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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 180x320, G.O.DReviewFront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4167227 No.4167227 [Reply] [Original]

Obscure Japanese SFC Thread.

Anyone check out pic related?

>> No.4167232
File: 21 KB, 256x222, 78030-g-o-d-mezameyo-to-yobu-koe-ga-kikoe-snes-screenshot-visiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to have a modern day feel to it a la Mother/Earthbound.

>> No.4167243

Looks interesting. There's also a Playstation version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qDpocPO9ZQ

>> No.4167246 [DELETED] 

It's amazing how many shitty jerpergers that system received.

>> No.4167253
File: 56 KB, 300x523, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also played this one recently...Beat it as well. Kinda moves slow and clunky. Music isn't great, but the graphics are pretty and it's interesting.

>> No.4167268
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>> No.4167279
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>> No.4167340
File: 185 KB, 900x700, other-consoles-44265-31337736755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's obscure or not, but I really like the Violinist of Hameln game.

>> No.4168005

What is this about?

>> No.4168018

holy shit that's great. is it worth playing the english translation or should i just play the original version instead? i don't speak moonrunes.

>> No.4169431

I've only played the translated version, but it seemed really well done. I'm not really familiar with the series it's based on.

>> No.4169441

Is Energy Breaker any good? It looks pretty good.

>> No.4169486

super famicom, playstation or both?

>> No.4169495

Guy who led Love-de-Lic (Moon, Lack of Love) and Skip Ltd (Chibi-Robo, Captain Rainbow) designed this game

>> No.4169623

Is there an English translation for this? I remember looking pretty intensely a while back and not finding one.

>> No.4169815

It's amazing how this game encourages you to abuse flute as a weapon instead of using your actual attack by making you earn coins for killing enemies with her.

>> No.4169825

Energy Breaker is fucking amazing.

I don't okay through a lot of games, but you bet your ass I played through that game in a weekend.

>> No.4169828

Can't find an English translation. Shocked though; this type of game seems right up the translation community's alley.

>> No.4169838

Once I made a joke about that game being misogynistic and got hit with a 3 day ban.

>> No.4169856
File: 99 KB, 211x384, Tarot_Mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know there's only 3 tarot simulators. This, a game gear game also japan-only, and Taboo on the NES, made by Rare and containing naked female sprites on a licensed NoA release.

>> No.4169863

You make Taboo sound a lot more exciting than it is.

>> No.4169869

Nah, just stating that funny fact. For the record the sprites are really tiny and the nipples are just a single sprite, but it's there. Just funny considering NoA would censor even the smallest things like crosses, but that one game got a free pass. I guess this was before the ESRB, I think the game box had something like "game for adults" or some bullshit like that to safeguard their asses.

>> No.4169941

The graphics are really similar to Medarots R. Possibly same field engine and art tean.

>> No.4169982

Can you please anything except "fanni shmups", "fanni platformers", same-looking jrpgs and Zelda clones, normies?

>> No.4169991

What's this fanni?

>> No.4169995

What retarded language is this?

>> No.4169996

Do you know what is word play and sarcasm?

>> No.4169997


>> No.4170000

you clearly don't

>> No.4170007

Normie, pls

>> No.4170012

If this is sarcasm it went way over my head. Nothing in that sentence makes any sense.

>> No.4170013

You was masturbating for 3 days and your hand became your wife

>> No.4170020
File: 40 KB, 256x223, 176439-mystery-dungeon-shiren-the-wanderer-snes-screenshot-some-dungeons[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sort of cheating, particularly since the SNES game got a port on the DS years later, but you owe it to yourself to play the translated SFC version of Shiren the Wanderer.

>> No.4170023

>you're hand became you're wife
Fixed for you, grammar is important.

>> No.4170026

>Guys Im making TOP 10 video will you help me out

>> No.4170027

We call them リア充 around these parts.

>> No.4170028

I'm Russian, English is not my native language

>> No.4170030
File: 506 KB, 500x375, 1435488647695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've earned my respect, this is some advanced bait.

>> No.4170036
File: 197 KB, 255x466, Magical_Pop'n_box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Pop'n is a staple, of course. I find her voice acting a bit irritating, but otherwise it's an excellent platformer.

>> No.4170038
File: 1.54 MB, 1476x1472, 15860_791084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystic Ark's setting is pretty cool, although on the gameplay front it's pretty bog-standard unexceptional JRPG.

>> No.4170045
File: 48 KB, 239x441, AlcahestSNES_boxart[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcahest is an arcadey action-RPG, emphasis on the action. An emulator isn't a bad way to experience it given that it has a life system, lose all your lives and it's back to the start.

>> No.4170052
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, ggp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's too obscure but I only just heard of it and recently started playing it.
Ganpuru - Gunman's Proof is so charming and fun. The controls are really tight and the ability to strafe is a godsend.
I love how ASCII made a LTTP clone into a straightforward shooting action game, it's some really good shit my dudes.

>> No.4170060

the coolest thing about it is that you get access to your full party right off the bat and can mix and match characters without any meddling plot getting in the away, also good puzzle design

>> No.4170063

Yeah, probably should've mentioned I was talking strictly combat-wise. They're also nice enough to let you teleport to any inn you've been too before plus other locations, which cuts out a lot of backtracking and world map wandering.

>> No.4170219

Liked this. It's no Majyuuoh but is wonderfully strange, from the character designs to the repetitive unsettling music. Plus you get to be a dandy highwayman with a laser rapier who gains blade arms and legs. Would love to know what is going on - whether it takes place in someone's psyche, or if the real world is getting corrupted.

>> No.4171427

Just play some Jirou Akagawa - Majotachi no Nemuri, faggot.
No I'm making a chart for anons like you.

>> No.4171509
File: 40 KB, 314x571, Super Pinball 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tables are very simple but it's a fun pinball game.

>> No.4171657

4chan in general now is No Fun Allowed: The Website. I got banned for posting a cartoon character on /co/ in a thread dedicated to the series.

>> No.4171684
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eng patched is great. like a funnier FFUSA

>> No.4171696
File: 1.20 MB, 567x960, 2283503-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great game, shiren and mystery dungeon in general is fantastic.
Cute game and great art the voice actor behind the main character and her life always fuck me up when playing since whenever I hear the character I just think of all that shit she went through.
Always wanted to play this since the art is pretty. I should really check it out.
This game is fantastic, shame it was that developer's last game.

I always have to mention Metal Max Returns when obscure sfc games come up. Love this game and one of my favorite jrpgs ever.

>> No.4171710
File: 206 KB, 1022x768, mmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Metal Max is pretty good. Shame the DS one will never be released in English.

>> No.4171796

That is an absolutely fantastic game. One of my personal favorite games ever actually.

>> No.4172179
File: 13 KB, 210x200, 1310565846105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendation anon, glad I keep trying after first few deaths. I'm having a lot of fun.

>> No.4172234

Not him but there are a few sub series as well that are fun. Torneko from Dragon Quest has a trilogy of game in the mystery dungeon style. There are also the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games.

>> No.4172256

I see, thanks. I've played a similar kind of game before, but I can't remember the name of it and playing Shiren made me remember I've also had fun with that game. A question, does any of the Shiren games (and its subseries) has custom character/character creator?

>> No.4172260


Shiren the Wanderer is great game. The Vita Shiren Game is excellent. It keeps the 16-bit look, but it really shines on the Vitas screen, and the better resolution just makes it look so good. I know it's not really retro, but the game's mechanics haven't really evolved much, not to say it isn't a great game.

>> No.4172284
File: 138 KB, 960x544, shiren-the-wanderer-ps-vita-20160721-006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, Shiren is basically the perfect streamlined roguelike mechanics-wise. Other than adding more to do and adding more stuff that can happen, you can't change much without resulting in a very different game.

I'm surprised that the Vita game has the 32-bit look, considering that the series went 3D on PSP. Not that I'm complaining. Although it's a little weird to see modern anime character designs given how rooted in the 90s style the original is.

>> No.4172286

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon lets you choose what Pokemon you'll be playing as based on a series of questions, but other than that there isn't really any character customization in the Mystery Dungeon series as far as I recall.

What system were you playing this game on?

>> No.4172287

Vita is still 32 bit.

>> No.4172296

I see. I'm not too big on Pokemon but I'll try later maybe.

I think it was PS1. Also I think it's an anime game. It's similar as you enter a dungeon then fight your way down until a checkpoint or some sort. It's in Japanese and I remember you can bring party members.

>> No.4172303

Well yeah, but you know what I mean. Using bits in regards to pixel art stops really meaning anything after the fifth generation anyway.

>> No.4172763
File: 10 KB, 256x222, 78787-laplace-no-ma-snes-screenshot-random-battle-against-undead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laplace no Ma, Lovecraftian dungeon crawler in a spooky mansion. Not amazing, but pretty cool w/ the different setting.

>> No.4172809

One of the Torneko mystery dungeon games was on ps1, perhaps that?

>> No.4172848
File: 25 KB, 512x448, 33914-Granhistoria_-_Genshi_Sekaiki_(Japan)-1459713301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4172978

There's actually two MM games on the DS, three to be more precise if you count the terrible Metal Saga game.
The DS MM2 remake is pretty great though, really fixes a lot of what was wrong with the SNES version.
The Vita Shiren 5 is a enhanced port of the DS Shiren 5, though they added so much new stuff it's fair to say it's basically a game and a half.
>considering that the series went 3D on PSP.
The PSP Shiren 3 game is a port of the Wii Shiren 3 game, albeit with more content, same with Shiren 4, it's a port of the DS Shiren 4.
Sony handhelds for some reason got all enhanced version of Shiren games, which is a franchise that rarely strayed from Nintendo consoles starting from the Wii.

>> No.4172995
File: 44 KB, 512x448, FamicomBunko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famicom Bunko: Hajimari No Mori. An adventure game where you play as a Japanese boy visiting a countryside town and interacting with the local spirits, which have been driven away due to the nearby forest being cut down for the town's economic benefit. It's a really cozy game with an environmental message that doesn't feel forced down your throat. Similar to Boku No Natsuyasumi in terms of tone and atmosphere. Unfortunately there is no fan translation as of today.

This game was actually released in 1999 through Japan's Nintendo Power service, which basically allowed you to write whatever game you wanted to a blank cartridge. Games like Fire Emblem 5 and Famicom Tantei Club II were also released in this manner. The graphics look very large and clean for an SFC release.

>> No.4173065
File: 7 KB, 256x224, ihatovo-monogatari-j006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ihatovo Monogatari is a 1993 adventure game released by obscure developer Hector, which had no other noteworthy games to its belt aside from the colorful NES platformer Moon Crystal. Ihatovo Monogatari is a top-down adventure game with no combat or stats; the main character, a hat-wearing man with a suitcase, wanders around the richly-detailed town of Ihatovo in search for seven different books. By talking to different people and activating different events, you unlock new areas to explore, but the game can be completed in an afternoon.

Ihatovo Monogatari is actually based on the works of Kenji Miyazawa, a well-known Japanese writer and poet who was primarily inspired by magical realism and Buddhist philosophy, and this clearly shows in the game's dialogue. It has also has an exquisite soundtrack. The game world is not particularly flashy but feels lived-in, and is densely populated for a game of its time. Unfortunately there is no English translation. A full walkthrough does exist, but playing the game without understanding the text is kind of self-defeating.

>> No.4173085
File: 18 KB, 256x223, Gokinjo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gokinjou Boukentai is a turn-based JRPG developed by ITL and released in 1996. It has an unusual contemporary setting for a game of its genre, taking place in a nondescript Japanese town, and stars a kindergarten girl named Mana who has the power to see youkai, supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore. She sets out to defeat all evil youkai in the town with the help of her classmates and, occasionally, her cat.

Gokinjou Boukentai is an extremely easy JRPG; there are no Game Overs, HP is fully replenished after every battle, and only the boss battles require a modicum of strategy. However it has some unusual gameplay choices, such as the ability to choose which classes Mana and her friends will take in school, which affect character stats, available party members/quests, and even story details. This gives it some replay value, which is good for a relatively short game.

The game is mostly remembered for its charming suburban setting, populated with quirky characters, and its freewheeling but small-scale sense of adventure. The sprite-based graphics have aged pretty well, too. The only major downside is that there is still no English translation for this game.

>> No.4173264
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, 1468821132536[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably not obscure but it needs more attention anyways:
A Front Mission game that plays as a side scroller game, with amazing visuals and lots of customization. Has a 100% English patch too.

>> No.4173267

I say all that and skip on the name. Good job.
Front Mission Gun Hazard.

>> No.4173274
File: 62 KB, 700x613, majyuuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King of Demons (Majyuuou)

Powerups are cool and all, but it still feels most satisfying being a human shame you arent a human for long. Would be fucking awesome if you only were a human tbqh.

>> No.4173746
File: 89 KB, 640x637, Mystic Ark: Maboroshi Gekijo (まぼろし劇場).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fucking shame that the sequel to Mystic Ark never got a translation patch.

>> No.4173750

Can anyone write up a list of these games?

>> No.4173760

You can do a human-only playthrough. It gives the bad ending, which says something...

>> No.4173784

Don't remind me, I was looking forward to playing that before I found out. One more reason to get off my ass and learn Japanese I guess.

>> No.4173818

I tried this.
The very first time I played this game I realized I'd have to play the whole game as human to receive the best ending.

Except I was wrong.
There wasn't even a different ending, it was just the generic bad ending.

>> No.4173879

>ya'll niggas be jerkin it till ur hand be ur bitch

if you're going to post on an american board learn to speak the language properly

>> No.4174567
File: 415 KB, 325x605, Sutte Hakkun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4174845

What's so terrible about Metal Saga?

>> No.4174847
File: 26 KB, 512x478, FDCPII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Famicom Detective Club Part II remake isn't that obscure anymore but it's a very cool mystery game.

>The story was written by Yosuke Kuroda, who is a rather prolific anime screenwriter whose writing credentials include works like Excel Saga, Gundam 00 and the Please Teacher/Please Twins series (among many others).

>> No.4174862

>not playing the much better PSX version
>not playing the superior Otogirisou or Getsumen no Anbuis
>or even his better work Yasoukyoku
>assuming anyone here actually reads Japanese and would play a game that you just press Y 12 times in 3 hours to win.

>> No.4175950
File: 48 KB, 283x500, MarvelousMnT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marvelous: Another Treasure Island. Tends to be bundled with Gunman's Proof when talking about Japan-only LTTP-likes.

>> No.4176013

I freaking love sutte hakkun, there are many rom versions, some from satellaview, are there any differences between them?

>> No.4176816

This is fucking gold