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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 267x222, unknown genesis game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4148892 No.4148892 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an idiot so I might've missed it but I couldn't find one so here it is.

It was a genesis game, I'm absolutely sure of it. I distinctly remember my dad buying me a genesis at a garage sale in the early 2000s, played some sonic on it, but there was this other game too. All I remember is that it was a platformer with a fat rayman looking guy that took place at night in a haunted mansion. It looked like this, to the best that I can remember. I distinctly remember one section where you're walking on the top of a brick wall, like castle battlements, and it was a long walk.

>> No.4148905

A DOS game similar to risk but with more cartoon graphs and more animation.

>> No.4148910
File: 21 KB, 320x240, pic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamite Headdy?

>> No.4148924
File: 40 KB, 1083x695, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A NES game
You control a car in a labyrinth like map, you play top down
The map is like in the pic, the rectangles have openings and every time you enter one the screen zoom in and show you the inside of the rectangle which has some kind of monsters and is labyrinth like

>> No.4148941

That could be very very close. Was that common in the US? The memories are very, very vague.

Wish I knew, DOS was a bit before my time, my first machines were 95-98 machines.

I wanna say fucking Ghostbusters but Iunno.

>> No.4148947

A game for PC involving creating monsters. The title screen had the various sprites of each monster species wandering around on it. There were 3 playable classes: a robed figure who had enough mastery to make a weak monster immediately, a knight figure, and a woman in rogue's gear. There was a gear and economy system, as well as corridor combat where unexplored areas were greyed out inside of buildings. The game displayed itself in angled top-down perspective. The monsters I remember were a red raptor creature that could spit fire, and a yellow humanoid with exceedingly long arms. There were pools of energy at which one could restore themselves, and they were important parts of the map areas.

>> No.4148950

Pretty sure that's Geneforge.

>> No.4148960

Actually I'm looking at a video and the gameplay was way too fast compared to what I remember.

>> No.4148967

>I wanna say fucking Ghostbusters but Iunno.
The game is very simple you just collect things from the map before your fuel empties

>> No.4149024
File: 111 KB, 800x600, 1348563937829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a game that I think was posted on a PS1 thread. It looked like a third person shooter where the player character was an alien.
Anyone knows which game it is?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.4149068


And all 5 games are on Steam for like 5 bucks, thank you so fucking much Anon!

>> No.4149332

I'm thinking this is either Addam's Family or maybe Flink

Aliens vs. Predator 2, the 2001 PC game perhaps?

>> No.4149347

>Aliens vs. Predator 2, the 2001 PC game perhaps?
No, it was a PS1 game. And the type of alien was more like an ayy-lmao grey and less like a xenomorph.

>> No.4149357

Man, it feels like it's gotta be the Addam's Family, the levels look similar.

Maybe my TV was fucked at the time, or maybe it was a weird bootleg with swapped sprites. At this point I'm almost convinced I fucking fabricated the game in my dreams or some shit.

>> No.4149380

might be Small Soldiers on PS1

>> No.4149383

game was a handheld with 2 screens like the popular game and watch games in the 80s. it was a shump game set in space and you start out as a small space craft with your bullet being a small oblong shot. you get powerups and your craft increases in size. second powerup turns your shot to something like a sharp tribal tattoo, third powerup which is the strongest just combines the pixel for the 1st and 2nd shot that looks like a boomerang. it plays where the ship is always at the bottom and the enemies are at the top. was very popular in the Philippines back in the day when you could rent game and watches with games like sumbarine battle and donkey kong.

>> No.4149480


>> No.4149495

No, it's not that one.
This is the one! Thanks!

>> No.4149514
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Route 16 Turbo (J) [!]-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Route 16 Turbo?

>> No.4149610

Old DOS game (I think) where you jump between balloons to progress. You have to use strategy, and avoid explosive balloons. There are also balloons with a cat on them who can swipe at you. I can't remember what your character looks like

>> No.4149754

Win 98 3D platformer game from between 1998 and 2000. you played as some guy with glasses who looked a bit like a human Hugo and need to get through some garden (you as well as the garden are normal sized) some enemies were brown furry creatures (gophers maybe?)

>> No.4149819
File: 45 KB, 430x530, aandd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the mid-to-late 90s my local Toys 'R Us used to carry a bunch of really weird PC games.

One of these was Armed and Delirious - a shitty adventure game about a grandmother with dementia - but there was another with similar art style that I can't seem to find anywhere on the internet. The box had a bunch of 3D generated faces of people, animals, and aliens and the title suggested that the game involved either disguising yourself as other people, or morphing into various characters.

>> No.4151025

Need help.

-First person shooter
-i played it on pc...
-i was a child, 1998, but maybe the game was way older.
-You use a gun, u pick up items, u can run out of bullets i think
-No save, if u died u start again
-You start in a corridor between 2 fences of wood, outdoors. You walk a bit and you see u are in a cementery. U search for items, see monsters (vampires, zombies, ghost, idk, a lot of types). And then u enter to some kind of... catacomb.

I dont remember anything else.
It was similar to Bram stoker Dracula 1993 game

>> No.4151136


Killing Time or Realms of the Haunting?

>> No.4151147
File: 16 KB, 320x200, 451068-nitemare-3d-dos-screenshot-the-skeletons-can-shoot-fireballs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Nitemare 3D, actually a Hugo game

>> No.4151193

Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.4151212

Yeah is that one
Thank you man
Really liked this one, very simple one

>> No.4151215

Two games, both either DOS or Win95 games, can't remember.

One is fairly straightforward. A bunch of teens in school think their teacher is an alien and there's a bunch of minigames, one involves shooting things in a vent with a slingshot.

The second one is a side-scrolling platformer where you play as a bald fat dude with a huge mustache who's tiny and jumps on floating dinner plates. Only had a demo so I don't know if there's more levels. Whenever he jumped he did splits.

>> No.4151769

Weird NES platformer. Player was a little boy with blue hair. There were bouncy walls to get over and at some point, you go into a castle to find keys.
The main thing I remember is the life bar was labeled VITALITY

>> No.4152689

Nope.. It was older, maybe older than 1992.
Very poor graphics, like bram stoker dracula 1993 or even worse.

It was similar to his one because monsters spawn from tombs also, but i watched gameplays from BS Dracula and its not the game i remember.

I was playing in a informatic center where i was "learning" how to use a pc, in a very small town, so i guess it must be some kind of famous, at least known.

Thank u anyway!
I continue searching

>> No.4152721

There's this one game I've been looking for a while and I'm not even sure it's real anymore since I can't find it.

It's a PC game. Release date might have been around 1997 - it was on a demo disc with Sonic 3D Blast. You play as a witch (gotta stress that the witch looked like a stereotypical witch, no anime stuff), there's platforming and you can fly around on a broom. Graphically it looked like Ghosts 'n Goblins. The closest thing that I found is Cauldron. It could have been some kind of remake.

Any ideas?

>> No.4152814
File: 4 KB, 320x200, 158506-super-cauldron-dos-screenshot-you-can-fly-all-you-need-is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Super Cauldron?

>> No.4152832

Hunt dinos. late 90s maybe early 2000's PC game. simple graphics. Scared me shitless as a kid, but now I really wanna play it.

>> No.4152837
File: 164 KB, 1200x932, 1200px-Amiga500_system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amiga I think. You played as like a cute red squirrel looking thing.

Not bubsy.

I am pretty sure the start had a background similar to OP's pic, with maybe a few trees and such.

Noi sign of it anywhere on amiga game lists

>> No.4152870

Could be Skunny or Mr Nutz.

>> No.4152881
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Mr Nutz!

Thank you very much. I used to have so much fun with this game.

>> No.4152903

I only ever played it at the arcade. It was a beat-em-up game. I think it had Marvel characters. I think it was two-player. Looked very '90s. Remember playing it during the late '90s and early '00s before they took it out of the hotel it was at. I went to that hotel for family reunions and I played it every time I was there - good memories. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.4152962

North&south maybe?

>> No.4153213

Well, this thread is godsend

This actually requires a little bit of background, so bear with me.
Grew with the ps1. Each day I would play all my games as far as I could, but as I didn't have memory cards, I had to git real gud at them so I could get farther in the game than the previous day
Some years ago, I got an itch, so I downloaded an emulator and dedicated my time to examine the games of my youth and play them all I want, this time with save points
As you can Imagine, for various reasons, this was a really touching experience for me, I could atleast knew how the games were, after asking myself for all my boyhood
Now, this was also interesting for another reason.
I recall playing a lot of games. I had many briefcases of pirated games, and I decided to play them all. Turns out that I must have played a lot of fucking games, because I recall playing games that I didnt and dont own, and dot know how those memories got there
The game I ask for is one of the games I recall playing but not own, at least that I know.
I have a recurring dream where I am playing a third person shooter in what appears to be a sewer, advancing forward. The ambience is really fucking weird, like you know something is wrong, and there is no music at all, only your footsteps over something metallic
There are some doors you open, but eventually you reach the end of the 'sewer' and something happens

I know how vague this seems, Im sorry, but my memories erode over time, only remember it fully when I wake up from the dream
>inb4 gbt/x/
I know it sounds spooky, but it's not on purpose, that's just how I remember it

>> No.4153328
File: 3 KB, 256x240, Mystery Quest (U) [!]_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystery Quest? The hair color is different, but aside from that it appears to match perfectly.

>> No.4153358

Help me /vr/ it's a dos game I played a lot when I was a kiddo. Here's the details:

>play as skooba diver
>have air bubble gun that traps enemies in bubble and sends them floating up and away
>collect treasures
>side scroller
>I think it had cove in the title?

what am I thinking of vr?

>> No.4153375

it was rts/civilisation building game on windows 98 where you played as barbarians. all the different civilisations wore different uniform colours so there was a red army blue army yellow army etc, you could build stuff like boats and battering rams. you could also make spy units that would enter enemy towns and give you info.

>> No.4153395
File: 11 KB, 320x200, IMG_1180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it, it's called Treasure Cove! Released in 1992 for DOS.

>> No.4153540

Old PC game version of the boat puzzle.

You had a canoe and you had to ferry american indians and blond guys from one side of the river to another.

The puzzle consisted of getting the right amount of indians/blonds together, otherwise an indian would just pick up and swallow a blond dude whole.

Had simple graphics, probably.

>> No.4155041

What you're describing reminds me of Hellnight

>> No.4155056

>One is fairly straightforward. A bunch of teens in school think their teacher is an alien

My Teacher is An Alien for Win95

>> No.4155058

It was a NES platformer, you started out as a character that initially could only kick, but as you went on you got armor and swords. The first boss was an evil tree and the atmosphere was kind of similar to Castle of Illusion. It's not Kirby, though it sounds sort of similar to it the way I describe it.

>> No.4155073


>> No.4155092
File: 252 KB, 800x1016, 168291-h-e-d-z-head-extreme-destruction-zone-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4155101

Damn that was fast, thanks anon

>> No.4155113

Dark Castle?

>> No.4155140

I remember getting this, Trickstyle, Messiah, and Redline demos from classic Gamespot back then

>> No.4155758

I dont think it's that one, but Im amazed how much it resembles my memories

>> No.4155764

demo discs from psx were really cool in my mind

I wish I could find them

The game was from one of those demos, You were a futuristic soldier that could use bombs to advance and atcack
was a third person, far camera game. You got to play the tutorial, and the first mission.
On the tutorial, you play a flashback of the soldier, and how he had to commit a civilian massacre because he was ordered too

>> No.4155767

what an uncanny resemblance to the bad guys in oddworld AO

>> No.4156468

Silent Bomber. It's a really good game, anon!

>> No.4156484

Some others that might be it:
>Final Resistance


This one's got music, but there's parts where you're running through long tunnels

Do you remember anything about the player character, anon?

>> No.4156495

I totally overlooked C-12 because I thought it was one of those awful western Contra games. Really nice.

>> No.4156584

That's got to be it. Thanks

>> No.4156623

That guy is an asshole who's been posting here for a while and insists on being a tripfag. This board is full of them and I always call them out on it. No one else seems to care.

>> No.4156627

>JRPG on snes. Guards won't let you into huge city. You have to find miners who dig under the walls to get you in.


>> No.4156709
File: 2 KB, 256x192, ghost-house-usa-europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barely reminds me of ghost house, except that it was on the master system and the guy isn't blonde.

>> No.4157095

I have really creepy vibes from it
probably a horror game of some kind
sorry, I really dont remember anymore

>> No.4157102

Looked it up, it was it, thanks

I can't believe it's a psx game, it really forces the console to its limits

where can I get more demos like that one?

>> No.4157108


Never finished that game, the aesthetics were really dope

>> No.4157141

You've got me thinking of Martian Gothic, that's at least one of the horror games on PS1 I remember having thumping footsteps on metal surfaces


Could also be ODT, but I'm not sure, since I've played only about an hour of it myself

The sewers from RE2, sorry about the Let's Play video. There's also a sewer area in 3, but I can't find a good video of it

>> No.4157147


Forgot about Silent Hill's sewers

>> No.4157426

PC game from maybe 99/00, it was a top down shooter. First level was a town that seemed deserted except for enemies, I remember you could go into the sewers and for sure you could throw molotov cocktails. Any ideas?

>> No.4158509

Help needed

This one is tough since I only recall the box art and vague gameplay. It was a blue tank over a desert or something, I think it had the word Mission. The tank was a cgi recreation, and it was a pc game. Not sure if DOS or Windows.

It was some sort of top down game, could be rts but I'm not sure. I do have a game called mission humanity if that helps in anyway.

>> No.4158518

Nightmare Creatures?

>> No.4158587

Princess Sevenleaf is pretty bad.

Kya is alright, he sticks to CRT threads mostly.

>> No.4158605

Take No Prisoners?

>> No.4158635

Yeah, I found this as well but I remember the witch looking more like the older Cauldron games. At this point I think I might have made the game up in my mind...