obnoxious and ignorant those people are? That's how you describe yourself, only the opposite.

>> No.428201

That kind of shock humor is obviously meant for a male audience. Rayearth is a shoujo anime. And this is a problem girls have to deal with all the time; on the rare occasion we actually get something good, made for us by someone who actually understands us, boys latch onto it and want to "improve" it.

Magic Knight Rayearth had a lot of really touching, emotional scenes. Like when Hikaru begs Lantis not to take his anger out on her friends, then he tells her he's not angry, that he sympathizes with the pain she's had to bear? I must have watched that scene like four times.

>> No.428237


Scratch off obnoxious, I only told them how I felt, I never forced anyone to drop the habit.

> you know those people who love Japan, want to be Japanese, and think that every single anime is the greatest thing on earth, no matter how bad it is, and that it will always be superior to western animation?

These are the people that I did not want to become. They're all that's bad with how I looked at anime, in other words - They're filth. I thought that if I alienated myself from the habit that I would be better off, in the long run it was.

And no, I'm not the exact opposite, that would be in reverse weaboo territory. It's not like I'm a bad person either, I got along greatly with my friends, and I knew they watched anime, but would all had other interests in common as well.

>> No.428265

Two things happened that killed it.

1. Computer graphics became viable and cheaper than real animation making people lazy and opting for a shitty look.

Resulting in rapid quality decline.

2. Animu became so popular in the West that trying to appeal to weaboos in the West became a real thing.

Resulting in rapid quality decline.

Thus animes went to shit.

>> No.428268

Ho ignorant you re is astounding.

>> No.428725

my nigga

>> No.428762
File: 266 KB, 1200x827, kfs2novel2_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 'bout Keio Flying Squadron on the Sega CD and its Saturn sequel for similar aesthetics?

>> No.429094



Looks legit.

OP here, how about we make this a topic about retro games with old school anime aesthetic? You guys seem like you're down with that.

>> No.429140

"He has an IQ of fourteen-hundred!"

>> No.429184
File: 127 KB, 600x828, El_Viento_MD_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played El Viento? I've been thinking about getting a copy.

>> No.429325

Aaagh, I want to play this game so bad. Popful Mail and Keio's Flying Squadron. Is the Sega CD region free? Is it worth getting one?

And then all the Saturn Working Designs games. I only have Dragon Force, but it's missing the artwork. If someone can point me to an artwork-only auction, that would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.429342

>Is the Sega CD region free?
>Is it worth getting one?
Better off emulating on a disk-based console of that age.

>> No.429350

The music is amazing, as you'd expect from a wolfteam game. Gameplay is good and fast, too. However, it is really fucking hard. The first boss alone is pretty damn silly.

>> No.429358

Sega CD is not region free, though as far as things go, its pretty easy to bypass. On the other hand, it has no copy protection at all. I found mine very worth buying.

>> No.429542


Is there decent (fast) emulation for the CD on the Dreamcast?

>> No.430345


thinking about buying it - but a bit expensive

>> No.430651
File: 60 KB, 600x800, 慶応遊撃隊_if you want to search pixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's classic Wolfteam, like >>429350 said. I've never beaten it, although I haven't given it a go with save state scumming.

No. Plus that DC fan is so fucking loud, I swear the thing is gonna take off and fly through the roof. When I got my first one I thought something was wrong with it -- nope.

>> No.430661

You're ignoring the fact that the producers of anime discovered that the only way they can make money in the fucked up animation production industry of Japan is to pander to the repugnant tastes of modern otaku. You are describing symptoms, where producers chasing that easy pedotaku money is the root sickness.

Saging for complete irrelevance to this thread and board.

>> No.431317

Aw hell Popful Mail I liked it I should beat one day though.

>> No.431964




>> No.432146

Ordered this game on Amazon this morning.

What should I expect?

>> No.432160


>> No.432172

A fun action game with some light RPG elements, that is also hard as fuck due to there being no invincibility after a hit.

And that fucking wood golem boss that regenerates itself, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.432281

A good game.

>> No.432467
File: 430 KB, 420x340, THERE WERE NO SURVIVORS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there an Undub of the Sega CD one?

I'd like to see this too. WD fags can suck it.


>mfw people find this shit funny

These games need a re-translation BAD. No need to be stuck with these versions in 2013.

>> No.432506


he's actually not that bad once you get the pattern down. you can kill him pretty easily without taking a hit

>> No.432719
File: 131 KB, 560x1010, boxstur2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down with that.

>mfw Japan's Turrican looks better than the original.

>> No.432737
File: 78 KB, 393x451, 585859_81953_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.432759


Apply directly to the forehead

>> No.432789
File: 87 KB, 423x600, wrath-black-manta_jpg_600x600_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.432975

Fun fact: Person who did Mail's voice on the Sega CD is the same person who did Lina Inverse.

>> No.433093


>action platformer
>not d&d session

>> No.433101
File: 120 KB, 352x480, genesis-valis-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old anime games general?

I think me and a creepy black guy on youtube are the only people who like this game.

>> No.433107


I own that, but have yet to play it.
Is it good?

>> No.433160

I'm not going to lie, it's flawed

But the gameplay itself is pretty solid. The flawed part comes in how the levels are designed, it's very much a hack and slash brawler but it sometimes tries to shoehorn you into platforming sections that the controls just can't handle well.

Other than that, it's tough, it's fast paced, it's a pretty good game once you look past those flaws.

The third one is waay better, though.

>> No.433184


I've just had a gander at my collecyion and it turns out I own Valis 1 and 3 for the genesis and Super Valis 4.

You say 3's the best? i guess I'll play that one then.

>> No.433192

I liked it.

Still the third was better.

>> No.433238

>Posting the murrikan box

You don' goofed.

>> No.433242
File: 124 KB, 762x482, valis-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image.

>> No.433254

i dont care what game it is, i'm fapping to this picture for the forseeable future

>> No.433263

No. Its better than the original Valis on 80s Jap home computers, but its really slow, has few enemies, and offers hardly any challenge until late in the game. Also, the game has an awful soundtrack. The first stage music is classic, but after that you are treated to what are literally 4-5 second loops!

III is a solid, but not amazing game. If you want to try a Valis game, get that.

>> No.433269
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>> No.433285
File: 5 KB, 640x480, Popful MAIL000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble emulating this game.
Need help.
What BIOS / stuff do I need?
Fusion emulator BTW.

>> No.433289

I should note that I've watched footage of other versions, and the Mega Drive Valis has fewer enemies on screen than the PC-88 or NES versions of the game. While the Mega Drive version is actually a playable game, unlike those, the lack of enemies and any real challenge because of it, makes the game pretty dull. Emulate it just to play the first level for the music, but I wouldn't pay over 10 bucks for the actual game.

>> No.433315

3's amazing. 4 is pretty good too but it's just more of what 3 was with an added character.

It's a good series but it seems like a series that is considered uncool to look back on fondly. It probably has something to do with Telenet selling the series to a porn company and them making a half-dozen hentai games from it, I am not even kidding.

>> No.433318

I already own 1, 3 and Super 4.

But based on your harsh words I doubt I'll play any of them in the foreseeable future

>> No.433323

>The first stage music is classic, but after that you are treated to what are literally 4-5 second loops!
Oh shit how could I forget that about Valis 1 goddamn that was bad.

>> No.433330

Also to note: there is a fifth valis game. I have no idea how it plays.

>> No.433331


Yeah I read that on Wikipedia and am currently sending away for some copies of Valis Cross 1-5. Sounds promising.

>> No.433334

I'm only talking about the first one, really. III is a pretty good sidescrolling action game. IV is also pretty good, but the music in the SNES version sucks pretty bad compared to its PC-Engine counterpart, for some reason.

>> No.433338

Ignore him, he's a dickhead. Why do you think everyone else is telling you to play the game but some guy comes in and says "YEAH I WATCHED SOME YOUTUBE VIDEOS AND I THINK IT BORING" and you listen to the guy who watched some youtube videos?

At least play the third game. That is probably the high point of the series.

>> No.433348


Honestly I'm quite intrigued by these Hentai games. But I'll give Valis 3 a bash later, it might be fun.

>> No.433358

You clearly didn't read my comment. I've beaten Valis on the Genesis. I watched videos of the PC-88 and NES versions, out of curiosity. The PC-88 release is the original game, the Genesis version is a remake.

>> No.433354

>Honestly I'm quite intrigued by these Hentai games.

God DAMN it I wish I hadn't mentioned those.

Here's a spoiler about those: You'll get better shit in /h/, most of it is pregnancy.

>> No.433375

Setting yourself up for disappointment I see?

It's a lame cash-in, I haven't played it but from what little I've seen, it's very poorly done.

If you want a game about a girl with a sword being violated, play Lightning Warrior Raidy.

>> No.433383



Hot damn, now we're talking! Finally something to fill the void left by the half-finished Violated Herione.
But in all seriousness, I'm still in the process of finding copies of those so we'll just have to make do with Valis 3.

>> No.433393


I already have Lightning Warrior Raidy. it was subpar.

>> No.433397

Oh man, you're going to HATE Valis X then.

>> No.433413


Eh. It'll add to the collection at least.
I guess I should also hunt down a copy of Valis 2 then. Just to be a completionist.

>> No.433425
File: 158 KB, 1280x963, viento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of the Sega CD, I picked up Snatcher and Space Adventure for under the maximum amount I'll spend on a vidya game, so I only need Keio and I'll have all the expensive stuff. They were expensive, but far less than the ridiculous 300+ you see people trying to charge for Snatcher. How I wish Mega-CD games came in longboxes so they'd fit in with my other games so I could pick up those cheaper titles. Because I really don't care about English voice acting in a shooter.

>> No.433430

Good games.

>> No.433564

>hope to use /vr/ as a way to get away from /v/'s bullshit.
>Fucking low-tier anime discussion, same shit from /v/

Fuck I was hoping to get away from that shit.

>> No.433618

Where do you think you even are?
Also, 90's and 80's j-shit is awesome.
Shit like Slayers, Hokuto no Ken, and Rance.

>> No.433716

>Fuck I was hoping to get away from that shit.
Might I recommend that you look for another website to browse then?
No. No really, I insist.

>> No.433823

Yeah, I just need to get in the mood to sit down and play a slow paced adventure.

>> No.434073

R "ape"

>> No.434650

How the hell do I get past the sad pandas, I knew a trick once but I forgot it.

>> No.434957

>That's how you describe yourself, only the opposite.

So you must know this guy personally, right? Way to be a sanctimonious dickhead. The guy is opening up and reflecting. Cut him some fucking slack.

>> No.435308


Replace the X with a -

>> No.435324

Popful Mail, Snatcher, Lunar: The Silver Star, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, Shining Force CD if you played the first or second, maybe Vay or Dark Wizard but I never really played either.

>> No.435717

god voice acting like that should be criminal

>> No.435743

idunno the american cover looks pretty metal

>> No.435845


On other boards I would be worried I'd be a faggot, but honestly lame shit like that is pretty much my bread and butter.

/a/ just loves to shit on everything, but I still watch the occasional episode of Slayers because it really effected me the first time I saw it. Yes, part of /vr/ will undoubtedly be some bullshit nostalgia, but the other part is the fact that there is a fucking backlog of games that no human being will ever get to play in their lifetime, and many of them are accessible to us now just as they were when they were released.

Crap dubbed anime is enjoyable just like any other crap media is, because it's fuckin entertaining. But we will never see a culture identical to the one in the 1980s/1990s, and I for one find it interesting and amusing to watch and play games from that era.

I for one have gotten a lot of decent recs from this thread, and am fucking ecstatic that for once on all the boards I lurk on, I don't feel like I have to apologize for saying it. Thank you /ve, and fucking goodnight.

>> No.435872
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also I've been drinking so I'm sorry if that was complete bullshit. At least I got away with a post without a smiley face this time

>> No.436073
File: 7 KB, 271x186, geist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga. Have some Black Lion on me.


>> No.436090

>Crap dubbed anime is enjoyable just like any other crap media is, because it's fuckin entertaining. But we will never see a culture identical to the one in the 1980s/1990s, and I for one find it interesting and amusing to watch and play games from that era.
I whole heartedly agree with everything you said. Growing up with the trickle of anime we got in the late 80s and then the 90s was something. Akira coming over here was such a huge deal, I can't even emphasize this enough. Fucking live long and strong, oldfags.

sage for off-topic

>> No.436350


Working Designs thread? Okay then, I have a confession to make.

I played through the entire arena one thousand times to get ALL the accessories. Yes, one thousand times I beat that worthless ninja only to have Victor Ireland tell me that I have better things to do with myself and that I should probably take a break. 2h4rdk0re.

>> No.436391


WD fucked up when they tweaked practically EVERY game they've released. You don't have to look any further than the Exile series to see how fucking terrible it ended up. Also Vay, fuck that broken shit. Still, at least Victor Ireland got these games over here and the translations weren't "uguu, do you think I'm kawaii (kawaii means cute)" so I do appreciate their work on some level.

>> No.436406
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Well you could say that her mail certainly makes me "pop".

If you catch my drift

>> No.436669

Everything was going fine until surprise futa

>> No.437095


>Japan's Turrican looks better than the original.

Yeah.. No, not so much... But that's your opinion man.

>> No.437140

Popful Mail
Popping-out Plate
Bursting Breastplate
Slip-out Scale
Wardrobe Malfunction Armor

>> No.437169

I have beaten this game (the SegaCD one anyway) so many times. It's just so damn good. It's hard to judge overall, but I'm not sure whether I like Popful Mail or Sonic CD more on the Sega CD (they are my two favorites at least).

>> No.437205

I hope this is the right thread for this, but... I was hoping to ask you guys a question. Whats a fair price for a Sega CD. I was thinking about buying one again. I traded it in when I was a kid.

>> No.437505

I don't suppose this has ever been translated?

>> No.437729
File: 152 KB, 640x480, Popful MAIL043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, a Popful Mail thread. Just what I needed.

I can't get past this fucker. Help pls

>> No.437740
File: 85 KB, 640x480, Popful MAIL020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fuck yes, I love just how 90's it is.

>Oohh, I biffed it!

>> No.437763
File: 74 KB, 640x480, Popful MAIL024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It freezes at that part, right? You just gotta enable perfect sync in the options tab.

>> No.437853

I gave in and used the elixir here, and thoroughly regret it now that I'm on the Wood Golem. On the other hand, I have no idea how I could have gotten past him otherwise. It seemed like luck mattered a lot here, especially with whether or not the positions of the moving platforms were just right for you to be able to get on the other side of him.

>> No.437864

Exact place I'm stuck. This game is brutal

>> No.437936

>tfw living in Italy
>tfw our censorship got WORST as the years passed, hindering my enjoyment of anime until I had broadband internet in 2004

Kenshiro, Saint Seiya with its rivers of blood was AWWRIGHT in the early 90'.
Come the 00', and they broadcast Saint Seiya again with black and white scenes and cut parts.
And you wouldn't want to know what they did to Rayearth, which is thread related.

Funny, because in the 80' we got mecha anime with lots of deaths and nobody but shitty newspapers cared.
At least we got pretty much all the manga you could want as a 13 year old though.

Speaking of Rayearth, have they ever made a game of the season with the mecha?

>> No.437942

Oh boy, this thread's still alive.
If either of the handsome chaps I discussed Valis with are here, I'd just like to mention that you were correct- Valis 3 is far better than 1. Still yet to play Super 4 though,

>> No.438001
File: 63 KB, 639x475, 1316812531909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italy is great.
When I went on vacation there as a kid, I turned the TV on, and saw this badass motherfucker. They had that episode where the guy shoots him with a crossbow, and he does the thing where deflects it right back into his eye. I was stunned.

Up until that point, I just didn't realized there can be blood and violence in cartoons.

Fuck yeah Italy.

>> No.438098


Right, the trick is to stay close to him. If you are close, he jumps to stom the ground rather than launching bombs. Just jump and hit him when he lands so you don't get hurt, and over him when he moves to close to the edge.
Now its time to get on with the rest of the game.

>> No.438112

thanks bro, will try that out

>> No.438128
File: 23 KB, 332x450, 1363230802963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm new to playing Sega CD emulator / games so I have a question about the saves.
I just played about an hour of Popful Mail and I'm loving it, however I just lost all that data because it wasn't saved to ram.
Is there a guide anywhere how to get this working easily? I really hate using save states.

>> No.438142
File: 150 KB, 659x585, save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I should have warned you about that man. Same thing happened to me...
What you gotta do is create a new ram cart via this menu, with the name of the image you're using. (Copy the name to it)

And you need to load it every time you start up the game via the same menu.

>> No.438165

The wood golem isnt so bad either.
The trick is to flee when he charges whil jumping and throwing daggers back in mid air so you don't loose forward momentum (you are using daggers, right?). Note that he never moves past where the stairs are, so move back as he does and try not to let him off the screen so you can see his rocket punches. His rocket punch can just be ducked with no problem.

I found his second form easiest to deal with by getting behind it and jumping along with it to send daggers into its back. The timing is tricky though, and even with good moves you might have to fight his first form twice like I did.

>> No.438212


Damn that did convince me to watch it.

>> No.438584


You have shit taste

>> No.438635
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I'm gonna be honest and say that Popful Mail's gameplay isn't amazing. Enemies can drain all your health super fast and the screen doesn't scroll until you get super close to the edge, forcing you to move very slowly. Not bad, though, maybe a bit above average.

The graphics, sound, and movies are all top notch though.

>> No.438645

What's the name of the game in the OP?

>> No.438665




>> No.438681


This is amazing, all those arnold movies.

>> No.438716


Play the re-translation, it's pretty decent. Wolf team made some beautiful games.


>> No.438728


I had an american copy and popping that in for the first time ans seeing the intro being about a japanese schoolgirl made me laugh my ass off. It's a wonder we even GOT the valis games in america.

>> No.438752

Looks neat, I'm going to try this on the emulator. I should really try out more Sega CD games, I only played Sonic CD, and I didn't even like it that much (Sonic 3 & Knuckles was much better)

>> No.439215



>> No.440318

I agree, it must be done.

>> No.440882


>> No.441908


Who says you own Shoujo? Who says there aren't touching scenes in the Saturn game? Have you played it? Why turn this into a gender thing in the first place?

I've been a huge Clamp fan since I was like 13, my stack of Rayearth manga and my VHS box sets say you have no more "claim" to Rayearth than I do.

>> No.442016
File: 29 KB, 640x400, zeliard_14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Popful Mail better than Zeliard?

Great DOS game, if you haven't played it.

>> No.442041
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>EGA mode

>> No.442151

>>EGA mode
This is /vr/, son.

>> No.442179

Even back in those days, Amigafags were like LOLCGA LOLEGA LOLSPEAKERSOUND

>> No.442664

even C64 had it better, honestly. There's still people turning out incredible demos on old systems. I miss those times, waiting for a new Future Crew demo to hit the BBS scene.

>> No.442683
File: 30 KB, 641x427, zeliard2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeeit man, Zeliard is pretty sweet. I think it's a bit better than Popful.

I should start a thread about it sometime. I can't get past these fucking ice caverns... fucking spikes

>> No.442747 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 320x200, zeliard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to Sierra On-line for bring it over here! Along with Thexder. The art in the ending of Zilliard was probably the first anime-styled anything I ever saw. Good music, too, from what I remember.

>> No.442771
File: 10 KB, 320x200, zeliard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to Sierra Online for bring it over here! Along with Thexder. The art in the ending of Zeliard was probably the first anime-styled anything I ever saw. Good music, too, from what I remember.

>> No.442795
File: 4 KB, 42x92, zeliard23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Naw man, it's definitely good stuff.

>> No.442805
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Don't forget about the PC-98 version either.

>> No.442823 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 232x254, Zeliard_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is how he looked like on the boxart.. lol

>> No.442848
File: 388 KB, 640x802, Zeliard_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>442683 (You)
And this is how he looked like on the boxart.. lol

>> No.442854
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>> No.442864



>> No.442870
File: 245 KB, 1060x731, ultimajapan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was it with every JRPG protag back then looking like Adol Christin?

>> No.442895
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>"but a bit expensive"
>notice your name

>> No.447074

What does Mail wear anyway? A breastplate over a leotard?
I ask because its really hot. Been playing the game since this thread started and have taken many a fap break to peruse pics of her.
Are there any other characters around who wear such attire?

>> No.447376


>tfw fapped to the ad when I was about 11-12

>> No.447723


fuck I need that copy!

haha - no but really - it's strange I am willing to shell out 1000 $ on a neo geo cart (since everyone believes thats the value) but get jewy when I buy Pc Engine games

>> No.447859
File: 98 KB, 468x700, perfect1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the miners makes a crack about her outfit being out of style, no doubt to cover his secret fetish for vintage workout attire.

>> No.447979
File: 271 KB, 1940x2000, rance-noir.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Rance series characters wear this outfit.'
Off the top of my head:

Also, one-piece swimsuits tend to look like leotards, so you can just pretend...

>> No.448046

Alright, its my turn to be stuck. I've been locked in a lava room with crumbling platforms. The game insists there is a way to open the door, but I cant fathom it.
I have tried killing the little fireball men, but they are so hard to hit that there isnt enough time to get them.
What's the trick, /vr/?