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File: 156 KB, 800x699, NinjaGaiden-Stage5-4VamosCarajo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4083457 No.4083457 [Reply] [Original]

Post your personal cryptonite

>> No.4083710

that stupid falling block segment of CV3

>> No.4083719


>> No.4084245

Is Malth your hardest boss?
You could stand in front of him and hold turbo B to stab him repeatedly. His health would go down to 0 faster than your.

>> No.4084392
File: 16 KB, 620x349, super-mario bros 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4084768
File: 404 KB, 544x484, fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't even spell Kryptonite properly
No excuses OP, /co/ would have gladly helped you.

Pic related for me. I can scale the cliffs no problems. I can get through the outside of the base. I can make it past the 3D shooting section. I can even get past that goddamn cave with the insta-kill spikes and the surprise ass-rape pits and the non-stop rain of falling spikes from above. But this section, this section right here is the reason I'll never beat The Lone Ranger.

Enemies in the worst possible places? Check. Instant-kill lava pits? Check. Moving platforms? Check. Entirely new threats that will fuck you up? Check. By the time you reach this part you are probably near death from the caves anyways, so you aren't likely to last long here. Oh, and the enemies aren't affected by the lava so they will chase and shoot at you from fucked up angles you can't respond to.

Oh, and the game isn't done fucking you yet. After you make it past THAT shit, then you get to a top-down view area with conveyor-belt type floors and enemies in places you can't hit. And after you make it past that shit, even more of the same only now with moving fire logs ala Super Mario Bros. Still alive? Ok, the walls are now made out of metal and all bullets ricochet around, so now you suddenly have to worry about ricochet'ing rounds from enemies for the first time in the game. What, not dead yet? Ok, surprise fire traps! Still alive? Ok, time for the mini-boss.

Two guys, armed with fully automatic weapons, one on each side of the screen with you in the middle. They don't shoot, they spray the area. Fuckers throw dynamite too. Provided you manage to beat that, then you finally get a swing at the final boss, who has some BS of his own.

I'll never beat this fucking game without cheats.

>> No.4084898
File: 64 KB, 640x480, medium_3_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085196

Some enemies in TMNT are pretty much designed to not really be killable when fought head on. Like the hedgehogs that shoot spikes at you and chase you down with 100% accuracy while being faster than you. Or the robot kangaroos that take a million hits. Or the jetpack lasermen that always seem to spawn in pairs and just kill you outright.

>> No.4085201

It feels pretty obvious that the game was play tested around the player having an endless supply of throwing weapons. Too many enemies from level 4 onward are just damage sponges without them.

>> No.4085204
File: 41 KB, 312x273, blue-shadow-nes-031_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how to damage the arsehole.

>> No.4085642

He's actually really easy. You can out-dps him so just run up to him and mash attack.

>> No.4086069
File: 12 KB, 171x171, SaGa_Frontier_-_Lich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, any enemy with sonic attacks when the defensive gear giving immunity to it isn't available yet.

>> No.4086078

>hold turbo b
not everyone was a faggy little cheating bitch boy anon

>> No.4086503
File: 1.10 MB, 769x575, bla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4086536

He has more health than the meter can show, just keep going and after a while it starts showing on the life bar. Also there's some system to control which direction he scatters, but I don't remember what it is.

>> No.4086562

Game name?

>> No.4086619

>But this section, this section right here is the reason I'll never beat The Lone Ranger.
>The Lone Ranger
The platform is NES by the way. It's a great game, even better on a CRT with a Zapper for the 3D FPS segments, but it is balls to the wall hard. Possibly one of the more technically impressive games on the NES alongside Kirby's Adventure, Castlevania 3, and Mega Man 6. Just remember the last three levels are hell.

>> No.4086716
File: 405 KB, 240x224, Super_Mario_Bros_3_(NES)_29.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one, I'm a bit embarrassed about it as it fits well with the new "Mario Bros is hard"-meme.

Mario Bros 1 and 2 gave me no trouble, but this arsehole always cost me a couple of lives, even though everything that comes before and most of the levels that come immediately after are smooth sailing. Something about the movement pattern is just extremely hard to predict for me, especially when you change directions. Feels absolutely erratic.

Thanks, that explains it. I watched gameplay videos because I got so frustrated and did not understand how they did it. Is it a bug, or why is it that way?

>> No.4087697

I beat him without turbo easily too

>> No.4088334
File: 15 KB, 259x194, the struggle is real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4089059

This guy >>4084245
You just need to rapidly hit attack on his ass and you'll win. The stage after him is fairly bullshit especially with Ninja Gaidens atrocious hit detection where a good portion of the time your fucking sword is stabbing people in the dick before they hit you but you still get hit anyway. Especially when they throw shit at you like having to jump over bullets where two hawks fly at you and you get ground charged all at the same fucking time all instantly spawning up on your shit.

>> No.4089071
File: 6 KB, 167x115, Cheogh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you people played Blood on Windows or DOS, you'll understand this fucker...

>> No.4089074


Oh fuck those assholes. The hellhounds too.

>> No.4089157

Some anon said he got through this hallway without using the trick, but I don't believe it.

>> No.4089161

The final levels of plok

especially the fucking helicopter one

>> No.4089380


You can skip portions of the Fleapit levels by diving under them, including the helicopter level. https://youtu.be/bE29WqjbEGc?t=30m27s

If it helps, all the hitboxes in Plok are crosshairs, so projectiles/enemies that graze the corner of the heli won't hurt you.

>> No.4089550

I just got my shit kicked in by the fifth stage of Gradius 3 on Hard difficulty.

Farthest I've ever made it, those damned fireballs with there little multiplication bullshit threw me off man.