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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 32 KB, 415x288, Monkey_island[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
413082 No.413082 [Reply] [Original]

>Masterpiece tier
LeChuck's Revenge

>Great Tier
Secret, Curse

>At least you tried

>Eh it's... eh

>What the fuck you fucked it up tier
Remastered editions.

Adventure game thread.
Broken Sword, Dig, Maniac Mansion etc.

What's your favourite?

>> No.413108


>Broken Sword


>> No.413139


ain't nothing wrong with remastered MI2. 1 on the other hand...

>> No.413143
File: 360 KB, 1040x2724, Adventure TOP v0.9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.413158

I really wish all point n click games would just be released for the iPad. it's pretty much the perfect system for them

>> No.413161


But... the bone song


It's horrible.

>> No.413172


>That feel when TLJ works fine on windows 8 but Dreamfall doesn't, thanks to Starforce bullshit DRM

Feels bad.

>> No.413164

Switch SOMI and MI2, and Tales and Remastered then it's good.

>> No.413165

I post this all the time in these threads.

The best over all library belongs to LucasArts, but the best adventure game ever made is Sierra's Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers.

>> No.413183
File: 18 KB, 88x105, ELLIOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>windows 8

>> No.413194


Don't look at me like that faggot. This is /vr/ not /g/.

>> No.413204

>Complaining about the Remastered Editions


>> No.413208

wait, why are remastered editions bad?

>> No.413228
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, 386999-the-secret-of-monkey-island-special-edition-windows-screenshot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They look like shit and ruined a lot of the music.
I mean, they literally used Comic Sans here.

Voice acting was nice though.

>> No.413235

shit controls, terrible voice acting, fucked up ugly animations and general art style (see: >>413161)

>> No.413254


You do realize you can use the original graphics?

>> No.413264
File: 21 KB, 600x226, gk-evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Masterpiece tier
Sins of the Fathers

>Great tier
The Beast Within

>Great, except for cat hair mustache tier
Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned

And I mostly agree with you OP, though I'd put Secret in masterpiece tier and LeChuck's Revenge in great tier, simply because I feel the first is a more timeless game. MI2 is more fun however, but some of the puzzles aren't for everyone and the ending is a bit controversial.
If Tales was as good on the whole as its last two episodes, it could have been comparable to Curse. Escape was kind of like an Al Lowe written Monkey Island game, which is funny but not really that MI like.

>> No.413282
File: 83 KB, 260x261, 1339120563686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit controls

Really, faggot?

>> No.413279

I literally cringed when I saw that, having recently started a game in Monkey Island 1 on ScummVM.

>> No.413308


But the remaster removes the UI so it is shitty to control.

>> No.413315

I'm not sure if Monkey Island 2's puzzles are harder or if it's just more confusing 'cause you have so many items leftover in your inventory.

>> No.413304

They console-ized the HUD in Monkey Island 1. It was really lousy. Pretty sure they did the same thing in 2 but I played 2 with its original graphics and kept the voice acting on (A feature left out of the first game's remake for some reason) so I'm not too sure about that one.

They really, really ruined the Steve Purcell artwork in the remakes, though. Ugh.

>> No.413320

I've beaten that game countless times and I still have trouble with that stupid "If this is five" puzzle.

>> No.413324

Much better version and the way it was intended to be heard:

>> No.413334


MI2 isn't linear so naturally it's more complex.

>MFW It took until I was 20 to realise you open a valve with a monkey because monkey wrench.

I felt like such a faggot. I never got that puzzle, my brother told me how to do it.

>> No.413350



>> No.413386


Based MT-32

So glad SCUMMVM has (some) emulation now.

Not great emulation though.

>> No.413392

The MI1 remake was my first Monkey Island

>> No.413393
File: 248 KB, 1440x1828, Guybrush-pic-monkey-island-32268385-1440-1828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get me wrong, I love the original and LeChuck's revenge equally.
But if only one of them would be eligible for the future video game equivalent of the National Film Registry, I'd point at Secret, simply because it's a more complete experience. LeChuck's Revenge assumes that you've played the first and features a set up at the end to a sequel we never got, but it's bigger, more challenging and often funnier than the more straight forward and fable like original.

>> No.413402

mfw it was mine too

>> No.413407

I-I'm so sorry...
Did you play it on a PC or console?
Did you play it in "arrange" mode or classic mode or did you switch between them on the fly?
Have you explored the series further since?

>> No.413421

Yes, I played the 2 remake and a bit of 3 and Tales.

>> No.413431

>Classic that reinvented a genre

>Best in the series

>My personal favourite because childhood feels

>Not as bad as people make out but still bad

>Pointless but not criminal

>Pirate themed adventure game with Monkey Island name slapped on it

>> No.413441


>terrible voice acting

you take that back

you take that back RIGHT NOW

>> No.413450

>Masterpiece tier

>Awesome tier

>Shit tier
everything else

>> No.413481

>Great atmosphere tier
Monkey Island 1

>Monkey Island 1 with less atmosphere but more character, locations, puzzles, and game.
Monkey Island 2

>Looks great and is decent but last quarter is shit.
Monkey Island 3

Monkey Island 4

>Decent games
Telltale's Island

>> No.413513

>Masterpiece tier
the entire Polda series

>> No.413515

Secret's remake had a lot of great talent like Rob Paulse, Cam Clarke, and Jess Harnell, along with a few other recognizable actors (Having the cast from Monkey 3 was great too) but the voice direction was awful. Awful, awful, awful. None of the delivery sounded like it should. Almost everything was off. The only person who seemed to really "get" how the lines were supposed to be said was Dominic Armato's Guybrush (Which makes sense considering how big of a fan of the games he is). There's countless instances that felt off but I can't remember too many off the top of my head. One that comes to mind is the Loom advertising pirate in the SCUMM bar. The way he's written makes it seem like he speaks with a very gruff tone in contrast to his character art, only replying "Aye" to everything you say until you ask him about Loom. I always imagined him to sound like a serious salesman when talking about Loom and lighting up. The remake gives him this really goofy, cartoonish sounding voice. It sounds...phoned in, I guess. A lot of MI 1's lines do.

MI 2's voice acting is so, so good, though. Everything line delivery is spot on and is exactly as I always imagined them to be spoken. I don't know who directed the voice acting for either games but they either got someone else or whoever was in charge really improved. Absolutely fantastic to the point where I honestly have a hard time playing it without the voice acting now. James Arnold Taylor is such a good Largo. A shame people only think of Tidus when they hear his voice (Another game with great talent ruined by bad voice direction)

>> No.413558
File: 556 KB, 942x1382, Sam & Max - Surfin The Highway TPB-158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Masterpiece tier
The Devil's Playhouse
the comics

>Great Tier
Hit the Road

>At least you tried
Save the World

>Eh it's... eh
Beyond Time and Space

>What the fuck you fucked it up tier
Freelance Police (the cartoon show)

>> No.413612

I loved Beyond Time and Space, Hit the Road, and most of Save the World but i'm just not feeling it with The Devil's Playhouse at the start, is there a point where it should get more enjoyable?

>> No.413648
File: 215 KB, 737x794, A_word_from_the_President__Max_by_Circuit5389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the dude you are responding to but I feel as Beyond Time and Space is the most constantly great season of the episodic games, while The Devil's Playhouse starts of ho hum, but gets better and better with each episode culminating in the best finale of the series.
Save the World didn't get great until episode 4, but what an episode that is.

>> No.413664

I just consider each season one solid game, so I'd say there's no point in judging it until you've finished each episode.

and season 2 felt too similar to season 1 to me, it just felt like more of the same and I felt a little underwhelmed by it

>> No.413697 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 500x596, ngbbs5004a0fb3ffa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.413714

Though I'm not averse to you judging season quality overall, they are not like "one full game" due to their nature, just like a tv series is more the sum of its parts rather than a whole like a film is.
So, uneven quality criticisms are valid I feel.

>> No.413730
File: 97 KB, 640x480, torins11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love Torin's Passage as a kid. Thought it had some amazing locales, especially lands two and three.
I've never seen anyone else mention it though.

>> No.413737

>masterpiece tier:
Crash bandicoot 1-3
>great tier
>at least you tried
Wrath of cortex
>what the fuck you fucked it up
Anything post wrath of cortex

>> No.413895
File: 42 KB, 640x400, What Feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate of Atlantis always does the trick for me, I love everything there is to love about this damn game.

>> No.413927


>> No.413971
File: 287 KB, 859x1111, foa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate of Atlantis

>> No.413970
File: 23 KB, 320x256, simon_the_sorcerer_(aga)_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2. The first one had a lot of slow walking around and the second had some nonsensical puzzles and a lack of Chris Barrie, but I think they're good games. Art-wise they've got some of the greatest pixel backdrops I've ever seen.

Then along came Simon the Sorcerer 3D which fucked it up, and now some German company is making Simon games with no idea what the hell they're doing.

>> No.413980

Nice hat.

>> No.413998

The cartoon wasn't so bad considering the quality of other video game cartoons...

>> No.414002

>wrath of cortex
>literally the first one but better

>> No.414009

That snoring sound.

>> No.414043

That moment when you realised Simon was Arnold Rimmer. For many of course it was an early realisation, but still. That moment.

>> No.414086

Chzo Mythos is one of the best horror adventure games series there is.

By that I'm stating how pitiful horror video game genre is.

>> No.414094

Needs The Last Express in awesome at least.

>> No.414126

Doesn't win 7 have the same problem with starforce?

Funny, I'm a huge P'n'C fan, and have played a dozen games. But I never touched any Myst game, and now I just can't get it to work on win 7

>> No.414243


oh yeah, the voice acting for the SOMI remastered edition is mostly rubbish apart from Dominic Armato as Guybrush and Earl Boen as LeChuck, they're always great

MI2's is excellent

>> No.414280

man, if I could go back in time and play only TLJ... dreamfall sucks.

it ends on a HUGE cliffhanger with lots of loose ends. I can only imagine the rage of people who played it back in 2006. 2014, when dreamfall chapters comes out, will be 8 years of waiting for the story to conclude.

also, it has lame and nearly nonexistant gameplay. they should have sticked to P&C

>> No.414283

I never played LeChuck's revenge, but I remember Secret fondly. Did I fuck up?

>> No.414413
File: 16 KB, 250x378, Thegeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it could have been a lot better, even in a G format. Pic related, one of the most forced characters in the history of animation.
>Have to have someone for the kids to related to
Fuck no.
Earthworm Jim the animated series was better.

>> No.414426
File: 520 KB, 931x950, Shadow of the Comet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though it's not bad, it's far from the best when it comes to adventure games.

>> No.414438


Torin's Passage is wonderful! I still have the CD-ROM and play it every now and then. :)

>> No.414498

>playing monkey island on a console

There's your problem.

>> No.414520

Um, no, console-izing the HUD is the problem. I'm playing it on the computer.

>> No.415219

Sums me up quite well too.

>> No.415316

i liked escape from monkey island the music was really nice and you could shoot yourself in the past and cause a time paradox

>> No.415436


>> No.415645

Probably because you're ugly.

>> No.416046

This. If you don't like new graphics, the old school mode is literally one key press away.

>> No.416061

The day I got through that puzzle I no longer feared any game.

>> No.416116

Just play them in order again, what's stopping you?
Or skip the 1st if you feel like it.

>> No.418542
File: 713 KB, 1040x2724, graphic adventures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to expand upon this. Why? I have no idea, other than the fact that I sometimes get an urge to catalog and graphic adventures are something I've played more of than the average person.

Hope someone gets a kick out of it, I guess.

>> No.418570

why not make a more informative recommendation/introduction picture instead of pointless subjective tier lists?

>> No.418592
File: 58 KB, 229x228, 1325028554136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... I'm going to do this.

>> No.418610
File: 97 KB, 250x250, 1330069579077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full Throttle being anything other than the highest of tiers

>> No.419665

What about Discworld and Callahan's Crosstime Saloon?

Although I admit that the latter is not for everyone. The first major puzzle is the weakest part of the game, as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.419682
File: 14 KB, 320x200, greg land does pixel art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The days when you could just trace celebrity's faces and stick it in your game no problem.

>> No.419684
File: 36 KB, 500x553, Want_some_rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this?

It's still stuck in my head, after all these years.

>> No.419727
File: 79 KB, 461x565, Zak_McKracken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No mention of Zak McKracken.

What, why? Is this... too old for /vr/ or something?

>> No.419760

Completely agree with OP except for Curse. It should be on the "At Least you Tried" tier. Great animation and graphics, but overall scenarios started feeling dull and repetitive halfway. The puzzles aren't really great either. I also could never get used to voice-acted MI.

>> No.420019

>Still no Last Express.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who played it on /vr/.

>> No.420137

Not too old, probably just too obscure. I was a huge adventure fan myself in the early to late 90s, and I hadn't even heard of this until the internet came along in the late 90s.

>> No.420323

Is that Boos or whathisname from Return to Zork?
I remember him. You could kill him with a knife or something IIRC.

>> No.420597

Return to Zork was an adventure game with a weird open-world RPG sense of freedom, meaning you could kill anyone if you wanted, which really made no sense considering the type of game it is.

Anyway, I'm still nostalgic for it and other games like it and it would be kind of funny to see these indie developers making games just like it after they finally get tired of the 8-bit NES thing.

>> No.420617

Yeah, it was kinda neat. The problem is if you did that, you'd usually permanently and irreversibly screw yourself over. Even if it didn't kill you, you wouldn't be able to complete the game.

>> No.420638

>Even if it didn't kill you, you wouldn't be able to complete the game.
Exactly. It's a good feature in RPGs because even if you're closing off a side quest, you might be obtaining items from it and using it to finish the main quest. Or closing off the MAIN quest and just pursuing side quests, as Elder Scrolls fans like to do. An adventure game is a linear beast and it's kind of insane Infocom even made that possible in Return to Zork.

>> No.420765
File: 104 KB, 640x814, 1225414423-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think about this?, i think it deserves a try.

>> No.420780

Supposed to be a genuinely good game.

>> No.420778

Is that the one that is a bunch of minigames?
I remember playing one that was about spitting on people from the top of a building.

>> No.420794

It has a couple minigames in it, but it's largely a point-and-click adventure.

>> No.420793


I remember loving it as a kid, take that as you will.

>> No.420823

Oh, I must be thinking of a different one then. Didn't know there was a B&B point & click adventure.

>> No.420834

The company actually isolated those minigames afterward and offered them separately or on another CD-ROM.

>> No.421563

>Masterpiece tier
The voice acting in Sam and Max Hit the Road

>Great tier
The voice acting in the cartoon series

>What the fuck you fucked it up tier
The voice acting in Telltale's Sam and Max games (sorry, couldn't resist lol!)

>> No.421602
File: 95 KB, 640x480, welcome home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youth hides the key to salvation
one of the best

>> No.421792

I've only just had that moment.

Great merciful fuck.

>> No.421838

>Myst IV worse than Myst V
>Myst V not "Shouldn't Exist" tier

End of Ages was total disappointing garbage. The tablet was gimmicky as fuck, the levels were short, the visuals were ugly due to procedural rendering, and both Yeesha and Esher were annoying.

Revelation wasn't great, but the only negative thing it really had against it was the acting. Uru and Myst V were honest attempts, but they took the series in an awful direction compared to the first 4.