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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4106329 No.4106329 [Reply] [Original]

What triggers your autism about retro games? For me it's the title of the Gradius games. It should be Gladius. I can't play those games because of it.

>> No.4106347

That's not autism. I have actual autism and you sound just plain retarded.

>> No.4106354

I dunno, anon. Doesn't sound like triggering or autism to me. Sounds more like a pet-peeve.
In the not-too-distant past, we used to have separate terms for things we didn't like instead of faking a mental disability/illness just so we could throw around the no-go card and get special treatment.

Anyway, enough of me being pissy about where modern language has gone. Mine is when games have areas that have items on/in them that you can't get to. Gets me every time.

>> No.4106360

Shut the fuck up

>> No.4106365

Nevermind, I cant play it niether

>> No.4106379

Hacks that don't run on hardware because they rely on bad emulators. Hello N64!

>> No.4106392

This, what's the point of a romhack if the romhack doesn't actually work? Just make a new game if you want to make a new game.

>> No.4106865

I dunno much about ROM Hacks, admittedly.
The experience I did have with them turned me off in general. Of course, this was also about 10 years ago that I began futzing around with them.
I started out getting a Pokemon ROMhack for Yellow, and I couldn't get it to work. No harm done, whatever. Then I got a SMW one, I don't exactly remember what it was, but it added some different upgrade mechanics. That one I got working just fine, however... I found that most of the new upgrades broke the game in some way that made every level so much easier. Scrapped that one and found another one. I was thinking "Well, maybe someone else made a ROM for this that doesn't invalidate half the levels or make it extremely fucking hard." Which I gave up trying to find after 2 days of searching and testing. Okay, Mario is out. Tried some Sonic ones, and those weren't too bad, but at this point, I just scrapped everything and went to play Vectorman.

>> No.4107536

I almost stopped playing Earthbound and thought about replaying it because I didn't know that the only equipable weapon from Poo was the Sword of the Kings that's a low % random drop in a dungeon and you have to farm it before you defeat the boss. I only found that out AFTER defeating the main Starman dude and almost had a stroke how annoyed I was for finding that out. I did eventually finish the game, but even as the end credits rolled I was still annoyed that one of my characters had an empty equipment slot.

>> No.4107620
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>> No.4107653

Why exactly should it be gLadius?

>> No.4107689

Fuck you, round-eyed burger vacuum. Life triggers your autism, not our games.

>> No.4107706

Gladius is an actual word. It's a Roman sword. Gradius is just gook gibberish mix up of L and R.

>> No.4109659

Japanese can't distinguish between L and R, they sound the same. Hence Engrish.

>> No.4109661


>> No.4109685

So was it supposed to be L-Type all along?

>> No.4109701
File: 4 KB, 640x400, Rance_I+II_(NEC_PC-9801)_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you don't like Rance too much?

>> No.4109767

Oh, lol ok i can see how that would bug you..but not to that extent.

>> No.4111092

How about Rusty? Is that one right or...?

>> No.4111153

I used to think it was a pun on gladius, with the "grad" referring to the unique (at the time) weapon upgrade system. But then, I've always had problems with under/overthinking stuff

>> No.4111167

Of course you have autism. You're on a section of an anime image board dedicated to replicating nostalgia and talking about deprecated tech.

>> No.4111176
File: 13 KB, 157x132, 537537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't use arrow keys to move the camera/camera is really jaggy when moved with arrow keys
>have to use screen edge scroll

Most strategy and role playing games do this. X-COM, Fallout, Jagged Alliance etc. Thanks to mods like openXcom you can finally move the camera around with arrow keys.

>> No.4111238
File: 77 KB, 960x540, 1496861266798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, agreed. I almost bought XCOM for PS1 until I realized how long each turn would take. Now I stick to OpenX like you.

>> No.4111274
File: 228 KB, 650x1724, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not Sadius?

>> No.4111328
File: 49 KB, 600x720, sabinbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What triggers your autism about retro games?
Shitty/censored/americanized localizations.

It still happens to this day, but back then it was the norm. I wanna learn to read moon just for pristine Super Famicom RPG experiences.

>> No.4111556

Kek, nice one