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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4123126 No.4123126 [Reply] [Original]

Your opinion on the two best sidescrollers for the NES?

>> No.4123132

DD is amazing. It's much more than the "Mega Man knock off" some people make it to be.

Bucky O'Hare is great but... so much trial&error with death penalty it can be irritating.

>> No.4123137

Those aren't Kickmaster though.

>> No.4123140

or Shatterhand.

>> No.4123145

>so much trial&error with death penalty
Care for some examples? I only remember the lava you had to outrun.

>> No.4123170

DD is good, but it's not THAT good. It's a solid game, but mechanics are rather one-dimensional. Gets a bit stale by the second half, nothing to knock your socks off, really.

>> No.4123182

I prefer DD. Bucky didn't really click for me. It's hard to describe the reason, it felt more like a puzzle game as each parts of the stage you have to know where to jump and shit to reach the end.

>> No.4123185

Because it was developed by proto-Treasure, lots of their games feel overly puzzly/gimmicky.

>> No.4123186

bucky o hare's really amazing. goddamn it's like every screen of that game is different, so much fucking gameplay variety.

>> No.4123989

Bucky O'Hare is a straight up awesome game.
Never touched DD but if you're putting them in the same company I may check it out.

>> No.4123994

DD is basically a Megaman game but with ducks.

>> No.4124564

I tried playing kickmaster but it's way too hard for me.
For a "master" his kicks have very poor reach.

>> No.4125124

thats not metal storm and journey to sillius

>> No.4125224


Listen to how fucking metal this game's soundtrack is mang. Those fucking riffs, goddamn. I miss when rock/metal were the biggest influences on video games music -- though admittedly a lot of shit could sound very generic and bad. Not this though. It's pure face melting riff city. Wish some talented band that does that Nintendo soundtrack shit would cover this with real instruments.

>> No.4125237


>> No.4125395

The classic Konami vs Capcom argument.

To me Bucky 'O Hare is the clear winner. While DD is just a lamer version of Mega Man, BOH actually tried to do some new things and succeeded. You can tell that BOH influenced future Konami games as well, the character switching is highly reminiscent of Goemon and those diagonal rocks are identical to the last obstacle in Block B-2 of Super Castlevania IV.

What impact did DD leave? Nothing. Also the music is inferior, save the Quacker Jack stage theme which is amazing.

>> No.4127368

Left is all around fun. Right is good but the end boss sucks eggs. Also...


You didn't post Shatterhand.

>> No.4127404

Personally I like the DD ost more, sure Buck O' Hare's is good, but in DD not only it's more catchy, but it always fits the theme of the stage while nailing the Darkwing Duck wonky spirit.


If there is one thing DD has over BOH is that it really nailed the "comic book / cartoon" style, it's not just some video game adaption with characters from the show, it really belongs with the source material. Even Duck Tales is far from as good as DD in that regard.

>> No.4127438
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Where do you guys rank the chip and dale games? They were always my favorites.

>> No.4129524

Maybe too easy.

>> No.4129572
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Out of the way fags, THE best NES sidescroller coming through.

>> No.4131303


>> No.4131310

they were a lot of fun. the coop was great, too, throwing boxes at your buddy was also kek

>> No.4131451

Monster Party and Vice Project Doom are really neat.

>> No.4132483

I think you've got a furry fixation

>> No.4132542
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Man, bitch, move the fuck over ya bitch ass bitches.

>> No.4132902
File: 224 KB, 250x365, DuckTales_NES_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over

>> No.4132915

Check out vomitron


>> No.4132920
File: 69 KB, 600x597, little_nemo__s_first_kiss_by_8_bit_painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about pic related?

>> No.4133097

>Your opinion on the two best sidescrollers for the NES?

Even though SMB3 is objectively better, I'll always have a bigger soft spot for SMB2?

>> No.4133137


They're decent games, but they're just Mega Man clones for cheap.

>> No.4133187

No Bucky O'Hare thread may exist without the Bucky O'Hare theme song

I watched the entire series last time we had a Bucky O'Hare-related thread. It was surprisingly good.

I never watched any Darkwing Duck though. For whatever reason, it did not appeal to me. Therefore, objectively, the game is surely inferior.

>> No.4134757


Man, I hate how these old shows are never remastered so we get these shitty blurry shit.

Wasn't this based on some comic? I imagine it was pretty violent.

>> No.4134848

Your logic is flawed, but you're assessment is accurate. I love the Darkwing Duck show, the game is good but definitely at the point Capcom kinda started phoning in licensed stuff.

Their phone ins are still good as lesser developers trying but still a phone in by Capcom in their prime standards.

>> No.4134894

Bucky O'Hare was unusually varied and set-piece laden for an NES title, and it is really just a phenomenal 8-bit title.

Darkwing Duck is okay. It's really just another competent generic Capcom platformer from that era.

>> No.4134925

This. I honestly love it (a lot of that could be nostalgia) but it isn't the most enthralling experience overall. It's great fun for a while but has a problem holding interest.

>> No.4134928

I'd say Nemo's the best on the system personally, but just about everything in this thread so far is gold.

>> No.4135063
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>> No.4135086

Great job with the music like any other capcom game, especially the theme song.

>> No.4135115
File: 194 KB, 592x452, batman-nes-screen-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The platforming in this game was pretty great. The bosses suck, though.

Was there another platforming game where you play as a rabbit? On the Bucky wikipedia page I only see the NES game and arcade game. I thought there were some Amiga games or something,

>> No.4135150
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I like Little Samson.