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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 26 KB, 282x218, Fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4052236 No.4052236 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4053603

Fallout 1 > Fallout 2

>> No.4053738

Fallout 3 > fallout 1 and 2

>> No.4053834
File: 26 KB, 325x291, 8b43fa9a-c3de-4f6b-a6b8-fc1f3d480d73..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duck that first companion, he shot me more times than the enemy.

>> No.4053848

any JRPG > Fallout

>> No.4053850

I have yet to figure out how to stop my companions from machine-gunning me in the back in FO2.

I've settled on just never giving them automatic weaponry but they still gangland execute me with a bullet to the back of the head more often than not

>> No.4053994

use sulik the white nigger with a super sledge

>> No.4054005

what the fuck's the basis for this measurement, how disappointing the games were?

>> No.4054009

the trick is to never get between them and an enemy


I first played fallout in 2007 when a guy from work lent it to me. I found it to be pretty cool, and later found out that an old friend of mine had it since it came out, but never showed it to me, despite us playing bg together. Anyway, I got it myself and played it a few times over the next few years. In nov 2009, I had a lot of time to myself, so I decided one friday night that I was going to play the whole game, start to finish, over the weekend and do everything perfectly. Perfect character, perfectly careful, perfect completion. And I did, and it was great. I've only touched it since to show new friends and my wife.

I got fallout 2 the following march. I did like it, but not as much. Unplanned sequels are pretty much never as good as originals, and even planned sequels usually have sequelitis. Still, the car music was great, and for some reason I remember walking around in that perfect town of assholes in the NE and how 80's looking it seemed to me. Gauss pistols best pistols ever.

F3 was an abortion. F4 looks nice, but it's made for zero attention span normies and has a retarded story.

>> No.4054027

I just want Fallout with Fallout 2's inventory and HtH mechanics (upleveling your punches and kicks and separating them too was really nice).

>> No.4054161

I still love Fallout 2

>> No.4054168

Wasn't there a full mod of FO or FO2

>> No.4054303

Fallout: not too big and doesn't break the fourth wall, doesn't have ghosts, main quest is good. side quests sparse but that's okay for the size of the game.

Fallout 2: ghosts, breaks fourth wall, main quest is shit. losts of side content that gets in the way or is distracting from pursuit of main quest. better combat than the first though.

Fallout 3: fun for being a 3d fallout but main quest is shit. bethesda product so it has all those flaws.

Fallout NV: boring as hell. that's all i can recall from my experience with it back at release.

Fallout 4: not played it. probably won't either.

fallout, and fallout 2 to a lesser degree, are the only ones i revisit from time to time.

>> No.4054308

you can set there weapon preferences and tell them not to use burst mode.

>> No.4054476
File: 2.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How shit or not shit is this character?

Sorry for the shit phone picture.

>> No.4054480

Whoops, forgot to mention I got rid of jinxed. Everything else is the same as pictured.

>> No.4054486

good enough, but I'd drop barter, because it's just not too useful in this game (you'll have more money than you can spend by the end)
With those stats, you could be good at melee

Is that fast shot that you picked? Be careful with that; targeted shots are probably the best source of late game damage

>> No.4054496

I bought 1, 2 and Tactics when they were on sale at GOG a while ago, hard easy/hard is it to get them working on a modern W10 machine?

>> No.4054539

Pretty easy. It comes with a high resolution patch which might require some tweaking (if you decide to use it), but it's all good for the most part.

>> No.4054574

>I have yet to figure out how to stop my companions from machine-gunning me in the back in FO2.

ah good the good ole days...

>> No.4054634

>better combat than the first though.

Everything is a bullet sponge and most guns are obsolete before you even get them?

>> No.4055214

Fallout NV> all the others.

1 and 2 are shit now dont even argue you know im right.

>> No.4055380

3>2>NV>1 >>>>>>>>>>>Tactics>>>>>>>>>BoS>>>>>>>>>>4

>> No.4055440
File: 597 KB, 1440x898, big_guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4056007

>not putting points in sneak just for good measure

>> No.4056032


>> No.4056053

>Miniguns suck
>bazooka is hilarious but makes picking up loot a pain in the ass.

I decided all my future fallout runs need to be fast shot because I can't avoid exploiting eye-shots. I also understand the builds so well that skill points are worthless.

You can get so many skill books in repair/science/first aid that there's no point in putting points in them. The librarian is the only shop in FO that restocks!

>> No.4056058

Also I prefer FO2 tbqh, FO1 has too many bugs and half-finished quests, and dialogs that just don't exist. All the people and conversations are just sketches. Solutions rarely feel organic or logical like they do in 2

>> No.4056061

This. I tagged barter and knocked it up to 70 or 80% and literally had more loot to sell than anyone in the game had caps for by level 9.

>> No.4056589

remind me why this is in vr

>> No.4056726

because its a retro game, you fucknugget

>> No.4056945

I choose fast shot on pretty much every playthrough, am I missing something? I just never found myself using targeting.

>> No.4056950

You will never know the joy of making someone black out after you blow their nads to pieces

>> No.4057530

>he didn't get the old GOG versions with all extras for free before Bethesda got the distribution rights

>> No.4058517

So limbs have special effects when they are crippled. Crippled legs double ap movement costs, up to 4ap for one hex.
Crippled arms ruin accuracy, as do crippled eyes.

Eyes, heads, and groin shots give bonuses to the critical chance table, eyes also give a bonus to the critical damage table.

The 223 pistol and sniper rifle also both give crit bonuses, so you can easily hit for like 200-1000 hp with a good critical.

If you have better criticals you can get insta kills, regardless of damage.

I one hit killed fo2boss with a bb gun for 0 damage
'the shot blows a hole clear through him. His spine is now visible, killing him instantly.

>> No.4058523


Just pirate it then, it's not like it's morally wrong in the current 'fuck you consumer'-market.

>> No.4059643

How does Fallout 2 compare to 1? I played 1 months ago and I think it's about time I play 2.

>> No.4059660

I just played 1 and there were a few maps that were perfectly polished, but frankly I kept getting jarred out of the game when quests would end suddenly with an exposition dump by an NPC, like they ran out of time to do the quest.

FO2 was a lot smoother. People bash its tone for going too silly, but that's what people expect from fallout now, really. 1 was the only dark one.

>> No.4059705

Damn that sucks. I loved the dark tone of Fo1.

>> No.4059958

How do I cheat items into inventory? Out of medpacks in tactics

>> No.4059967

Isometric turn based rpgs are just too fucking slow and boring.

>> No.4059975


And it's not that I'm some retard teenager with a short attention span. When I want a story I read literature. When I want to play a game I play something brainless.

>> No.4060161

Nice blog entry

>> No.4060760

for people like you. You should go play any of the other 99.9% of video games and don't bitch about the few we like.