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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 193 KB, 475x347, Liberty_or_Death_(USA).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4100649 No.4100649 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else playing this game today?

>> No.4100818

No, but I'll give you a bump. I remember my older brother renting it once and I think it wasn't what either of us were expecting.

>> No.4100863 [DELETED] 

>want liberty
>form a government after revolting
Americuck logic

>> No.4100873

>looks it up
>it's not a Street Fighter 2 clone featuring the founding fathers

Seems like a wasted opportunity with that title. It would have been huge.

>> No.4100875 [DELETED] 

King George did nothing wrong

>> No.4101147

I saw this in a retro gaming store a few years back and had no idea what it was at the time. First thing that sprang to mind was an arcade beat'em up where you played as george washington, and player two was a second george washington with a greener coat.

>> No.4101156 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 217x233, 1436402871541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, it's an anarchist. Point and laugh, you guys!

>> No.4101160

did you guys not see the koei logo?

>> No.4101175

I did but it didn't change very much considering I mainly knew them for musou shit at the time.

>> No.4101205 [DELETED] 

Why do you hate liberty?

>> No.4101403

Rather play P.T.O II

>> No.4101592 [DELETED] 

Not only that, we went from a benevolent monarchy to a corrupt, jewish rule-by-money system, thanks to Hamilton.

>> No.4101669 [DELETED] 

>implying a monarchy isn't a rule-by-money system
How do you think they became monarchs? Hint: it wasn't the Divine Right of Kings

>> No.4101713 [DELETED] 

Wow it's like societies need governments to function. How's campus life treating you? Just kidding I know you're not even in High School yet

>> No.4101742 [DELETED] 

A monarch will care more for the well-being of his nation and peoples than greedy, jewish capitalists.

>> No.4101775 [DELETED] 

The liberty was colony leaders being able to keep more money and stay rich, they tricked the rioting poors into believing that defeating the British would help them in any way and through centuries of embracing anti-intellectualism and absolute retardation, those very poors still believe it.

>> No.4101816 [DELETED] 

This. But it;s not RETRO.

>> No.4101817 [DELETED] 


This. I recommend everyone read "Democracy: The God that Failed" for a nice redpill on the matter.

>> No.4101838

I could never get into the koei games. I somehow got a pretty decent ways into a romance of the 3 kingdoms 4 campaign, but I really don't understand any of the underlying mechanics in these games.

Not that I really need to be nowadays since Total War and Paradox exist.

>> No.4101843

Any advice on getting good at this?

>> No.4102525

Allocating resources efficiently is probably the single most important thing. Also, don't wait too long to start battles.

>> No.4102676

Total War fucking sucks. But then again, a moron who can't even grasp Rot3K 4's mechanics is just a total shitter.

>> No.4102779

Weak snipe