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4053790 No.4053790 [Reply] [Original]

hey /vr/, do you guys recommend skipping the first suikoden game or not? if i've never played any of them before and this will be my first time.

>> No.4053807

Nah, don't. 2 doesn't continue the plot of 1, but it brings back a large amount of characters. Suikoden 1 is a good game in its own right and is also quite short for an RPG. You could easily complete it in about 20 hours.

You can also import your endgame save from 1 and recruit the protagonist in 2. Unless you plan to do some patching on the 2 ISO, give him a name that starts with a capital M. Due to a bug only capital letters transfer over.

>> No.4053825

im not sure how to do the endgame save import, im planning to emulate the game. Could you perhaps elaborate on this if you think its relevant ? (keep in mind im pretty new to retro gaming). in either case, ill start with the first one so thanks

>> No.4053829

Save the game on an emulated memory card. You'll be prompted to import data when you start a new game on 2.

>> No.4053839

im guessing any emulator has an emulated memory card located somewhere in its program files folder, so i should be able to figure that out thanks

>> No.4054041

I'm one of the few who actually liked the first Suikoden more than the second.

>> No.4054045


Not at all. In a lot of ways despite it's flaws I prefer one over 2


I like them about even. 2 had a lot of quality of life improvements but honestly I feel like 1's story is better told. 2 has higher stakes drama but a lot of the twists feel kind of dumb.

>> No.4054115

>2 has higher stakes drama but a lot of the twists feel kind of dumb.
Because they are dumb, and Jowy is a terrible character.

>> No.4054197


I mean up until after Luca it's all gravy. Shit was great then but then Jowy comes along and becomes king and instead of just stopping the war outright keeps that shit going because LOL DESTINY

Semi related Suikoden 2 is one of the few games where I think getting the good ending is worse. The way they go about reviving Nanami or resolving the rune of beginning shit just felt like such a last minute ass pull on top of being incredibly saccharine. Leknaant just pops in and says EVERYTHING IS BETTER NOW and it felt kind of bull shitty

>> No.4054209
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Also this may be a silly thing to complain about but I really do not like Riou's standard portrait.

>> No.4054242
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In terms of gameplay, Suikoden 2 was much more fun and polished. But I do feel Suikoden 1 had a a better story, or at least the main character arc. Suikoden 1 is about a sheltered kid who suddenly have to be the leader of rebels and fight his homeland. Tir suffered a lot through the war as he lost Gremio and Ted and had to kill his dad. And in the end of that he got the reward he deserved. It's a much simpler story.

>Jowy is a terrible character.
So is Nanami.

Gotta agree. My favorite ending is Riou became the leader and just throw his shitty friends away. Killing Jowy mercilessly first is optional.
>The way they go about reviving Nanami
Bitch's not even dead. Should've faked your death midway into the game and go fuck off to a mountain somewhere so I don't have to see your annoying antics.

>> No.4054389
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>And in the end of that he got the reward he deserved.

He's cursed with immortality and is fated to guard a rune that will devour the souls of anyone he loves and he never got to tap the cutie ninja

>So is Nanami.

Eh, Nanami's okay. She's emotional and a little annoying but her actions made sense up until

>Bitch's not even dead

Why would she even do that at all. See this is one of the big reasons I prefer the bad ending and that she stays dead. If she just wanted out of the war she could have said so and just went home no one would have been mad. Instead she fakes her death causing the hero unimaginable grief all for no reason. Am I missing some kind of crazy Japan logic here?

So yeah the good ending sucks. Riou the retard runs off with his dipshit friends like a stupid puppy instead of feeling any lasting impact from the horrors of war. I don't want him to become Punished Riou or some grim derp shit but fuck show some consequences.

>> No.4054464

Didn't play Suikoden II but Suikoden I turned me off on wanting to play it. I found the battles to be fairly bare. You do get up to six characters but most of the time you use the standard attack for most battles. There are a very few runes that have their own abilities you can continually use, very few union skills that just aren't worth using unless you always want to reserve two spots just for two specific characters to use a skill that just does single target damage, and the spell charges are just so few that you only utilize spells to dump on bosses. The main thing you will be doing with party composition is selecting certain characters that can utilize their weapons on the front row and ones that can use their weapons from the back row.

Character growth is very standard, experience points, levels, auto allocated stats and you don't even unlock new character skills per level, only maybe the next tier of the rune spell which you will probably only use on a boss. Inventory is a chore and you will end up maxing it out with curative items.

I cannot recommend it. It is very standard, but it doesn't stand out. Not a bad game, but not great.

>> No.4054487

>He's cursed with immortality and is fated to guard a rune that will devour the souls of anyone he loves and he never got to tap the cutie ninja
Well, yeah, but at least he's done with wars and go wandering with Gremio. I feel like if he became a leader, he'll suffer more. After what he went through, it's the best ending available for him. Also pretty sure Kasumi's feeling was one-sided.
About Nanami, no, she's definitely not okay. She kept whining, asking Riou to run away with her. I can understand if she's doing this for the first half of the game, but behold she asked again in Tinto. Fucking Tinto where Riou has already fully established as the symbol of morale and hope from the army. I know Neclord was really dangerous and it's our choice to say yes or no, but this is just baffling. Why is the closest person to Riou, who should've supported him, is trying to make him hesitate in fighting? In comparison, Tir's family fully accepted Tir's decision to become a leader and always supported him in any situation. TL;DR Nanami is just a deadweight for Riou.
>If she just wanted out of the war she could have said so and just went home no one would have been mad. Instead she fakes her death causing the hero unimaginable grief all for no reason. Am I missing some kind of crazy Japan logic here?
I think this is the part where she realized she's just holding Riou back. She decided to fuck off which is something she should've done since the beginning of the war, because like I said earlier she never really sure about fighting and making Riou the leader. She wanted him to fight without her being his deadweight. It might seems like a noble thing, but looking at how she did it, it's just pure selfishness.

>> No.4054621

Skip the second one too. They're really bad games. They have some nice sprites but that's about it - The music is woeful. The level design is basically non existent. The writing is sub-shounen anime tier. The battle system is mediocre. And with Suikoden 2 you get heaps of bugs like completely untranslated lines of garbage text characters instead of dialogue, missing music entirely in battle scenes, nonsensical translation, and lots and lots of other bugs.

>> No.4054656

Suikoden 1 is a good game. Rough around the edges, but in many ways just as satisfying as 2. Like others have said, it's pretty short and the more elegant story is arguably more satisfying.

At the end of the day, they are so similar that if you honestly feel like 1 is skippable, you won't be too crazy about 2 either.

>> No.4054754

>So is Nanami.
Oh, she definitely is. Typical "WAAAH I HATE FIGHTING WAR IS BAD" female character. Thankfully aside from her and Jowy, most of the other major characters were pretty nice.

Yeah, the good ending is pretty dumb with how easily everything is wrapped up. Jowy and Riou went through all that drama and then in the end they're just back to being friends like nothing happened? That's bullshit.

>> No.4054945
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fuck you

>> No.4054954


At least Nanami is kind of useful. I can't believe S1 didn't give Tir and Gremio a team up attack.

>> No.4055096

Gee Billy, two Suikoden threads?

The first Suikoden is very short and can be completed in about 15 hours. Some things, such as inventory system, may feel archaic and clunky, but overall it's a very nice game with lots of charm. The sequel however pretty much improves on everything. It's a classic.

>> No.4055706
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Suikoden 1 is pretty short anyhow. I completed it in 20 hours and recruited everyone, I even grinded for 99999 gold about 3 or 4 times in the Chinchiro mini game.

Incidentally, I'm pretty OCD about recruiting everyone, and luckily the first game has no one you can miss easily. I looked up some things on Suikoden 2 and I feel like I could miss some people.

Is there like a list of people who are easily missable, and is there even a reason to recruit everyone this time around?

>> No.4056083


1. Not sure if there's a list, but most everyone is recruitable if you're thorough. Listen to what people say, and explore everywhere you can.
There are two that people can miss, and often do: when you're in Matilda, leave the town you start in, and explore the other town(s?) nearby. A sidequest is available there that gets you two more familiar faces from S1.
2. A better reason than before: having all 108 stars before the big battle unlocks your rune's 4th ability.

>> No.4056394

I don't use a guide so I expect that I'll miss a bunch of characters and other optional stuff. Will missing the "good" ending ruin my experience?

>> No.4056496

>I don't use a guide so I expect that I'll miss a bunch of characters

You'd be surprised. Most of them are just talk to dudes.

The only one that will give you trouble is the last black smith because you need to get him with his 4 students in your party and at a certain point you get party locked

>> No.4056498


Pleb and proud, the post.

>> No.4056509

ok and if I do miss someone,
Will missing the "good" ending ruin my experience?

Even if there's a 99% of finding each character, that's only a 1/3 chance of getting everyone

>> No.4056514

>Will missing the "good" ending ruin my experience?

Not really. I like 1's good ending better than 2's but the only changes are very slight.

>> No.4057054

If you're going to play any of them you might as well. It's not a great game but none of the Suikodens are.

>> No.4057546
File: 73 KB, 720x480, 6-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the first game to be a better experience overall. Storytelling, characters, locations, music, art, everything!


>> No.4058275


2 had a lot of trouble with moment. It certainly feels like a bigger game but a lot of a time a game that's bigger is often just padded

>> No.4058315

Suikoden is such a strange series.

Isn't it weird how they made a Suikoden V (before the bastards went and killed the series), but never bothered making a Sukoden IV?

>> No.4058479
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 21-PSOGL331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say one thing about 2. For anything it gets right the war battles are fucking HORRENDOUS.

Even the non existent IV's are better if only by virtue of not being completely fucking broken. And I don't mean in the let's meta game to make it trivial sense I mean in the this shit does not work sense

>> No.4058492

I don't really get what you mean by "completely broken", but what I hate about II's wars is that every single one of them is scripted, making any planning you do irrelevant other than to get events/characters.

>> No.4058520


The music cuts out completely for most of them making you play in dead silence and its a complete crap shoot on who damages whom

>> No.4058629

Yeah the music often cuts off or restarts, but the battle itself actually has some interesting mechanics, unit HP and atk/def similar to Warsong/Der Langrisser. Then again it doesn't really matter because all of them are scripted.

>> No.4058915

PAL version plays the music fine.

>> No.4059041


>> No.4059049

yeah, music bugs were exclusive to ntsc-u.

but there are patches for these and other bugs (some of which affected all regions) on suikosource. disclaimer: i haven't tested these because i haven't gotten around to playing s2.

>> No.4059401

Now you've mentioned music I think the war battle's BGM wasn't in the OST.

>> No.4059540


He's making a funny. 4's not super great. It's SRPG spinoff was pretty darn good though

>> No.4059594

How so?

>> No.4059671

2 has the worst endgame of all Suikodens. Everything after Luca is a lame and boring chore.

>> No.4060210
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>> No.4060278

Valeria for sure. She can bring home the bacon and fry it on the pan.

>> No.4060285
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By the way wasn't she supposed to have a special dialogue if she met McDohl in Suikoden 2? I think Viktor and Flik also had one.

>> No.4060308

>cool warrior woman vs gay boy in drags


>> No.4060314


Oh please if anyone's a bull dyke it's the women whose not at home if she's not wearing combat boots

>> No.4060345


>> No.4060430
File: 22 KB, 400x329, suikodentirkasumi9zj1.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She do, but Id be lying If I said I remember the details.

>Suikoden 1 has a cutie ninja crush on the MC
>Suikoden 2 has a cutie circus girl crush on MC
>Can't reciprocate

You know Tir has an excuse he doesn't want to accidentally eat her sould I get that but Riou has no excuse outside his retarded friendship boner which I hate.

Im not even saying turn the games into waifu dating shit but don't tease me if you're not gonna let me follow through. Least the prince got some in the end

>> No.4060437
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>> No.4060456
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>You know Tir has an excuse he doesn't want to accidentally eat her sould I get that but Riou has no excuse outside his retarded friendship boner which I hate.
Tir definitely had a reason. That's why not only he didn't reciprocate Kasumi's feelings, he went away from practically everybody. Suikoden 2's "bad end" where Nanami stayed dead and Jowy fucking off somewhere or get killed by you., while not exactly "good", makes much more sense. Riou will put all that behind him and he carries on as a new person. S2's "good ending" was way, way too happy. Even Suikoden 1's good ending still had some bitterness as Ted and Teo did not come back.

>> No.4060614

Oh. Wasn't funny. I've completed the series in order 4 or 5 times now. IV is a decent rpg, if not the greatest Suikoden game.

>> No.4061294
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It's just too clean. Even if you wanted to somehow redeem Jowy and get the gang back together you needed to go through an actual redemption arc to make that shit work.

Jowy might have had his reasons but ultimately at the end of the day good reason reasons don't make for good actions. A lot of people suffered because of him and to wash it away like it never happened is just cheap. Im all for a happy ending but you can't have a character pull the kind of shit he does and then expect me to just be okay with an asspull like that

like look what 5 does. Siadleeds pays for her actions and doesn't come back and Lyon doesn't lie about being hurt and dying. The game flat out stops her from dying on you and nobody pretends otherwise for drama.

It's a big fat happy ending and the prince is back where he starts but he's matured and wiser and takes up his fathers old roll as captain of the guard and despite the aforementioned Siadleeds thing everything is gravy

>> No.4062083
File: 685 KB, 800x1100, colton helmut3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suikoden 5's biggest problem was that it tried too hard to emulate Suikoden 2.

>> No.4062105
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 34-s5-107-065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, you're not wrong. Not completely. If it tried to do more original stuff it'd be overall better because where it excelled it excelled hard. Easily the best developed lead cast in the series. Kind of crap villains though. I mean they got the job done and you want to see the heroes win over them but eh they lacked that certain charisma only Luca had

>> No.4062114

>saying anything even remotely good about Suikoden 5

That game is literally 20 initial hours of absolutely fucking NOTHING. And then add to it THAT one repetitive music track that is constantly looping, you know the one...

>> No.4062115

>it tried too hard to emulate Suikoden 2.
that's not tierkreis

>> No.4062120

>Being a shitter with bad taste

>> No.4062121

I lost interest in V pretty quickly when the main crew started touring the not-evil-we-swear empire and then surprise surprise they turn out to be evil like 4 hours later.

It has some interesting ideas (true runes being misused by allied characters, prince on the run, etc..) but I didn't find it to be very compelling.

>> No.4062162

>touring the not-evil-we-swear empire

Considering the empire's not evil and it's an external third party that took control I wonder how much you where even paying attention.

>> No.4062216
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What evil empire are you referring to?

>> No.4062221
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>dis scene

>> No.4062258

>Incidentally, I'm pretty OCD about recruiting everyone, and luckily the first game has no one you can miss easily.

>> No.4062293
File: 101 KB, 320x240, 33-Suikoden_2_4-029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaah and Rina definitely didn't give that mountain guard a blowjob.

>> No.4063108


Rina's a good girl. She's just looking out for her family.

>> No.4063529

Why does nobody ever talk about the DS Suikoden game? I never finished it but I do remember having fun before I stopped playing

>> No.4063546

I guess. I like 1 and 2 equally. 1 has it's own charm and it was the first Suikoden I played back in the day.
I think I need to replay both 1 and 2 this year. It's been long enough.

>> No.4063590
File: 50 KB, 553x405, 5957343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tierkreis is a very solid RPG but as a Suikoden game it felt like a sharp kick in the nuts.

>> No.4063636

It's an okay entry I guess. I liked the constantly changing worlds.

>> No.4063754


It just felt especially cuntish for a serious whose main draw is being set in the same world to be an off canon AU.

>> No.4063876

Having only 4 party members killed it for me, as well as the customization which makes everyone on my party wielding two swords.

It does have one of my favorite battle theme, though still well below Luca's fight and Gothic Neclord. Also too bad for the scratchy DS sound.

>> No.4063925

I decided Tierkreis sucked as soon as i heard a couple lines from the english voice acting.
There's bad voice acting, then there's bad voice acting that sounds like it came from a laptop mic.
I know an undub exists but the damage cannot be undone.

>> No.4063981

There are still at least 9 unknown True runes we will never know and of the ones we do know at least 3 have unclear purposes

it's a real shame I do so like the mythology of this world

>> No.4063982

I will if someone removes the voice acting.

>> No.4064065
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>That tale of betrayal, lost of love, despair, broken and rekindled friendship and triumph over adversity as you fight for what you believe is right.

Man that cooking mini game was kind of a ride

>> No.4064072

Hai Yo was OP as fuck with the right runes.

>> No.4064096
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 101-PSOGL568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You actually get to meet his dead girlfriend in V
>She's super cute

how he can keep going is beyond me

>> No.4064098
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>TFW you're not doing what you love

>> No.4065027
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Im not going to say sex happened. But Im not going to say it didn't.

>> No.4065161

Despite it being not a real Suikoden game, Tierkreis had a really great soundtrack.


>> No.4065298

IIRC, Kasumi, Flik, Viktor, Clive, Viki and Valeria all had special dialogues, though most were just one or two liners...the only ones that were remotely fleshed out were Flik, Viktor and Kasumi.

>> No.4065375
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>plays through all of Suikoden V
>doesn't select the best ending

all of my wat?

>> No.4065394


Im sorry I don't feel like running away like a hobo after spending all that time to get my shit back.

>> No.4066052
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>> No.4066075
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Why would anyone want to miss out on the best military uniform in the series?

>> No.4066091
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Man I really wish V had alternate costumes. I don't have quite the distaste for the prince's normal duds but fuck me if I don't miss that comfy ass shirt

>> No.4066145
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You know what my favorite thing about the series is?

Home base.

It's the best part of every game. A few other games have one, Skies of Arcadia springs to mind as a good example and it's always awesome.

There's just something refreshing about having your own fort to come back too between missions to see all your buds and let you take stock and relax a bit before heading out to whatever adventure and drama is coming your way. Even what small bits of dialogue you get out of 100 some odd generally flat characters is enough to make them seem like people seeing them go about their off time and creates a nice sense of reliability by given your heroes a place they can be themselves in.

It's not something you can really pull in a standard RPG all that often honestly what with the nature of them having the heroes always on the move but it's nice when it crops up.

>> No.4066182
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Yeah, I never understood that. It's especially strange considering you could change Snowe's clothes in 4 (provided you had the item to do so). 4 did some things right, at least.

>> No.4066207
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I feel like for whatever fault it had 4 had some weird amount effort put into it. Someone on the team gave a fuck. It wasn't enough to fix the game but the game's not as completely horrible as folk like to make it seem.

Glad tactics rolled around and let the 4sods and setting be used for a good game tough

>> No.4066287
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Agreed. Despite all the hate it gets I still really love Suikoden 4. Granted I love all the Suikoden games so that really isn't saying much, but I think 4 has its own charm. Tactics was really enjoyable as well. Great atmosphere, great base, and the best camera in the series that unfortunately got thrown out in 5.

>> No.4066294

You should play Suikoden 1, if only for the reason that Suikoden 2 is such a FUCKING AMAZING GAME that playing the first will make it EVEN BETTER.

Suikoden 1 is really short anyway. It's like a 10 hour game. So just do it. It's honestly okay. Not great. It's okay.

Suikoden 2, however, is truly one of the great JRPGs of its age.

>> No.4066698
File: 472 KB, 1400x746, Suikoden-III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any love for III out there? It was pretty comfy too

>> No.4066812

Why does the play time of Suikoden 1 keep on dropping?

>> No.4066951


people are talking out their ass. 10 way to short even if you rush.

>> No.4066985
File: 730 KB, 2592x1944, Started_but_never_finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attribute it to how everyone can finish games faster than I. They say Chrono Trigger is a 20 hour RPG, my savegame says 70 hours. My Suikoden 1 says over 40 hours. It just lends credence to how I am slow in the head.

Tough choice for me too. Until I saw >>4060285 and I will say Kasumi too.

I have only played the first two. My friend says they are all great, just some are not as great as the others. I should start playing 3 and get the rest someday, but I sort of want to restart and marathon the epicness from the beginning. So based on 1 and 2 alone, I will say jump in on either, play it and I think you'd have a good time either way.

To everyone else, this is a great thread, don't hurt me for not playing 3 or any other yet. It sounds like Tactics is worth a look. How about the GBA ones? Or the PSP visual novels?

>> No.4066991

>They say Chrono Trigger is a 20 hour RPG, my savegame says 70 hours.

Did you leave the game running and fall asleep? Because Ive done that.

>> No.4067162

Suikoden III is my favorite one.

Sasarai is mai husbando.

>> No.4067203
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It really needs a VI to fill in the gap between IV/Tactics and V

Title Game Year Offset
Suikoden Tactics (flashback/first part) 300 -156
Suikoden IV 307 -149
Suikoden Tactics (rest of the game) 310 -146
Suikoden V 449 -7
Suikoden 456 0
Suikoden II / Suikogaiden 459 3
Suikoden III 475 16

>> No.4067227

Seeing it grow is the other bit of wonderfulness. Both Suikoden and SoA had different parts that added to that(Suikoden had the music, SoA had the visual flair when you paid for upgrades), and as you say, extra one-liners from your crew just added to the immersion.

>> No.4067231

>>To everyone else, this is a great thread, don't hurt me for not playing 3 or any other yet. It sounds like Tactics is worth a look. How about the GBA ones? Or the PSP visual novels?
The GBA one is the card game that's been getting shit on...skip it.
As for the PSP visual novels...that depends on how much you like the characters, because it REALLY delves into a lot of their backstories, though the MCs are obviously Nash and Sierra. I would say give them a go...you'll learn more about SOMEONE you liked in the first two games.

>> No.4067232


Chrono trigger is like a 12 hour rpg

>> No.4067238


Read the post again

>> No.4067303

All of the returning characters from Suikoden I get extra dialogue if you bring them to McDohl, but I think Kasumi is the only one who gets an extra scene in Tir's house.
Pesmerga is not a man of many words.

>> No.4067470
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>> No.4067543

Replaying 1. Tai Ho and his dice game can get fucked

>> No.4067782

replaying II on my phone right now. Aiming to use useless characters like Gabocha and Hoi to beat the game this run around, maybe Hai Yo too. Never goofed around with the mini games either, its a very well polished game. I think one of the best aspects of the series is the small map, filled with recruitables and story events, but the scale of the conflict never reaching beyond what you have seen.


Suikoden I has my favourite town theme. Love the atmosphere of that game. II is a testament to its time in gaming. I feel I might get more out of the PS2 games if I emulated them, reduce load times. Real tragedy this series is lost in time, it does so many things right.

I also could get nostalgic because my dead bro showed me the series back when I was a kid. Sierra is best girl.

>> No.4067808

>its a very well polished game.

Im assuming you're playing the patched version because POLISHED the game is not. It's FULL of bad grammar and bugs.

>> No.4067814


I meant full of charm, and enjoyable side games that use characters and parts of your castle, and make it more fun to play. Should have listened to my instinct and not said anything nice, knew it would just be shot down on /vr/.

>> No.4067815


Well you're not wrong the game got charm out the ass and if you want to say that it's all well and good, Im sure a lot of us agree with. Im just saying choose your words better is all or even just go into greater detail. Things like charm and polish are vague.

>> No.4067816

Hai Yo is broken as fuck with the right runes and equipment. He attacks twice and can equip three runes. Fucker's a killing machine.

>> No.4067825


Fair. I'm just off work, just on a tangent praising the game. And you're right, I just recruited Annallee, and her mute singing really ruins a good moment (and really the characters only personality). Mathilda's shit gates are intentional, I have to believe though.

did anyone ever actually complete Clive's sidequest?

>> No.4067865

>did anyone ever actually complete Clive's sidequest?

fuck no. I never liked clive all that much and Im sure as shit not going to bust my ass for his side story at the expensive of blitzing the game

>> No.4067908

If only it gave us Elza in place of the faggot.

>> No.4067943


That's still too much effort

>> No.4068609
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Is it the came composer throughout the entire series?

OST for IV, Tactics, and V are amazing.

>> No.4068617
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>To everyone else, this is a great thread, don't hurt me for not playing 3 or any other yet. It sounds like Tactics is worth a look

You really should play IV first even though its the weak sister of the Suikoden series. Its still comfy, has a lot of charm, and the saved game data feeds into Tactics to give you the main character from IV as a badass playable character

>> No.4068867
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>You know what my favorite thing about the series is? Home base.

This, this, a thousand times this.

The developers use the suggestion box to really help flesh out how all the characters get along, and the bath scenes are just awesome.

They put a lot of effort into stuff that is technically skippable. Every game is worth exploring

>> No.4069210


It really helps give the sense that character who never interact or have anything in common would just shoot the shit

>> No.4070496
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You mean the comment box or the bath scenes?

Suikoden III had the best bath scenes

>> No.4070605
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Nothing like coming back to Headquarters after a long and perilous campaign, only to find half my army getting shitfaced.

>> No.4070689 [DELETED] 


Just kind of in general. Seeing them all in different parts of the base does a lot more than words can do alone.

>> No.4070692


Just kind of in general. Seeing them all in different parts of the base does a lot more than words can do alone.


This is a perfect example. Nothing is getting said but all your characters are taking time to unwind. Flik drinks alone because he's still hurt from Odessa, Rikimara and Amanda are big loud fighters who are probably trying to outdrink each other, Rina is probably waiting to see if any hunky guys want to buy her a drink.

Hell I think if you took Valeria she'll even hang out next to Anita and they'll just be drinking together too.

>> No.4070748

I think sometimes Viktor will sit with Flik, but of course it makes sense they'll drink together too.

>> No.4071761

Besides SoA and this, any other games that get this thing right?

This is probably my favorite jRPG because of this.

>> No.4072220
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Xenosaga sorta-kinda (sometimes you have a base of operations) but its nowhere near as comfy as Suikoden


Left or Right /VR/?

>> No.4072231

Not counting 4 since I had fuck all to do with that game, all of the Suikodens have a problem with the best ending in that it can get rather samey. Not the part where collecting the 108 Stars brings someone back or whatever, the part where the hero bails and goes off to explore new lands or whatever shit.

It works just fine in Suikoden 1 because Tir earned that ending himself. It's a bit gray because he still has the Soul Eater Rune but he fought the good fight and deserves his respite, and his surrogate father figure was reunited with him.

In Suikoden II... Yeah. Jowy has *alot* to fucking answer for and he abandoned Pilika. I'm not saying it was wrong for Riou to spare him, and maybe it was for the best for the both of them to get a fresh start but they both end up throwing away all of their bonds with other people for this escape. It's literally saying that Jowy was always more important than any of your allies, your troops, potential romances or anybody else.

Suikoden III mostly concerns itself with everybody trying to restore balance among the nations involved. Kudos for people sticking around and actually attempting to work in the reconstruction rather than fucking right off after a terrible war.

Suikoden V actually gives you the option to leave or stay, though it's tied to a mechanic over how well you treat your sister. Georg Prime, god bless him is the only other character in the series aside from Tir who has a perfectly legitimate reason to leave, given the burden he has to bear. It really doesn't fucking work that after your parents get murdered and your sister has to manage the throne by herself (even with a new parliament installed) that the best ending still has the option of you abandoning her.

>> No.4072274

Right easily

>> No.4072362
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Man I forgot what a bitch 1 was at party locking you. I like Gremio as a character but holy fuck paddle is he just generally kind of awful

>Not counting 4 since I had fuck all to do with that game,

In 4 if you don't recruit all 108 YOU die and are giving a funeral at see. If you collect all 108 you don't die. Id say it works here too because the Rune of Punishment is essentially purified by the act of gathering all the stars and doesn't kill you like an asshole. And since we got a king in place and you're only probably his bastard kid they don't need you to stand behind and fix shit.

As for 5? Well Lym's a smart kid she'll probably make a decent queen but yeah she's only 11 or so and as much as I love her there's only so far I trust Miakis in an advisory role



>> No.4072402

Fair enough regarding IV, I suppose.

But I'm not saying Lym wouldn't make a good queen, especially since her brother and aunt both directly and indirectly helped get rid of the biggest political threats to the realm's stability, but both she and the Prince lost their parents, two of their three aunts (since Bernadette is implicitly Ferid's sister and she leaves at the end even if she doesn't die.) The prince risks losing Lyon depending on what ending you get, and Georg has to exile himself.

On top of all that, Lym was forced onto the throne; she KNEW she was being used as a figurehead/excuse for the Godwins to do whatever fuckall they wanted, including two attempted Genocides and keeping Cheidrich around, and in her name these assholes tried to war with her brother. I mean, yeah, Lym is a much stronger girl than one would think but she could barely handle watching the games at the beginning. She's been through *alot*

When the dust settles, she's alone on the throne with only her best friend/sister figure and Haswar by her side if the prince fucks off, absolving himself of any responsibility to her or his homeland. It feels really crappy, even worse than absolving Jowy completely.

>> No.4072410


Plus everything being equal having to stay behind to help your sister clean up your hometown isn't exactly the worst fate the prince could ask for. There's the responsibility angle sure but he was born into royalty it's not like you're just some random joe who was suddenly asked to be everyone's Jesus. It's not too far off what you'd be doing if shit didn't go per shaped

>> No.4072663

loli Viki

>> No.4072681
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>Be brought young sorceress
>Discover older self in time travels
>Realize will become a ditzy adult

Forgot how everyone in Suikoden III looks like a freakin' Mii

>> No.4073230

>>Be brought young sorceress

I never really bring Viki.

>> No.4074259


Big or Little? (III only)

>> No.4074442



>> No.4074662
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Viki is much more useful in V, its a shame she didn't appear in Tactics

>> No.4075218


Well it's not like you really needed the teleport function with map travel anyways. Honestly I never got her appeal to be honest.

She shows up every game sure but the most you ever got out of her was "tee hee achoo"

>> No.4075756
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She's more valuable in certain Suikoden games than others... As for her character, I think she's interesting because of the mystery surrounding her, same as Jeane. Suikogaiden and Suikoden III really make you want to know more. Shame we'll never know what her deal is.

>> No.4076163


There is a bath scene in V with Viki and Lorelai that references events in II

V reveals a bit more about Jeanne in the form of a side quest.

>> No.4076247


Well I don't deny her value. Not having to walk everywhere is a godsend, especially in 4.

I read somewhere that she doesn't experience the games chronologically which IS interesting but the problem is she very rarely if ever has anything that makes use of that nugget. Lorelai in V is the only time it's hinted besides whatever's going on with lil Viki.


I don't think they have any real mystery with Jean. I feel like they where just making shit up to tease us.

>> No.4076717
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Jeanne is the best thing about the series

Jeanne is life, Jeanne is love

>> No.4077050
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I think Jeane's most mysterious moment is when you talk to her as Koroku in Suikoden 3.

>> No.4079202


exploring the castle as the dog was fun

>> No.4080342
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Forgot how comfy III was.

Also, forgot how awesome it was to mis-cast people in the plays

>> No.4080789

>Forgot how comfy III was.

The castle was one of the nicer ones but I felt like 3 had way to many game play issues to really feel as comfy as it should

>> No.4081754
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Everyone's always on about Viki and Jeane but Im more interested in Lorelai's Sindar deal. She said she was joking that she was one but I dunno.

Plus it's cool how she knows how to use like literally every weapon. I want to see her keep coming back with a different one. Maybe twin swords

>> No.4083004
File: 116 KB, 985x705, suikogaiden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an official art?

>> No.4083118


She is a more compelling but less useful character in V. But there is a bath scene that references II between Lorelei and Viki

>> No.4083650
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It is yeah. High quality official art of the Gaidens and later artbooks are hard to come across.

>> No.4083697
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When I first saw she was going to be a story character in 5 I was ecstatic. Found her pretty handy in my party. Not so great in 1 but to be fair 1 had A LOT of shit characters.

Also the whip is really cool . I want to see her somehow in possession of Zweig's stick of Killey's blade

>> No.4084717

Its a shame the franchise stopped with V

>> No.4085627
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It's a tragedy that we will never see Jeanne rendered with modern tech because Konami just wants to make crappy sports and zombie shooters now

>> No.4087442

i am reaching the endgame in Suikoden 2 in my first playhrough and have more than 100 characters,what is a good team? i've been playing with kinnison,shiro,nanami and stallion for waaaay too long and want to try a good final team, i've had little free time so i just rushed things without learning shit (nor equiping) any runes,but i have a lot of them,

>> No.4087453


>> No.4087794
File: 329 KB, 709x709, Genso Suikoden (J) Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play the Saturn version if you can

>> No.4087939

iirc Oulan is a pretty boss frontliner. personally though, I'd say just use who you like. I usually end up using the narcissist duo just because.

>> No.4087980

My favorites:
Viktor + Flik
Kain or McDohl

>> No.4089302


LParchive has a couple guides you might want to peek at.

>> No.4090919
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Almost makes me want to create a kickstarter fund to make VI

>> No.4091043
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Enjoy your C&D from Konami.

>> No.4091359

At this point, I wish that Konami would license out their properties to other developers so that they can have Kickstarters to bring them back. That way those stingy fucks at Konami wouldn't have to pay any money and the fans would at least get a chance to bring these old series back.

>> No.4093563


I wonder if there is enough fan interesting in bringing the franchise back. There are a couple hundred years of canon to play with.

On the other hand, Wild Arms made 5 their swan song, I don't think a 6 would work