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/vr/ - Retro Games

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4071824 No.4071824 [Reply] [Original]

Can intelligent people enjoy JRPGs? What is the appeal?
Please only constructive discussion.

>> No.4071829
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I enjoy the simple gameplay and graphics. As a highly intelligent person with an IQ well into the 190s (test administered for psychologist), sometimes I need a distraction from the things I think about regularly (quantum physics, geo politics).

>> No.4071915 [DELETED] 
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jappanians draw funny humans wit funny face me make happy

>> No.4071936

Go for the ones with complex stories. I can't enjoy the vanilla "normal kid saves the world".

>> No.4071948

>As a highly intelligent person with an IQ well into the 190s
yeah kid sure i bet u solved the clock puzzle on ffvi in 5 minutes

>> No.4071953

don forget boubs

i like boubs on girl go jiggel

>> No.4071958 [DELETED] 

They can. Unfortunately constructive brain surgery probably can't sole your problem with them.

>> No.4071959
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I like simple NES ones, not the SNES ones people go apeshit over

Too much blather and padding

>> No.4071962 [DELETED] 

Try and play Xenogears. It's a great game with a super-deep storyline.

If you can understand absolutely everything on the first play-through, you're probably a genius.

>> No.4071967
File: 240 KB, 400x350, xenogears-jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and play Xenogears. It's a great game with a super-deep storyline that will make you think.

If you can understand absolutely everything on the first play-through, you're probably a genius.

If there is something you don't understand after playing though, there is a great 199-page book that they released that clearly details the timeline and backstory of what is going on.


>> No.4071974

the problem is, understand =/= enjoy

just because a story is complex doesn't mean it's good

>> No.4071986

It's both a good and complex story, though. Give it a try.

>> No.4071989

Yeah, but if I get offered the same mechanics in every JRPG, I preffer the better stories.

>> No.4071995

At their best JRPGs are complex systems that are fun to break. E.g., I wish FFVII materia system were expanded from simply featuring neat little things like Final Attack into full programming game territory with conditionals and loops.

>> No.4071998

I forgot to mention that the combat system is also really fun. It's turn-based, but not your standard JRPG "Select single Attack" or "Select Magic" or "Select Summon" type.

>> No.4072017

JRPGs are great fun. If you don't like them, that's fine, but I enjoy them more than most other genres. They're more than just the sum of their parts.

>> No.4072020

If you want to be retarded please post on /v/ and not here.
>the game with no budget that crammed three disks of content into one basically being a VN
No. Disk 1 is okay but disk 2 is basically a glorofied VN.

>> No.4072024

Is there any appeal to these besides the "story" aspect? They're all very formulaic and mostly linear. You end up just using your strongest attack in each battle because, which makes the fighting tedious and boring.

>> No.4072035

>No. Disk 1 is okay but disk 2 is basically a glorofied VN.
I've never played more than 4 hours. I find it boring.

>> No.4072039

>Is there any appeal to these besides the "story" aspect?
Nope. If you want a RPG that is centered around mechanics over story and character relations try a western one.

>> No.4072040

If there's one JRPG trope I truly can't stand anymore it's the secret evil church. I don't have a problem with it in theory but it's just so over used and so obvious.

>> No.4072041

A lot of the more complicated ones have a lot of ways to customize your character build, and the fun is in finding all the different ways you can play the game and the handful of ways you can just completely break it wide open.

WRPGs have this as well, mind, it's just that JRPG systems tend to be easier to use and offer more flexibility (being able to change class any time instead of committing to one the whole game, for example). Whether that is a good or bad thing, I'll leave to you.

Final Fantasy V is one example. You have four heroes who can pick a job class, but then you augment them by picking an ability from another job. Pokemon demonstrates this strength as well, letting you capture a team of monsters with different strengths and weaknesses. You hunt down a few of your favorites and try to build a perfectly synergized team. The campaigns are a bit easy, but some have very hard postgame challenges and they all have multiplayer as well.

>> No.4072043

There's games like the Ys series that are technically RPG's but focus more on relatively challenging gameplay, and especially fun bosses

>> No.4072045

what are some wrpgs with good gameplay mechanics?
I tried to play some and they were really boring

>> No.4072054

It depends what you mean by good gameplay mechanics. Do you want in-depth character building with lots of skills and stats to develop, do you want challenging puzzles, or do you want a deep/tactical combat system?

>> No.4072056

>deep/tactical combat system?

>> No.4072058

For me it's the exploration aspect. Seeing the different locales, characters and monsters the game can offer. The genre being formulaic in the basic gameplay mechanics department only makes it more interesting to explore a variety of JRPGs so you could see what makes them different. Of course if they have good stories or robust customization, those are big pluses too. Though that might just be my autism talking, of course the genre isn't for everyone.

>> No.4072062

A-are you lonely, anon?

>> No.4072064


>> No.4072067

Not Western but the Ogre Battle games have pretty deep battle systems that require you to actually think about things like unit placements and even how you organize your units (putting high charisma units as leaders, deploying units of certain alignments at certain times of day etc.)

>> No.4072069
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>Is there any appeal to these besides the "story" aspect?
The gameplay. I find dungeon crawlers-lite with fun boss fights much more appealing than savescumming dad joke VNs like Fallout.

>> No.4072073

Yes. :(

>> No.4072083 [DELETED] 

Jrpg is not a genre.

Take your ignorant ass to /v/

>> No.4072084

I played 64 so I might try it
is the snes one better?

>> No.4072087

Please educate yourself, ignoramus.

>> No.4072098

Not that he isn't a faggot, but
>Extra Credits

>> No.4072101 [DELETED] 

shut up son of a bitch

>> No.4072106

To people who shit on all JRPGs and consider them all the same garbage, how many have you even tried?

>> No.4072108

You kidding right?

>> No.4072110

Jrpg is not a genre because it doesn't describe the gameplay.

By this faggot's definition Persona, Dark Souls and Fire Emblem are the same genre.

>> No.4072114


They are :^)

>> No.4072120

Dark Souls is clearly an WRPG though.

>> No.4072124


It's not, and I'm tired of WRPGfags trying to claim it. It's a Japanese game, made in Japan, that only the Japanese could make. The only thing that's W about it is its setting, but "dark medieval fantasy" is hardly something that WRPGs have a monopoly on.

>> No.4072136
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In all honesty though there two reasons jrpgs are hated here, the tryhards and the normalfags.

The tryhards are the "muh 1cc" and "muh only play arcade games" idiots. Basically they'll pretend they're actually good at games and say how they 1cc shumps and other difficult when they probably can't even pass a level without dying. If you try to mention a game that isn't absolute balls to the wall hard or on a arcade cabinet they'll go on a autistic sperg about how you should read a book and other dumb bullshit.

The normalfags aren't actually annoying just kind of misguided. Typically thesevare just the people who don't want to spend the time it takes to play a jrpg. What most don't realize is not every jrpg is dragon quest VII and takes a hundred hours to play. A lot of great jrpgs can be beaten between 20-40 hours which when managed right is doable easily.

TL;DR: some autists try to sound cool to anonymous strangers online by saying they 1cc games they have never played.

>> No.4072152

>Dark Souls is a wrpg because of the setting

Do you know how retarded you sound?

>> No.4072161

Literal garbage. One of the worst games and stories I have ever experienced in my life, and I have read a lot of fan-fiction. This game was perfect for edgy fedoras who wanted masturbatory material about how religion is evil and wanted to DESTROY GOD -_-

>> No.4072164

I agree, but to each their own. I can easily see how an outsider would view western religion as cult-like, so I can see where Japanese developers are coming from. It is ridiculously overused, though.

>> No.4072178

>Disregarding the fact that it focuses on fantasy and expression just like Fallout 3 and Mass Effect

Are you guys just thick or being contrarian on purpose?

>> No.4072183

>implying people who play RPGs are unintelligent
>expects constructive discussion.

Only in /v/.

>> No.4072210


No matter how much you say to the contrary, the J in JRPG stands for Japanese. Dark Souls is an RPG, made by Japan, so it's a JRPG. Full stop. Also, it has zero actual "role-playing" elements which are what WRPGfags always cling to when they tearfully declare that JRPGs aren't even RPGs.

>> No.4072219
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What a faggot

>> No.4072251

>Still linking Extra Credits

Jrpg is a retarded term, but calling it a wrpg is twice as retarded.

Are you saying Japanese RPGs can't focus on fantasy?

Both terms Jrpg and wrpg are ignorant.
They do nothing to describe the gameplay.
Beyond that, we don't use county of origin to describe other media.
Murakami doesn't write JNovels.
Akira Kurosawa didn't make JFilms.

You are straight braindead.

>> No.4072272

>Beyond that, we don't use county of origin to describe other media.

Actually, we do.
JHorror, KDrama, etc.

>> No.4072278

The same idiots who use the term Jrpg do.

>> No.4072292

Jagged Alliance 2

>> No.4072304

Sounds like I bait thread, but I'm completely with you OP.

The only JRPG I ever managed to almost finish was Septerra Core, and I had to use cheats to get through the massive grind fests later on.

>> No.4072309

Post a good JRPG you fuck

>> No.4072323
File: 49 KB, 670x604, fisheen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying too hard tier

>> No.4072336


JPop, Spanish tinge, spaghetti western...
Face it, you're wrong.

>> No.4072339

>Beyond that, we don't use county of origin to describe other media.
how under a rock are you? have you never heard of britrock, eurodance?

>> No.4072358

It really depends.

Most of them aren't deep or hard, and if they try to be, they usually fail: See: >>4071967

Xenogears is fucking terrible. It's got a terrible combat system, and an extremely bloated story that wastes time on nonsense, then has the gall to not even wrap itself up.

Most JRPG's are meant to be casual. They're meant to be easy time sinks. You're almost always intended to spend a good chunk of time grinding.

You grind gear.
You grind levels.
You grind.

A ton of people have made speedruns and shit that beat stuff largely without grinding, but that's it's own form of grinding. Routing a JRPG to beat it at level 30 vs. level 65 required grinding to do it.

There are some subsets of JRPG that are much more hardcore. They either don't let you grind, or rely on randomness (like a mystery dungeon) to ensure you're not always adequately prepared.

>> No.4072432


>rely on grinding

It's actually mostly about using your spells and items wisely to avoid having to grind. I'll grant that plenty of NES era JRPGs have a grind, but if you're grinding in the average SNES era JRPG and beyond, it's more that you're a shitter who's afraid to explore without having the best possible gear.

>> No.4072480

>Xenogears is fucking terrible. It's got a terrible combat system
Oh come on, of all the things you can criticize Xenogears for, the battle system was pretty good.

>> No.4072639

>anon is joking

>> No.4072653

I prefer the PlayStation version but it's not all that different from SNES

>> No.4072670
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The appeal (of a good JRPG) is the immersive experience, seeing lots of interesting places, listening to an OST that creates the environment, its pretty much a nice place to visit.

Go over to >>4053790 and see how passionately people are talking about the characters

Not a fan of Xenogears, but Xenosaga was awesome, especially II

>> No.4072706

>The appeal (of a good JRPG) is the immersive experience, seeing lots of interesting places, listening to an OST that creates the environment, its pretty much a nice place to visit.
I disagree. The appeal of a good JRPG allows the player to have some choices with who is in their party, character customization, and developing their characters.

That is why people still play Final Fantasy I to this day. You can build what ever four member party you want since the game doesn't limit the player and let them choose.

Pokemon is a success not just because you go around and capture monsters, but because you get to capture what you want, build your team from what you wanted to capture, then tinker with their move sets, and see what Pokemon suit you the most by trying out various Pokemon no matter how good or bad they are.

>> No.4072724


Wow, someone else other than me that has the good sense to appreciate Xenosaga. Usually I just see nostalgia fags beating each other off over how great Gears is when it has nowhere near the depth Saga does.

I have yet to play a JRPG or WRPG with characters and plot as deep as Xenosaga's. Its like devs don't care for giving their stories multiple layers of stories anymore. All it is anymore is, you're just some dudes, go stop the big bad with little back story.

>> No.4072728

I don't like JRPG fans personally they try and tout JRPGs as the best games on every system. Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger are not the best SNES games by a mile. I do like the games myself but god their fans are so annoying.

>> No.4072735 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up the J in Japanese means Japanese style not "MADE IN JAPAN". Like kys kid if you were actually alive in the heyday of jrpgs you would know this basic shit. Dark Souls is a western style game because of game mechanics and character building which is totally 100% western style. Don't be such a pedantic shit you underaged faggot

>> No.4072740
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Xeonsaga 2 is the sweet spot in the series. 3 just had too many odd-ass religious references and was a bit of a mindscrew. 2 on the other hand had that great OST and lots of interesting side quests.


Suikoden is an interesting bag because some emphasize more individual depth, while others go more into the political aspects.

My pet peeve are games where, as my roommate puts it "its the world's most complex suicide plot" which seems to be a recurring theme

>> No.4072798

>build up death blow by basic attacks
>unleash deathblow for lots of damage

Not to even mention early on theres a battle that is basically dumb luck whether or not you win, because you can't heal your mechs yet.

>> No.4072894

Compared to every other JRPG at the time, which was just selecting "fight". Nah, Xenogears combat was fun.

>> No.4072989
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Xeno has the consistent problem of being too ambitious and never thinking of their restraints. The entire series often begins as them wanting to create a giant series with insanely complicated plots that span multiple games. Then they make one or two and realize they probably should have thought this through more.

With xenosaga literally one of selling points was anime robot titties and the needlessly complicated plot. It's too complicated for those who want fanservice and too shallow for those whp want anything meaningfull.

Also I have no idea what the fuck your talking about. Today most jrpgs are glorified VNs with too much plot and too little gameplay. To be good it needs a balance. It needs engaging gameplay while maintaining a good plot never gets in the way of the gameplay. Gameplay is ALWAYS more important overall. It's why dragon quest is such a great series, they have fun and simple plots that never interfere with the gameplay.
>My pet peeve are games where, as my roommate puts it "its the world's most complex suicide plot" which seems to be a recurring theme
What do you mean? I genuinely don't get what you're saying by that phrase.

>> No.4073450

But my experience with wrpgs leads me to believe that they are complete trash, with the exception of Starflight.

>> No.4073456

>Xenogears is fucking terrible. It's got a terrible combat system
Stopped reading right there. You want truly terrible combat? Play Planescape: Torment. Xenogears combat was cool, especially when coupled with the Gears themselves.

>> No.4073463

well said

>> No.4073507

> Great sense of progression.
> Speaks directly to the completionists.

>> No.4073545

PS:T is what I think of when I think of mediocre combat. ARCANUM is what I think of when I think of putrid shit combat.

>> No.4073834
File: 139 KB, 800x496, xenokino3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xeonsaga 2 is the sweet spot in the series
yeah but Xenosaga 2 was a disaster

>> No.4073847

This is ironic, right? With xenofags I'm not sure if they the kind of people to use kino unironically.

>> No.4073879

>With xenosaga literally one of selling points was anime robot titties and the needlessly complicated plot.
'Deep plot' always means japanimation crap, nobody but ah knee may fags describe a story that way.

>> No.4073918

try the fucking block puzzles from lufia sinistrals

>> No.4073952
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those aren't very difficult, none of the puzzles in Lufia 2 are

>> No.4073958

I used to have a lot of respect for /vr/ because most users are in their late 20s and beyond but this level of pretentiousness is something else.

>> No.4073959

I am in my late 20s. I beat those ''puzzles`` as a ten year old.

>> No.4073970

No you didn't. You don't have to lie to kick it. Neo vr is all contrarians and exaggerators. I am 20 I played this 90s game when I was 10! In 2007!

>> No.4073979

Been playing Final Fantasy IV 10th Anniversary. Most FF games take until mid to late game for the battle system to warm up to its potential.

>> No.4074178

You're wrong, and if you were actually old enough to remember when games like anachronax and septerra core came out there were jrpgs made in the west. jrpg means Japanese style not literally made in japan no matter how much you say to the contrary you absolute moron

>> No.4074318


>so stupid that he still doesn't understand that the J in JRPG stands for Japanese

Even if a western-made game was made to try to emulate a JRPG, it's still a WRPG, because it lacks the J.

>> No.4074359 [DELETED] 

it means Japanese style not made in japan just get out of here you underaged fuck

>> No.4074441 [DELETED] 

it means Japanese style not made in japan just get out of here you underaged fuck would you kindly stop deleting my post it isn't against the rules, its on topic and its correct. Either refute my point or admit you are wrong instead of deleting anything that disagrees in a pathetic attempt to make yourself seem correct you fucking faggot

>> No.4074486


What is this about deleting your posts you dumb fuck? Quit acting so paranoid. Obviously some janny is seeing you act like a retard in public and is trying to save you the embarrassment despite the fact that you're anon.

Ultimately, dark souls is a JRPG.

>> No.4074597

even if I was wrong which I am not, that isn't against the rules. jrpgs are dragon quest style turn based rpgs, no matter how many simes you say to the contrary that does not make it true.

>> No.4074632

>jrpgs are dragon quest style turn based rpgs, no matter how many simes you say to the contrary

Man, if that typo was "slimes" it would be perfect.

>> No.4074643
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>it's only a JRPG if it's like dragon quest

Okay, so what are the Tales games? They have all the same elements of DQ, just with action gameplay. Star Ocean? Is Legaia not a JRPG just because it's got an unusual method of attacking? What about games that blend SRPG and JRPG, like Cyber Knight? Why is it that Ys is considered a JRPG by JRPG fans, yet it has almost nothing in common with DQ at all? Live a Live would have to have its own genre, but it'd still be separate from SaGa? Where does Valkyrie Profile fit in to all of this? It's so far from DQ, but saying it's not a JRPG would be idiotic, wouldn't it?

Could you please explain to me what these games are? If "JRPG" means "game that plays like Dragon Quest," just what exactly are all of these other titles I've mentioned? Your only alternative is to admit that JRPG is a very, very meaningless and broad label that inherently can't mean anything but "RPG that was made in Japan" and thus cannot be used to refer to any game that was not made in Japan.

>> No.4074671

Do you guys feel that modern RPGs are tedious in comparison to more simplistic, retro JRPGs? I've been playing Mass Effect 1 lately and about 3 hours into it, I have gotten maybe ~15 mins of third-person-shooter gameplay and 2:45 of talking to people and running around.

>> No.4074678

ys is an action rpg anyone who says its a jrpg is an underaged idiot. Zelda 2 is not a jrpg, kings field is not a jrpg, dragon quest style =/= dragon quest combat. Ys does not have separate battle screens though one of the defining features of a jrpg. jrpgs differe from western style games because you don't build the characters directly though spending points where as jrpgs have much more simple configuration from having classes or jobs. strategy rpgs that have character progression like shining force are still strategy rpgs and not jrpgs. Just because you swap out army size/strength for character HP/strength doesn't switch the genre. jrpgs have an overworld with separate battle screens. Everything else you mention is literally just another genre who idiots who didn't start gaming till ps2 and their first rpg was kingdom hearts like to call everything under the sun a jrpg, but you're just wrong.

>> No.4074710
File: 160 KB, 400x309, hh1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>separate battle screens though one of the defining features of a jrpg
Doesn't have a separate battle screen, you fight right away in the environment you encounter enemies in.
> jrpgs differe from western style games because you don't build the characters directly though spending points where as jrpgs have much more simple configuration from having classes or jobs.
Not even all WRPG's allow you to spend points. What is one of the most popular WRPG series at the moment? Elder Scrolls. Natural growth, which was seen in JRPG's in 1987. None-the-less there are games that have various other mechanics as well. Also in regards of Hybrid Heaven it is a natural growth based system when developing your character.
>jrpgs have an overworld
Doesn't have an overworld.

Hybrid Heaven is considered a JRPG by anyone who talks about it, yet it doesn't fall under the conventions of being a JRPG that you've listed.

>> No.4074723


>you don't build the characters directly through spending points

So you're admitting that you don't know shit from fuck about JRPGs?
>later DQ games
>Valkyrie Profile, a game I mentioned in that exact fucking post
>FFT lets you use points to build the characters with abilities and passives

And plenty of others which also allow you to directly customize characters using points. And you still didn't even bother to explain the other games I brought up, tacitly admitting that you either a. haven't played them despite them being entry-level or b. don't have a good answer but still want to stick to your guns on them not being JRPGs. You have no point, and are just making yourself look less and less informed with every post you make. You don't know anything about JRPGs, so scoot your butt outta here and research topics before you try talking about them.

>> No.4074727 [DELETED] 

I need to know who the assblasted jani is here, who refuses to admit that Jrpg is a terrible, nondescript, /v/ tier, retard term.

>> No.4074730


It's a borderline meaningless term that doesn't even describe gameplay and thus isn't really a proper genre, but is still a descriptor with a specific meaning that can only be applied to certain things. This thread has gone to shit because one retard can't understand it.

>> No.4074745

>savescumming in fallout

Dude, you just suck at old RPGs that aren't easy JRPGs. Fallout was easy as shit compared to the Wizardry series, Might and Magic, Ultima, etc.

>> No.4074751 [DELETED] 

that descriptor being dragon quest style. Like god damn most rpgs out of japan aren't even rpgs this was a subgenre in the ps1 days, so people knew you were talking about something similar to final fantasy and not something like kings fuckin field. It's not a proper genre but it is a style of game. Idiots who throw the jrpg label on any roleplaying game that comes from japan need to be gassed.

>> No.4074758

As time went on there became a greater need to tell a story and ultimately developers began to put less care into gameplay. With the insane success of the playstation developers began becoming a bit experimental, one of these ways they experimented was creating a more "cinematic" and with this, more story focused. It became more of developer's saying "I want players to think about this concept of society or religion" then "I want players to think about where they'll go next/how they'll build thier characters/win this battle".

>> No.4074889


You still haven't refuted any of my points, you just keep sticking to your own personal description. The way I know you're a goof is that you keep bringing up time periods and shit to somehow try "proving" you know what you're talking about... Maybe you've been mistaken for around 20 years or so?

>> No.4074901 [DELETED] 

no because it has always been dragon quest style and just because later games abandon that style doesn't validate anything you said. lots of games change genres between sequels like Zelda 2 became a JRPG after the first game amirite dawg? Like I don't even know how I am supposed to refute you when you say shit like Valkyrie profile is a jrpg, and so is final fantasy tactics. I didn't refute that because its not even worth engaging in, you're one of those modern shitters that just got into gaming and calls every roleplaying game that comes out of japan a jrpg. its a very popular thing with /v/tards

>> No.4074961 [DELETED] 

why is the janitor deleting posts?

>> No.4074969 [DELETED] 

You think valkyrie profile, ys, zelda 2 and final fantasy tactics are the same style of game? Man you are one retarded faggot

>> No.4074973 [DELETED] 

this is neo /v/, its probably a new janitor passing through a mid-life crisis and thinks that deleting posts will solve anything at all

>> No.4074976

>Ultimately, dark souls is a JRPG.
Dark Souls is a third-person melee combat action game. I would consider it to be a complex form of a belt scroller, like Shadow over Mystara or Knights of the Round.

>> No.4074998

Fucking JRPG threads always devolve into a massive "what is a JRPG, really?" discussion.

>> No.4075004

So essentially the Big and Tall version of belts.

>> No.4075015


This thread was destined to be shit the moment OP created it to imply that only dumb people like JRPGs. And taking a look at this thread, maybe he's right.

>> No.4075067 [DELETED] 

You think valkyrie profile, ys, zelda 2 and final fantasy tactics are the same style of game? Man you are one retarded faggot

>> No.4075097 [DELETED] 

You think valkyrie profile, ys, zelda 2 and final fantasy tactics are the same style of game? Man you are one retarded faggot

>> No.4075127 [DELETED] 

You think valkyrie profile, ys, zelda 2 and final fantasy tactics are the same style of game? Man you are one retarded faggot

>> No.4075134

I think SaGa is a pretty high IQ JRPG series

>> No.4075156 [DELETED] 

You think valkyrie profile, ys, zelda 2 and final fantasy tactics are the same style of game? Man you are one retarded faggot

>> No.4075210

You can't suck at something that lets you retry any part of the game (if you can call it like that) infinite number of times without any restrictions.

>Fallout was easy as shit compared to the Wizardry series, Might and Magic, Ultima, etc.
No shit. They added Tokimeki Memorial gameplay elements to be able to skip that garbage of a combat whatsoever.

>> No.4075226 [DELETED] 

You think valkyrie profile, ys, zelda 2 and final fantasy tactics are the same style of game? Man you are one retarded faggot

>> No.4075241 [DELETED] 

Is the janny really deleting your post because you called him a retarded faggot? LOL! How insecure.

>> No.4075259 [DELETED] 

I think it is more the fact he doesn't want people to know he think dragon quest and popular mail are the same style of game.

>> No.4075265 [DELETED] 

It's because he wants to be respected and can't have everyone on a board dedicated to old games knowing he thinks dragon quest and secret of mana are the same type of game

>> No.4075269 [DELETED] 

he's fresh off the boat from reddit

>> No.4075328 [DELETED] 

How many more posts will the janny delete to save face? Find out on the next exciting episode of /vr/agon Ball Z!

>> No.4075336 [DELETED] 

Hey janny, this is an anonymous site, you don't have to take it so seriously. We're all going to die some day and none of this shit will matter.

>> No.4075503

Then an badly dubbed western movie made in America is a genuine Spaghetti Western? If Bruce Lee starred in an Australian film that tried to copy his classics would it be Hong Kong Action? Could a British band be a Jpop band while a Japanese band is Britpop?

>> No.4075837

yeah if a Japanese pop band managed to rip off the spice girls yes I would call them a Japanese Britpop band

>> No.4076180

Name 1 JRPG that doesn't have autistic grinding / RNG based trash mob encounters to bloat the game time.

>> No.4076186


Is the PC emulator available one good?

>> No.4076563

Chrono Trigger
Saga Frontier

any game that doesn't have random encounters basically

>> No.4076587

Okay, so first:
a) exploration of interesting worlds is an inherently appealing thing. The other genres that offer this are metrodivanias, which not everyone likes, and adventure games, which can have frustrating puzzles.
The same applies to exploration of stories, but on a smaller level, as jrpgs are usually less story driven than exploration driven.
b) simple gameplay based around "Skinner Box" mechanic is not a bad thing. After all, Diablo and other Western ARPGs are based on basically the same principles. All games are about entertainment, and jrpgs allow you to relax and play a game with simple gameplay. You can play Diablo, Dragon Quest or Euro Truck Simulator to relax - but idea is similar
c) variable difficulty level. You can zone out and grind - or if you want an actual challenge and hate grinding, good luck!
d) COMFY FACTOR. For a board that talks a lot about 'comfy' games, it's weird that noone noticed that jrpgs are almost inherently comfy. Simple, almost hypnotic gameplay where it's basic appeal is watching numbers grow; melodramatic plots that are fun to follow; cutesy art direction; weaponized nostalgia factor - face it, jrpgs are the ultimate comfy genre.
Take note that many other 'comfy' games like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda take a LOT of inspiration from jrpgs.

>> No.4076708

>Saga Frontier
is this one on PC?

>> No.4076720

Everything is since you can emulate.

>> No.4076758

I liked FFXII most out of the ones I've played (7,10,12, Tactics a lil bit). It has a gambit system where you program your party's ai, which made the combat interesting. The story is about a political struggle, and I don't remember there being much romance (though I only played about 2/3 the game).

>> No.4077187

JRPGs are basically stuck in early wizardry era

>> No.4077194


That's something only a dipshit who's never played anything past DQ1 NES would say.

>> No.4077205

You're right, they're way below Wizardry.

>> No.4077217


>> No.4077228

>There are people posting seriously in this thread
/vr/ really is no better than /v/

>> No.4078287

Serious or not OP has a point

>> No.4079203

Combat system was cool.
Story is a bloated edgy pile of shit. Non-stop chatter. Didn't get past disc 1. Called it quits.

>> No.4079243

any rpg with scaling like Romancing SaGa or FFVIII

>> No.4079318


>> No.4079319

So which SaGa game would you recommend the most for playing on an emulator? I know some of the more complicated emulators can get wonky (i.e. Dolphin but that's for GameCube).

>> No.4079379

Just about all of them.

>> No.4079394

Great story, in example FF7

>> No.4079504

Someone makes a list of brainy J-RPGs please.

>> No.4079767

Chrono Trigger
Ocarina of time

>> No.4079834

So no romance saga then?

>> No.4079907

I loved the overworld and NPCs in the first three Wizardry games, jRPGs will never top them.

>> No.4079909
File: 73 KB, 1164x805, jrpg tier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me?

>> No.4080637

I enjoy blindly speeding through them to get to the later bosses massively underleveled and trying to beat them anyway. It's kinda like a puzzle, really, maybe I should've kept casting with this character and healing with that, maybe I should've tried this build, maybe this weapon would have been more effective.

>> No.4080797 [DELETED] 

Oh fuck off with that shit, fucking summerposter. I can't stand ANY rpgs, but don't start with this reddit tier implication that anyone who likes them is stupid, anyone can like what they want and you should stop policing people on what games to play. Yeah, you're SOOOO smart, because what you don't play a subgenre of video games? go tip your fedora somewhere else.

>> No.4080896

>you're almost always intended to spend a good chunk of time grinding

And this is where you revealed you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, most good RPGs can be completed without grinding with decent strategy. Keep the RPG discussions to those who actually have experience with them

>> No.4080902

stop posting that bait image

>> No.4080903

You're a fucking retard, that's not what Xenogears is about at all. It was about finding a relationship with God, and what it takes to cultivate a spiritual identity. But I wouldn't expect someone who reads fan fiction to understand

>> No.4080931

>It was about finding a relationship with God, and what it takes to cultivate a spiritual identity
What? It's been years since I played it, but I thought the game's story was basically about Fei and Elly's relationship.

>> No.4081159

I just finished FFVI Brave New World. Besides the bug fixes, I liked the balance changes to the characters. It has a good difficulty to where you gotta think and take a few different approaches, but it isn't overly tedious. The translation was alright, but was too much swearing. I mean I understand Relm swearing because part of her character was being a loud mouthed teen, but most the times it came off as edgy.

Also fuck bronies. Literally there is no reason for the faggot to mention he is a brony in the unlockme, because he had to make the password "cupcakes" and explain he is a fucking brony. Keep that shit to yourself and out of final fantasy

>> No.4081536

I am intelligent and I dislike JRPGs

>> No.4081541

I'm TOO intelligent for JRPGs.

>> No.4081548


>> No.4081892


>Can intelligent people enjoy JRPGs?

Not in my experience.

They are by and large mechanically garbage, poorly designed, overly reliant on menial repetition, ergo grinding and literary trash.

Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics and other Tactical JRPG's are less offensive than most, but even then your time is better spent elsewhere.

>> No.4081896

Intelligent people play JRPGs in raw Japanese.

>> No.4081918

Best answer ITT

>> No.4082846
File: 25 KB, 314x246, O5TqB7I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>difficult games are inherently better than easy games

I hate this fucking meme so much. It's possible for a game to be so easy that it becomes repetitive and boring, but most JRPGs have a good enough sense of constant progression to overlook that.

>> No.4084015


Only to someone with an exceptionally low IQ.

>> No.4084153

This. Every fucking Square or Square/Enix game ever fucking made. Playing them all would be like watching all 9 Fast And Furious movies, or all 18 Police Academy movies, or some shit.

>> No.4085058

BNW's rebalancing is great. But yeah, the translation is pretty cringey.

>> No.4085958

You are a dumbo

>> No.4085972

why has anyone got to justify enjoying anything? enjoy what you enjoy and fuck anyone telling you otherwise

>> No.4086016

This guy actually got it right. I'll add a bit to this post.

JRPG's from the 90's are pretty unique these days. Nothing else is really like them. So you can relax and not have to be on the edge of your seat like you would an FPS or an action game that demands twitch reflexes out of you. They also tell epic stories (not memeing here btw) and are of a grand/big scale. It is a story told to you in a way that other games couldn't be able to do OP. Plus the more primitive graphics actually helped this genre out a lot in hindsight. Just look at what they look like now or look at what happens when they try to tamper with a classic such as FFVI.

>> No.4086093
File: 655 KB, 540x693, Old Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a intelligence?
Its a miserable little pile of concepts!
But enough talk lets play some JRPGs! Have at you!

>> No.4086141

>What is a intelligence?
Something like a irony

>> No.4086220

Joke's still on you though.

>> No.4086259

You are not selling the game with this pitch.
>You must read this 200 page book in order to get the story.
Sounds like a shitty storytelling, rather than depth.

>> No.4087297

>doubles down on dumb
Have a happy summer