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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4108116 No.4108116 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend any games you want to any anon who asks.

I am looking for a deep RPG with lots of interesting mechanics.

Games I enjoyed:
Baldur's Gate
Pillars of Eternity
Wasteland 2
Star Ocean
Phantasy Star series

I just want something fun with crafting, creeping, good progression.

Please and thank you.

>> No.4108149

SaGa is a given, since this is /vr/ and all.

>> No.4108150


Lost Saga? Saga Frontier? I'm sorry.

>> No.4108216

Romancing SaGa 2-3 and SaGa Frontier yes

>> No.4108523

Dungeon Master
Dark Sun
Lands of Lore
Ultima VII

>> No.4109117

It's a pretty shit game in general, but the crafting system from it is absolutely amazing.
Wonderland Online.
If anyone could help me find another crafting system like that, I'd be so down.

>> No.4109137

Give me your top ten games for....


Wanna build one of those Raspberry Pis I hear about.

>> No.4109158

SaGa's pretty much the go to if you really want mechanically deep JRPGs, there's other stuff too but SaGa's pretty much the overall best you can get in most categories, and most games are in English by now. If you want more you need japanese knowledge since most of the other mechanically complex games like Gunparade March or the Lunatic Dawn series are JP only to this day.

>> No.4109665

In no particular order:

Wild Guns (SNES)
Nightmare Creatures (PS1)
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (PS1 or Saturn)
Shatterhand (NES)
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS1)
Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast)
Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)
Doom 64 (N64)
Streets of Rage II (Genesis)
Run Saber (SNES)

Some of my personal favorites

>> No.4109990

Looking for an obscure game on PS1

No RPGs or platformers.

Just something out there and interesting that you'd want to bring to a friend's house just to show them

>> No.4110286
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Vib Ribbon
One Piece Mansion

>> No.4110685
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mad panic coaster
chou aniki
gaball screen
gamera 2000
fantastic pinball
oh no!
tempest x3
magical drop f
bishi bashi special

also Rascal and Bubsy 3D if you like bad games

>> No.4112960
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Any other RPGs like the classic Fallout games I might have missed? I mean isometric view, turn based combat, and the do-what-the-fuck-you-want gameplay. Surely there must be other games like Fallout 1 & 2.

>> No.4113169

Arcanum. Exact same formula and same creator

>> No.4114001

I'm desperately looking for a game recommendation. I've never played any of the pc classics. Recently played Harvester and it was AMAZING.
Thought about getting into the ultima series but I think it might need too much investment.

what are some great, quirky/unique games that you should definitely have played?

>> No.4114054
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If you liked Harvester you should check out Postal series, especially Postal 2. Not a point'n'click adventure, but it definitely has some of the adventure game elements... and oh yeah, there is blood and gore.

Also check out Phantasmagoria 1 & 2. They're point'n'click adventure games with FMV, just like Harvester. They kinda suck as games, but if you play them as "interactive movies", they should be right up your alley. Especially if you enjoyed Harvester.

>> No.4114063
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I'm searching for simple strategy games that anyone can play. Something like Worms: Armageddon or Jyutei Senki on SNES.

The Neverhood. It's a very different point 'n click adventure game made by the creator of Earthworm Jim.

>> No.4114259
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NES: no idea... (grown up with C64, Amiga and GameGear only) the Caveman Uglympics (C64) Port "Caveman Games" looked fun on the NES
Genesis: Mega Turrican
N64: maybe "Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2: Oudou Keishou" (huge and active Modding scene)
Jaguar: Tempest 2000
PC-FX: some say "Der Langrisser" is good, but I never played it.

I might be biased... but anyway:
SNES: Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium
PS1: Fire Pro Wrestling G
Saturn: Fire Prowrestling S: 6 Men Scramble
Dreamcast: Fire Pro Wrestling D

And guess what series got a sequel just today...
To bad it's on the PC (and only early access right now), but I'm gonna pick it up when it's released for PS4

>> No.4114282
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Pretty much all games from Square(/ENIX)' Development Division No. 5 are highly recommended (Einhänder, Parasite Eve II).

Not Retro according to the Board Rules but I liked their "All Star Pro Wrestling" Series, especially ASPW3 on the PS2.

Too bad I don't hear anything from this Division anymore, I guess they're closed. IMO was #5 the best Squaresoft Division, even better then the ones developing the Final Fantasy Games.

>> No.4114285


Might and Magic 3 - 5
Ultima Underworld
Anvil of Dawn (extremely underrated)

>> No.4114294


>> No.4114303

Got a PSP? Get Elminage Original, it's pretty much a Wizardry clone where several rings are scattered across the region in completely random locations, and you need to do sidequests to power a compass that can find them.

It's basically Wizardry with a lightning fast interface. Elminage Gothic is on the PC but it's a really shit port.

>> No.4114306

That's not retro, anon.

>> No.4115423
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Only picking 1 game per series

NES: Mario 3, Castlevania 3, Mega Man 2, Zelda 1, Kirby's Adventure, Gimmick!, Metal Storm, Metroid, Final Fantasy 3, Summer Carnival '92 Recca :^)

SNES: Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Super Castlevania 4, Super Ghouls n' Ghosts, Yoshi's Island, Donkey Kong Country 2, Final Fantasy IV, Mega Man X, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger

Genesis: Sonic 2, Contra Hard Corps, Streets of Rage 2, Rocket Knight Adventures, Phantasy Star IV, Castlevania Bloodlines, Golden Axe 2, Revenge of Shinobi, Shining Force 2, Monster World IV

PS1: Metal Gear Solid, Spyro the Dragon, Ape Escape, Symphony of the Night, Crash Team Racing, Final Fantasy IX, Oddworld, Klonoa, Vandal Hearts, Suikoden 2



N64: Banjo-Tooie, Super Mario 64, Kirby 64, Mario Kart 64, Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong 64, Super Smash Bros, Yoshi's Story, Paper Mario, Goldeneye



>> No.4115426


>> No.4115603

Why not M&M 6? I thought it was considered the best one.

>> No.4115608
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it is, but it doesn't play like Grimrock

>> No.4115662
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The Divide: Enemies Within. It's basically super metroid in 3D on the PS1 and has an interesting development story made by people who made the Bevis and Butthead game on the Genesis.

>also since there was no metroid on N64 this is the best your gonna get.

>also camera you can move.

>> No.4115785

Megaman 2
Double Dragon 2 (solo is boring tho)
Final fantasy

Mario kart
Super mario world

Gran turismo
DDR disney mix

Animal crossing
Mario 64
Mario kart 64
Pokemon snap

>> No.4115792

Please recommend me a good story game. I love Policenauts and didn't liled at all sam and max hit the road's crazy puzzles (the story and humor is good tho)

>> No.4115828

I see. What would you compare VI to? I heard someone call it a RPGy DOOM. If that's the case I might go for World of Xeen instead, as I really liked the Grimrock games.

>> No.4115853
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SNES Famicom Detective Club Part II.

>> No.4115854

I can't really compare it to anything. I always thought the Doom comparison is silly since long distance attacks are way less effective than point blank shots and melee attacks, at least after the first couple hours. The game has a fairly unique pace for a blobber since you can either use the active time to dodge projectiles and enemies(while rightclick freezes the action) or press enter for turn based combat, to slow down approaching attackers.

>> No.4115864

Dude, you post on the Fire Pro Wrestling Arena?

>> No.4115867


>> No.4115870

Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James

>> No.4115978

I watched the Game Center CX episode on famicom detective club on famicom disk. Is it in full japanese?

>> No.4116042

Is there any reason playing Ultima Underworld over Arx Fatalis?

>> No.4116064
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what do you mean. sure arx fatalis is 10 years younger, but ultima underworld is still enjoyable, playing it atm and i have a blast. all 3 games are very good

>> No.4116245
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Not very oft anymore. I was much more active when Fire Pro Club was still around.

>> No.4116310
File: 199 KB, 575x431, SOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any RPGs with a feel-good setting similar to Grandia, Skies of Arcadia, Lunar and PoPoLoCrois?
I've been feeling a little down lately and I'm looking for something lighthearted and fun.

>> No.4116315
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Don't get a rPi. They're underpowered.

>> No.4116320

>using vidya to cope with depression
Literally just take molly a couple of times, anon.

>> No.4116343
File: 176 KB, 600x599, rhapsody-a-musical-adventure-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a translation patch:

Pic related is a funny and lighthearted comedy RPG with some musical segments.

>> No.4116350

Dark cloud seems up your alley. The second one is more accessible and polished, but you can start with either one.

>> No.4116354

The music sucks, and there isn't enough of it to justify it as a "musical adventure"

The game is easy as fuck. Mashing O (auto-resolve turn) literally wins you the game

It's super fucking japanese, which you'll either love or hate.

6/10 at best.

>> No.4116361

Tecmo's Deception. In short you operate a fucked up mansion and organize traps to kill anyone who enters (or let them go, morality plays a part).

>bishi bashi special
Had a lot of fun with my roommates playing this.

>> No.4116371
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Well so far I love it! Thanks for this discovery anons!

>> No.4116374

Dune 2

>> No.4116451

The Trails in the Sky games might be what you're looking for, but they are not retro.

How about Lufia II?

>> No.4116535

What's the best version of the original Prince of Persia?

>> No.4116548
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Thanks, anon!

MS-DOS and SNES(this one is a remake, though).

>> No.4116568

SNES, FM Towns, PC Engine and Mac

>> No.4116570

Okay, sweet. I'll play the MS-DOS version first. Thanks!

>> No.4116802

Raspberry Pi 3 B+ runs GBA games full speed without overclocking

>> No.4117116

It's not like DOOM. It's a one of a kind game and MM3-5 aren't like grimrock either since it's TB. If you want something like Grimrock check out Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2.

>> No.4117191

Shining in the Darkness is good

>> No.4117239

Copy and pasting from a different thread:

I'm looking for recommendations for Japanese Saturn games that generally fall under one or more of the following criteria: a) never released outside of Japan, b) Japanese version of the game is substantially cheaper than the English version, and c) there are substantial differences between the Japanese and English versions (e.g., because there's a lot of text to translate for example, so this would push me more towards RPGs than shmups, but I'm open to hearing about shmups too). Basically just any reason that would make it worth my while to get the Japanese version of a game. I already have all the Panzer Dragoon games so no need to recommend those again.

>> No.4117941

I'm looking for more games like King's Field, basically first-person dungeon crawlers that don't have tile-based movement.

>> No.4118152

Can somebody recommend a game like UFO Defense?

>> No.4118471

>Ultima Underworld
>Arx Fatalis

I guess you could kind of argue games like System Shock and Deus Ex fall into that category as well, worth a shot.

>> No.4119302

I'm not sure but, I think Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession might be non-tile-based.

>> No.4119313
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Jagged Alliance 2 with the Stracciatella source port

>> No.4119328 [DELETED] 

>Baldur's Gate
Sorry, i'm not a SJW or shill for beamdog. No idea why you're even here, mate.

>> No.4119330

>Muh ARM
>Muh Android
Of course they're underpowered.

>> No.4119481


>> No.4119895

As if it's hard to emulate GBA. This guy wants N64.

>> No.4119902

Are any of the GBA/DS Castlevania games better than SotN?

>> No.4119906

Is there anything beside Jagged Alliance? I played both, it was pretty great.

>> No.4120715

Fallout Tactics but it's... NOT RETRO.

>> No.4120719

Postal 1 is a horrible game.And I used to pay 20 bucks for it. Burnt. It was worse than worst flash games.


>> No.4120736

Can someone recommend something active but relaxing? I'm bed ridden, the dog won't stfu and I can't sleep. I'm about ready to neck myself with frustration. I've got a cracked psp for emulating things.

FPS, adventure games and anything with monster or card collecting would be nice. And no Digimon world sucks so let's not go there

>> No.4120740


Oh wait RwS fixed it with the unreal engine, so it's not completely shit now.

>> No.4120780

>Digimon world sucks so let's not go there
Monster Rancher 1 and 2 for PSX, but I don't think the whole "read CD or ISO to get a unique monster out of it" works with the PSP emulator.

>> No.4120783
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Card Fighters Clash 2.

>> No.4120786

AF was suppose to be UW3, but it plays quite different and the spells kind of suck compared to the original UWs.

The fly spell doesn't even let you fly, you just float and then you have to find some point of elevation, then "run" across the air to another spot you want to go to. The jumping "puzzle" in Level 8 was also worse than all the jumping you had to do for UW1.

>> No.4120814
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Pokémon Trading Card Game 1&2 (the second one has a translation patch)
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories & Dark Duel Stories

>> No.4120835

Already finished those but thank you for the suggestion

>> No.4120838

>How about Lufia II?
>Warp away and save your life!
>Crumbling tower
Yeah, this surely beats depression. Don't forget devastated villages.

>> No.4120852

Chocobo Dungeon. Because chocobos are comfy amirite? No furry, bro.

>> No.4120883

>RwS fixed it

Scary thought. God damn I miss the old RWS community... Nipple Zombie...

>> No.4120908

Finished it yesterday, fun game with some spooky stuff. Really great 80's anime atmosphere. I Rec it as well.

>> No.4121028

I really don't have much experience with video games before the PS2, as that was when I finally started buying my own games and forming my own taste. I really want to go back and play some older games i never had the chance to now though. However I'm worried that my modern sensibilities will stop me from enjoying them. For example i'm really interested in the Ultima series, but honestly I think it would be impenetrable for me right now. What are some good games for me to get my head in a "retro" mindset, without scaring me off?

>> No.4121583

I got the avernum series and beat , could someone recommend to me a list of essential retro crpgs?

>> No.4121650

Looking for a JRPG with a big map and a lot of exploration opportunities. I'm not a big fan of tiny overworlds with big areas, but they are acceptable. No Final Fantasy games.

Someone told me Lunar Silver Story is great, but it has been on my backburner forever so I'm looking for other stuff as well.

>> No.4122128
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This game. Even when you don't manage to finish it, you will have fun.

>> No.4122258


It Came From the Desert
Under a Killing Moon

>> No.4122276

aria of sorrow on the gba is still one of my favorite castlevania games, really recommend it

>> No.4123117

>god games, or stuff like civilization where you rule over worlds or cities etc

not sure exactly what im looking for but the idea tickles my autism

>> No.4123124
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this maybe?

>> No.4123142

yeah this is the kind of stuff i like
this game looks fun, ill give it a try, cheers anon

>> No.4124368

What can you tell me about Gunparade March?

>> No.4124415

I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

>> No.4124417

What are some other RPGs with "lightning fast" interfaces? Already know early M&M games

>> No.4124434

Children of the Nile
Settlers series
HoMM series
Emperor of the Fading Suns
Master of Orion series
Star Wars Rebellion
The Horde
Populus series
Ceasar series
Fallen Haven
Alpha Centauri

>> No.4125416

I recently just got a EDGB and EDGBA. What are some good action RPGs/action adventures for the former, at the least?

I already know about FFA and LoZ:LA, so moreso outside of those. IIRC, there was some Super Chinese game, GBC Daikatana was also suppose to be decent.

>> No.4126456
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Recommend me some good arcade racing games for MAME or any console. This is what I played so far:
>Ridge Racer Type 4
>Daytona USA (Saturn port)
>Sega Rally Championship
>Cruis'n USA
>The Top Gear games