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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4089953 No.4089953 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get good at fighting games /vr/? I love the idea of the old Capcom fighters but when it comes to playing them I fucking suck.

I'm using Kawaks to currently play through X-Men vs Street Fighter on a keyboard and boy is it hell. I can only win by cheesing with Storm.

>> No.4090016

I just don't play fighting games that require retarded inputs on the D pad to do anything special.

The skill should be in timing your hits and dodges, not hoping that the game recognizes your quarter circle before your foe wrecks you.

>> No.4090018

The first step is practicing inputs, keyboard can be really good, but it's a whole different set of muscle memory so only focus on it if you plan to play like that a lot.

>> No.4090019

Supposedly people are beasts with keyboard and even make fingerboards instead of arcade sticks but consider getting an arcade stick. X-Men vs Street Fighter is pretty slut-easy even on its hardest difficulty against the computer.

Also, playing against the computer can get you into some bad habits that will be exploited when you play against good real players.

>> No.4090028
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That limits you to almost none of them. It is a genre that takes dedication. Getting your moves always coming out is the first maybe 5% of the learning curve.

No joke, one of the best SF players I've ever met is a Korean guy who learned on keyboard and it's all he uses. I'm pretty good in general and I couldn't touch him.

>> No.4090034
File: 35 KB, 299x448, vampire-bishamon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never liked playing fighting games with a keyboard personally. I know guys who actually are pretty damn good using a kb, but I'd much rather have an arcade stick or a saturn pad.
As to how to get good, playing against the CPU is always seen as not useful due to the CPU reading inputs, and it's true, fighting the CPU can be very shitty and make you use tactics that you'd never use against a human player. However, it's useful to get to know all the characters in a game.
The key to learning fighting games is mostly trial and error, see what works best, in games that rely heavily in combo making, you need to figure out the correct flow of a combo, the game helps you by telling you how many consecutive hits you got, but usually you'll get 2, 3, 5 tops hits, then you have to start figuring out what's the next step in that combo.
Or you could, you know, scrub it up and watch youtube videos and copy them.
When you think you have somehow mastered a character, you can try against human players online.
Best way to enjoy fighting vidya is actually against friends, who aren't into competitive scene, but have played fighting games since childhood and know a trick or two.

>> No.4090037

Why is Bishamon (the armor) so smug?

>> No.4090038

Yeah I've heard that and I believe it. In a way I kind of envy people with keyboard skills like that for gaming. It's like what the piano is to music.

On the other hand I wouldn't trade the actual arcade experience for it and I know I'll never shake my preference for arcade sticks but younger dudes beat me with those too these days.

>> No.4090048

>scrub it up and watch youtube videos and copy them.
I think that's how the guy I'm thinking of put together those MvC combos that were just straight ridiculous. I could beat him sometimes with improvised combos and erratic approaches but those combos. Shit.

but then later I fucked his gf so I ain't even mad

>> No.4090052
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>that spoiler
>gramps is now going to start writing NTR fics

>> No.4090063

keyboard is fine. the best thing to do when starting out is play traditional fighting games though. any version of street fighter 2. looking back "breaker's revenge" is a fun starting game.
basically slow games that emphasize the fireball game and how to react accordingly. you can take these skills to other games and do really well.

>> No.4090069
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>> No.4090149

Breakers Revenge is FUCKING amazing. Bless your soul anon.

>> No.4090161

Honestly just play a lot of different kinds of games.

Soul Blade is really good for learning how to do complicated sequences of inputs accurately to perform combos and specials, Rival Schools is good for learning how to anticipate and trap the opponent and play a defensive game and then be able to follow through on an opportunity with a combo, MvC and MvC2 are good for keeping up high pressure and playing aggressively to wear down your opponent and trap them regardless of defenses, and most of the Street Fighters are good for learning how to take advantages of bugs and exploits and precise timing, KoF and FF teach you how to not fuck up in the middle of a fight and get owned, and Guilty Gear will teach you that you are going to be limited by your visual/auditory reaction speed and never be able to overcome the skills you attained while growing up and already had by the time you reached adulthood and barely have any capacity to improve.

If you're really good, you can play Tobal 2, and if it's intuitively fun to play then you are good at fighting games, and if it's not, and you are already in your 20s or older, then you will probably never be good at fighting games, or real life fighting now that I think of it.

Literally your brain will just not be able to process visual/sound information and react fast enough. Anticipating your opponent can really only go so far, especially VS the CPU.

>> No.4090262
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Training mode is your friend anon look up an infinite time and health cheat and start learning

>no go play smash bros

>> No.4090267

>not being able to enter a perfect 720 degree input in a quarter-second frame buffer after parrying a whiffed special
holy shit just fucking cut your hands off casual

>> No.4090659

No need to go that far, but if it seems impossible to you this clearly isn't a genre you'll enjoy much.

>> No.4091072

>Literally your brain will just not be able to process visual/sound information and react fast enough

Not really true. I'm in my 40's and still hold my own well.

>> No.4091261
File: 11 KB, 192x211, kokonoe lecture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how do I get good at fighting games?

this is a question that does not need it's own thread. This is a question that easily could have been posted to a thread in /v/ or /vg/ instead of making yet another bad /vr/ fighting game thread.

PROTIP: playing games made for an arcade cabinet on a keyboard is not going to feel good.

PROTIP 2: playing older games like XvSF is not going to make you a better player, because they don't have a large and active playerbase anymore. Newer games are more likely to have larger amounts of people to play and thus a wider range of skill.

>> No.4093135

>playing games made for an arcade cabinet on a keyboard is not going to feel good.

That's not necessarily true at all.

>> No.4093156

The Capcom VS line is only a few steps above a party game anyway.

>> No.4093164 [DELETED] 
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Vs. fighting games are for degenerate subhumans.

>> No.4093181

Hone your reaction times, that is all I can say, defend when needed and attack when an enemy provides an opening. Usually during an enemy's attack, during the recovery frames (After attack) are when an opponent is vulnerable, exploit that.

>> No.4093187

because you probably developed your processing speed with real world activity

>> No.4093207


>> No.4093210 [DELETED] 

jesus christ dude

>> No.4093212

He's mad he can't get good at either Smash or VS games.

>> No.4093363

Play a bunch and learn from your mistakes.

These games aren't rocket science, especially Capcom games. Capcom games are mostly simple but have a lot of finesse.

>> No.4093414

You mean that I grew up playing actual games and sports for most of my childhood instead of being plopped in front of a Nintendo from the age of 3 onward?

>> No.4093419

>Capcom games are mostly simple
simple how?

>> No.4093465

I'd just play the one you like the best...whether for characters or music or whatever. Fighting games take a lot of practice so it helps to play one with other stuff you like when you're hitting a wall in training

>> No.4093580


Simple as in simple, especially SF2. In fact that's why ST is still relevant, it's simple and that is difficult to improve upon.

Compare stuff like Virtua Fighter to Street Fighter, anybody who thinks they're anywhere near on the same level of complexity just doesn't understand fighting games.

>> No.4093594

you're trying to play videogames that aren't text adventures wirt a keyboard. that's the problem.

do you use a steering wheel to make spreadsheets too?

>> No.4093612

SF and VF are fundamentally very different kind of games.
I could argue Capcom games are more complex because they use 6 buttons instead of VF's 2 button (and an extra button for blocking).
But both games work different ways and both have their own complexity.
VF is not relevant nowadays because it's not as popular as Tekken and Sega kind of gave up after VF5.

>> No.4093731


First of all, this is a retro board, VF5 and after doesn't matter.

Second of all, you'd lose that argument because Street Fighter doesn't use those buttons for very many things. Everyone who plays fighting games knows this. VF characters have over 100 moves each, not counting stance stuff. SF caps at around 40, counting all unique versions of all special moves and the like. Furthermore, movement has more variables which makes the rock/paper/scissors aspect of the game be in constant flux, meaning moves that might usually be useless might suddenly be relevant for reasons of stage positioning, which is something SF generally simplifies to "is someone in the corner? y/n".

None of this is even a bad thing. Like I said, SF games have way more finesse than any 3D game and only a few SNK games reach that.

There is still no contest whatsoever that VF is more complex than SF. Outright correct statement.

>> No.4093798

Doesn't have 100 moves each like VF doesn't mean SF is simple, but I get what you mean. VF is it's own weird thing. Compared to other 2D fighters, Capcom games aren't simpler than most. They're on the more complex side.

>> No.4095207

What the heck is it with Virtua Fighter fans around here?

>> No.4095210

OP, what you need to do is get someone (from here or an IRC channel or somewhere like that) to play with you and give feedback while answering your questions, I see new players try to learn fighting games by hitting combos in training mode or trying to 1CC arcade mode and in both cases they get whipped when they go up against a human opponent because they haven't learned how to get into another player's head

We can definitely answer any questions here but giving actual feedback on the way you play is difficult unless someone plays with you

VF fans behave a lot like GG fans, can't play it without reminding others how technical and advanced it is

>> No.4095225

>What the heck is it with Virtua Fighter fan around here?

Fixed that for you anon

>> No.4095784


I'm not a VF fanboy.

Only someone insecure actually gets upset when they find out a game is more complicated than their favorite.

>> No.4095791

>VF fans behave a lot like GG fans, can't play it without reminding others how technical and advanced it is

But the thing that makes VF good is that it isn't technical, it's dead simple.

>> No.4096043

Not upset nor is SF close to my favorite game, but you sound weirdly over defensive and salty which is a common theme for people who talk about it here it seems.

>> No.4096749

I clear all snk and capcom fighting by notebook keyboard.
It not hard if you try to practice (use WASD to d-pad)

>> No.4096945

Inputs are the biggest barrier to the genre. I don't recommend starting by trying to learn big long combos. Find out something simple and figure out how you can get it in realistically. Once you start to figure out where your windows of opprtunity are you can expand on that.

yes some folks can be good with a keyboard but it's probably worth your while to get a decent controller. you don't need an arcade stick to start to get good but a lot of people enjoy them more and I do think some things are easier on it. there are entire websites dedicated to controllers and pad vs stick.

You're probably not going to evo anytime soon so the sun tzu training Montage of playing every fighting game probably isn't realistic. Find out what you like, have fun and improve. Find people you can play with regularly. Playing against all random opponents makes it tough to learn how to deal with things since you never know what to expect. People have habits, when you start to recognize them you'll begin to build the skills for reading opponents and get the basement floor on mind games.

feel free to add me on discord/steam/skype, razeq8

>> No.4097393

>yes some folks can be good with a keyboard but it's probably worth your while to get a decent controller. you don't need an arcade stick

Keyboard, pad or stick can all be good. But it's important to remember that a lot of learning fighters is building the muscle memory so what you really want to do is make sure whatever control scheme you pick to learn on is the one you plan on sticking with.

It's similar but not as extreme with the games you pick to learn.