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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 371 KB, 2000x1149, sfc30 pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4133074 No.4133074 [Reply] [Original]

This looks like its gonna be the perfect emulation controller

Are 8bitdo controllers good in quality though?

>> No.4133078

this thing really needs handles

>> No.4133082

I have the sfc30 one and it's absolutely amazing. no complaints whatsoever.
I've heard people complaining about the dpad but mine works perfectly.

>> No.4133085

If you read online in forums, the dpad issue only affects a certain range of serial numbers. Those are likely all already sold.

>> No.4133087 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 800x800, gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen so much blatant marketing on /vr/ in a long time.

>> No.4133095 [DELETED] 

It's not marketing, I just wanted to post about how much my wife and I love this controller

>> No.4133103 [DELETED] 

My wife's son loves using this to play on our living room tv with my wife and her friends. I like using it in my basement-/vr/-cave.

>> No.4133104


What stupid posts. Stop shitting up the thread

>> No.4133108

Anon you'll understand the true appear of the 8bitdo once you're married

>> No.4133112 [DELETED] 

What is stupid? I'm just explaining how wonderful it is for my wife to be able to enjoy the peace of having an easy controller to throw at her son while she entertains her guests. Maybe you should find a nice girl to settle down with and you'll see how nice it is for her son to use.

>> No.4133114

>he thinks he's being funny
what a sad anon we have here

>> No.4133116
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>> No.4133117 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should pay chinpokemoot for an advertisement instead of being a social media shill.

>> No.4133118

is that a question?

>> No.4133123 [DELETED] 

My wife's boyfriend Tyrese loves this controller.

>> No.4133125

i think anon was just pointing out that it was more then one person....

>> No.4133127

yes 8bitdo has an employee that shills on a relatively slow board on 4chan that consists of people who don't want to spend money so they play emulators with buffalo's or xbox/dualshocks they already have and purists that only want the real stuff or still have the real stuff.

I guess all the people reviewing their shit are all paid shills as well because most people (including myself) enjoy em.
now I can sense the autistic faggotry from a mile away and you will not leave this thread alone because you think this was the work of shills.

>> No.4133129

perfect if you like that right side stick getting in the way of x/b.

sage this crap

>> No.4133130 [DELETED] 

it's already an old joke. try to be a bit more original.

>> No.4133132

>le sage is a downvote

simply epic

>> No.4133134

"My wife and I" isn't a /pol/ meme anon

>> No.4133136

where did I say it was?

>> No.4133148 [DELETED] 

My wife and her friend Jamarius love this controller. But I haven't tried it yet. I'm usually only supposed to use the Madcats one instead.

>> No.4133160

you got a point there. need to see some actual reviews before I'm hyped again

>> No.4133165

the shoulder buttons look uncomfortably close to the front buttons as well. goddamn I hope it's not shit because it looks dope

>> No.4133169


I have a sfc 8bitdo. It's good but after 2 weeks the b button gets slightly stuck when I press it, which is somewhat disappointing. Don't know if this is a common problem though. Beyond that it's a pretty great controller.

>> No.4133178


its not made like a psx/ps2 controller where its spaced far enough away to not get in your way, shit sucks.

i have a bt controller just like it. tried to take it apart to at least remove the top of the stick but its a no-go, not like a gamecube analog stick that you can just pop off.

>> No.4134845

Damn 8bitdo, are you posting the same thing on VR too??

Your controllers are not good. Don't sync well, breaks, bad d-pad.

Also, the 90's are over. Stop it.

>> No.4134852

Looks like a ps1 controller except with an uncomfortable shape.

>> No.4134853

8bitdo is shilling on every VG board. Multiple times a day.

It is not just on vr.

>> No.4134870

those analog sticks are fucking stupid

>> No.4134884

how about you go back to /v/ with your retarded comments.

>the 90's are over. Stop it.
>on /vr/

and you have clearly never used their controller because mine has no problems connecting and the d-pad isn't bad.
talking shit just because you think they're shilling, you absolute low IQ don quichot.

>> No.4134892

I guess you're right. they should just leave the snes design go for the original grey psx dualshock controller instead (unless they aren't allowed to copy the design).
one of those with a better dpad would be great.

>> No.4134902
File: 5 KB, 254x199, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is

>> No.4134913

speaking of dualshocks, what's a good, not too pricy adapter for my ps2 controller?
I have the sfc30 for the <=16bit era but I need those analog sticks + R2L2 for psx games.

>> No.4134937

get that transparent blue triangular thing everyone has

>> No.4134945

this one?

>> No.4134949

Even in my faraway country you can find those all over the place, I bought a few in case one of them breaks, though none of them has in many years of use.

>> No.4134985

Doesn't have six face buttons, no thanks.

>> No.4135271

>Also, the 90's are over. Stop it.

Are you an idiot? Do you realize where you're posting this?

>> No.4135274

With that dpad? lol

>> No.4135873

>Designing new controllers
>Using bad 90's ergonomics designs

>> No.4135949

The d-pad is shit, it's almost just as bad as the 360 controllers d-pad.

>> No.4136026

I have an snes30 and retro reciever arriving in the mail today. Much excite

>> No.4136041

You could fix the 360 dpad with a sandpaper.

>> No.4136062

>4 face buttons

Nope. Needs 6 for capcom fighters.

>> No.4136115

No. You need a a fight stick for capcom fighters.

>> No.4136117

>fight stick
Arcade stick. or just call it a stick. Fight stick is a brand name. some fgc guys have a great 'tism about that.

>> No.4136143
File: 110 KB, 1000x750, img5253e7f494477_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this?

>> No.4136151


Other anon here, he's right, when it comes to making entirely new hardware why stick to old and obviously flawed design? It's not like it will be retro hardware just because it looks retro. Tbh I prefer playing retro games with my DS4 or xbone controllers just because they're FAR more comfortable than anything retro.

>> No.4136215

I did not know it was a brand name. Thatnks for the tip.

>> No.4136256

Why would someone buy this instead of a wii u pro controller?

>> No.4136279

Perfect. I want something like this so bad.

>> No.4136296

this works on tons of hardware (even original consoles with their adapters)

>> No.4136375

no you can't cause you can always press it down in the middle what is sanding going to do? Make you able to press it down further

>> No.4136387

The problem with the dpad was that it pressed against its housing. Take it apart and sand about an 1/8 of an inch ring out of the dpads housing and voila. Its wonderful

>> No.4136398

it's mostly for the dpad for me. If they made a Dualshock 4 with a Nintendo-style dpad that would probably be the perfect controller.

>> No.4136416

the problem is you can push it down in the middle and hit all 4 directions at once, removing some housing is only going to make that worse.

>> No.4136428
File: 33 KB, 620x400, best version of the SNES controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convex edition
>not concave

>> No.4136436


It takes time, but when you get used to a DS4 d-pad it's really, really good. Not nintendo-good obviously, but good. Also, there's xbone (not x360) controller with improved d-pad - quite good and even more comfortable than DS4 due to analog sticks placement.

>> No.4136440

you can't do that with the 8bitdo dpad so how is it worse? genuine question.

>> No.4136447

I have an XBone but the dpad is a bit to stiff/clicky for me. The analog stick placement may be good for games when you use them, but to me the placement isn't really ideal when using the dpad. Same thing with the Switch Pro Controller.

>> No.4136453

They do have a SNES version of the 8bitdo but I think it would be nicer if all the buttons were concave instead of just two, plus the rainbow buttons would be nice.

>> No.4136460


It is clicky, that's true. Well, I guess to each his own, I decided to leave all retro (and retro-based) controllers behind only because xbone and ds4 are better shaped for me, I tend to have long gaming sessions (retro games mixed with some new stuff) and my hands were going numb a lot using nes/snes/genesis and similar controllers. With ds4 and xbone controllers it just doesn't happen.

>> No.4136532

Oh i wasnt someone who was complaining about 8bit do, i was just stating how much the 360 dpad sucks

>> No.4136540

whoops I thought you were the same person as >>4135949

>> No.4136582

No 2x3 button layout for Genesis, Saturn, N64, and CPS2 games.

No L2/R2 triggers for PS2/PS3 games, maybe no L3/R3 either.

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.4136592

it has l2 r2 buttons

>> No.4136703

Why are you pressing so hard in the middle of your dpad it activates all directions. which game requires this?

>> No.4136836

none but it just happens sometimes if youre trying to play a fighting game, street fighter on the 360 would be a nightmare

>> No.4136865

At that point why would you not use a dualshock?

>> No.4136882

>both 6 face buttons and 4 triggers on one controller
i didn't know there are controllers like this out there

>> No.4136915
File: 17 KB, 500x248, 019135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saitek p2600

it's old but i've been using one forever, still holds up. d-pad takes some getting used to though

>> No.4136937


Shame the triggers are not analog, it would be perfect.

>> No.4136985

Why the fuck doesn't this exist? Actually, I might be inspired enough to come up with a solution. You'll know if I do if something like this starts getting shilled in about a year.

>> No.4137039
File: 13 KB, 600x426, f3a7_pro_controller_u_for_wii_and_wii_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your controller brah

>> No.4137105

I had HD remix. The sanded down controller worked fine.

Also just got my SNES30. Im gonna call bullshit on the "DPad issues". I was playing SSF2 and Shadowrun on my nintendo. No lag, no diagnal problems. Charge moves and dragon punches felt great.

>> No.4137375

I had a P2500. The fucking dpad broke and flew off when I was doing a Hadouken and bounced off of my monitor into my face.

>> No.4137452

that one is apparently poorly made, but I do like the design, I wish Nintendo would adopt something like it. Coloured buttons give it so much more personality than monocolour shiny bullshit

>> No.4137672

Haha, never got to experience that. I guess it's not something you'd recommend after that experience.

>> No.4137707
File: 37 KB, 642x403, 1480420103518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy using the DS4 for pretty much any game. Retro or new.

>> No.4137708

their controllers feel nice but the NES30 Pro has d-pad issues and the values that the analog sticks return are fucking awful bullshit. I hope the SNES30 Pro can fix that, but I don't have my hopes up.

>> No.4137741

Do the control sticks click in?

>> No.4137743


>> No.4137752

The only question I still had. Definitely buyin' this beauty.

>> No.4138016

Just make replica Saturn PS2 controllers with equal sized buttons and we'll all be Gucci man.

>> No.4138517

iBuffalo and DualShock 2 cover all your bases.

>> No.4139876

i mean,

it's a fucking snes controller my dude.
what do you expect.

>> No.4141059

>Are 8bitdo controllers good in quality though?
No, it's the worst kind of chinkshit. Just get DS3.

>> No.4141960
File: 2.23 MB, 2304x1728, Justice_League_also_used_6_buttons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I prefer Sega Saturn controllers, the SNES controllers were part of the feel of a lot of games I remember too. There are so many good replica SNES controllers, but so few good replica Sega Saturn controllers.

I can't think of too many SNES games that used a 6 face button layout. There's the Street Fighter games and Justice League (I think Killer Instinct too, but I do not have that one). Most of the fighting games were 4-button on the SNES that I played.

>> No.4141986
File: 2.22 MB, 2304x1728, Until_I_can_afford_a_Wii-U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For general purpose, the Hori EX2 controllers seem to work for me. It has the Xbox 360 styled ergonomics, improved D-pad over the 360's, 6 face buttons (LB and RB are repeated), analog triggers, and analog sticks click down L3 and R3 style. It's primary weakness was that MS refused to share their X-input technology at the time, so it is a wired controller, but with a generous 10ft cable. The other is a preference thing, but sometimes for some games, like Robotron, Smash TV, and Total Carnage the analog sticks may be better symmetrical.

>> No.4144313 [DELETED] 

>that button layout on the capcom stick

How awful

>> No.4144317

>that button layout on the sticks

How awful

>> No.4144330

This is what I've been using. You can set it up to use the touchpad on your PC as well. The d-pad is the best I've ever used.

>> No.4144343

Does that capcom joystick uses microswitches?

Fighter history and variable geo for the super famicon use 6 buttons.

>> No.4144710
File: 2.32 MB, 2304x1728, Spot_the_combo_breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this. The Saturn pads are my choice controller. My only wish was to have the XYZ buttons match the size of ABC.

Actually on the SNES Street Fighter games, when you are in the options to set your buttons, if you just hit a button on "set" instead of going thought the buttons individually, it automatically sets the buttons to that exact layout for those sticks.

The joystick feels like a cheaper Seimitsu. It has a square gate and clicks at the 4 directions, but feels a little more loose/gentle to me. The buttons is nowhere near arcade Sanwa nor Seimitsu sensitivity, but not NES advantage membrane-like feel. I actually think they feel good, not actual arcade like but not bad as this video portrays (skip to 02:40 for the button internals) https://youtu.be/l8nZcWVTNbI

>> No.4144717
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that same adapter

>> No.4144993

I have the same one. Really flawless after a year of use.

>> No.4146086

Had mine for almost a year now and it's still holding up just fine.

>> No.4146109

The perfect emu controller needs 6 buttons on the right hand for proper N64/Saturn/Genesis/Gamecube controls. It also needs dual triggers on each side with at least one of them analogue.

>> No.4146396

I wish it had native support, maybe even a wireless adapter

>> No.4146480

I got one from amazon about a week ago and it had the dpad issues. returned it and got a ds4 instead. also I found the controller was too small, but that may just be the nes30

>> No.4147508

I keep hearing good things about the Saturn controller, but I've heard there's different versions of it, so how do I find the right one?

>> No.4147573
File: 29 KB, 320x285, ga_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logitech Chillstream.
I'm using this one for a long time and this is pretty nice.

>> No.4147607

>tfw no concave controller with colored buttons

>> No.4147610
File: 41 KB, 1000x1000, 51e9FDiJYJL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iBuffalo BSGP1601BK

>> No.4149137
File: 2.09 MB, 2304x1728, If_only_I_had_devil_robot_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think it works great if OP is looking for something for SNES/SFC emulation. It is an old adapter which was my only option before all these replica SNES/SFC controllers we have available now.

I only like the official ones. The ones made by Sega or SLS (on the back of the controller there is a box where the info goes, sometimes in sticker sometimes part of the mold/shell). There has been many new cheap replicas, all of which were bad to me. They cut corners (literally with the conductive membranes inside) to reduce their costs, and don't feel right to me.

>> No.4150309

I think that, in the end, it might be cheaper to just buy a generic one and then replace the shit parts with original ones (from broken controllers or parts sold in repair shops). I heard once that doing so really makes the generic controllers feel like Sega's.

I have the Retrolink one and my only real complaints are the internal cross piece from the d-pad, which feel loose and don't perfectly fit the shell, and that the shoulder buttons that are way too clicky.

>> No.4152316
File: 31 KB, 425x425, 51SAAYYMB9L._SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best emulation controller as the b/w buttons make it a six button and if you don't like the d-pad then you're a pleb who needs to go back

>> No.4152990
File: 95 KB, 640x640, A_clickhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a NES30 Pro and its not bad. The d-pad handles well on emulation and I do periodically take it and play mario kart on my Switch with it. But I agree with >>4133078 to use the joy sticks it would really help, specially with adults or people like me with Michael Jordan hands. The shoulder buttons on the NES30 / Pro feel very cheap though. I would have just accepted one set of buttons up there. I got mine cheap though, was given a Amazon gift card that covered the most of the cost but for 40 bucks I would say its not worth it.

The Joy sticks on this new model do look better though. The other versions feel kind of cheap although they do have good detection.

>> No.4153191

D-pad, I guess. I never minded the Dualshock's but many do.

>> No.4154329 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 630x422, generic retroarch image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple Controllers mess up my Retroarch (latest version)

oh hey there /vr/

I recently started to appreciate retroarch. Works perfectly (on my small GPD WIN) and i am very happy about it. As long as i play with one gamepad everything is fine. As soon as i introduce a second gamepad all the buttons i configured are messed up on both controllers. Only messed with NES roms so far; i expected there to be the least problems because there are so little buttons to worry about. Any advice?

>> No.4156771

Are there any really good, solidly built quiet controllers? I hate the sound of straining plastic and clackity clack while I'm trying to play.

>> No.4156932

Logitech controllers tend to have buttons and dpads that are very squishy to press down, and the controllers themselves are usually very solid feeling and won't have that cheap plastic creak.

You're a strange one, though. I prefer the clicks of buttons bottoming out and springing back up. Most of us like a more tactile feedback on inputs.

>> No.4157118

The 2014 Street Fighter IV champion used a ps1 controller with adapter to an xbox 360

>> No.4157123

>I think that, in the end, it might be cheaper to just buy a generic one and then replace the shit parts with original ones (from broken controllers or parts sold in repair shops). I heard once that doing so really makes the generic controllers feel like Sega's.

It does not, it makes them feel like shit.

>> No.4157124

Why does that have speakers on it?
I have a WiiU Pro controller I use for emulation (not perfect for PS1 cause it's inverted, but still good) and it doesn't have speakers onit.

>> No.4157132

Some of the best fighting game players use a 360 controller. Doesnt mean im gonna start using that anytime soon

>> No.4157136

inferior d-pad

>> No.4157137

That's good to know, I'll look into them. Thanks.

>> No.4157162

eh, 360 for anything that needs two sticks and a usb sls saturn for anything else.

Best of both worlds.

>> No.4157189

is that real?

>> No.4157306

the only reason people can be good at fighting games with a 360 controller or any d-pad for that matter is because after fighting games left their natural habitat they became gimped. What do I mean? They have built-in macros. You press a single button and it's equivalent to pressing a combination of 2 or 3 different buttons. It's so lame.

>> No.4158786

8bitdo controllers are great, but mine has a tendency of disconnecting for only like a second, and the reconnecting again. And if I hold down a direction on the D-pad while it reconnects, it assumes that that direction is the un-active state of the D-pad. and while not pushing anything the character will automatically walk in that direction. And I have to manually disconnect and reconnect it again for it to stop. It's a real pain in the ass.

>> No.4158791

How is the keyboard for SNES era games?

>> No.4158812

Playing Super Metroid with a keyboard made me good at walljumping.

>> No.4158828

If it's anything like the NES30 Pro it has L2 and R2 and the sticks click in and act as L3 and R3

Maybe actually do some research, retard?

>> No.4158960

That reminds me of when I was a little kid and played loads of emulated games using a keyboard. Should have just gotten a cheap joypad sooner.

>> No.4158972

I have the fc30 pro and it's a pretty good pad. for some reason mine doesn't like to work in wired mode but it's fine for bluetooth.

>> No.4159010

>but mine has a tendency of disconnecting for only like a second

That sounds like a dealbreaker. Why didnt you get a refund?

>> No.4160054

I emulate a lot of different systems so I use a PS2-like gamepad; works well and has enough buttons for just about everything. Does that one have L2/R2?

>> No.4160064

How is this controller? Are the Dpad and buttons really solid like their SNES Controller?

>> No.4160068
File: 142 KB, 2000x1043, 8BitdoSNES30Pro-AnnounceE32017-Bothviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does, right behind the L/R buttons. Both are smaller than normal SNES should buttons I'm pretty sure.