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File: 129 KB, 288x334, Quake1cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4157195 No.4157195 [Reply] [Original]

Name one (1) flaw

You can't.

>> No.4157220

STory doesn't make as much sense as Quake 2.

>> No.4157221

Cover sux

I leave rest to my friends

>> No.4157230

It fell for the 3D meme

>> No.4157231

Bad gameplay, sound, and visuals.

>> No.4157238

bad art direction
no crosshair option
>but doom didn't have
well you could only look sideways. quake2 had this option.

and I don't think mouselook could be enabled from the options? unless you used the console, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, I loved quake. I think another thing that quake2 had that quake didn't was being able to explode corpses. Quake you either gibbed the guy when he was alive or you didn't at all.

>> No.4157240
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>> No.4157242

bunny jumping

>> No.4157249

Quake 2 is superior. Eat shit, contrarians.

>> No.4157251

Can't even portray a Q properly.

>> No.4157252

Everything is brown and ugly, the maps are a mess and there's no automap, enjoy running in circles.

>> No.4157274

>everything is brown and ugly
Not the sky. Nor are certain enemies brown at all. Oh and a number of the weapons have quite some gray or silver to their color.
>no automap

>> No.4157419

>what is "crosshair 1"

>> No.4157527

Weapons lack punch.

>> No.4157578

Level design was rather intuitive, though. Apart from being brown, the level design was quite nice most of the time.

>> No.4157670

>air 1"
who gives a fuck if you have to use console, what kind of complaint is that

>> No.4157679

meant for

>> No.4157695

Honestly it's an amazing game, but just lacks in the atmosphere department which isn't that huge of a problem.

Dooms atmosphere is probably the sole reason doom is better than quake

>> No.4157725

>no aim down sights
>hip shooting at eye level and with perfect accuracy every time

>> No.4157736

>You can't.
you are right
too many flaws to name just one

>> No.4157738

Hexen 2 uses the same engine as Quake and yet actually has colors and is far better graphics. Was Id lazy?

>> No.4157749

They were intentionally going for a grimdark aesthetic set to creepy ambience by Trent Reznor.

>> No.4157770

No excuse, Hexen also follows a grimdark aesthetic and creepy ambiance.

>> No.4157809

>model animations look like ass
>skybox sucks (or "skytube")
>story is another "demons accidentally came from space teleports" copout aka Doom
>b r o w n

>> No.4157820

yeah, but hexen isn't a good game.

>> No.4157869
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>moving the goalposts
We're talking about technical stuff, faggot

>> No.4157879

It doesn't make any sense. Content-wise, it's a mess of a game. They should have stuck with the Lovecraft influences and let that dominate the game's aesthetic and setting instead if trying to combine medieval fantasy with horror and sci-fi and Doom all in one into a mix of shit that just didn't go together.

Gameplay speaking though, it's a fucking fantastic game.

>> No.4157906

From what I've heard, Quake was born out of a disagreement. Carmack wanted a Lovecraft inspired game, Romero wanted a medieval fantasy game, and others wanted Doom 3D. They decided to combine all three ideas into a single game. Why the fuck not?

>> No.4157917

so are the strogg the results shub niggurath? or is there something else connecting quake 1 to quake 2?

>> No.4157950
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Ogres are so goddamn annoying.

>> No.4157960

It's not 3

>> No.4157964

To my knowledge, Quake 2 is a sequel in name only and was actually going to be an unrelated game, but then they slapped Quake onto it since it would more likely make money.

>> No.4157976

you fire your gun like 8 times in the entire game. There's like no fucking enemies in the game, why do you even have a gun? lmfao

>> No.4157987

Well it's because the original name they were planning on was already taken so they settled for Quake 2.

>> No.4158038


Quake OOZES atmosphere, dude

>> No.4158040

Never even heard of this game so there you go

>> No.4158056

Dafuq how is this possible?

>> No.4158131
File: 9 KB, 193x262, rotation_direction_lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimbal Lock, due to Quake's use of Euler Angles (for camera), where you suddenly loose control and spin around on a single axis.
It might have been fixed eventually, but originally Quake suffered from this occasional annoyance, because quaternions weren't in popular use (in games) at the time.
I believe Quake II also suffered from this.

It's a flaw.

>> No.4158148


I'm tried to imagine a gameplay scenario in which that could happen and coming short, though

You basically need to self-inflict such a situation

>> No.4158181

What was the original name?

>> No.4158197

Reznor is still alive

>> No.4158239

No special scenario is required, other than using all 3 degrees of freedom. Occasionally there's a loss of one DOF.
I'm not even sure how you would self-inflict Gimbal Lock. It's probably not easy to intentionally produce without some visual aid.

>> No.4158250

Quake still has the most unique mods in that engine. Quake Rally to this,

>> No.4158252


>> No.4158257

too fucking hard to map for

same with any other brush based engine actually

>> No.4158267

I can't remember but iirc Lock&Load as well as Strogg were two names under consideration they shot down.

You might just be retarded

>> No.4158276

Aged poorly.

>> No.4158531

slower than doom, enemies bullet spongier than doom, maps not as complex as doom, few enemies per map than doom, not as colorful as doom

>> No.4158546


oh I'm aware of the story of why it was called quake 2 i was just wondering if there was anything connecting them together?

it feels like a case could be made for the strogg being the result of shub niggurath influence since all the crates in the space station parts of the first game had the strogg logo & armagon looks like he could be a strogg

>> No.4158552
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>caring about story in a video game

>> No.4158553

it depends on the game.

story matters in a adventure game or RPG but not much a shooter or fighting game

>> No.4159546

>You might just be retarded

>> No.4159550

the guns are shitty

>> No.4159551

It's a good lesson on how not to act when developing a game

>> No.4160467

Go away Carmack, I want porn for the story.

>> No.4160543
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, quake boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4160602

i always found his quote ironic considering that he was not only the DM for the companies DnD sessions but also responsible for DOOM3

that said based on what I've heard about the doom bible it sounds like it was just polite way of saying the story in it was shit

>> No.4160612

>bad art direction
Quake wasn't as vibrant as Doom due to limitations. And its art direction is far from bad. I really like its textures.

>no crosshair option
>no mouselook
Are you stupid?

>> No.4160630

atmosphere, sound and level design were always the best parts of quake but the enemies were boring

i feel like they should've went with romero and just made it an RPG.

>> No.4160675

>slower than doom
I honestly don't think Doom's momentum physics, and overall speed would work in the kind of 3D environments Quake employs. I'm aware of stuff like 3D floors being possible in GZDoom, but I've yet to see a doom level that had 3D Floor use comparable to a Quake level.

>enemies bullet spongier than doom
Heres a few tips:
There is no quake equivalent to Doom's SSG. Stop relying on the double barrel so much.
Zombies can only be killed through gibbing them. Use the explosive launchers, or take advantage of Quad Damage.
Shamblers have explosive resistance. Use the nailguns instead.

>maps not as complex as doom
I'll agree with this. While its nowhere near HL1's early chapters, Quake's maps are fairly simple and linear in how they progress compared to some of Doom's mazier levels that demand exploration. People who don't like exploring or are easily lost probably prefer this, but its why I tend to play Doom 2 and stuff like Arcane Dimensions more than stock Quake.

>few enemies per map than doom
In terms of overall numbers per level, I didn't think it was that bad, honestly. My complaint more stems from the lack of variety in enemy types. Theres 13 types, but when you take into account that 3 of them are mostly exclusive to techbase levels (Grunts, Enforcers, Rottweilers), 2 types that only get used much in one episode (Vores, Spawns) another 2 that aren't used much at all (Rotfishes, Knights), It ends up being only around 6 types used throughout most of the game. Considering Doom 2 and Final Doom had plenty of levels with a dozen or so types used, I will never not see this as a downgrade.

>> No.4160703

>It ends up being only around 6 types used throughout most of the game.

I'd say less than that since the ogre is probably the enemy you see the most throughout the game compared to everyone else

i feel all of quake's problems with enemies could've been solved if they just used the other enemy types more often.

>Zombies can only be killed through gibbing them.

it's sad that more games don't use this as a mechanic as far as i know blood is the only other game to do this

>> No.4160718

Scrags, Fiends, Death Knights (besides E1) and Shamblers are used quite liberally. To a lesser extent, Zombies have a decent share of levels, too.

>> No.4160721

Actually re-checking, Shamblers probably arent used as liberally as I thought. Still appear a decent amount, though

>> No.4160758

I can't. It was literally the best game released when it came out in 1996.

>> No.4160760

rocket launcher and grenade launcher with quad damage tho.
nail guns are great, as is the thunderbolt.
Quad damage makes all the guns pretty fun.

Most people who complain about the guns are expecting the SSG to kill everything like it did in doom. Quake is about rockets and quad damage rather than SSG-ing everything to death

>> No.4160816

I think that's where id lost their integrity

>> No.4160845

It's just Doom in 3D with a different set of enemies and a uglier art direction, feels like a tech demo at times.

>> No.4160854

Dont forget "with better music"
the whole "in 3D" thing is a pretty big deal. means you can have much more vertical levels and things like moving platforms that allow for much more interesting levels and puzzles.

Also actual swimming.

I like the fact that quake looks gritty and real. Doom was too colorful - bright red cacos and bright pink demons. Combined with the MIDI metal covers it made for an action game aimed at an 8 year old. Quake is more for older kids who can appreciate a horror atmosphere.

The ability to have actual lighting that isn't just sector lighting allowed for much better atmosphere and I think the maps really did a great job of taking advantage of that. Light and shadow are nicely balanced in most of the maps.

>> No.4160893

i had no problems enjoying quake as a kid, just because the game pretends to be adult doesn't mean it actually is. the only slightly spooky thing about it is the music.

>> No.4160909

If anything, I appreciate Doom's atmosphere a lot more as an adult than I did as a kid. Quake just looks dull now. Still a fun game, mind you.

>> No.4160942


Actually, Episode 4 was mostly Zombies.

Perhaps it was good they used Rotfish less. That counter bug is quite frustrating. Then again, Quake is not a good game to satisfy your OCD to get 100% completion.

>> No.4161330

episode 3 is purple not brown you fuckin nigger

>> No.4161332

sorry episode 2, for some reason I always think episode 3 is realm of black magic

>> No.4162001

Netquake physics suck. Netquake sucks for internet play.
Requires port to play well on modern machines.
Singleplayer enemies are spongier. Weapon balance is tuned for multiplayer (albeit the best fucking multiplayer ever)
Getting shit to run properly is a pain in the ass.
Bots that didn't require customized prog files would have been good.

>> No.4162104

>technical stuff
>aesthetic & ambience

>> No.4162108


I can't beat the game with the super shotgun alone like in Doom 2.

>> No.4162128
File: 13 KB, 332x332, omg tojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There were some functional problems with the movement and aiming AI for the monsters. The ogres are a prime example since they had no pitch adjustment to their aiming.

But the fiends also had problems with their leaping attacks, leaping constantly up stairs but not gaining any elevation, or leaping clear off a ledge. Or sometimes freezing in midair.

Mudpuppies had another problem with their movement, they would recoil after hitting something but their facing angle wouldn't change.

I wouldnt say its a bad thing per-se but some of the monsters were alot tougher than they otherwise seemed. For example the death knights really didnt look like they had 250hp, especially with the standard knight only had 50 and this guy only looked maybe 2-3x as tough.

gameplay wise there's also no reason that ogre grenades should be doing 20ish damage each when he gives the same ammo the player uses to cause 100+
> ogre grenades should have a splash radius of 100 and should do full damage to enemies, even if the player only takes a fraction of it in the end

No reason the shambler should take half damage from grenade ammunition either. If anything he should take half damage from lightning because he shoots lightning. Probably would have been more reasonable to give it more health instead with a higher pain chance, its tough but usually people quad them anyway.

>art direction
you mean fairly realistic coloring
I personally loved the slate blues of this game, reminded me of all sorts of medieval shit.

I had no problem with the art of this fully 3d 1996 game. Maybe some of the brush mapping, but oh look its 2017, we're all jaded now by hyperdetailed fanmade maps.

Listen you sob
I was ready for a Quake 1 remake when Quake 3 came out. I wanted basically Quake 4 but with quake 3 level graphics and details.

It would have flown into the sunset in 1999, multiplayer would have been just as awesome. You cant dispute this.

But this isnt about quake3

>> No.4162149

The limitations don't really matter.
You don't have to have tonnes of lights etc.
There is no more computer power being used rendering a red, blue or yellow pixel than there is rendering a brown, grey or black pixel.

All they had to do was change texture colours and you have an infinitely more vibrant colour scheme and game.

>> No.4162186

Boring bland grimdark world which directly contributed to such settings being way too common in modern games.

>> No.4162232

Normal difficulty leans too heavily on Death Knights for episodes 3/4.

>> No.4162418

the only flaw I can name is that I ran out of SP maps to play. played over 75% of the stuff from QuakeInjector minus anything that is an add-on for maps.

>> No.4162427

Too much brown.

>> No.4162632

>playing on normal
w e w

>> No.4162658
File: 200 KB, 584x284, THHPII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get a good quality version of the quad damage firing sound effect?

I've found a few downloads but they all have tons of hissing and they aren't clean at all. Is that just what the original sounds file sounds like or all of these just shitty rips?

>> No.4164967

Doom is campy, Quake is edgy.

>> No.4164974


Majority of the MP maps are trash.

>> No.4165467

50 shades of brown

>> No.4165475

It's really REALLY brown. Can't make fun of 7th gen games for being brown without making fun of Quake.

Also the single player is inferior to Doom and Doom 2. Level design quality went backwards.

>> No.4166095

shit netcode that made it near impossible on dialup

>> No.4166118

Nail gun

Super nail gun

>> No.4166154

Best modern Quake engine?

>> No.4166159
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>not playing the superior Quake 64 port with vibrant colored lighting

>> No.4166161


>> No.4166163

Can one of these shitty engines just win already so we don't have to fucking choose anymore

>> No.4166175

nQuake it is then

>> No.4166183

Not only that but there are quite a few light Quake 1 mods, and then there is the Saturn version.

>> No.4166295
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>You will likely never see a Quake Sequel that directly continues where the original Quake left off after the killing of Shub Niggurath by the player Character.

>> No.4166305


>> No.4166309

When was that released? Did id have anything to do with that?

>> No.4166310

no proper bosses

>jump around stage in circles to kill a giant fire demon
>wait until a spiky ball enters vagina of a giant tentacle hentai monster then enter portal to win

even an Icon of Sin needed to be shooted at until it died and it was a fucking giant texture

>> No.4166314
File: 35 KB, 797x609, 1h8cqc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did id have anything to do with Q3A

>> No.4166334
File: 999 KB, 1920x1049, BSPHole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too hard to map for

If you're talking aboiut lighting, I can see where you're coming from. Is there any editor with a lighting preview? At the very least, the lighting rebuilds don't take as long as Source.

Unreal has better tools, shame about the goddamn BSP hole issues though.

>> No.4167370

That's fucking awesome

>> No.4167379

the fuck is this weeb crap, lmao

>> No.4167450

Both mouse look and lookspring are in the vanilla options menu.

>> No.4167454

you don't use all three degrees of freedom in an FPS, though- you have pitch and yaw, but no roll (other than the very slight roll added when strafing left or right, which snaps back to normal when you stop and which most players disable anyway)>>4158148

>> No.4167469

>Weapon balance is tuned for multiplayer (albeit the best fucking multiplayer ever)
>balance tuned for multiplayer
>RL and LG absolutely shit on everything else

>> No.4167473

>falling for the Darkplaces jew
nQuake is your go-to for multiplayer stuff, Quakespasm or Fitzquake are the best for singleplayer (as they use netquake instead of quakeworld protocol so they're not ideal for online MP at all).

>> No.4167480

>Is there any editor with a lighting preview?
Unfortunately not due to the way the engine works- lighting is compiled at build time and baked into the map, so previewing the lighting would be the same as actually compiling the map making realtime updates while editing either very performance-heavy or impossible.

>Unreal has better tools
Trenchbroom is the best brush based editor I've ever seen simply by letting you work straight in 3D view, no fucking with grids unless you want to.

>> No.4167491

Why don't they just mash their bits together then

>> No.4167621

With tools like trenchbroom, it actually easier than doom. You have 1 view where you can do everything you need to do, instead of switching between top down and 3D view.

After about 5 minutes with Trenchbroom you realize its incredibly intuitive.

>> No.4167653

But everybody else suffered from the same lag too (except LPBs, fuck LPBs), Quake iceskating was fun enough before we had anything better, and since QuakeWorld came into existence that complaint has simply never been valid again.