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4054946 No.4054946 [Reply] [Original]

Name 15 flaws, I dare you

>> No.4054953
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graphics are shit
the horse is gay
baby's first zelda
the start of gamer girls wearing zelda shirts and never playing zelda
it's on n64 and wouldve been better on playstation
its not FF7
yawn... too easy dont even feel like continuing.

>> No.4054967


>> No.4054968

Legit complaint right here.

>> No.4055002

That stupid fairy that follows Zelda everywhere he goes

>> No.4055009

It's 20 FPS dumbshit

>> No.4055010

>it's on n64 and wouldve been better on playstation
Do you love loading times and fluttering textures/incorrect perspective so much?

>> No.4055012

>it's on n64 and wouldve been better on playstation
Imagine the alternate universe where nintendo is an active third party dev at that point.
>Zelda duology director's cut 4 disc special edition containing OoT, Master Quest and Majora's Mask

>> No.4055015

It would be 4 discs for OOT alone.
Also, the PS1 couldn't handle OOT's polycount.

>> No.4055018

It's not that PS1 couldn't handle the polycount, it's that the console has to tessellate trillions of polygons to draw large areas without insane texture warping. I know that's kind of the same thing, but you gotta be precise bro

>> No.4055020

>loading times
Nah, I hate those
>fluttering textures/incorrect perspective
WAAAAAY better than the N64 vaseline.

>> No.4055021

Haha, no.
Also, use a CRT.

>> No.4055025

>couldn't handle OOT's polycount.
Neither could the n64 and the game still looked like shit

>> No.4055028

Come on, playstation kid, don't you have some incorrect texture to warp to?
I'll go make myself a coffee while it loads.

>> No.4055035

I do use a CRT.

>> No.4055043

>A Link To the Past 3D
>Hyrule Field is way too big and empty
>Ganon is OP because link acted like a dumbass
>Kaepora Gaebora
>The first dungeon is really basic
>Everyone is a woodplank
>Prerrendered rooms (Market, some houses, etc) look like shit
>Not having a temple for the light medallion is lazy
>Big Poe's side quest is boring
>The post journey (Gold Skulltula hunt) is not worth it
>The water temple is widely flawed
>Most tunes are remixes of old themes
>The final boss is anticlimatic (there, I don't give a shit how epic people say it is)
>Overall it's extremely overrated, while it's just a 3D shift, and that's it. No reason to be as praised as it is (Fuck you Watchmojo, your offices are filled with apes)

>> No.4055046

While I don't agree with you, at least your post isn't full of memes like the other responses itt.
Well, other than complaining about the water temple.

>> No.4055047

Kaepora Gaebora and Navi may also be memes though

>> No.4055089

I think this thread is a testament to how good the game actually is because it proves how much reaching you have to do to even come up with 5 flaws.

>> No.4055098

Hahah not one of those points are valid and you literally just started spewing crap from the get go.

>Amazing 3D Graphics for the time it was released.

>One of if not the first game you could mount/dismount and ride a 3D rendered horse.

>What? What about every other zelda game that came before.

>Are you that ugly and socially retarded that it bothers you if a girl wears a zeldashirt? kek

>It wouldn't have been better on the playstation at all, infact, for Metal Gear Solid - The Twin Snakes to have actually decent looking 3D Graphics compared to Metal Gear Solid (Ps1) they had help from the Nintendo team.

>It not being Final Fantasy VII is obvious because it's Zelda you absolute retard, thats the equivelant of saying fuck cheese because it's not bread.

>You couldn't even come up with one good reason. Please end your life immediately.

LoZ - OoT was at the time a massive step forward in game developement, we wouldn't have most of the openworld games with lucious graphics if it hadn't have been made or it would have taken many more years.

It was a masterpiece of game developement and a push towards the gaming we have today.

Not my all time favorite game but deffinately up there.

>> No.4055103

01 nintendo is for children
02 nintendo is for children
03 nintendo is for children
04 nintendo is for children
05 nintendo is for children
06 nintendo is for children
07 nintendo is for children
08 nintendo is for children
09 nintendo is for children
10 nintendo is for children
11 nintendo is for children
12 nintendo is for children
13 nintendo is for children
14 nintendo is for children
15 nintendo is for children

>> No.4055108

>One of if not the first game you could mount/dismount and ride a 3D rendered horse.

Jesus christ, every thread OoT fanboys come up with new 'innovations' the game came up with.
With time, all of these are crushed down and the list of innovations go from major gameplay influences to meaningless tidbits.

So it started with "first game where you can ride a horse" to "first game where you can (dis)mount a horse" and now it' "first game where you can (dis)mount a 3D horse".

But even that is not true. OoT came out late 1998, 3D wasn't in its infancy anymore.

>> No.4055110

OOT is the best game of all time and will never be topped, but it doesn't prove anything that you're asking /vr/. They're just too stupid.

Five flaws would be the merchandise is lacking, too many bottles and lack of interesting items to put in them, Gold Skulltula rewards come too late to matter, the Shadow Temple honestly doesn't fit with the rest of the game, and it falls for the trope about putting off the final boss while you can lounge around forever.

>> No.4055114

It was the first to mount any kind of vehicle in 3D. Every thread you OoT opposers get BTFO on the innovations topic and then run away and come back later in the thread posting like it never happened.

>> No.4055117

>3D wasn't in its infancy anymore.
3D stopped being in its infancy the moment OoT came out :^)

>> No.4055123

How come a game released in 1998 can still make so many people so angry?

>> No.4055124

Even those are shit, and partially subjective.
>the merchandise is lacking
As in... the stuff you buy in-game? Granted, a lot of it is available for free elsewhere, but it also has to do with the convenience when you need shit but don't want to waste time looking for it. You could remove stores entirely, but then people would bitch they have to scavenge for resources. This complaint right here pretty much sets the trend, most of the "flaws" people tend to list are just "they didn't include X in the game!".
>too many bottles
Four is too many? They're optional, you know, and when you're doing sidequests that require transporting stuff, it's always good to have more. They're utility. Having more of them is NOT an objective flaw.
>Gold Skulltulla rewards come too late to matter
No. The best rewards are the early ones, lilke the wallets and the stone of agony. Nintendo often structures its collection quests like this and it pisses people off for some reason. Better rewards come early because they don't expect every gamer to collect everything, and don't want them to miss out on anything really good. They figure the reward for the hardcore completionists is the act of completion itself, so the ultimate prizes are often just little tidbits.
>the Shadow Temple doesn't fit with the rest of the game
What? How? This is the dumbest one yet.
>falls for the trope about putting off the final boss while you can lounge around forever
I take it back. THIS is the dumbest one yet. The fuck does this even mean? Did you want some kind of fucking countdown timer to appear or something?

I like how you complain that /vr/ is stupid, and then prove to be just as dumb as the worst of them.

>> No.4055126

>It was the first to mount any kind of vehicle in 3D.

not that guy but I'm pretty sure you could mount boats and snowmobiles in tomb raider II

>> No.4055128

Even if it's true, which even you don't know for sure because you haven't played every 3D game with vehicules ever made to make sure, the fact that "they're the firsts to do it in 3D" doesn't make it "innovation".
That's like saying "they're second but because they're second they're first".

btw GTA1 was in 3D, and I doubt that was the first either

>> No.4055131

GTA1 was as 3D as Zelda 1 was in 1986.

>> No.4055135

If it was remade today those would all be critical flaws and if the game is to hold up against the best of the future, those are the biggest chinks in its armor.

Let's just agree to disagree. I see you're a rabid fan or new here.

>> No.4055138

People that say OoT is good because it did a lot of things '"first" miss the point.

It isn't about being first. It's about being the first to do something properly.

Much like how iPod wasn't the first bulk-storage portable music player, but the first that wasn't a piece of shit.

That's why most of these threads are dumb. Some Nintendo idiot will go "OoT was the first 3D game with enemy targeting" which is obviously wrong, and then some other probably Sony idiot will say "Tomb Raider did it before OoT!" which may be technically correct but Tomb Raider's targeting system was a broken piece of shit compared to OoT.

>> No.4055147

So you claim you know which game innovated what but can't even grasp the definition of 3D, and also dismiss (or ignore) counter examples.

No wonder you think 3D is so "innovative".

>> No.4055148

20 fps, despite m64 being 60 fps on the same engine
The bullshit where some items you get are only useful in the dungeon you find them in, plus it started the trend of dungeons giving weaker versions of items that get replaced later with the slingshot/bow and boomerang/hookshot
Hyrule Field is kinda only there to waste your goddamn time. Epona's sole purpose is to reduce that waste, and gets supplanted by the teleport songs soon afterwards
Songs were a tedious gimmick that future Zeldas needed to imitate for some reason
Less dungeons than LttP
Combat is extremely simplistic. Enemies can react to different strategies, but the game never encourages you to use them. Your best bet is always to wait for some extremely telegraphed moment of vulnerability and press A or B.
A lot of what makes OoT well received is within the context of the time it was released. Since then, in the present day in which we live, many games have done more with the systems present in the game. The value of "innovation" diminishes greatly over time.
Gold Skulltula quest is half baked, because of the limited use for rupees in the game. The economy in the game is almost an extant feature in fact.

>> No.4055149

>If it was remade today those would all be critical flaws
You have to be baiting or trolling or whatever the kids are calling it these days. Holy shit, kill yourself.

>> No.4055156

Kek. Is this bait?

>> No.4055162

>20 fps, despite m64 being 60 fps on the same engine
SM64 was 30 FPS
>plus it started the trend of dungeons giving weaker versions of items
LttP and LA did that with gloves/bracelets
>Hyrule Field is kinda only there to waste your goddamn time. Epona's sole purpose is to reduce that waste, and gets supplanted by the teleport songs soon afterwards
you can say exactly the same thing about LttP
>Less dungeons than LttP
>Combat is extremely simplistic
on-part with earlier games

>> No.4055163

The fact you're too stupid to know what I meant by any of those except the Skulltula gripe is the reason I didn't dignify your post further. Duly note that so you can learn to shut the fuck up and better the quality of life of those who have to bear you.

>> No.4055169

Edgy. Help me to understand, then. My ignorance is no excuse for you not having to explain/defend your criticisms, and I really want to know, because they SEEM dumb.

>> No.4055170

>Combat is extremely simplistic. Enemies can react to different strategies, but the game never encourages you to use them. Your best bet is always to wait for some extremely telegraphed moment of vulnerability and press A or B.
I feel like this is true of so many games, even in the present day.

>> No.4055174

>the Shadow Temple honestly doesn't fit with the rest of the game
That's called juxtaposition. The overworld is pretty vibrant, relaxed and bright, so it makes sense to have a dungeon that is moody, tense and dark, the exact opposite. You can see the same being pulled off in most of the other dungeons too. Not only that, but every Zelda game always has some spoopy place going on, and OoT arguably has the best one yet (tied with the Arbiter's Ground for me). It helps to think of these games as not just being for little kids, despite what the memesters might tell you.

>> No.4055176

Shit my memory is full of holes.
Good refutation, but I got problems with the Hyrule field one.
My problem with Hyrule Field is that it has no point than to pad game time. The overworld in LttP is a better designed because it has meaningful content that you would skip over if you teleported. Teleportation was always a convenience by the way, not a flaw.
Also the combat in the 2D games is different, due to the lack of a dimension. You can just directly say they're similar without explaining yourself.

>> No.4055183


>> No.4055184

Admittedly, 3D games with better combat at the time were mostly FPS, but I think at some point in the GC/PS2 era you couldn't get away with it without people noticing.

>> No.4055206

Merchandise in OoT isn't based on convenience, but most of the time is the only way to acquire more of something. Such as running out of Bombs in Dodongo's Cavern. This makes it balanced, but it's also on objective flaw by dispensing only things you can always get more of along the way. If you don't mess up, you never have incentive to enter a shop. Compare that to Goemon where you can buy sandals to walk faster or something. OoT lacks that.

The lack of balance for the bottles makes the game too easy too quick. 3 as child Link right away vs 1 as adult Link. I shouldn't have to explain how OP this is.

Shadow Temple is a platformer hell. The bottomless pits and wide expanse forcing you to navigate differently and more wearily (right up to the boss door), make it jar with the solidarity of the rest of the game's dungeons. You can say "they force you to change it up because it's a Sheikah training ground! How is that a flaw," but that's no excuse. It's no fun falling off the boat fighting Stalfos and starting back at the entrance, when the dungeon is linear and long. Among other things like the third Dead Hand fight being removed for no reason if you're playing the regular OoT.

OoT does have a countdown and point of no return after you fight Ganondorf. All I'm saying is it should have come sooner. It would have been good if Ganondorf put up a barrier around the Master Sword chamber so you couldn't go back after that point. But they couldn't do this because when you save outside you always start at the Temple of Time which would trigger that scene. There's a flaw in that — the game couldn't have a point of no return like Super Metroid or Super Mario RPG even if it wanted to since there's no way to force a player to start in a say a dungeon or home ala ALttP.

There, I've dignified you for asking nicely, but if you're going to vitriolic again, don't expect another response.

>> No.4055213 [DELETED] 

Further on the point of no return, it's to give the game a sense of conclusion that I would like that or Ganondorf trapping you in the castle once you enter. SOMETHING. They forced the player to press A to get through dialogue because they wanted them to feel engaged. Point of no return is a way video games can do that if done right. The example I first gave is not that great but I gave it to list another flaw in the save system.

>> No.4055216

Elaborating further on the point of no return, which is to give the game a sense of conclusion, I would have liked Ganondorf to trap you in the castle once you enter. They forced the player to press A to get through dialogue in cutscenes rather than making them all automatic because they wanted them to feel engaged. Well point of no return is a way video games can do that if done right. The examples I gave are weak and the one about the Master Sword isn't great but I gave it to list a flaw in the save system. An objective flaw.

>> No.4055253

>there's no way to force a player to start in a say a dungeon or home ala ALttP
You meant like LA. OoT directly uses the savewarp system of ALttP with the added convenience of starting out in the dungeon you were in. It makes sense, since it gives you a "home" and you can cut out some otherwise unnecessary backtracking that sadly the GBC games suffer from.

>It would have been good if Ganondorf put up a barrier around the Master Sword chamber so you couldn't go back after that point
That would honestly make it worse. Zelda games are structured so you can do the main quest first and after you beat it to go back and try to find all the items you didn't discover the first time. So you'd either have to lock the player into the final dungeon forever or simply reset all the progress you've made in it, and both are easily worse than what's presently there. There is of course the possibility of allowing the player to continue AFTER beating the game, but then you wouldn't be able to use all those cool powerups you found after the fact anywhere at all and you'd miss the ability to easily replay the end credits.

>Shadow Temple is a platformer hell
>It's no fun falling off the boat fighting Stalfos and starting back at the entrance
Neither of these are true though.

>> No.4055329

Ugly textures
10 fps
Absolute shit compared to ALTTP
First dungeon is pure garbage
Link's voice
Menu sucks balls
Hard to emulate
Only liked because muh first thrueeedeee zelda
Slingshots are gay
So are tree people like the kokiri
So overrated that Nintendo decided to make it the central game of the nonsensical Zelda timeline
Slow dialogues
2D environments in 3D games on the N64 is a fucking joke
The few 3D environments outside dungeons are totally empty
Sheikh is Deviant Art shit
Ganondorf looks retarded and has looked so until Twilight Princess

I, for one, have had more interesting things to do, but if someone actually played this game more than 2 hours, he might be able to expand the list.

>> No.4055335

>Combat is extremely simplistic
I always read this as a critique to arpgs, yet i have to see a single arpg that, aparently, doesn't have simple combat.

>> No.4055341

>You meant like LA
ALttP offers you to start in the dungeon you saved in or at home/Pyramid of Light. The GBA version also added Last Place Saved I believe, so you can start out of the last house or cave you left.

>Zelda games are structured so you can do the main quest first and after you beat it to go back
Disagree. Zelda games aren't intended to be collectathons. That's an unintended result. Like Maelstrom put it, Heart Pieces are to tailor the game to your skill level. Too hard? Find more Pieces. I suppose you're right though and the PoNR is an arbitrary complaint since you can draw the line for this anywhere. So I take it back. This isn't a flaw, but personally I think they should have accounted for the enemies leading to Ganon when they made that end-game save point.

>Shadow Temple isn't platformer hell
It is and Mario would be less out of place inside it than Link is.

>> No.4055348


>mfw oop will do his best to defend this

>> No.4055970

the sun cycle when you're in hyrule field is weird because no time passes despite like 2 days going by if you walk to hyrule from the forest

the windmill paradox

switching boots in the water temple

phantom ganon fight. Dead mans volley is shit

hyrule field is pretty empty for the most part

why the fuck cant adult link use the boomerang

>> No.4055982

What's wrong with the windmill?

>> No.4055994

Block pushing "puzzles" are the worst

Too easy, I seriously can't find any challenge in this game unless I'm doing a 3-hearts only run

The fields are fucking empty, especially as adult Link. Kind of a let down after four games where there was something happening on almost every screen of the game world.

This game would be 10/10 if it just fixed those problems imo.

>> No.4055997

>why the fuck cant adult link use the boomerang

Makes things too easy.

>> No.4056019


Besides that, the Hookshot is the same thing.

>> No.4056031


who taught the phonograph guy the song of storms if he taught it to link

>> No.4056042

He was already playing it, wasn't he?

>> No.4056107

it streamlined a lot of things and was a very hifh quality 3D game that taught players how to actually play a game with an extra dimension. it had great music and atmosphere and was rather expansive for its time.

that's it. who cares. like it or dont.

>> No.4056119

Pretty sure it's 60 according to my emulator.

>> No.4056126

Anon it's ok to like 3D Zelda better, but OOT didn't streamline shit. I've been doing a Zelda marathon and by the time I got to OOT it felt a lot slower and clunkier than any of the games I played prior.

>> No.4056127 [DELETED] 

Those are fields per minutes, or the amount of emulated cpu cycles or something. Zelda OoT is actually caped at 24 fps. If you use Glide plugin it actually tells you the actual frames per second.

>> No.4056129

Those are fields per minutes, or the amount of emulated cpu cycles or something. Zelda OoT is actually capped at 24 fps. If you use Glide plugin it actually tells you the actual in-game framerate.

>> No.4056131

For an actual N64 game that's capped at 60fps try F-Zero X or Super Smash Bros.

>> No.4056391

What was the deal with that weird third person aiming mode with the awkward movement?
I'd try to use it just because it seemed so silly.

>> No.4056401

Probably just there so you could adjust your position I'd guess.

>> No.4056408

In ARPGs it's okay, because the fun comes from the RPG mechanics.
Zelda is a straight on Action Adventure.

>> No.4056450

There is a hint of truth to this. OoT reads input at 60 FPS much like SM64, irrespective of framerate.

>> No.4056463

The text scrolling during dialogues is fucking slow.

>> No.4057037

it's the only zelda game i've been able to actually enjoy. so i guess none.

>> No.4057038

but it says 17 in that screen shot.


>> No.4057067

Nope. He says he heard a kid play that song long ago.

>> No.4057168

OoT- Deku Tree, Dodongos Cavern, Jabu Jabu Belly, Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, and Spirit Temples add to 8 total

ALttP- Eastern Palace, Desert Palace, Tower of Hera, and 8 Dark World Dungeons make up 11 total.

Last time I checked 11 was bigger than 8. Don't count Ice Cavern, Bottom of the Well, and shit either. They are mini areas so Hyrule Castle would count for ALttP too.

>> No.4057179

why do people bring up other games that have made similar mistakes in order to defend a game?

>> No.4057184
File: 12 KB, 166x220, ver12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ contrarians think fucking OOT, of all games, need defending

>> No.4057192

its on nintendo 64
nintendo 64-15 flaws
4 + 9
>13 64 15
1 + 5
6 + 4
>10 6 13 64
19 - 10
>2 or 1 and 1

9 11


>> No.4057215

Not 15 but a few
>Linear as hell
>Too much backtracking
>Too flashy
>Too realistic looking for it's time

>> No.4057330

>Linear as hell
>Too much backtracking


>> No.4057347

Linear means a set progression, backtracking can be included as linear. Zelda 1 can be beaten in many ways, oot has a set path and goal.

>> No.4057356

One flaw is your 800x600 emulated screenshot.

>> No.4057369

OOT lets you do temples in different order.

>> No.4057415

Your just butthurt because it is fact!
Remember Red Dead Redemption?
You can thank OoT for that you absolute fuck fuck boy

>> No.4057417

But even that is not true. OoT came out late 1998, 3D wasn't in its infancy anymore.

But it is true anon.... one could even say that it is fact. kek

>> No.4057435
File: 66 KB, 720x405, sc720x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oot has a set path and goal.

yeah I mean wtf... beating dungeons. Fighting Ganon. Completing sidequests. Exploring worlds. A progressive story. It's so linear man.

>> No.4057447
File: 27 KB, 310x310, 1396063563381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mfw when it's the only Zelda game I've never finished because I always get bored halfways through.

>> No.4057541

not those guys but lba2 had a dune buggy you could fuck around with

>> No.4057680

>graphics are shit
I hear this a lot, but I really like the feel of the game. There's something about the technical limitations that adds a feeling of mystery to the game, as if your brain is forced to fill in the gaps where something may be missing.

>> No.4057919

One flaw. I discovered oot like 10 years ago on fellow's burned cd-r. It was emulator and russian-translated rom. The flaw is that game did not reached me sooner. Sad to be slowpoke emukid.

>> No.4057923

by bored you mean you can't figure out puzzles, right?

that's why people love OoT. It's the easiest zelda ever

>> No.4057937


I think ALTTP is the better game but come on, you can clear 3 of the ALTTP dungeons in the time it takes to do one OOT dungeon... Not because OOT is bigger or anything but it's much slower and clunkier.

>> No.4057997


I'd give that to The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, where nothing but Ganondorf can hurt you for more than one heart if even that.

>> No.4058793


1. dogshit textures even for its time
2. linear as fuck disguised as open world
3. navi. nuff said.
4. everything xxxtreme 90s smashmouth feel
5. pre-rendered backgrounds for scenes? seriously?
6. imaginary camera controls.
7. story feels like bad doctor who fanfic
8. gave link ear-rings. can never be forgiven
9. water temple. everyone brings it up because everyone's right that it sucks
10. Making Ganon humanoid
11. Making Impa some grrl pwr superhero
12. Sheik? Come on, kid.
13. Hyrule castle is the size of 4 bedroom house
14. Horse mechanics were terrible and pointless. Like giving you a car to drive around a bedroom.
15. The name. Ocarina of time? Its not cool. It sounds like Didgeridoo of temperance, or Harmonica of nightmares. It sounds like the name of a bad fan-game.

>> No.4058825

>not a single one of these is a legit complaint
I'm impressed, anon.

>> No.4058826

Weak bait. You're gonna have to do better than that!

>> No.4058840

>>Too realistic looking for it's time
You lost me there. Care to explain that one?

>> No.4058878
File: 2.63 MB, 640x360, oot-2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking shit about oot

the lighting and atmospheric effects were incredible for the time, hell they still are pretty atmospheric

>> No.4058883

horse is gay

>> No.4058886

Harmonica of nightmare sounds dope

>> No.4058917

maybe he's an alien

>> No.4058924


How did they fuck it up so badly in the remake

>> No.4058950

Xylophone of Xorrow

>> No.4058979

>can't thaw Zora's Domain
that one made me RRREEEEEE as a kid

>> No.4059025

Flute of Friendship

>> No.4059051

Dumb namefag.

>> No.4059146


a lot of N64 games were pretty atmospheric

great example is Rayman 2
that game is way more atmospheric than modern Rayman games

>> No.4060818

That's because of 3D. Naturally it will do that so you can't compare longevity in the first place.

>> No.4060846

>a push towards the gaming we have today.
so it's the game we have to thank for the abundance of open world fields of nothingness that are wide as the ocean and deep as a puddle
gee, thanks

>> No.4060851

1. Big Poe hunting is janky
2. Epona jumping obstacles isn't super refined
3. Combat is trivial in nearly every encounter in the game, boss or no, because Z-targeting is like one step above QTEs
4. Even if you do get shit on, you have like 4 life bars thanks to bottles

>> No.4060860


>> No.4060861

>i enjoy this game
>it must not have any flaws

>> No.4060863

I'm not a huge OoT fan, but Z-targeting is actually a great innovation that has nothing to do with the game's lack of combat difficulty
the souls series and plenty of other action games use a similar lock-on system and manage to be challenging just fine
it beats having to fight against shitty camera angles

>> No.4060906

It's true that better enemy AI is probably the real problem here. On the other hand, Z-targeting restricting movement to strafing wasn't necessary, I don't think. Like you can have the camera lock but still have free range of moment, and then you have to contend with actually aiming properly, although I'm sure that'd make arrows frustrating.

>> No.4060934


It's really not that bad if you can read maps and you take advantage of Farore's Wind.

>> No.4060985

Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link shows Saria his Great Deku Tree so she could let him take root in her Lost Woods so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult so Link teaches it to the windmill guy as a child so the windmill guy could teach it to Link as an adult, etc...

Standard time travel bullshit really. honestly surprised that there's not more of it in OoT.

>> No.4060993

>Hard to emulate
>only played 2 hours
lol what an idiot

>> No.4061873

>Making Ganon humanoid
This one did sting. i remember playing it and not being able to figure out how ganon fit into the story because i'm playing fucking zelda, where's ganon? maybe it was 2deep4me. I liked the idea of fighting this semi-immortal mythical evil the permeated the land. it seemed so, idk. eastern?

The whole "stab the foreigner with your sword" seemed so basic. and nintendo won't fucking drop the ganondorf/wizard antagonist garbage to this day. Is there any interviews where they explain this?

>> No.4061878

Didn't they already establish that Ganondorf started out as a humanoid who was transformed by his inner darkness in ALttP?

>> No.4061924

>video games
>not for children

If you're not an "IDORT", you aren't being honest with yourself.

>> No.4062078

i agree. n64 sucked ass. stupid controller, cartidges in a time of cds, gayest zelda, it's on par with zelda 2

>> No.4062124

Yes. And half of ALttP Ganon has the form of Aghanim, a humanoid apparition/extension of himself.

>> No.4062125
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I love OoT, but there's a few problems I have with the game in hindsight

>unskippable cutscenes take away from replayability, mostly getting to Hyrule Field.
>Hyrule Field is rather empty for its size. While it's initially incredible, it just becomes a burden later on.
>The escort section of Jabu Jabu's Belly was a drag, even if you know where to go.
>The Skulltula sidequest felt unrewarding to complete.
>Forest Temple had too much backtracking, especially if you get dragged back to the beginning of the Temple.
>Late game temples felt easier than early ones; a 3 heart run is entirely feasible even without having a lot of gaming experience.

That aside, I don't think the Water Temple is that bad, and the framerate doesn't bother me like it does with newer games that run at lower framerates. Maybe it's forgivable because the game doesn't feel too fast paced anyway?

>> No.4062151

>Hyrule Field is rather empty for its size. While it's initially incredible, it just becomes a burden later on.
I can never get behind this particular complaint. Though I recognize it's common enough that even if I don't feel the problem is there, it's there enough for other people to not be an invalid claim all the same.

That said, I always saw the field as a burden but intentionally so. And well done. It's there for the awe factor (clearly an element capable of aging, leading to the retrospective hate toward it) but also it's in place as a measuring stick for player progress.

At the beginning of the game it is a game play element in it's own right. You learn of the day/night cycle by reaching Hyrule Castle Town's gates just in time for them to close, you learn to fight as you encounter stalchilds, and you learn to be more clever in fights through encountering peahats.

As an adult the role shifts. It is now a trifling hindrance. You know the lay of the land by now, you know how to fight, and you no longer need the field. The field itself is now in the way. But this is also when you can acquire Epona and spells to bypass it. Marks of player progress that tie into Link physically progressing to adulthood.

I strongly feel the field is wonderfully executed for people playing the game for the first time. It does sort of fall apart replaying it or if you've just been raised on 3D games to come after and are beyond the tools it can teach enough to care.

>> No.4062159

Oh, I agree that it's wonderful for first timers. I think my major issue is that there isn't much there outside of the Ranch. Maybe a hidden mini-dungeon with a unique weapon (or weapon upgrade) at the end would have made it better. The Poe sidequest used the field's size very well in my opinion.

>> No.4062172

Link looks like ass
Camera shit
Boring over world
Scripted events
Shitty aesthetic
Time period sucks, not dark ages enough
To much animu crap, now all future Zeldas are animu crap
Ganon > gaydorf
It's just not fucking fun
Too many systems
Too much pointless story
Set up way too many staples other games have to copy
Too linear
All the made up races looks stupid, just shitty expanded lore creatures and ideas

>> No.4062181
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Bad frame rate.

Bad textures (looks like stretched out low pixel jpg.

Didn't even look good for its time, spyro looked better.

Color pallet too dark.

>> No.4062196
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There's only two things I didn't like about OoT.
Hyrule Field, and that characters didn't show up on screen until you were close to them. That originally never bothered me until after I played Majora's Mask and then went to replay OoT. More of a nitpick than a flaw, I guess.

>> No.4062306

To everyone complaining about the pre-rendered backgrounds: play on an N64 on a CRT, that's the only way they're gonna look tolerable. They're 240p images, and if the rest of the game is rendered in 240p, it looks ok. 240p images upscaled to 480i/480p look shitty, and it looks ESPECIALLY shitty when playing on a 800x600 emulator.

>> No.4062387

>first to mount a vehicle in 3D
>What is Tomb Raider
>What is Shadow Warrior

>Amazing graphics
Less amazing than Unreal, which came 6 months prior, less technically impressive than Unreal, Q2 and Half-Life.

>> No.4062418

>non-integer resolution scaling
you're doing this to yourself.

>> No.4062594 [DELETED] 

>its not FF7
thank god

>> No.4062658

>too many/much

Great critical analysis there, anon.

>> No.4063174

Even if you're emulating OoT in a resolution which is an integer multiple of 240, it's gonna look like shit. The only way it's gonna look good is with scanlines. Unfortunately, all these millennial spergs that claim that pre-rendered backgrounds are a major flaw of the game only played on some emulator (whether it's GameCube, Wii or Project64) that didn't output the game in 240p and therefore didn't show scanlines. Besides, their parents probably trashed their CRT when they hit puberty.

>> No.4063587

>combat is boring
>hyrule field is boring
>kaepora gaebora
>gold skulltula stuff is worthless
>epona's carrot stamina meter is pointless
>carrying around ruto was annoying
>equipping/unequipping the iron boots was annoying
>the "puzzles" where you just shoot an eye thing with an arrow were dumb
>the block pushing puzzles were dumb
That's all I got

>> No.4063589


Nice analytical thoughts.

>> No.4063615

>There's no real incentive to use any specific tactices with the majority of the enemies you come across in OoT. They could have made it so that certain enemies have weaknesses to specific types of slashes/are invulnerable to others, or something like that.
>Hyrule Field is empty aside from the skeletons that appear at night. It's fun to traverse the first few times, but becomes a real chore eventually.
>The gold skulltulas amount to rupees, when you can find more than enough necessary for what you have to buy without the additional wallets. The 1/4th of a heart piece is fine I suppose, but it really doesn't make a big difference if you're getting the ones you normally do, and use the very accessible bottle fairies.
>Epona's stamina meter serves no purpose other than to slow what should be something that speeds up your movement across hyrule field. If there were abundant enemies that you could either escape from or fight, sure. But you don't.
>The iron boots. Do I really have to go further with this one?
>The shoot-the-eye-with-an-arrow puzzles. Do I really have to go further with this one?
>Block pushing is slow and a frustrating waste of time, especially if you know what you're doing.
There, happy?
I'll also add that the treasure chest opening cutscenes get old pretty fast.

>> No.4063623

For the record I like oot a lot

>> No.4063625

>I'll also add that the treasure chest opening cutscenes get old pretty fast.

Nu-gamers and their e-celeb worshipping.

>> No.4063635
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Its okay if the treasure chest cutscenes don't bother you anon

>> No.4063703


I guess you're right. it seemed to me like he was an apprentice than actually ganon. It makes sense. I suppose ganon is pretty shallow as character, but I feel like "the strange magic man" is too emo/edgy.

>> No.4063705

I didn't like how Din's Fire trivialized every single fire-related puzzle.

Balancing on platforms that are quickly rotating around a flame in the middle and have to shoot an arrow through the flame at the right time to hit the ice behind it? Nah just walk up to the ice and use din's fire.

Need to light all of these torches with fire arrows in a limited time, but there are multiple points you could start from and light in different orders, unsure which would get them all lit and you to the exit door in time so you can plan a strategy to solve it? Nah just cast din's fire and light everything within a 12 mile radius.

A powerful monster is chasing you that you don't want to block/parry/counter normally? Just use din's fire for 1/20 of your magic bar to instantly defeat it in 1 hit. Oh look, the fire opened a cave to a secret power-up too because its AoE is massive, now you didn't have to listen to NPCs talk about the secret place in the region and piece together the clues in the carefully crafted landscape that would've led you to there. Awesome.

>> No.4063751

>now you didn't have to listen to NPCs talk about the secret place in the region and piece together the clues in the carefully crafted landscape that would've led you to there. Awesome.
That never fuckign happpens.

>> No.4063753

there's no real exploration it's all just kind of there, already on your map

Characters are all one dimensional cardboard cutouts

inb4 Water Temple

of course the camera but this is an early 3d game we're talking about

>> No.4063758
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>nintendo is for children
yeah children could get through this

>> No.4063759

Holy fuck, this is some delicious bait.

>> No.4063771

It's fucking impossible to aim the bow, boomerang, longshot, hookshot, slingshot or any other projectiles without any sort of indicator or reticule, making precision aiming useless. Makes Adult Link awful to use and makes aiming at enemies outside targeting worthless. Ruined every Zelda (even Wind Waker because the bow was like this) until Twilight Princess

>> No.4063790

Op asked for 15 reasons, not a critical analysis

>> No.4063840

You're a scrub, git gud

>> No.4063871

Get good.
Or play the 3DS remake, the gyro aiming is actually great.

>> No.4063883

>It's fucking impossible to aim the bow, boomerang, slingshot
They have no arcs and each tool has a distinct model with an easy to measure midpoint for aiming. Boomerang is between Link's ears for example.
>longshot, hookshot
And these guys have targeting indicators.

>> No.4064146

The chest opening cutscenes didn't bother anyone until egoraptor made that retarded video filled with poor comparisons, lies and manipulation to make non-problems and nitpicks seem like true flaws.

>> No.4064150

Play the N64 version or the 3DS remaster. The GC, Wii, Wii U and most PC emulator versions have really bad analog stick mapping which makes aiming imprecise. It's great on the N64 though.

>> No.4064408

Spyro uses a LOD engine where textures disappear completely past a certain viewing distance. The game's levels are far more barren and sparsely textured than OoT (which is hardly a saint in that aspect itself).

Spyro is the only non-cutscene character to have more than a few dozen polygons. All of the enemies and creatures have a polygon count like something out of Bubsy 3D

>> No.4064610

When I played OoT when I was younger, watching the chest cutscene only to get ANOTHER compass/dungeon map was very disappointing. They could have just reserved them for new weapons and other unique key items. If the compass and dungeon chests opened like normal small chests the letdown wouldn't be nearly as bad

>> No.4065358

Alright, I'll give it a try
>"HEY, LISTEN!" all too often
>That spinning blade in the ice cave (Dodge? haha no)
>The empty space of Hylian fields(Maybe a handful of things to do in it alone; elsewise, it just wastes memory and time)
>No explanation for the fucking scarecrow & his song
>That bullshit Bombchu test with the giant cuccoos
>no-sword mode and how it breaks the rest of the game
>The backwards settings of the fucking owl dialogues(Let the player skip the exposition!)
>The fact that you never get to kill the fucking owl
>Don't get to beat the stuffing out of that one Kokiri jerk, either
>Okay. Fat fish is fat. The joke of him moving is old, mummified from sheer age and he's still trying to get out of the way
>Moblins were 'wait and shoot', not duel bosses like Wolfos/Lizalfos/Iron Helmets
>No use for Deku Sticks or boomerang as Adult Link, no way to use costumes or hookshot as Little Link
>Deku nuts were nearly worthless, too
>When did Link get his ears pierced in that 7 years?
>Never give the player a chance to find the Light Medallion on their own
>Bombchus severely underused
>The bullshit encounters with redead molestation squads (Close enough to sun-song at? Let me interrupt you!)
>Epona's last-carrot cooldown and excess precision needed for jumping fences
>Magic spells rendered other options superfluous
>Ice arrows had little use
>I have no way to play it anymore ;_;
Still a 9/10 game.

>> No.4067684
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Watching him genuinely lose his shit over some clams makes me smile to this day.

But also, die a little inside.

>> No.4067771

>Large empty areas
>Unskippable cutscenes
>Forced tutorial in the Deku Tree
>Should be able to do Dodongo's Cavern or Jabu Jabu in either order
>Most bosses are too formulaic. Total pushovers once you figure out their hook.
>Painfully slow block pushing
>Switching out the iron boots
>That King Zora cutscene
>Money receive/spend ratio is fucked

She's awful in The Deku Tree, but she serves her purpose as a tutorial in the tutorial dungeon. Otherwise she says HEY once between major progression flags, LISTEN if you press a button, and WATCH OUT during battle but that one actually hypes up the situation.
>Useless items
Do they really make the game worse? They're still gameplay options that you're free to use or ignore.The main dungeon items are used well. Missed potential isn't a flaw.
>The Water Temple
In an otherwise simple game a bit of complexity is welcome. The iron boots are a flaw, not the temple itself.

Everything else is either
>graphics whoring on /vr/
>It's different than X game
>It's similar to X game
>optional shit I didn't personally like
>I can't git gud
>I refuse to like popular things

>> No.4067898
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i remember wishing for more sidequests besides the spiders, hearts, bigger inventory numbers, and sinking lure

was lucky enough to get this at launch


>> No.4067912

When i was a kid i absolutely loved it. Now when i get the urge to play it i get bored after i leave kickakykeoreo village. I can replay ff7 anytime and i cant stand turn based rpgs anymore. Its weird, i dont get the fanvoyism over zelda games, wach one is the exact same game with a slightly fresh coat of paint, but no the spergs come out in full force when you say anything about zelda. Majoras mask is even more overrated than ocarina of time. Ive tried playing most of them, the only one i could play for more than an hour was the minish cap, but i got really bored on the swamp part and havent picked it up since.

>> No.4067918

Definitive version is on a handheld.

>> No.4067919
File: 2.12 MB, 640x360, oot-4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you hate cool as fuck lighting and atmosphere

>> No.4067920

I hate poor framerate, actually.

>> No.4067940

I like the Water Temple, but it's definitely flawed. You don't have many combat options underwater (only your hookshot), it's a pain to backtrack through the dungeon using all the 3 different water levels, especially with the slow swimming. Even if you could equip iron boots on a C button, the swimming, floating and sinking would be tediously slow. Which wouldn't be that much of an issue, if it weren't for the fact that you have to backtrack so much!

Also the Water Temple has some straight up bullshit at times, like the tektite dropping on your head in a water elevator (which you can't see coming).

>> No.4067945

>t. millennial without patience

>> No.4067954

Thats why i can play ff7 and grind away, or elite fronteir for hours on end, or daggerfall all day, or rogue survivor till the sun comes up, or numerous c64 text adventures. Youre a fucking moron. Just because a childs game is boring to an adult, they have no patience? I fucking swear nintendo fanboys are the most retarded people to exist.

>> No.4067996

>if you don't hate nintendo games, then you ARE a nintendo fanboy
That's now how it works, sony cockroach.

>> No.4068014

>I can replay ff7 anytime and i cant stand turn based rpgs anymore.

Because playing something for the millionth time is comfy and easy on the mind. You know what to expect, and it doesn't require much thinking at all.

Playing something you're unfamiliar with requires much more patience.

>> No.4068026

Most of the complaints levied against the game are such minute things that they are barely worth mentioning for one of the first 3D games that were ever made.

OoT is a great game.

> B-but A link to the Past!
Either that is the Zelda game YOU grew up with, or you're trying to score brownie points with the older generation

> B-but babby's first Zelda!
Like almost any Zelda game. I can't think of one I haven't beaten as a kid.

> Water temple is bad

The water temple has a certain flow to it. I remember that if you take the past of least resistance, do everything in the areas you're passing through, you don't have to fidget around with the water levels too much.

It's a little bit hazy but I think you can do shit at level 2 in the beginning, lower the water level to level 1 there, then do shit down there, raise it to level 3 etc. but the temple always leads you to the place you need to raise/lower the water level to. If you're doing it right you don't have to spend countless hours figuring out the water levels.

>> No.4068032

I actually think the Water Temple is quite enjoyable, but it was really annoying figuring everything out for the first time.

>> No.4068128

you should do more of these.
they're pretty funny