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4072510 No.4072510 [Reply] [Original]

can anyone please fucking tell me how this was allowed?

i mean is it not fucking obvious character development is important in rpgs, and you fucking decide to do this?

how the fuck did this decision go through? its comically disgusting

also its a shit game and if you think its good ur just getting off on contrarianism

>> No.4072525


It is good though. It may get retarded near the end and supposedly kills off Trigger's characters in an offensive way but the game as a whole is better than most games on the PS.

>> No.4072582

The important characters get development tho. You can ignore 95% of those.

Personally I like having a lot of characters to play around with. It's fun. Do you like fun, OP?

>> No.4072591

Not enough playable characters. I'm coming off a Suikoden high.

>> No.4072592

Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are both good games. I love you.

>> No.4072814

If CC had been Square's answer to Suikoden, where you have some sort of HQ, and you have tons of characters, and they all have some use, not necessarily in combat, but back at the HQ as farmers, blacksmiths, accessory makers, etc, this would've worked.

>You can ignore 95% of those.
And people wonder why Squaresoft was repeatedly running over budget on their games in those days, leading to the latter third of games like Xenogears and FFVIII being slapped together from scraps.

Played it through once (actually one and a half after my memory card corrupted), and I'm not sure I'd do it again. Has a good OST, though.


>> No.4072826


>> No.4072836


>> No.4072839


>> No.4072843


>> No.4072850


>> No.4072852


>> No.4072857

>the same board that sucks Suikoden's cock complains about this game having too many undeveloped characters

Anyway, why is it bad that there are more choices? I want lots of choices, not few.

>> No.4072859


>> No.4072871

>Anyway, why is it bad that there are more choices?

Because the vast majority of your choices have no mechanical or narrative importance or uniqueness beyond a marginally combination different magic/skills.

>the same board that sucks Suikoden's cock
Can you recognize how CC and Suikoden are different, anon? One gives you tons of characters who have purposes beyond battle. The other doesn't.

>> No.4073010
File: 217 KB, 540x582, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiest character

>> No.4073016

Some are in the home base that do a function but they don't battle, others just stand around.

>> No.4073035

It isn't a Cross thread until you arrive

>> No.4073231

Are there more jrpg with 40+ characters like cross or suikoden????

>> No.4073291

A lot of SRPG's are probably around there. Most traditional RPG's prefer to keep the party to around 8 max as it makes it easier to give everybody a purpose in the story. Once you start going higher you start getting weird filler characters like Umaro and Gogo in FFVI

>> No.4073319

Believe it or not, the vast majority of the characters have reasonable plot significance, with the exceptions of the anthro characters and some of the ones you can only get via a plot fork.

Also, they did a good job with Dark Serge's portrait, he looks menacing as fuck.

>> No.4073340
File: 67 KB, 640x350, glory of heracles 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever heard of a story being bigger than the characters?

Pic related. I honestly don't know this games playable characters very well and there's only 5, but I love the story itself. I think CC does a better overall job with some great character designs/battle moves like Grobyc.

>> No.4073382
File: 67 KB, 630x748, 1496227969331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we have a genuine CC thread can someone genuinely explain the plot to me? To this day I still can't comprehend this bullshit no matter how many summaries I read. Is everything even truly saved in the end?

>> No.4073415

The ultimate goal is to stop Lavos, which they call the "Time Devourer" in CC after it fuses with Schala. If you don't, it will annihilate spacetime.

Belthasar contrives the events of the game in order to reach this end. Basically, he needs the Chrono Cross to be created so he can de-fuse Schala from Lavos. But this is a monumental task, so he needs you to get the Frozen Flame, which is a powerful/influential artifact.

So he plays Serge and Lynx (who is the terminal interface of the supercomputer FATE) against each other to this end. The Frozen Flame is DNA-locked to Serge, so Lynx (who wants the Frozen Flame for his own purposes) kills him. Belthasar sends Kid to prevent this from happening, and Serge lives in a split timeline. Lynx possesses Serge so he can dupe the encryption on the FF, and succeeds.

But this was a calculated maneuver on the part of Belthasar, so you kill Lynx, and go on to create the Chrono Trigger.

>> No.4073508

>filler characters like Umaro and Gogo in FFVI
They weren't filler at all though -- just extra "secret" characters for fun. That's not what filler is.

>> No.4073534
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Chrono Trigger on the DS got a new "true" ending to tie it into Chrono Cross. I kind of like it, actually. If they had done Trigger like that from the beginning, people probably would have received the sequel better at the time.

>> No.4075131

>i mean is it not fucking obvious character development is important in rpgs

It really isn't that important. Nice upset though. CC is better than CT.

>> No.4075258

If I didn't know any better, I would think this is a fighting game from OP.

>> No.4077001
File: 21 KB, 704x528, Sheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that screenshot

is that real?

>> No.4077017

Still confused a bit but thanks. Can I ask though what is with the shit of Lynx actually being Wazuki, Surge's father?
Yes, it exclusive to the ds version though. The ds version has bonus content, though a lt of the new bonus areas are actually kind of shit and feel tacked on. One of these is being able to actually fight the dream devourer, an early version of the time devourer. Techinacally although the battle can be won Crono and the others don't actually defeat it, obviously that would make CC non canon. You kind of just beat it, get some text connecting CT to CC, then kind of just fuck off.

>> No.4077026
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it's the DS version. There's a new ending.

>> No.4077124

When Serge was on the brink of Death, Wazuki took him to Chronopolis to heal him with the Frozen Flame but was corrupted as a result to have an active component sever the ties of the FF from Serge. In other words: FATE wanted to use Wazuki to kill his own son to regain control of the Frozen Flame due to the Promethius circuit locking FATE out of control of it. It was Schala who knocked out the defenses of Chronopolis using a magnetic storm upon hearing Serge's plea for help from his attack by the Panther demon and at the same time sending Serge and Wazuki there, where he was registered upon contact with the flame as it's Arbiter.

>> No.4077127

Still a bit confused but thanks. I honestly tried reading it up but the summaries I read just confused me more.

One final question then is everything even genuinely saved in the ending? All I really remember is Schala and Kid merge together and I think Kid and Surge get married.

>> No.4077134

It's pretty bad when your game is so loosely connected to your prequel that you have to retcon the prequel for it to fit.

>> No.4077160

> only just now do I realize he's supposed to be named Sergei
I've been saying "Surge" this whole time

>> No.4077169

No, you are right.

From the chrono wiki:
"Serge is a modern male name which derives from Sergius, the clan name of a famous Roman family. Sergius was also later used as the name of four popes and other religious leaders. Serge also greatly resembles the word "surge", which is a sudden outpouring, such as with a river or electrical current."

>> No.4077172

Yeah, you save everyone and everything's cool. The only person who sort of gets the bad ending is Harle.

You were pronouncing it right but spelling it wrong before.