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409108 No.409108 [Reply] [Original]

>9 PE
>95% hit with sniper rifle
>knocked her prone the round before
>meaning she is PRONE NOW
>manual says I get 40%+ to hit if an enemy is prone
>my Small Firearms skill is 108%
>she is prone


>> No.409130


>> No.409229

I don't think it's additive but rather multiplicative(?)
50% chance to hit + 10% = 55%
>something like that
>excuse my math

>> No.409232

>"lol anon why are you playing as a girl?"

>> No.409257

signed char hitchance;

>> No.409273
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>41 Load Games later

god go to fucking hell you piece of shit


but I don't have 50% chance to hit, I hover over the damn thing and it says 95%. Her fucking HEAD says 95% to hit, PLUS she's on the fucking ground. It's like, HOW DO YOU MISS THAT?! how bad of a roll could I have made? And it wasn't just that time. It was multiple times in the combat. I would miss at least 3 times before I died. Plus my crits are much lower in killing her.

Also why the fuck does she get to attack me 4 times? My AG is fucking 9, does that mean nothing? I get Deathclaws are "fast," but for fucks sake.

Deathclaws can just go to fucking hell. Which they did. Because I fucking sent them there.

>> No.409274

95% is the cap for hitchance. Use your head, bro.

>> No.409293
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is that even english?


well that makes more sense

still think I should be doing at least 100 damage on her eyes with targeted shot.

then again, this ain't no Deus Ex. Guess she's just a higher "level" than me. I'm level 10 I think.

>> No.409303
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What's your luck?

>> No.409295

oh yeah i forgot the 95% change hit cap
>yeah bad rolls

>> No.409313
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>> No.409320


Level doesn't affect your damage. Enemy DR and your gun's damage do.

Aiming for the eyes has a high critical hit rate. Meaning there's a good chance you'll do massive damage or even instantly kill her, but nothing is guaranteed. Bad rolls happen.

>> No.409321


ah shit I just realized.

it's my strength isn't it.

you usually don't think Str has ANYTHING to do with how much damage you deal with a GUN, but hey, it's not my system, so, whatever.

Well I guess I'll just fucking live with it.

>> No.409338


6 STR is enough to wield a sniper rifle with no accuracy penalties.

>> No.409340
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>10 luck
>more criticals
>better criticals

now that's my playstyle in most rpgs

>> No.409356


ah, I see.

>> No.409347


yeah I think that's what I was going for. I need a better gun I guess.

>> No.409349


No, it's programming. A signed char has a max positive value of 128. His total hit chance was 108 + 40.

(not saying that's definitely what it is, or even that it's likely)

>> No.409365
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>> No.409381


hey that's my picture! cool.

and it's being used against me. ha.

someone suggested I get it early on. Guess that was a bad move.

I stopped taking suggestions while back. I just wanted to understand the SPECIAL system a bit more, so I read up on some recommendations on how to start your char.

>> No.409382


>crit build
>no finesse

Sniper is great (every hit a critical at 10 luck), but not useful in Fallout 1 unless you're looking to grind. So more criticals+finesse+10 luck+eye shot is the best you can do. You crti rate is not as high as you think it is, basically.

>> No.409387


alright. i'll get finesse next.

>> No.409421

Oh, nevermind. Your build looked really good, so I assumed you'd played Fallout more than once already. Awareness is highly suggested for the first time, as it's very useful if you're not familiar with the enemy's HPs.

>> No.409415

Mistakes you made in Fallout:

>accidentally returning Tandi to Shady Sands instead of keeping her as an NPC
>finishing that deathclaw mission, so you couldn't milk it for easy/quick XP

On the other hand, I did get captured by the supermutants and somehow broke out of the military base. I don't know how the fuck I pulled that off, but it was amazan'

>> No.409426

>16 years old

That's way too young to be carrying a firearm.

>> No.409438

>Mistakes you made in Fallout:
Giving companions a burst weapon. Ever.

>> No.409472
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yeah I figured the build I wanted was a crit one with guns


and what if I wanted a russian 16-year old who sleeps with female prostitutes and carries a big gun? this is fallout we're talkin here.

>> No.409534

Taking Finesse is arguable. If you're going for eye/head shots whenever possible you already have a massive chance of getting a critical hit and in exchange you're losing a rather significant amount of raw damage. And since crits multiply damage, you're probably losing out overall.

>> No.409547


oh you

>> No.409584

>standing in front of Ian while he is holding a 10mm SMG

>> No.409616
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>implying he doesn't just walk right up behind you before unloading that shit

>> No.409627


No you wont. It's a trait. Your build pretty good, though, so I wouldn't worry.

Plus, you're playing one of the easiest games in the easiest genre. You shouldn't have much trouble even with a subpar build.

>> No.409658

them % are a modificator, not an ultimative value

>> No.409724


What is the argument against awareness?

>> No.409767

If you've played the game more than once, you probably already know, or at least have a good idea of, all the information Awareness can give you. For a first playthrough I think it's incredibly useful, but for subsequent playthroughs there are more "fun" perks to take.

>> No.409813

Same, normally I would have thought I'd agree with the "more guaranteed damage is better" but the high luck shitloads of crits strategy has gotten me through so much that I'm a convert. If you already have an edge it just makes your edge better, if you get caught unprepared you can have luck make up for that as well.

It hasn't let me down, surprisingly enough, and it is nowhere near the gamble I thought it would be.

>> No.409871

now see, if this was pen and paper, the GM would note that while your roll was a "miss", you realistically might still hit their head

this is a problem with computers, they can't think of the context, and only of the hard numbers.

>> No.409959

>prone targets should be easier hit than standing targets
also did you just load 41 times to beat a pre-seeded dice rolls?

i think you may be clinicaly retarded.

>> No.410137

One argument FOR Awareness is that the other level 3 perks are pretty mediocre. Only Toughness and maybe Quick Pockets/Strong Back are really any good.

>> No.410239


It's Fallout OP, it's full of the most retarded combat ever.

I still want to know how a character can critically miss, damage themselves, and lose their next turn in the process.

>> No.410514


>> No.410567

Backfire from a shoddily-maintained firearm could be a culprit, especially in a post-apocalyptic world.

>> No.410608

a roll of 95-100 might be a fumble in any case, it's a common rpg rule

>> No.410720


Critical misses are incredibly rare unless you've given yourself sub-par luck, so it could be rationalised as something utterly ridiculous like your weapon exploding in your face, or a bullet ricocheting off something and hitting you, etc.

>> No.410734


I understand how it could work with a gun, but a melee weapon doesn't make sense, how could you hit yourself with a weapon that you swing outward?


Nah, it never happens to me, it just seemed to happen a lot to my enemies, mainly raiders and ghouls.

>> No.410757

Glancing blow. Causing the swing to go wild or just bouncing off what's er you are hitting and getting smacked in the face

>> No.410761


Oh. Guess that make sense, I was just thinking everyone is retarded and somehow hits himself.

It's still retarded though.

>> No.410762

I almost destroyed my leg by swinging an axe to chop some wood, having it ricochet and go with full force against my right leg. luckily i hit with the blunt side.

And i wasn´t even fighting ghouls

>> No.410824
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>Speach tagged
>Charisma at 2

>> No.410851


Critical hits ignore damage penalties in their calculations, you'll always do full damage with a crit.

>> No.410869


Once when my uncle was chopping wood, he hit a log (it must have been rotten or something) so hard it split pretty much as the axe hit it, which bounced off the concrete, flew out of his hands and stuck in the weatherboard wall behind him.
After witnessing that, I find it pretty easy to imagine someone injuring themselves while swinging a sledgehammer around.

>> No.410883

I always, ALWAYS get maximum luck in every game I play. INT and CHA follow closefully
I mean seriosly. Get 10 luck in Fallout 1, walk around untill you get special encounters for allien blaster and 10k caps, which will happen pretty soon. Then you go to the south city, find a weapon shop, and stock on allien blaster ammo. The rest of the game turns in to walk in the park.

>> No.411029

Shit happens. My uncle lost his eye because he dropped a fork on the kitchen floor, bent over to pick it up and the fucking thing bounced straight up and hit him in the eye. So I agree, it's not that difficult to believe you could injure yourself while wildly swinging a melee weapon.

>> No.411082

Wtf? His problem was chopping wood on top of concrete. Horrible idea. He should have known better

>> No.412867



>> No.413041

What a moron.

>> No.413078

Forks don't bounce that high even if you fucking throw them. I suspect he lost his eye to a tranny hooker and made up the story.

>> No.413251

>charisma in Fallout 1
it's pretty much useless until 2

>> No.413314

Nah, pretty sure it was the fork.

>> No.413956

guise, don't forget that the skills stats go up till 300%, so having 100% doesn't mean you'll hit everytime

>> No.413973

So I'm about to start Fallout 2. What's the recommended character build?

>> No.414281

Same question, but for Fallout 1.

>> No.414327

nah, recommended. fallout is one of very few games, where your experience is actually really differs depending on your build. you can play sniper, heavy weapon guy, close combat guy (really fun), retard, luckfest fucker, etc...for example, if you play high charisma, speech, sexappeal etc build, it plays almost like dialog based adventure.

>> No.414418 [DELETED] 

[SPOILER]It's still useless even in 2. It merely works with some character interactions (negligible) and companions (up to you). Otherwise, you can just get like 100-120% Speech with Charisma 2 and put Lincoln to shame anyway. It's intelligence that matters, for dialogue options.[/SPOILER]

For both Fallout games an everyman can be played. I recommend tagging Small Guns or Melee Weapons (your call, either works, though Small Guns is obviously for a "sniper" (weapons of all kinds, from sniper rifles to full automatic belong here) and Melee Weapons is for brawling), Lockpick (useful to get places), Speech (because it lets you do a lot of cool stuff you wouldn't be able to otherwise). Start with a minimum of 7 IN, it unlocks most "smart" dialogue options. Get decent Agility. Average Strength. Decent Perception. Charisma for flavor. Luck is preference. As the game goes you want to invest a few points into Energy Weapons (FO1/FO2) or Big Guns (FO2) - high caliber will come in handy. Be aware that many skills such as Science and Repair are niche skills that can be raised with books.

Gifted trait is broken and an easy choice for a trait.

With those stats you will be able to handle most combat encounters, unlock interesting dialogue options and overall be able to do pretty much every quest with the best possible benefit.

Otherwise, explore it on your own.

>> No.414435

It's still useless even in 2. It merely works with some character interactions (negligible) and companions (up to you). Otherwise, you can just get like 100-120% Speech with Charisma 2 and put Lincoln to shame anyway. It's intelligence that matters, for dialogue options.

For both Fallout games an everyman can be played. I recommend tagging Small Guns or Melee Weapons (your call, either works, though Small Guns is obviously for a "sniper" (weapons of all kinds, from sniper rifles to full automatic belong here) and Melee Weapons is for brawling), Lockpick (useful to get places), Speech (because it lets you do a lot of cool stuff you wouldn't be able to otherwise). Start with a minimum of 7 IN, it unlocks most "smart" dialogue options. Get decent Agility. Average Strength. Decent Perception. Charisma for flavor. Luck is preference. As the game goes you want to invest a few points into Energy Weapons (FO1/FO2) or Big Guns (FO2) - high caliber will come in handy. Be aware that many skills such as Science and Repair are niche skills that can be raised with books.

Gifted trait is broken and an easy choice for a trait.

With those stats you will be able to handle most combat encounters, unlock interesting dialogue options and overall be able to do pretty much every quest with the best possible benefit.

Otherwise, explore it on your own.

>> No.414502

>Mother Deathclaw
>knocks HIM out

Black Isle Studios confirmed for CIS scum. Good riddance!

>> No.414606

Combat hit chance in Fallout simplified:

Maximum chance to hit is ALWAYS 95%. No matter if the target is prone, unconscious and attacker has 10 PER and 300% skill in the weapon they're wielding. This is represented as being the numbers 2-20 on a twenty-sided die.

Wait, why am I talking about twenty sided dice (d20)? Simple. The game combat mechanics were partially designed by noted Dungeons and Dragons contributor "Uncle" Monte Cook. One of the tenants of D&D is that rolling a 1 on d20 is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS at LEAST a miss, if not critical fumble. I cannot stress ALWAYS enough. In modern D&D only literal godlike beings are immune to this rule.

Therefore, your maximum chance to hit is 2-20 (or 95% of the possible outcomes of rolling a d20).

There are no sure shots in D&D and consequently, Fallout either.

>> No.415463


300 huh? well shit, i thought I was going places. I'm kind of humbled and happy about this.

>> No.415482

you always have a chance(5% I think) to miss, always

>> No.415503

>MOTHER Deathclaw

Anyway, yeah Fallout can have some bullshit moments

>> No.416003


/tg/ makes fun of this regularly, but we all understand the practical reasons for it.

Western vidyers have always kept that Gygaxian element where your carefully built, level 11 character can be gibbed with one bad move.

>> No.416253
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that's funny you say that, I recently read that GoG.com article about how most of the dev team, before they made F1, were huge GURPS players.

does anyone know how to make this weird graphic glitch of white stop?

>> No.416287

Chris Avellone said that when he and his team were working on Van Buren they noticed that all the tables were entirely messed up and non-sensical when they translated everything to work as a pen and paper gmae.

>> No.416306
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>p&p Fallout

Where can I buy it?

>> No.417968
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What would be a suggested build for a Judge Dredd style playthrough of the game?

If being Neutral Lawful is possible.