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4152390 No.4152390 [Reply] [Original]

>ah, some light-hearted fun

>> No.4152574

Three lives?? No continues?! What were they THINKING???

But seriously what are some games that do this? It's my favorite bad design choice meme. I honestly do wonder what the hell they were thinking.

>> No.4152580

A lot of earlier arcade games were like that, back before devs knew people would empty their pockets to credit feed through a game.

>> No.4152641

It makes sense for arcades, but I'm thinking more home console games. Why be so hard on the player?

>> No.4152648

As Iwata said on an interview with Arino, think about it this way:
You're a developer, and you're constantly play-testing the game, you and your team. There comes a point you just breeze through it, you try to make it fun and accessible, but at the same time fun and challenging.
Devs will sometimes lose track of when a game is fun and starts becoming frustrating for someone who hasn't played hundreds of hours of it, like they did when they were developing the game.
So for a lot of devs, 3 lives was enough because they would rarely lose even 1.
TL;DR get good

>> No.4152667

>playing a literal romhack

>> No.4152673

You CAN continue if you find the hidden bee.

>> No.4152675

Go read about the history of Wonder Boy and Adventure Island.
Adventure Island series was made by the devs from the original WB. It's the WB series the one that went in another direction, and not made by the original devs.

>> No.4152682

That's basically cheating though.

>> No.4152692

Just savestate when you feel it's fair. Compare to other classic games in the same genre during that era for reference. Or just deal.

>> No.4152694

I guess the issue is when the game is challenging but not very good or interesting to play. Or worse if the first couple of levels are boring and easy then later levels get suddenly hard. It's one thing when you're a game tester doing work, but some games just don't hold up to that amount of replaying.

>> No.4152712

>Adventure Island series was made by the devs from the original WB
That's a cool thing that never happened.

>> No.4152726

This is a huge part of why games have gotten easier too, because dev teams are now typically separate from testing teams, so they can develop games for people whg haven't played hundreds of hours.

>> No.4152736

What the fuck, are you emulating by any chance? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4153096

>save states

Might as well just pay someone to beat the game for you then.

>> No.4153126
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>> No.4153129

Super Adventure Island 2 went the same direction as Wonder Boy in Monster World, but retained the Island Feel. It good

>> No.4153141
File: 33 KB, 500x895, toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventure Island was everything for about two years. While living in my mother's house before she died I found myself taking way too much dxm and constantly playing Hudson's Adventure Island 1,2 & 3. By the time you beat them you are an Nth Lvl wizard who talks to toasters.
Ironically that is how I met my wife, pic of the womans included.

>> No.4153148

So would you say that DXM and Adventure Island are made for each other?
That's how I feel about SMB2J and alpha-PVP.

>> No.4153183

For sure. I recently had to quit though my wife was freaking that it would kill me. I was all "Listen woman if I want to be on a drug bender for two years and maintain a job and raising these kids I gosh darn will!"
So she made me quit.
It removes your ability to get bored in high doses so I could play for hours. Probably not healthy. fuck it.
Now I am looking for dmt and something to do while with it.
Maybe go to an actual island start playing adventure island wherin I just get murdered.

>> No.4153228

That's so common actually-- hilariously enough-- I've heard so many stories of people living on stuff like MXE for years at a time when it was legal, marrying people, having a kid or two, and then sobering up one day for one reason or another and it being just like that Talking Heads song: THIS IS NOT MY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE

>> No.4153236

Kill yourself
Shit like this should have the (User was banned for this post)

>> No.4153240

Holy Hell that is so freaking accurate. Crap now I'm in a fucking Talking Heads song.

>> No.4153253
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I remember that interview. It was pretty great insight into Nintendo-hard games.
>mfw people still can't beat Balloon Trip in Balloon Fight

>> No.4153265

tfw people can't beat Ninja Gaiden. I sat my son in front of it and he just cried.

>> No.4153461

In front of the cartridge?

>> No.4153525

>such autism

>> No.4153757

What is your issue anon? Why so hostile?

>> No.4154443


>> No.4154545

Young people really can't take a joke. Everything is autism. It's a sad generation.

>> No.4154565

You shouldn't ever continue even if given the option anyway. You continue you're a LOSER.
What we call "single credit clearing" or "1ccing" here in the west they call "all clearing" in Japan. That's because they understand you haven't cleared the game in the first place if you continue. There is no "two credit clear" or "three credit clear" let alone "infinite credit clear". But of course western pussies don't get that.

>> No.4154580

>using continues

>> No.4154591

Does Balloon Trip even have an end? I thought it was endless and purely an score attack arcade game.

>> No.4154619

Not him but how are new are you? People emulate here but yes it is casual to use savestates.

It's easy to say this when you haven't cleared Ninja Gaiden on one playthrough.

>> No.4154624

>People emulate here
No, we don't. Fuck off.

>> No.4154625

It was a bad joke because you're old and corny.

>replying to 40 year olds

>> No.4154626

This. You haven't beaten a game unless you've got an 1cc.

>> No.4154627

Yeah. Right. Can you fuck off? We do a mix of both here.

>> No.4154631

No, you fucking newfag. If you emulate you don't belong in here.

>> No.4154647

There's a mass reply thread about which controller would be best for emulation. Another 3 asking questions regarding emulations and ports. Stop shitposting, you're not impressing anyone you colossal faggot.

>> No.4154648

a link to the emulation wiki is in the sticky so what the fuck are you on about

>> No.4154653

The link is there so people go there to learn about it so they don't have to make posts here. Emulation is immoral and quite frankly illegal so unless you want this site to be shut down you had best keep from talking about it further.

>> No.4154658

>people actually responding to shit bait

>> No.4155834


even Ninja Gaiden and Contra have continues though.

Adventure Island is a great game though

>> No.4155872

Go powder your pussy, collectorfag

>> No.4155875

Why does Wonder Boy look so washed out? The colours look terrible.

>> No.4156464

Why the fuck would you need continues? If you started at world 1-1 you would have accumulated enough axe, pterodactyl, lava dragon, blue dragon, dolphin. Why would you need continues? Git gud, youngin