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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 75 KB, 1200x800, ataribox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4134763 No.4134763 [Reply] [Original]

Is /vr/ excited for the classic games and modern content soon to be available on the AtariBox?

>> No.4134850

Meh, all I know is that it has an SD card slot so I'm thinking possible emulation box. Hoping it has analog outputs, but not really getting my hopes up on that one.

>> No.4135085


>> No.4135107
File: 177 KB, 500x376, 4gqtz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even going to be disappointed when "modern content" = android shit because I'm already expecting it

>> No.4135113

You mean you don't want to pay $5 for Crossy Road: Atari Deluxe Edition?

>> No.4135121

Why would anyone except for a few 40 year old nostalgiafags be excited for this? Atari games are mediocre at best, and total shit on average.

>> No.4137997

Atarifags, repeat after me:

This is not the Atari you knew. It's only a name owned by completely different people.

This is not the Atari you knew. It's only a name owned by completely different people.

This is not the Atari you knew. It's only a name owned by completely different people.

This is not the Atari you knew. It's only a name owned by completely different people.

This is not the Atari you knew. It's only a name owned by completely different people.

>> No.4138001

What "current content" could it possibly get? There's already a million Flashback systems is we absolutely NEED to pay for the shittiest console games ever.

>> No.4138003

Coleco chameleon comes to mind

>> No.4138015

This. In case someone doesn't feel like googling it: the company that's now called Atari is actually what used to be Infogrames, the french company that was (in)famous for licensed games in Europe, which in turn bought the remnant of the original Atari from Hasbro, which again, bought the original Atari back in 1996.

>> No.4138061
File: 82 KB, 1024x882, DE98rwqWAAMzJYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would buy it if it has games from this generation that I want to play that are not on PC or the console that I own right now (A Switch), or if it has original Atari games and is cheap.

>> No.4140248

>This is not the Atari you knew
Even if it were do you seriously wanna blindly follow the guys responsible for the 5200 and Jaguar? It's not like Atari did much successful after the 2600 even when their consoles after it weren't infamously bad they still failed to make an impact like the Lynx and 7800.

>> No.4140264

I know. I'm saying 3rd party companies buy up old brand names because they know sheep will spend money on it for nostalgia purposes and tout it as "the glory days are returning!". When in reality they don't give a shit, it's not the original crew of rebels who made the 2600 a thing, it's not even the same company.

This same shit happened with the coleco chameleon debacle

>> No.4140267

I know you know I'm just agreeing with you and further elaborating that even if it were the same Atari it's not something worth looking forward to outside of just curiosity given their terrible track record before they were even bought out.

>> No.4140272

So like
this is the next Ouya/Shield/Androidthing, but it plays Pitfall too??

>> No.4140273

No one knows what it is yet all they said is it's not going to be like the NES Classic.

>> No.4140329
File: 29 KB, 522x442, tmp_22870-xesystem1814927499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody remembers Atari's best console

>> No.4140647


>> No.4140651
File: 477 KB, 1521x900, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PC is the superior platform for retro gaming anyway, PSP for portables (or have hacked 3DSes replaced that)? Otherwise you're an original hardware fag and even still these kind of products would be pointless.

>> No.4140658
File: 397 KB, 1126x836, 800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't look like an 800.

>> No.4140695

Lel, I loved the Coleco chameleon, I don't understand why consoles like this exist when PC emulation does

>> No.4140705

Plays the same games tho

>> No.4140728

you forgot your ™

>> No.4140731

thanks for going through the hassle of showing us a PC picture

>> No.4140736

You're welcome

>> No.4140767


>> No.4140784

I don't know enough about it to be excited. Maybe it'll be good but I haven't the slightest idea at this point.

>> No.4140791

>people still following consoles


>> No.4140868


>> No.4140931

Literally this, it's went through so many hostile take overs, it's pretty much turned into a bunch of business men piggy backing off of the whole "We're Atari, we invented video games" thing