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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 500x460, bd69a8a92fa347ac543d0ba14203405b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4128706 No.4128706 [Reply] [Original]

Yo where the hell did all these nerds come from who have to have rgb and a pvm? Back in my day we just used rf or composite
Fucking kids

>> No.4128724

I used RF even after composite became the main thing. Today I prefer RGB, though I could get by with anything.

>> No.4128741

When I discovered composite cables existed for the SNES, I considered that the good stuff. I had never seen my super output such a crisp image before.

>> No.4128798

Eat my ass, granpa!

>> No.4128849
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Really ?

>> No.4128852

channel 4 > channel 3
better graphics

>> No.4128857


Not if you had a strong broadcast Channel 4 in your area.

Not a problem anymore since most digital channels seem to be on the UHF band now (despite their virtual channel numbering).

>> No.4129043

>I'm just going to be a idiot and ignore better options because my childhood

>> No.4129075 [DELETED] 

When you get older you come to appreciate things like graphic and audio quality.

I, too, remember enjoying playing even the shittiest games over RF on a literally broken CRT television that didn't even display the top 25% of the screen.

>> No.4129112
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RGB eye cones.

>> No.4129114

We had a Sony Trinitron TV which supported S-Video and back in my day, we used S-Video cables unless the console only outputs RF and/or Composite natively.
So I enjoyed most of the games in my childhood in S-Video.

We also had a 4.0 surround setup for our games. And I often had some times when I would often help my father upgrade the surround setup to 5.1, and later, 6.1.

And even then, I still prefer Component RGB/YPbPr on my CRTs instead of S-Video since it look miles better, and I discovered RGB for retro consoles and BVMs many years after I moved out and lived by myself.

Not everyone grew up with Composite/RF and mere mono/stereo sound.

>> No.4129195

>tfw you used composite when you could easily have had rgb with a different cable

>> No.4129235
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>Bragging about playing in RF

>> No.4129252
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I definitely played with RF back in the day, originally with this staticy manual shitburger right here which my dad would continue using as a coax to dipole adapter after we got cable (and for his HBO stealer) for many years, even daisy-chaining the TI-99/4a RF adapter in until they got me a TV for my bedroom which in hindsight I'm sure was partly just so my dad would have a workstation. He put in a mechanical pushbutton coax switch box so no more crosstalk like the Atari suffered from.

Then that TV blew out (which I somehow got blamed for, I learned blame shifting early) and I gave it to my "best friend" mainly because he was my classmate who lived closest to me and his dad fixed it for him which I resented bad since I had to deal with a black & white set for a while.

Then I got a paper route and bought myself more modern stuff, an NES and a VCR and a 20" (big at the time) Thomson RCA TV that's still the TV in my kid's room right now. It had composite in which was a huge step up and let me use a little amp I bought at Radio Shack to push some Singer speakers my mom had from back when she was cooler. That sound really impressed my dad until I became started listening to "fuck u guys" music when I got in teenage moods.

I remember when I first got my Genesis, those "High-Definition Graphics" over composite really made me feel like I'd arrived, especially when I'd been playing 99/4a in black and white on dipole just a couple years before that.

inb4 "nice blog, faggot" in obvious nostalgia thread

>> No.4129282
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>Grow up never knowing what an RCA cable is.
>Use RF for NES, then SNES, then get a converter for my PSX and N64 because my TV doesn't have RCA.
>PS2 and Gamecube come out, use the same sockets as their previous consoles, so still using RF.
>Finally have to give up on RF for the PS3, mind completely blown by how sharp non-RF inputs look.

>> No.4129474

Yeah, I went from RF-only until PS3 as well. HDMI blew me away

>> No.4129489

My consoles were always hooked up through the VCR.
I always had to turn it to the "blue screen" to play sega.

>> No.4129535

I remember that always being a nightmare to figure out. I always did rf on my nes and snes, but when I'd rent an n64/ps1 from the video store or a friend would bring their system over, I'd always have to relearn how to get it to correctly output composite through the vcr because my parents were tech illiterates, and I was 8 or 9 and thus my friends for the most part had no idea how to plug in anything because their parents did it for them.

>> No.4129540

Mine must have had a front input because my friend used to bring over his N64 and we had no issues hooking it up.

>> No.4129697
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Fuck RF. I had to use it way to long. When I got my C64 I had to use it on an old east german black and white TV-Set that had an CRT with an pretty much worn out phosphor layer. So I had to darken the room so I could see shit on the screen. And of course RF made things even worse. The image (even later on better more modern TVs) via RF was piss poor with interferences all over, that even affected the audio. A big white surface on screen? = one annoying humming sound. And with small fonts you couldn't even read it properly.

The image of an amiga looked like shit using an RF-Adapter too. Sometimes you couldn't see shit on the Workbench's Desktop and again the humming sound when there were big areas in bright colors.

Damn looked the C64 picture good, when I finally bought an dedicated C64 Monitor. When using it with the Amiga I had to use Composite, wich caused similar problems like the RF-Stuff earlier and looked like crap (and again the humming sound caused by bright areas on screen) but it was certainly not as worse as RF.

When finally using an dedicated Amiga Monitor everything looked better. Hell, I even played most of my PS1 and even PS2 Titles on that Monitor until it blew.

So I't prefer RGB over RF anytime.

>> No.4129936

>large white area onscreen would cause a loud humming

My raspberry pi does that. I didn't know what I was doing when I was making it, and I bought a powered HDMI to composite converter for it so I could play it on a crt set. The color's really washed out and bright no matter how I set the picture quality on my tv, and when there's a lot of white onscreen (for instance, during a battle in a gen 2-3 Pokemon game) there's this obnoxious background humming.

Luckily I legitimately use it to mostly play backups so if a game looks like absolute shit on the pi I'll just play it on real hardware.

>> No.4131034

I used to RF for the PSX. Does that still trigger hipsters?

>> No.4131041

>Using a HDMI to composite adapter on a computer with native composite out

>> No.4131096

I wanted RGB even as a kid but didn't have a job to buy an RGB TV.

>> No.4131105

30 years old here. Grew up on RF because neither I nor my parents knew any better. Now I do know better, so why would I stick with inferior technology when better technology is available? I've been playing on a PVM since long before it became a meme, but I don't even use RGB. I just use the best available output for each console.

>> No.4131149

I used rf forever. from sms,nes,gen,snes, even turbografx which i had the turbobooster+ for. didnt use composite until psx, and it was more for polygonal games so i didn't see the difference really.

until ff7

>> No.4131191
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>why would I stick with inferior technology when better technology is available?

>> No.4131221

Did anyone in this thread use S-Video as a kid other than me?
As I mentioned, I used S-Video unless the console didn't support S-Video like the NES/Famicom, Sega Genesis, PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, etc...
Come on, I can't be the only one who used S-Video as a kid here.

t. 28 years old American male

>> No.4131238

What is THE place to get SCART cables? Looking for a Wii one, I'm seeing 5$ ones on ebay vs 15 pound ones on more legit looking sites, is there any difference?

>> No.4131239

The Snes was sold with a cable rgb, without too much that one knows the chance that had it. Then when we were able to modify the PS1 (around 1997) it was necessary to take a cable rgb for imported games.

In France.

>> No.4131465
File: 312 KB, 1000x1000, Sony PSX RGB VS Composite video-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have to watch out when buying SCART cables if they really are outputting RGB. Some cheaper ones are just wired to give out composite. Looking for RGB-SCART cables for PS1 and PS2 sometimes was a matter of luck if you get the real deal or just composite again.

>> No.4131475

I used RF all the way through the PS3 era

>> No.4131493

>not channel 2

>> No.4131495

Same here, I had a pretty easy VCR to use though, all you had to do was cycle the inputs with the channel buttons until you were on Line 1 or Line 2 (I always used 2 because it was the front jacks).

>> No.4131582

>Some cheaper ones are just wired to give out composite.

I knew I was right in being paranoid... I'll just look for an official cable then

>> No.4131586

RGB is for fags who want their real hardware to look like a fucking emulator.

>> No.4131592

RGB is still hardware anon. Emulators look like RGB, not the other way around. What is your point?

>> No.4131684

>>why would I stick with inferior technology when better technology is available?

CRT fags say the darnest thangs. Worse than /v/ fags and their /steam/ mustard rice pride.

>> No.4131689

Not really. Emus can produce more color can than original RBG hardware.

>> No.4132618

I was a Svideo fag too growing up but I only had a really nice stereo.

>> No.4132646

I didn't grew up in a third-world country blinded by stupid patriotism, so RGB was the default for all of our TV sets since the 80s. The NES came with a SCART cable in the box, since composite was already ditched.

Seeing a composite lead included with your console only meant one thing, you got scammed and had a shitty famiclone.

>> No.4134047

I've got news for you SECAMfag.

That SCART-equipped NES? It just converted composite to RGB with no quality gain whatsoever.

>> No.4134735

This. Also, it has been quite established that the Composite-to-RGB conversion job it does actually downgrades the quality.

>> No.4135832

>but I don't even use RGB. I just use the best available output for each console.
Which is RGB for most of them.

>> No.4135841

Where do I buy legist SCART cables so I dont get scammed? I dont want to pay for a cable just to get composite output out of a SCART connector

>> No.4135923

Where do you live?

>> No.4137852

rf switches that brings back memories.

>> No.4140345

Yeah, lil bastards.
Blame PC gamers. They just talk too much smack for these young punks to not NOT wanna be like them.
Same reason the term ''graphics whore" exists.

>> No.4140351

Actually, forget the graphocs whore sentence. Just realized it didn't make any sense.

>> No.4140803

Europe (Spain)

>> No.4140885

Trip and name fags are the fucking worst

>> No.4140892

>live in backwater shithole unironically using SECAM
>"I didn't grew up in a third world country"

>> No.4140920

Try retrocables if you just want a normal decent RGB. Don't buy shit at amazon.

>> No.4140932


You type like a 16 year old kid.

>> No.4142168

Gonna be real here. Complaining about muh visuals after composite on a system that outputs such a low resolution is pretty dumb. Just don't use RF and you're fine. Even then, you're still okay.

>> No.4144452

Channel 4 for me.

>> No.4144526

Considering one of SECAM's goal was to fix the many many issues of NTSC *and* provide higher resolution pictures, not sure how that's supposed to be an insult.
Living in a country that refused to allow customers to use RGB on regular TV sets in order to favor RCA's market share, on the other hand… Oh well. That country still has to deal with Comcast, ha.