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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 88 KB, 1280x720, CRT vs HDTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4065621 No.4065621 [Reply] [Original]

This video brings up the question, and with some defense:

Essentially, because of things like depth, color and real effects, older movies like 2001: A Space Odyssey look better on CRTs. The video creator even goes so far to say that if he was offered a 4k, 3d whatever TV, he'd still use his CRT, which can output above 1080.

I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I have a Sony Trinitron 310 with Netflix access thanks to my Wii, so I might give it a shot. What do y'all think? Is this video truth, or is it someone clinging to old technology like someone who still uses a Zune HD?

BTW, I love my Zune HD. Best thing on the market for sound quality at the time.

>> No.4065628

CRTs have horrible contrast among other faults.

>> No.4065637

Regarding your pic at least, CRTs are absolutely better for Parappa. Fucking thing's unplayable on anything else, even the recent PS4 release has messed up timing compared to the playing the original disc on a CRT. All retro-era rhythm games are the same in this regard.

>> No.4065643

for certain things like retro 2d pixel games they are essential.

certain effects like sonic the hedgehog's waterfalls made use of CRTs to produce dithering and more colors than would normally be possible. on a flat LCD, this effect is lost.

>> No.4065671

Dithering works just as well on any mainstream display. The effect is done with the video standard not the display.

>> No.4065680

whats with all these newfriends

>> No.4065684

Then why do you idiots bitch about RGB on CRTs not doing dithering, supposedly, as well.

>> No.4065691

All the kids are out of school.

>> No.4065696

just STFU you know what you like, therefore: You know the answer.

>> No.4065765
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_2017-06-17-23-03-23-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$25, but I can't tell the model number from the listing.

Cop or not?

>> No.4066246

>doesn't even bother to show parappa on the hdtv in it's correct aspect ratio.
How has nobody mentioned this yet? opinion discarded.

>> No.4066256

The effect work no matter what, unless you're putting your face on the screen.

>> No.4066280

For $25 just take the plunge on it. Ideally though see that it actually works.

>> No.4066291

Definitive Answer:
If you're playing a Lightgun game: Yes, CRT.

Otherwise, it depends.

I personally prefer a CRT when I can. I find the colours are more vibrant and have a warmer feel. Theres also the issue of input lag, which every LCD seems to have if it's not getting a digital signal.

>> No.4066296

only like 5 people bitch about that, it's a meme
decent price for the size
Isn't Netflix support on the Wii ending soon? I thought I read it somewhere but now I can't find it. I use it on my CRT too, it's great for SD content that has no HD versions.

>> No.4066330

1st through 6th gen: use CRT
7th gen & up: use flatscreen.

>> No.4066332

are you filipino?


>> No.4066379

REAL definitive answer:
If what you're watching-playing-doing is in 4:3 then a quality CRT (midline trinitron and up) is the absolute best.

>> No.4066381

DVDs and Laserdiscs also obviously look best on an SD CRT and there is plenty of widescreen content on those formats.

Sorry, the definitive answer still eludes us.

>> No.4066410

It can display any resolution without distortions.

>> No.4066508


I hope not, I love Wii Netflix. They get rid of that and I'll have to hook up a Pi or something, perish the thought.

>> No.4066546

6th gen can play on a widescreen tv (except gamecube) so I would say either crt or widescreen

>> No.4066547

>1st through 6th gen: use CRT
6thgen is a lot better on modern displays. At the very least a 1080i CRT. Can't use the same TVs as 1st-5th gen.

>> No.4066585

Are you fucking kidding? Unlike the washed out grey blacks of a backlit LCD, the CRT is able to almost totally go black by turning the beam off. CRT projectors are still in use by some dedicated fans because of their staggeringly good contrast ratio.

>> No.4066592


Gamecube has a couple of widescreen games too, F-Zero GX most notably.

>> No.4066616

I got mine for free, same model. It weighs 265 lbs so bring some strong friends. Damn good t.v.

>> No.4066636


Who cares what you play on, just play games.

>> No.4066638

Facts, kiddo.

>> No.4066729
File: 99 KB, 976x549, p024vcvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here we see the shitpost in its most boiled-down, unadulterated form. Revel in its purity and the lack of any purpose whatsoever.

>> No.4066736
File: 121 KB, 909x694, CRTcontrastratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underage and hipster. Truly is summer.

>> No.4066750
File: 1.92 MB, 280x211, 1495729815041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I know you were going to post that long-discredited and irrelevant ANSI checkerboard bullshit?

Because you're just that predictable, shitposter.

>> No.4066760
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1497115382990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd world Euro
Same test any reputable TV reviewer uses or is based on.

>> No.4066764

Europe is the first world, shitposter.

Perhaps you should have paid more attention in history class instead of choking your chicken to chinese cartoons (which also originate from the first world btw)

>> No.4066770
File: 36 KB, 419x604, 1484921768727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe is the first world

>> No.4066797

if you like them better they are

>> No.4066801 [DELETED] 

amen, it's one of my favorite things on the Wii? Hulu and YouTube still seem healthy as well.

>> No.4066805

CRTs are definitely better for retro games but when it comes to film you're way better off with a good HD flatscreen.

>> No.4066813

really depends on the video format. SD, interlaced video looks much better on a CRT, for obvious reasons.

>> No.4066821
File: 55 KB, 500x432, inigo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what the terms First World, Second World and Third World mean?

>> No.4066826

There aren't many films that are made in digital SD though. Digital cameras were already HD before they were used for movies.

>> No.4066837

Anywhere that doesn't speak American.

>> No.4066843

28 Days Later was filmed with Canon XL1 digital SD cameras


>> No.4066854
File: 182 KB, 296x381, thumbs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that the US is Fourth World?


>> No.4067134

Everyone's been talking about CRT vs LCD bit what about plasma? I have a plasma and the contrast is exceptional. Burn-in does happen but my TV is new enough that it's not that common and easily reversible.

>> No.4067186

Like I said. There aren't many.

>> No.4067201


Plasma's really good, yeah. Mine at least is good for retro content too as it softens the image quite well with less input lag than a traditional LCD.

>> No.4067208

The only plasmas I've seen with acceptable lag were the very last ones made and only a handful of them. >>4067201 is full of shit and 40ms + is normal for plasmas. I've never seen anyone provide evidence of better than 20ms for a plasma compared to a crt.

>> No.4067508


>>'speak american'

Hahaha, there's no such language

>> No.4067517

man the market for hobbyist crts is a goldmine waiting to be exploited. surprised it hasnt hit already, like with the revival of mechanical keyboards a few years back.

>> No.4067524

A bunch of sub $100 chink trash keyboards is the mark for a CRT goldmine waiting to happen?

>> No.4067534


Way to get triggered by nothing, I never even said it lacked input lag, just that it was more notable on the LCDs I've tried. I wasn't comparing anything to a CRT numbnuts, that goes without saying.

>> No.4067539
File: 2.05 MB, 2048x1520, IMAG0504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah (720p) Plasma rocks for SD content. Here's my Pioneer Kuro PDP-428XD running Megadrive over RGB SCART.

I've done a side-by-side with my BVM and 240p test suite to determine input lag. It's somewhere between 1 and 2 frames.

It cost me £80 all in and is in basically mint condition.

>> No.4067549

better /bɛtə/ adjective: A word used unqualified by underage to convince themselves their shit opinions mean anything.
Your post convinces me they're "better". kek.

>> No.4067565

When it comes to vewing anything 480i and under I think that older analog CRTs are great. But HD crts are in this awkward spot and hardly have any pros. Some people say that they're better because of input lag or classic games. But HD crts still have digital processing (2006 standards too, I bet a new LED has less delay than a HD crt), and when it comes to classic games? They don't produce scanlines, they have the same faults as new LEDs. They may technically have better contrast, but new LEDs aren't as bad as they used to be, most people wouldn't know the difference either. They also aren't as sharp as a LED and with the added weight, it makes it very hard to justify using one. HD carts don't satisfy classic gamers or people looking to consume modern content.

I love CRTs, but I think this guy is just clinging to the tech. HD consumer crts fuckin suck for the most part. A new LED isn't even that much money and it would be way more convenient and in most cases would look better in every way besides contrast.

>> No.4067580

Dude, oled's are literally calibrated using high end crt's because of their great color reproduction and contrast. The screen is black anywhere the guns don't shoot the screen.

>> No.4067584

>oled's are literally calibrated using high end crt's
No, dumbass.

>> No.4067585

IDK about all this hd crt stuff, but for low res progressive images, they are the best. The way it slightly softens the lines, but stays sharp (if you use a good connection), combined with the great color and contrast, it just looks great on these old games. If your crt doesn't wow you with color, if is either calibrated wrong, or just old, and needs to be replaced. Plus no lag and no scaling are just icing on the cake.

>> No.4067586
File: 35 KB, 600x349, NAB-SonyOLEDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Sony could get it as good as a bvm.

>> No.4067587

This pic is literlly at a showcase where Sony is saying "Look, we almost are as good as a crt when it comes to color, and contrast."

>> No.4067591

That isn't an assembly line or development room you dumbass.

>> No.4067601

>almost are as good as a crt
You mean that modern BVM outpermfs that older CRT tech in all areas.

>> No.4067624

Stop comparing consumer grade tech to professional grade stuff. That crappy HD crt you found on the side of the road is definitely not the same as a BVM that can output the same resolution.

Not sure what you're saying here, but aren't both of those BVMs? The new OLED bvms are absolutely incredible and their prices definitely show it. A regular ass consumer grade TV is not the same as a BVM

>> No.4067634

but htose are sony bvms?

Im confused

>> No.4067948

>The new OLED bvms are absolutely incredible
I wonder if few years from now these will become as desirable for 7th/8th gen gaming as CRT PVMs are desirable for retro now.

>> No.4067995


If nothing else the blue OLEDs will be utterly fucked given the typical duty cycle of a broadcast display.

>> No.4068085

Plasmas are good, they have low input delay like a crt too.

>> No.4068123

That is an entirely different kind of "contrast" you illiterate shitbird.

>> No.4068169

>input delay
That depends almost entirely on the particular chassis employed and its image processing subsystems.

The panels themselves have essentially instant pixel response and some degree of phosphor decay though, better replicating the motion quality of cathode ray tubes.

>> No.4068812

My back hurts just looking at it.

>> No.4068814

Learn to lift you beta cuck.

>> No.4068848


Lol, asserting your alphaness through being able to lift a crt tv. I'm gonna absolutely tear the whole off your wife later, and yes, I'll let you watch the video later

>> No.4068856

Retard can't even get his inaccurate assertion across in a coherent manner.

>> No.4069087
File: 101 KB, 1024x768, IMG_4532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That particular crt in the vid is a KV-34XBR960, Sony's highest end consumer hd crt, and yes it is better than many flatscreens. Until about 10 years ago it was considered the industry standard for tv picture quality, contemporary reviews gushed over it and thanks to its widescreen form factor and HDMI support it's still an ideal display for modern HD games and video.