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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 457 KB, 2048x1153, download_20170621_154821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4072348 No.4072348 [Reply] [Original]

I just got a Wii and 20" crt for 40 bucks total. Im using s video and the picture is clear as a bell. If there is a more comfy way of having every pre PS1 game, I don't know what it is.

>> No.4072363

rpi3 running retropie

>> No.4072365


Can it do 720p? I'd love to try that on my LCD tv, I'd bet with scanlines enabled that it would look and play great

>> No.4072368

I'll stick to my 50" TV and xrgb.

>> No.4072371
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CRTs are max comfy levels. Also wii is a great composite emulator machine. I suggest getting a flash cart for n64 and snes and modding your saturn, dreamcast & ps2 so you can play every retro game. Eventually you might want to upgrade your crt to a better brand like Sony or Zenith.

>> No.4072418


That sounds like a good way to go. I'd probably skip SNES and continue emulating it. Everything else would require original hardware since emulators for those systems still suck

>> No.4072443
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post your cutest CRTs

>> No.4072447

There's nothing comfy about a pi.

>> No.4072526

pretty comfy emulation station OP, but nothing is quite as comfy as original hardware with flashcarts. wanyway enjoy your games!

>> No.4072548
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>Anything non-RGB

>> No.4072561

There's nothing comfy whatsoever about SCART converters, BNC adapters, and giant gray aluminum PVMeme cubes. Get some wood grain and composite, pussy. Your clinical, heartless video standard and monitors are for colonoscopies, which are objectively not comfy.

>> No.4072574

I have a bunch of consoles and games, but I really like the Wii for convenience. The classic controller is pretty decent.

>> No.4072580

This is the best anti-RGB argument I've ever heard.

>> No.4072624

just take some acid and saturate the PVM with max chroma. Not comfy, but clinical as hell.

>> No.4072625
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>> No.4072636
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>tfw too poor to own a meme monitor

>> No.4072640
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>> No.4072657
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>> No.4072659
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>> No.4072660
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>> No.4072674

Honestly I'd rather get a colonoscopy than play a retro console with composite video, they both feel like getting fucked in the ass, at least the colonoscopy might find cancer in my asshole

>> No.4072680

Hold on, I'll set up my camera
I need to take a picture of my desk

>> No.4072690
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Camera was shaky. This was the best picture. I'll retake a few.

>> No.4072704
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>> No.4072751
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Crt is kinda shit and cuts stuff off the sides and is mono only and only supports rf or composite but I still love it anyway.

>> No.4072757

HAHA I know you're just too stupid to figure out how to switch emulators. You tried one core had retarded input lag because you were using a test build and now you hate pi because you're stupid

>> No.4072805

>being this underage
sorry about your wasted 30 dollars, child. A RPI will never be as comfy as real consoles with a crt.

>> No.4072815


yes it will

>> No.4072827


This post is fucking embarrassing. The Pi literally JUST got 240p support, up until recently you couldn't even use one with a CRT and you still can't do it without converting the signal in one way or another. Maybe one day they'll iron out the problems but right now it's anything but comfy.

>> No.4072830

no offense but that 'armoire' looks flimsy a f. good setup tho.

>> No.4072841

I thought Wii could only do 240p over component iirc. Unless SVideo can do it too you should get some component cables and look around for a crt with component in so you can actually push native resolutions in your emus

>> No.4072847


>> No.4072851

Oh I have a real console too and the raspberry pi is better in some cases. the video output on the master system is god awful. I was referring to the playing games part, the having the console and putting the cart in will never be matched though. Still comfy to game on the pi dude

>> No.4072854

not that anon but why did you call it an armoire? it's an entertainment stand

>> No.4072858

you don't even play games dude, you just jerk off to the title screens on your pvm and call it comfy

>> No.4072861


The wii does 240p over s video and composite as well as component. I find the difference between component and s video to be negligible on crts, so i wasn't heart broken when this one didnt have it,

>> No.4072891
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I sleep on el piso

n-no bully

>> No.4072902

get some vhs tapes for that tv.
closets make great battlestations

>> No.4072905

thank you

>> No.4072916

I do.
The Beatles yellow submarine movie, Army of Darkness, Die Hard, The Road Warrior, and Dazed and Confused.

>> No.4072927

guys what is better out of;
>Wii VC
>RetroArch SNES9XGX Next on Wii

>> No.4072928

nice selection excluding dazed & confused.

>> No.4072936

RetroArch is kind of a pain in the ass to setup but has 240p output. Does Wii VC do 240p?

>> No.4072941

i managed to get retroarch set up nicely on Wii, via WiiFlow. I'm more interested in whether it is better with regard to input lag, colour accuracy etc

>> No.4072946
File: 80 KB, 350x320, HPrptrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be good. I heard wii VC has darker colors/whites.

>> No.4072961

That's totally fake. It doesn't look like that at all.

Also l

>> No.4072991

This shot makes me wonder, why do CRTs often have those "stray pixels" off to the sides of the display?

>> No.4072992

Certain cherry picked VC games will go 240p mode if you go into the operations manual from the home menu and press A+1+Z. I personally just use SNES9XGX in Original render mode with no issues, much more convenient UI than retroarch wii

>> No.4073024


I too would like to know this

>> No.4073173
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It's so the overscan can be set up accurately

>> No.4073469

thats what I use. However I noticed Original mode in snes9xgx has more rainbow banding on the dithering. Retrorch has not issues with that for me but I would rather use 9xgx.

>> No.4073489

i downloaded some wiiflow master pack.
Now I can load my SNES games from a nice looking GUI, and they load straight to my emulator of choice, in my case snes9xgx retroarch. it's even set to 4:3 so when i play on a widescreen i still get the correct aspect ratio, unlike when i load VC games

>> No.4073541
File: 2.85 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_0994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wii VC is gorgeous, pretty accurate too. Wii U VC not so much.

This person clearly has no idea what it looks like, as Wii U VC is a fucking sham, everything is blurry and dark and it's just garbage. Picture is real.

Anyway, pic related. Desk setup with RGB Amiga monitor and scenic lighting. Beautiful.

>> No.4073826

Why thank you, anon.

>> No.4073829

beautiful rig.

>> No.4073859

The Wii currently is still the most simple/affordable way of emulating anything that's not Saturn/PS1/N64 (except for virtual console I guess) on a CRT TV with decent quality. No doubt. Current RetroArch even supports many different USB controllers, which makes my PS3 controller finally useful with the bloody thing and maybe I should try that SNES controller adapter on it as well.

I'm sure there are better ways, but for 60 buckaroos and without much knowledge other than how to mod a goddamn Wii I haven't found an alternative.

Wii U VC is the worst. Wii is quite accurate. 3DS seems to have changed the whole "you're european therefore here's the PAL version, enjoy that one".

>> No.4073863
File: 1.94 MB, 984x1184, tumblr_o8jpig3eUO1v0jfsto2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> If there is a more comfy way of having every pre PS1 game
Only Wii with pic related.

>> No.4073864

I agree with you wholeheartedly, but I don't think anyone should be paying $60 for a used Wii. Even the expensive retro game shop near me sells complete ones for $40, and I got my two Wii(s?) for $9.99, and $4.00 respectively, at a thrift store and a goodwill. The $4 one didn't come with anything except the console itself, but was in better shape than my other. Bonus, it came with SM64 already downloaded, and $10 in leftover Wii shop credit, so I basically made money on it. There's like 100 million of these things in the wild, and every one, from every region can be modded, so never overpay. Also say no to the Wii mini. Obviously.

>> No.4073865

Is she a giant?

>> No.4073870

Wii U is worse at emulating than Wii
How on earth is this possible?

>> No.4073871

Nobody knows, it's a damn shame too. We got great GBA emulation on the Wii U, but it wasn't worth the trade-off.

>> No.4073876

I said 60 but yeah, it probably is much cheaper at this point. I'm dumb enough that I considered what I paid for it quite a few years ago when the Wii U was still a new thing. Being even cheaper it's even a better option and frankly I never had a Wii break or malfunction with time so no worries with buying used ones.

I considered the raspberry pi 3 a while ago, but then you have to add to the price a little box with some cooling system because the thing gets hot, then you have to configure it to use certain resolutions and do some other shit. I'll pass on that.

My only issue will be always PS1. I do have a PS1 with quite a few games, but it's a bit of a pain to deal with saves. I need to get my hands on some big ass memory card that doesn't get corrupted left and right, or some way of transferring saves to PC.

I just attribute it to laziness. Perhaps they were more dedicated to it on the Wii days and Virtual Console was arguably more of a big deal back then than it is now despite the fact people could emulate anything at that point without issues.

>> No.4073884

Makes sense, $60 was totally reasonable at that point. And I've only had one Wii break, and that was an early model that had the Wi-Fi card overheat and ruin the GPU when Wii Connect 24 was on, that was when the Wii was still current. Every other one I've had has been perfect (they fixed that design flaw), and even if the disc drive is dead, it doesn't matter at all for homebrew, so they're bound to last a long, long time. With how cheap they are one might as well have one wherever you have a TV, and just move the SD card when you're in a different room. I have one I'm planning to hook to the CRT in my bedroom, and the main one that's hooked up to my HDTV with a Wii2HDMI adapter in the living room. It's great.

>> No.4073892

well I hope if VC comes to Switch it is improved. I hear 3DS is pretty good for it.

Also I'm still not clear if Wii VC > Wii RetroArch snes9xgxnext

>> No.4073894

>3DS seems to have changed the whole "you're european therefore here's the PAL version, enjoy that one".

Does this mean my PAL 3DS VC games will always be the 60Hz version? Even for SNES games?

>> No.4073895

I believe your ranking is correct, but it's worth noting that Retroarch is kind of a huge bitch on the Wii. It's awesome when it's configured right, but it's a lot of work to get every single core set-up ideally.

>> No.4073896

I used RA and the only issue I had once is that for some reason there was some frameskipping on a Super Metroid romhack. A hardware reset fixed that.

I heard that was the case, but I'm not sure. I'm picking up a 2DS XL soon and checking for myself.

>> No.4073897

Core configurations are a pain, but before you couldn't even get the thing to save a general config properly. Right now at least it saves the last resolution you used, which is not ideal, but it's better.

>> No.4074053


I have a slight bit of visual noise on all 3 of my Wii using either component, s video or composite. It persists on every tv I've tried too. Is it possible the heat from the wifi car slightly fucked up the video output?

>> No.4074110

I had that too, are you playing on LCDs? When I had the damaged GPU, it was clearly like 'GPU failure' type glitches, very digital, weird green blocks, etc; definitely not the same as the wavy noise I got on my other working Wiis recently. It was particularly bad on my HDTV, I didn't notice anything on my CRT though (though that was composite not component). On my 720p HDTV, my Wii2HDMI adapter took care of the noise entirely, and miraculously reduced input lag too. Highly recommend spending the $4 on AliExpress for one if you're playing on a modern TV. I was very skeptical, but honestly blown away at the significant difference it made, though your results my vary, of course.

>> No.4074121

Can confirm, I got that Wii2HDMI adapter and noticed that I was getting nowhere near the lag I was expecting before it arrived. Or at least no noticeable lag at all. Looks neat, the thing is it gets really, really hot. Reminds me of those Nintendo WiFI dongles.

>> No.4074128

The listings on Amazon say it converts the signal to digital, which would explain the reduced lag and lack of noise compared to component which your TV would still need to process and scale. I haven't actually checked to see how hot mine gets, good thing they're $4 I guess; would definitely replace if it died.

>> No.4074189

Yes although you've got to set it in the config file, change:




Use the crt_pi shader for scanlines. I have a Pi setup dedicated to arcade games with the HyperPie frontend and it's pretty nice.

>> No.4074626
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>> No.4074689

Hey, I have that same TV.

>> No.4074696


>> No.4074990



>> No.4075009

as odd as it might sound, the wii-u was nintendo's first console with digital video output. That and the fact it couldn't output 240p probably provided too much of an obstacle for nintendo to worry about color accuracy.

>> No.4075013

Just passing by to rubberneck this kid's retarded post.

>> No.4075091


>Also I'm still not clear if Wii VC > Wii RetroArch snes9xgxnext

I'd personally give it to Retroarch because VC can't do SuperFX chip games but both are extremely strong. Vanilla Snes9xGX is the only wrong choice, shit's unstable.

>> No.4075103


I have one and it doesn't convert the signal to digital. It just passes the component signal to the tv or monitor which converts it to digital

>> No.4075150

>as odd as it might sound a summerage is to young to remember the GC

>> No.4075196


This is very true.

>> No.4075221

you're right i should have said HD video output. thanks for being a dick about it, mistakes like these can't be tolerated.

>> No.4075532

Thanks for making a mistake so I could rustle your jimmies.

>> No.4075667

Yeah I was skeptical about that, the improvement over component on an HDTV is significant, but I don't really know why.

>> No.4075835


I have never seen an increase in quality. have you only tried it on one particular tv? Is your tv somehow treating signals that it receives through hdmi differently than component?

>> No.4075836
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The amount of jealousy that I feel right now is astounding.all I have is a commodore monitor with s video.

>> No.4075847

>Is your tv somehow treating signals that it receives through hdmi differently than component
I'm guessing it's something along those lines.
It's not so much a 'quality' improvement, but with component I get really obnoxious undulating waves of 'noise' on the image, whereas with the HDMI adapter, it's just a dead stable 480p image with no noise, and the input lag is definitely improved, for some reason.

>> No.4075948


Honeslty I gave this a shot and it was clunky as heck. Input lag, slowdown, and lots of tweaking. Being based on Retroarch is a big disaster.

>> No.4076032
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Wii VC does look like that, actually.

Pic related is Wii VC, not Wii U VC.

Both screens captured with the same cap card and settings, both with composite.

>> No.4076041
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another example

>> No.4076058

Almost similar here op. Got a free flat screen trinitron, and already had a wii with svideo but only recently started using it again.

I am using official VC for NES, SNES, Neogeo, PCE / CD , its great. Are you using any homebrew emulators, which ones?

>> No.4076078

Anyone here also using a Wii for some VC, have you guys used any controller adapters? I have snes controllers that i'd like to use on the Wii. Looking around i see that theres 2 types of adapters; one type connects to the wiimote and the second type connects the the GC controller port on the wii itself. Anyone have any experience? I imagine the latter type is better in terms of input lag

>> No.4076090

Any tips on what settings i should tweak/change? And should i download the latest stable version? Literally never used retroarch before, always stuck to VC

>> No.4076101

I use Mednafen for PC Engine/PCE CD/GB(C)/VB; FCEUGX for Famicom/NES, SNES9XGX for SNES/SuFami, and a few others, some port of Stella for 2600 support, Wii7800, etc. There's a lot of options, FCEUGX and SNES9X are actually still under development and got updates recently, which was cool. RetroArch is probably the 'best' emulation-wise, but it's kind of unstable and not as 'user friendly' as the others.

>> No.4076103

I have a Playstation to GCN controller adapter I plug right into the Wii, it all but eliminates input lag. If you're only playing RPGs or something, having wireless is nice (honestly I ususally play with Classic Controller/Wiimote), but if you're going for accuracy, Gamecube adapters to whatever you want are the way to go.

>> No.4076104

>he didn't put a woodgrain vinyl decal on his PVM

>> No.4076109

Pretty sure it's not RGB or even S-Video capable.

But it DOES have some neat overlays and menus, so it may be RGB moddable...

>> No.4076134


I get that exact same noise over component. What the fuck causes that? It occurs on all 3 of my Wii and on any LCD tv that I use

>> No.4076146

Analogue signals over shit quality cabling most likely.

There's a reason I roll my own using VDC Red Series. It's worth the 50 cents a metre I usually end up paying and termination ain't no thang.

>> No.4076196

I think >>4076146 is right, I don't know what brand my component cables are, but they're probably shitty. Either way I'm very happy with the HDMI adapter, and I use S-Video (of which I have a nice official Nintendo cable), or composite on my CRT so I don't need to invest in/build a better component cable at this point.

>> No.4076198

I love this one, I'm always on the look out for portable Sonys, but I never find any.

>> No.4076537


My cables are Nintendo brand. Any other ideas?

>> No.4076596

>Input lag
Input lag on a Pi, measured on a CRT is one frame more than Windows 10
Remember, this is just a Linux PC, not Android with its atrocious framebuffer that adds an extra 150ms to every fucking app.

>> No.4076636

Yeah, get some decent ones lol

>> No.4077190


This is correct. A Pi is just a weak pc. There is NoTHING specials about it. It will have more lag than just a regular modern pc

>> No.4077578

Why are you so mad? It has a very low TPD and is used by many as a dedicated emulation device, Sure you could do all of that on a PC but then you would have to set up something like retropie on your PC if you just wanted to sit down on the couch and play some good old /vr/.

In any event, if you're using a HDTV to emulate retro games, then a Wii does not have any advantages over a RBP or a PC (which is louder and needs more power). The Pi does not have significantly more input delay than a regular PC.

>> No.4077743 [DELETED] 

>used by many as a dedicated emulation device
yeah, redditors and kotaku commenters love them

>> No.4077750

Too bad you can't download them legally anymore and if you're looking for ROMs you run the risk of poorly-made fan ROMs for all the good games like Mega Man X, Chrono Trigger, etc.

>> No.4077763

Wii Shop Channel is still up and running like it always has.

And you can easily find ROMs and .wads online.

What are you on about?

>> No.4078180


The Wii has the advantage of being much simpler to use and set up. I'm not mad about the pi, if someone wants to use it then have at it. It just gets touted as being somehow better for emulation than a regular pc and some anons who are just getting into retro may get led astray and be disappointed with the hobby

>> No.4078349

I had that tv, but they threw it out.


>> No.4078358

Wii u darkened everything from nes and n64.

>> No.4078410
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>> No.4078429

That's a screenshot of Wii VC, not Wii U VC.

>> No.4078440

Yeah, but he's saying that Wii U VC is even worse than Wii VC.

>> No.4078629

You sound like you have knowledge of audio video equipment and hookups.

Tell me, what do you look for in a cable? How can I distinguish good cables from bad on Ebay?

How much does thickness matter? Is there diminishing returns where after certain mm diameter there's no need to be thicker?

Do gold plated tips matter?

Are ferrite beads neccessary?

Some cables have a braided outer jacket. What does that do other than look cool?

Are you supposed to prevent different wires from running parallel to eachother?
Does it matter if these other wires are currently inactive or are power cables?

Should I buy cable risers for my retro consoles to prevent any loss of the analog signal?

What about power cables? Do you need to buy premium here as well to avoid interference with the AV signals?

What is a red flag tell that indicates a bad cable that you can see by looking a pic of it?

>> No.4079138


I would love a proper answer to all of these questions

>> No.4079403

You have to go back.

>> No.4079637


>How much does thickness matter? Is there diminishing returns where after certain mm diameter there's no need to be thicker?
I'd say 10mm OD with a soft, flexible outer sheathing is more than enough, that's what the 5-core VDC stock I use measures. The individual RG-179 coax lines themselves measure 3mm OD.
>Do gold plated tips matter?
They stop the contacts corroding when in storage or if the sockets they are plugged into differ in material (electrolytic corrosion and even welding is a thing after all)
Are ferrite beads neccessary?
They can help with high bandwidth analogue signals (think 1080p+ over VGA), Not really required for 15khz outputs from retro consoles.
>Some cables have a braided outer jacket. What does that do other than look cool?
For this kind of application? Absolutely nothing. They help with ruggedisation for harsh environments and such i.e outdoor PA etc. I suppose you could use it to bundle together a bunch of RG-179s if you wanted to run audio together with the video signal and ran out of lines in your chosen stock.
>Are you supposed to prevent different wires from running parallel to eachother?
Does it matter if these other wires are currently inactive or are power cables?
If the signal cables in question are properly shielded there should be no issue.


>> No.4079639


>Should I buy cable risers for my retro consoles to prevent any loss of the analog signal?
What is your definition of cable risers? The conduit type can obviously help with cable management. The type which hold cables off the floor to avoid static electricity or some such audiophool nonsense? Utterly retarded.
>What about power cables? Do you need to buy premium here as well to avoid interference with the AV signals?
Nope. All shielding should be performed on the signal cable.
>What is a red flag tell that indicates a bad cable that you can see by looking a pic of it?
There rarely is one. You need to look at the cable stock used and how it is connected internally. Most stuff targeted specifically at gamers is pretty dire though, apart from the couple of sellers we all know about.


>> No.4079915
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they are comfy. I build an NES cart, and modded the "NES mini theme" for NA systems

>> No.4079918

for SNES i typically use VC. But for games not on VC, which emulator is best , SNES9x GX or the retroarch ones?

>> No.4079919 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4079924 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4079929
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>> No.4079943 [DELETED] 
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There are so many hipster CRT faggots ITT, just using any random shitty CRT just because they want those internet points.

>> No.4079949

what game is that OP

>> No.4079958

it's a nes game

>> No.4079959

Pls tell me good sirs

>> No.4080024



>> No.4080035
File: 446 KB, 1024x768, 86yOxDv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you require antipsychotics.

>> No.4080037
File: 284 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up friend

>> No.4080042

that's a nice setup. The pic I posted sadly isn't mine but I've a 13" white sony trinitron that I calibrated using the service menu.

>> No.4080060

Why thank you, I wish I could calibrate mine a little better. I got it at the Goodwill recently; they gouged my at $20 but I loved the form-factor so I couldn't turn it down. It's in my bedroom on one of those metal racks now, hooked to a Wii and a Famicom. Very enjoyable 13" rig for a shared one-bedroom apartment. Netflix on the Wii with it is also pretty awesome.

>> No.4080167 [DELETED] 

>defending people who gather internet points
unless you are such a faggot yourself, I would not like people shitting on my hobby that I love, why would you?

>> No.4081321

>There rarely is one. You need to look at the cable stock used and how it is connected internally. Most stuff targeted specifically at gamers is pretty dire though, apart from the couple of sellers we all know about.

What are the faults of the typical Ebay cables? Not the the cheapest chink ones that are $4 free shipping but the thicker, nicer looking, $10 and up cables I like to buy.

What ebay sellers have good cables?
Or do I have to order from another site?
I am not into RGB scart, just composite and S-video mostly.

>> No.4081417
File: 2.32 MB, 3024x5376, pvmsony1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ive got a comfy as fuck 20M2MDU and Im jealous as fuck

I guess I need to focus on getting an actual tv stand and rearrange for aesthetics

heres some photos ive taken


>> No.4081427 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20170615_232409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4081825


The Retroarch one (SNESGX-next). SNESGX has a better UI by miles but most chip games give it issues with slowdown and freezing, which aren't present at all on next.

>> No.4081861

What game is this?

>> No.4083305


Jackal for NES

>> No.4083619

Heads up britfags.

FW900 on ebay uk for £100 bin right now.

>> No.4084053


>> No.4084172

There's a guy near me on craigslist selling a KV-1380R with the built in stereo speakers, but he's asking a clean $250 for it.
Why is that?

>> No.4084482


He's a faggot