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4111769 No.4111769 [Reply] [Original]

What game invented wall jumping?
What game invented charge shots?
What game invented sliding?

Talk about iconic mechanics and what games you think invented them.

>> No.4111771

I don't care which invented it but Megaman X implemented it the best

>> No.4111772

Wall jumping is trash. If you fuck up and fall down a pit, you shouldn't be able to recover from it. Take your punishment.

>> No.4111783

Depends how the game is designed. If a wall jump is hard to pull off and allows skillfull players one last chance, why not implement it to up the skill ceiling? And if a wall jump allows for other interesting level design, what is the harm in allowing players to avoid pits?

>> No.4111814

Absolutely, MMX2 was my very first video game, and I remember the wall jumping just blew my 7 year old mind at the time.

>> No.4111909
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Ninja Gaiden
TMNT Arcade

>> No.4111912

Tell you what tho, I have a hard-on for those timed hits in SMRPG

>> No.4111917

MM2 did not have a charge shot.

>> No.4111920
File: 19 KB, 200x149, smb_walljump2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know? SMB and SMB3 have frame-perfect walljumps.

>> No.4111921

t. hardcuck gamur

>> No.4111928

Yes, though it is debatable how well known that was back in the day when games like Ninja Gaiden and Batman on NES were made.

>> No.4111960

Atomic Fire.

>> No.4111967

Oh. Right. I keep forgetting that weapon because it was so fucking bad (like most weapons in MM2, why is that title so revered?)

>> No.4111971

t. only spammed metal blades in mm2 like a scrub

mm2 weapons have the highest interaction amount with the level designs of any classic megaman game

>> No.4112008

>t. only spammed metal blades in mm2 like a scrub
I beat that game once a months, mostly buster only because classic Megaman is the most fun like that. I usually restrain myself from using metal blade even if I use robot master weapons.

MM2's weapons are also designed to
>be used at one moment and one moment only (flash stopper)
>drain too much energy (charged atomic fire)
>be marginally better versions of your normal buster (quick boomerang, non-charged atomic fire)
>have wonky hit detection (air shooter)
>have very few parts where they are useful (lead bubble)
>utterly break the game completely (metal blade)

Crash Man and Wood Man are okay, but Crash Bomber has a straight upgrade in utility in Drill Bomber, and Leaf Shield is kinda weird as a shield since you cannot move while using it, effectively turning it into a large projectile unless you are on a moving platform.

Anyway, almost all of those weapons have better versions in later games
>lead bubble -> search snakes
>atomic fire -> pharaoh shot
>metal blade -> shadow blade (balanced much better)
>MM2 Flash Stopper -> MM4 Flash Stopper

Megaman 2 is a relict, I would much rather play any of its sequels today.

>> No.4112023

My childhood is a lie...

>> No.4112160

>What game invented charge shots?

Dragon NInja had its "fire punch" a year before Megaman 2 came out. Not sure if you'd count that, but the basic premise was you held the punch button down to build up a stronger attack.

>> No.4112170

R-Type has the first iconic charge shot plebs

>> No.4112193


Oh yeah, R-Type. I was sure there was a shoot-em-up that had it before Dragon Ninja, but I kept thinking it was Gradius for some reason, and I checked that and nope.
Then I figured it was my brain playing tricks on me for a minute.

Hang on, I have to go yell at some kids on my lawn.

>> No.4112196

Most of these "inventions" are really intuitive shit that would be discovered sooner or later

>> No.4112208
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That's amazing, Captain Obvious! Any other useless observations you want to make in lieu of contributing to the discussion?

>> No.4112210

Any kid who played the hell out of SMB1 has walljumped by accident, and done far weirder stuff

Did Contra invent down+A to go through a platform?

>> No.4112213

Probably well known given how it was how floors worked back then where every sprite block had a "surface"

>> No.4112352

Nah, i think it should be limited to 1 walljump at least.

Double jump is shit tho, nobody can jump hard enough to gain air traction

>> No.4112367

Answer to all three is Donkey Kong

>> No.4112368

What game invented grappling hook mechanics?

>> No.4112384


Bionic Commando, obviously.

>> No.4112458

Considering those are all things that existed in various media prior to video games, the answer would be "none".

>> No.4112565
File: 5 KB, 560x384, castlewolfenstein_appleii.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically every stealth game is patterned after the original Castle Wolfenstein. As rudimentary as it was, it totally defined the core gameplay of the genre for decades to come. It even invented mechanics as seemingly advanced as hold-ups and disguises.

>> No.4112568

What game invented grab and throw mechanics? First one I can think is SMB2USA

>> No.4112573

Well, yeah
the same can be said for most inventions in real life
Do you really think nobody would think of the airplane if it weren't for the Wright brothers?

>> No.4112742
File: 199 KB, 480x268, MegaMan4Inline_1272047571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MM4 was thefirst MM to implement charge shot. But not the first game.

>>4111771 Hell yeah.

>> No.4112743


Oh yeah, I played that on my C64. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that all you could do was shoot people in Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.4112767


I've only ever done this by accident.

>> No.4112769


That was my first RPG and I still instinctively time button presses when attacks connect in RPGs because of that.

>> No.4112772


Same here, beat Mario 1, 2, and 3 on the NES, too.

>> No.4112797

You can't bitch about Metal Blade and then talk up MM4's Time Stopper. That thing is just as much of a broken piece of shit.

>> No.4112870

I agree that Megaman 4's time stopper is pretty op, but it does not break the game the same way metal blade does. It does not let you easily dispatch enemies above you, and if you use it for everything it will quickly run out of energy. On top of that, only one boss in the game is weak to it (or even effected by it), while every other boss in MM2 is weak to metal blade - not necessarily in the sense that they take more damage, but mechanically they are easier to hit with it.

>> No.4113746

MM4 came out in 1991
Metroid came out in 1986

What was that, Fag?

>> No.4113748

My bad anon, reading comprehension didn't kick in til after I hit send.>>4112742

>> No.4113751

Metroid came out in 1986. R-type came out in 1987.

>> No.4113760

This. I just replayed Super Mario Bros. and Lost Levels from the Super Mario All-Stars version and I've managed to walljump several times, even if they were all accidental and useless because I fell down in a pit anyway.
Never managed to do it on an emulator but that has more to do with me not putting in much effort playing on emulators than input latency.

>> No.4113782

Wait, there was a charge shot in Metroid?

>> No.4113821
File: 76 KB, 350x507, Super_Mario_Bros_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The walljump in SMB is the reason why Mario isn't actually dying on the black label cover. They even added some lines to symbolize momentum