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4148442 No.4148442 [Reply] [Original]

1_Do you prefer to kill or recruit him?

2_Justify your choice.

>> No.4148447

>1. Recruit him
>2. I like mages in JRPGs, and he's a badass one

>> No.4148448

1. recruit
2. I like his side quest

>> No.4148450

Recruit him.

Not recruiting him is a deliberate waste of a useful asset.

>> No.4148457

recruit, because, you know, i know him since he was a little child :'(

>> No.4148463


>> No.4148468

Recruit him, because if you kill your enemies they win, also >>4148448

>> No.4148473

If your enemy is a rapist, then you lose unless you kill him.

>> No.4148476

I've tried playing this game like three times and always stopped before even fighting him.

Furthest I've gotten is the floating city in ancient times where someone or something gets stolen and you have to chase a guy to the bottom of the sea. I got stuck on a boss where you need to use elemental magic to beat them because they keep changing their type or something.

I might give the game another shot one day but I'm curious, how far into the game was I when I stopped? Is that past the halfway point at least?

>> No.4148478
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kill him for his amulet. then reset and recruit him.

>> No.4148480

Explain yourself.

>> No.4148482

You were almost at the end. About 5 more hours if you did the sidequests. About an hour if you choose not to.

>> No.4148483

the game takes less than 24 hrs to beat on your first play through. you were like an hour before the part were you can do a bunch of optional sidequests or just go straight to the last boss.

>> No.4148484

If you don't kill him you are a pussy and a complete cuck

>> No.4148489

You stopped not too long before some very serious shit happens.

You'll be able to finish the game and get one of the bad endings pretty soon. You're about 2/3 of the way to 100% complete, if you decide to do the side quests that open up.

>> No.4148490

Recruit, because desperation can drive people to extreme action and he seems to reform, when given a chance.

>> No.4148495


For great justice.

>> No.4148523

Killing Magus and leaving Crono dead is the only proper way to play Chrono Trigger.

Also Frog/Ayla/Robo is best party.

>> No.4148539

I killed him the first time for CYRUS

>> No.4148598

I really wanted a reason to kill Magus.
It could be playable human Glenn.
It could be Schala.

Anything that doesn't feel like it was the wrong choice would do.

>> No.4148621


Dude kills your buddy. If I recall, it was not for just reasons.

>> No.4148706

He is guilty of heresy. The penalty is death.

>> No.4148717

As many times as I have played this game I have never killed him. I just like Magus too much. Last time I played I even intended to do it just so I could see the changes but simply couldn't bring myself to do it. Does killing him really change anything besides missing out on his content? I might do it if there were some optional bonus to killing him.

>> No.4148732

Recruit him because he's a really good character and I like using him.

>> No.4148738
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1. Recruit him.

2. It's canon, in CC he is Guile and honestly it seems more in Frog's character to spare him. Sometimes I do fight him but then reload the save.

>> No.4148743

Just because he looks like him doesn't mean it is him. RD isn't canon.

>> No.4148747

He makes mincemeat out of Spekkio, and I hunger for magic tabs.

Magic Barrier + Eternal Darkness

>> No.4148749

>RD isn't canon.
Yes, it is.
it's just a different timeline.

>> No.4148752

The DS version of Chrono Trigger reveals that Guile is the first Magus that lost his memories (there's a cutscene where he tries to fight Lavos alone). The Magus that "finishes" Chrono Trigger is Magil from Radical Dreamers.

>> No.4148754
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>Masato Kato: To let the cat out of the bag, in the early stages of development, Guile was indeed meant to be Magus. In our original plan, the true identity of Guile was supposed to be Magus after the events in Trigger. (At the end of Trigger, Magus [a.k.a. Janus in Trigger and Magil in Radical Dreamers] disappeared into a Time Gate to go searching for his big sister, Schala, who was lost somewhere in time.) However, as the game's development progressed and we decided to use such a huge number of playable characters, we decided not to make him be Magus. We thought it was impossible to portray the relationship between Magus and Schala adequately in this game. So we changed tracks, made the colors of the Magus character design paler, and turned him into Guile, the magician. In a way, it's a pity, as I really would like to have seen the valiant figure of Magus come to life again.

Magus is Guile, not a question.

>> No.4148756

is there any frog/magus yaoi?

>> No.4148758

Holy shit it says right there in your write up he isn't.

I can buy multiple timelines stuff for sure, maybe in one timeline he really is, but look at above. It's different people in CC.

>> No.4148759
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Probably somewhere. I browse pixiv for fanart occasionally and there is a lot, and I mean a lot, of fan art of Lucca X Magus from the Japanese. I don't get it really.

>> No.4148762
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The point is yes, he is Guile, just that they didn't have the time to implement it.

>> No.4148769
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Nice mage, fags.

>> No.4148771

>>we decided not to make him be Magus
>Magus is Guile, not a question.

>> No.4148772

why would you even want to kill him in the first place though

>> No.4148776

>former big bad becomes greatest ally
Literally dbz

>> No.4148781

>[...]Guile was indeed meant to be Magus.
>[...]we decided not to make him be Magus.

>> No.4148783

That's like saying No Man's Sky is a great game.

>> No.4148851

but he fills the antihero role in the group which it is lacking until you recruit him. DBZ already had Picollo before Vegeta as antihero.

>> No.4148885

Recruit, because killing him doesn't remove Frog's curse.

>> No.4148927

We need all the help we can get to kill Lavos. If he's a powerful mage, then we can't afford to kill him for the sake of Frogs personal vandetta.

>> No.4148942

He isn't Guile. Guile is Guile.

>> No.4148970


He's OP. Why kill a powerhouse with the coolest spells and techs in the game? I have a use for you, Magus.

>> No.4148983


Guile WAS originally planned to be Magus.

>> No.4149019

Magus is arguably the weakest character.

>> No.4149059

>Save outside
>Kill him once
>Reset and recruit
This is a time traveling game, fellas, we are entitled to do our own timeline fixing.

>> No.4149074


It's a JRPG, and an extremely easy one at that. There's no reason to not just use who you like, and I like Magus.

>> No.4149090

considering the only stat that even fucking matters is speed anyway, I can agree with this.

>> No.4149103
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>> No.4149237
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>Using an ad-hominem as a justification for your views on not choosing him and killing him
Great justification, you brainless cuck.

>> No.4149289

are you fucking retarded?
I always end up with this party its comfy as fuck nice cheap tripletech too

>> No.4149297

Well he is alive in the other games, so ya. Wish he had some DTs and more TTs though.

>> No.4149352

Frog becomes human in the ending.

>> No.4149389


>> No.4149405

1. Kill him

2. He's a cunt who's not the least bit sorry for what he did, doesn't turn Frog back even on the good path, caused the deaths of hundreds and started a war for revenge

>> No.4149508

Hey buddy, you seem to be lost. This is /vr/. Run off to /v/ where your classmates are.

>> No.4149524

>>He's a cunt who's not the least bit sorry for what he did, doesn't turn Frog back even on the good path, caused the deaths of hundreds and started a war for revenge
>Except he didn't really do anything like participate in the war or retaliate against anyone who didn't attack him first
>he never planned to turn frog back or turn him into a frog in the first place
>he just decided to do that to teach him a lesson about hunting down wizards and trying to kill them
>didn't really intentionally cause the death of anyone
>didn't start the war either
>the entire time he was just researching magic and helping out the mystic folk while ozzy used him as a figurehead to promote the war
Magus literally has no motivation whatsoever to give a shit about the world of 600 AD or the humans or the relationship between mystics and humans

even when you show up at his castle he's not even expecting you

he's not thinking about you

he doesn't think about or remember cyrus, cyrus brought the fight to him instead, and magus forgets about it immediately because he doesn't care about this timeline at all, he just wants to go kill lavos

>> No.4149531

>Had to be sevenleaf
Never a (you) tasted so bad

>> No.4149535

Magus and Ozzie hunted down Glen and Cyrus on a mountain. Its not like Cyrus busted down Magus' front door.

He's a cunt.

>> No.4149540

please don't malign this acceptable videogame by associating it with yourself

>> No.4149548

Cyrus hunted Magus and Ozzie down on a mountain and dragged Glenn along for the ride

>> No.4149549

Magus when he comes in is notably stronger when compared to everyone else aside Lucca/Robo Double team.

He drops off if you level obviously. Low Level he's pretty much stronger than everyone else.

>> No.4149551

Ayla is best

Ayla/Robo/Lucca is best team

>> No.4149573

>Ayla/Robo/Lucca is best team
Ayla/Robo/Crono is literally the single best team for damage output.
If you mean the team with best characters then Ayla/Robo/Frog

>> No.4149574

1. recruit
2. there are numerous reasons. he's quite useful during the sidequests, especially death peak. he's also a really cool antihero. he may have led the mystics for personal power and grandeur, but his main motive was always to defeat Lavos, just like the party. you get his amulet either way. also, a big part of Frog's story arc is putting the past behind him, and I think putting aside his grudge against Magus is part of that. Killing Magus doesn't bring back Cyrus or changed what happened. the only compensation is Frog becoming human during the ending. maybe if he transformed right away with new abilities, I'd reconsider. as it is, sparing Magus fits thematically and gives you a useful character.

>> No.4149578

>Ayla/Robo/Crono is literally the single best team for damage output.
that is true.

however, Crono/Marle/Frog is highly underrated. cheap full party heal, arc impulse is accessible early, and a bunch of other useful double techs. the only drawback is the single target focus, but at least there's luminaire. they're my preferred party for Lavos runs.

>> No.4149647

>recruit him
because i like vegeta characters

>> No.4149674

>Using double or triple techs.

Absolutely haram. Well, maybe they're okay earlier in the game, but by the time you start unlocking people's higher level single techs, they don't do enough damage to justify burning two turns on.

Then again, this kind of minmaxing is completely pointless in CT. You can beat Lavos with a party of Marle/Lucca/Dead third character.

>> No.4149691 [DELETED] 

but like you said, CT is on the easy side so there's no need to push the mechanics. I agree, spamming single techs like luminaire, dark matter, flare, shock, etc. is best, but double/triple techs are more fun desu.

to make things more complicated, the damage output of double/triple techs is wonky. some of them are what you'd expect, like a +50% modifier. But then there's garbage double techs that are worse than the single techs, or ayla double techs that are almost broken with massive modifiers.

>> No.4149696

but like you said, CT is on the easy side so there's no need to push the mechanics. I agree, spamming single techs like luminaire, dark matter, flare, shock, etc. is best, but double/triple techs are more fun desu.

to make things more complicated, the damage output of double/triple techs is wonky. some of them are what you'd expect, like a +50% modifier. But then there's garbage double techs that are worse than the single techs comprising them, and double techs that are almost broken with massive modifiers, e.g. Crono/Ayla's Falcon Hit.

>> No.4149705

>CT is on the easy side
That's a fucking lie and you know it.

CT is a game where you can grind infinite megalixers. In the DS remake, Marle has a weapon that does 777 damage every single time, and a lot of enemies have gimmicks where there are times you're not supposed to attack.

CT isn't on the easy side. It's an absolute cakewalk.

>> No.4149726

>It's an absolute cakewalk.
for a veteran gamer, maybe. DS nonsense and other exploits aside, I always liked its balance. it's easy enough to play through without any grinding, but there's enough challenge for a casual. there are also a few tricky battles eg Golems.

I always thought that one of the few flaws in CT is not having a hard mode as an option for new game +, which is why romhackers came up with patches like level zero.

>> No.4149735
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>Magus literally has no motivation whatsoever to give a shit about the world of 600 AD or the humans or the relationship between mystics and humans

Okay? That doesn't excuse all the shit he did. Yer really only kind of proving my point.

>> No.4149741

as I said before, Magus states that he led the mystics for personal power. Woolsey's translation was pretty good for the most part, but this is one point that was glossed over.

also, when spekkio refers to only "wizards" using magic, he meant that only Mystics could use magic after the fall of Zeal.

>> No.4149747

I killed him once, and I was super pissed when Frog didn't revert back into human form after the fight. Didn't know you had to beat Lavos to get that. On every other playthrough, I recruit him. Excellent character, makes the game more enjoyable. Glad we got this cleared up.

>> No.4149787

A rapist can get you pregnant, thereby bolstering your numbers, though.

>> No.4149797


Save before the fight and have my 1 on 1. Then reset the game and recruit him. Why would I do anything else?

>> No.4150153

I always make sure to pawn off his amulet for pennies before hitting reset.

>> No.4150156

This except I don't reset. Magus is a shit playable character anyway.

>> No.4150185


Back to /fit/

>> No.4150282

1. Kill Magus


>> No.4150339

he does look cool when he runs, tho

>> No.4150425
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Kill him to reclaim my humanity.

>> No.4151010

Gameplay wise you are welcome to your own preference as the battles are extremely easy in this game. Some people may enjoy the elemental damage all spells, or the utility of magic barrier.

Storyline wise I kill him because he is pathetic and weak. On 3 occasions he tries to solo Lavos and completely fails, not just a little bit but does absolutely 0 damage and gets destroyed. In the stupid DS remake this gets bumped up to *4* occasions. It's so dumb. If only he had the humility to perhaps seek out some other extraordinarily powerful time-traveling adventurers and work with them to defeat a common enemy, instead of actively HINDERING them when they have literally the same goal. Also the unbounded arrogance is disgusting, but arrogance when he has NOTHING to back it up with is even worse, it's literally the most annoying personality archetype in existence.

>> No.4151681

I respectfully disagree with you. Magus is powerful, but Lavos is an elder god who can overwhelm almost anyone. only the party defeats him, and they are battle-hardened, time-traveling wizards with legendary arms and armor.

I only remember Magus attempting to solo Lavos twice, once per timeline, but either way I wouldn't hold that against him.

Magus does in fact have the humility to join the party who defeated him earlier. granted, this came after he dicks you over as the Prophet, but he sealed you out of 12000 bc to prevent you from meddling because at that time he still thinks he can handle Lavos himself.

keep in mind, up until the Magus battle, the party is led on by a red herring to believe that Magus CREATED Lavos in the middle ages. they believe he's the big bad villain, and go out of their way to attack Magus and his army.

>> No.4151862

Rapists win the second they rape you. You can kill him 2000 times over but you'll still be damaged goods.

>> No.4153910

I like how he plays.

>> No.4153950

>If only he had the humility to perhaps seek out some other extraordinarily powerful time-traveling adventurers and work with them to defeat a common enemy
isn't that basically exactly what he does?

>> No.4153959

not if you kill all of his children

>> No.4154241


First time took so long to beat that fuck so I killed him. Next play through he wasn't tough at all and recruited him and hes a total badass!

>> No.4154346
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kill him to watch him die

>> No.4155571

I killed him the first time. I realized after I couldn't use scythes that I could recruit him.

>> No.4155976

>as I said before, Magus states that he led the mystics for personal power

That's not better.

>> No.4156478

Good luck he probably doesn't even know about them.

>> No.4156518

I have this bad habit of recruiting every party member I possibly can in an RPG, even if I don't plan on using them.

So yes, Recruited. No justification, just OCD.

>> No.4157965

Don't you need to recruit him to get new game +

>> No.4158379


He isn't the same Magus you fought, because no Dark Matter. He may possibly be an alternate dimension one.

>> No.4158895

I like recruiting him and not reviving Chrono, effectively making him the de facto leader of the party. It's ironic, tragic, and drives home how desperate everyone has become at that point.

>> No.4158957

Seek them out, yes. Try to work with them, fuck no. He immediately taunts them at the height of their grief and offers to settle their differences with a fight to the death.

>> No.4159061

That ties into his tech teamup availability too, which is nada outside of gems even though there would theoretically be a good few he can do with his Fire/Ice/Lightning set.

>> No.4159114
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Kill him.

>Glenn is best guy.

>> No.4159314

Kill, the solo fight with Glenn is too cool too pass up and Magus isn't really that good of a party member anyways

>> No.4160131


He's too damn good. You're purposefully gimping and missing out without him.

>> No.4160134


>> No.4160209

to be fair they all needed to man the fuck up and start dealing with shit

>> No.4161339


>not beheading that spooky magic edgelord fuck


>> No.4161449

Getting a new party member is one of my favorite rewards in an RPG.

>> No.4161460

If he kills labor, then nothing in that timeline matters because it doesn't happen.

>> No.4162068


Just resign yourself and enjoy it.

>> No.4162105
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1. Recruit
2. I killed him the first time, but i was pissed Frog didn't became his old self so on my other runs i always recruited him back

>> No.4162345

I didn't know you could recruit him. It makes sense, since you're given an option, but for some reason it never occurred to me to say "no". I beat the game on that save file and never played the game again.

>> No.4162482

Save before the fight, kill him to prove to myself I can.

Reload then spare him. Toriama did the art for the game so I only find it fitting to go full goku and recruit yamcha/tien/piccolo/vegeta/some androids/buu/ubb to my team.

>> No.4162485

man how could you not enjoy killing someone

>> No.4164089

Decent headcanon, desu.

>> No.4164214

1. Recruit
2. For the completion aspect of getting every ability in the game.

>> No.4164363


was trying to challenge myself on Chrono trigger on my most recent playthrough. Trying to beat Lavos via the bucket before the Ocean Palace fight. sort of a "man defies destiny" sort of run. I got through the shell, and even made it to the final form of lavos but sort of tapered off there. using Crono/Frog/Marle I believe for the livability early on.

Is there any place available to me to get a bit more OP to finish off Lavos?

>> No.4164630


>> No.4166386

Frog was one of my favs, killed magus and frog become a human at the ending. Pretty cool feelings. If you want a mage the robot dude have the same "magic" as magus...

>> No.4166975

And the only ones with better speed than Magus are Crono and Ayla, which makes those three my endgame team, especially since I can just farm Megalixirs for healing.

Before you kill Giga Gaia on Mt. Woe, there's a spot where Rubbles respawn. They give you 1000 Exp. and 100 TP per kill, so you can get all of everyone's Techs before you get to the Ocean Palace. Crono will basically be God for that area by the time you're through.

As for OP's question, I recruit him. Glenn says it himself that killing Magus won't bring Cyrus back. Also, for some reason, I like the atmosphere he brings when you're on Death Peak, especially when he's in the lead. Finally, having him lead the group while dragging Marle and Ayla to Ozzie's Fort is so goddamn satisfying to watch, and having the two ladies with him because Twin Charm makes it a lot easier to steal Flea's bra, Slash's dildo, and Ozzie's pantsu.

>> No.4167020


>> No.4167258

Before you enter the Ocean Palace, you can talk to the lady with the sapling in Zeal Kingdom and do the Fiona sidequest and defeat Retinite. Doing this gives you access to the helmets that prevent status condition which should really be all you need to defeat Lavos once you have enough HP and defense to not get 1-shot by destruction rains from the heavens, doors of doom, and grand stone whatever.

You can also get the swallow or a safe helm without setting foot in the Ocean Palace if that is your cut off point.

The only reason I'd bring Marle is if you're running the team for the Lifeline triple tech, otherwise Frog + Ayla's dual tech slurp kiss heals 999 to all very early, or Robo's single tech heal beam will restore ~400 to all if you haven't touched his magic stat. Lucca and Robo's dual tech Mega V Bomb does some serious damage if you put Robo in the 3rd slot so it can target the real Lavos core and end the fight quickly before Lucca gets KOed because of her poor physical defense.

>> No.4167307

1 recruit
2 I killed him at first with Frog, but his death bummed me out so I reconsidered and reloaded. He may have caused a lot of hardship, and killing Cyrus was a dick move, but killing him won't fix anything. He's powerful, and instead of wasting him out of spite, better to make use of him to actually SAVE people. He too was once a victim, and in saving the planet he can atone for past sins. I believe Sir Cyrus would agree.

>> No.4168013

Should I play Radical Dreamers before I move on to Chrono Cross? Or should I play it after finishing CC?

the idea of a CT interactive novel seems pretty cool

Also I spared him, just in case you had a FF6 style of final battle on wich you could popentially use the whole roster

>> No.4168072


Give Radical Dreamers a go, the main story is pretty short and charming. Beating it gives you the real appeal of the game though, the ability to go back through the game and initiate insane and hilarious side stories that radically change the game in various ways

>> No.4168081


Also, I've never killed Magus. I like his design and scythes look cool so I usually cycle him in and out of my party at that point

>> No.4169061


well, I just finished it first time, I guess I got the standard ending given that its listed as the first one before it booted me back on the title screen
I have to say, what the fuck: so Lucca got killed off somewhere in between this game and Chrono Trigger, and had this not quite little sister who also was responsible for some sort of cataclysm at some point, together wit MC and totally not Magnus (who was indeed Magnus) fail to get the McGuffin and lose the Trigger, but Kid managed to recover her memories, of wich we dont know anything about.

I guess I have to get some more endings to uncover more fo the story.

Do I need a guide to get the rest of the endings or can I just stumble my way upon them? for what you say there are plenty of joke endings

>> No.4169169

I think you might be a little fucked up and unreasonable too if while you were a child, your mom went insane, the only person who cared about you got murdered by your mom and some magical asshole who's killing your planet and ended up destroying your civilization, and you got flung to some random point in time with a bunch of assholes who are several hundred years behind you culturally, technologically, and socially.

>> No.4169176

At that point he probably wants to die. He just tried twice to save his family and got destroyed twice and then had to watch his civilization and family burn to the ground a second time.

You guys have literally no empathy.

>> No.4169541


I killed him the first time, because it was Frog's quest to fight and kill him, and, noble though he was, I thought it was out of character to back off.

I let him live the second time around, cause I wanted to see him as a party member. He's not very useful.

So all in all I prefer to kill him.

On a related-to-Frog note, even though I've only done it once, I also "prefer" to pretend there's no way to bring Chrono back and have Frog as the new party lead. Just feel like that's the most powerful version of the story.